The A+D blogging platform with a built-in audience.
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  • Consulting For Architects, Inc. Hiring Trends. - Design and Manage Your Career
    By David C. McFadden: Staying on top of hiring trends in one of the most volatile professions is required reading. New information to help you make better career choices empowering you to design and manage your own career. Our blog is written for design professionals by design professionals. Whether you are in school or are at the peak of your architecture career you will benefit by following and subscribing to this blog. #cons4arch #ilookup #architecture #careers #employment #jobs #recruiters
    Consulting For Architects, Inc. Careers
    Consulting For Architects, Inc. Hiring Trends.
  • #BACbuzz - The latest news and events happening at the Boston Architectural College
    By thebacboston: The #BACbuzz blog will help to inform, educate, and share relevant and noteworthy architectural and design news happening within the Boston Architectural College and around the Boston community.
  • Marcelo Gardinetti - tecnne | arquitectura y contextos
    By Marcelo Gardinetti: Entendemos la arquitectura como un hecho cultural que se expresa mediante operaciones de representación formal. Por tal motivo, encarna un tipo de producción que no necesariamente requiere de la técnica constructiva, sino que expresa su intención a través de ideas y símbolos.
    Marcelo Gardinetti
  • Newton's Notes
    By Erin Sharp Newton: Architecture, Design, Humanity,
    Mental Health, Behavioral Health,
    HealthCare Matters
    Centre for Urban Design and Mental Health
    Newton's Notes
  • Anticipatory Design - A continuous approach to architecture
    By Archiblog: This blog is based on a need identified by Cedric Price, namely:—

    "to establish a valid equation between contemporary social aspirations and architecture".
    Anticipatory Design
  • Ampdesign Inc. - Architecture & Design
    By Ampdesign: Ampdesign Inc. is an Architecture & Design company.
    Ampdesign Inc.
  • Cristina Cotruta - CO Design Studio
    By Cristina Cotruta: The blog intends to focus, explore and give insights into the dynamic intersection and synergy between Artificial Intelligence and modern architecture. My blog delves into the latest AI tools revolutionizing architectural design, wants to examine their impact on efficiency and creativity and emerging trends in intercompatibility among advanced design software. The main themes: AI tools in Architecture, Innovative Design Solutions, Future Trends and Innovations.
    Cristina Cotruta
  • Another Architecture - by Mitch McEwen
    By Mitch McEwen: Posts are sporadic. Topics span architecture, urban design, planning, and tangents from these. I sometimes include excerpts of academic articles.
    Another Architecture
  • FIDI NEWS - The Florence Institute of Design International's Web Magazine
    By Marc DiDomenico: Web magazine dedicated to the latest FIDI student and faculty news!
    Florence Institute of Design International
  • Sleepless in Shenzhen - Everything Minded
    By Orhan Ayyüce: Orhan is blogging his thoughts and impressions late at night.
    Orhan Ayyüce
    Sleepless in Shenzhen
  • NYC Architecture in Decay - Progressive Architectural Decay
    By jfbautista: Since the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s and beyond, urban decay has been associated with Western cities, especially in North America, South America and some parts of Europe. Since then, major structural changes in global economies, transportation, and government policies created the economic and then the social conditions resulting in Progressive Urban Decay.

    Here I'll highlight the Architectural Decay of New York City the way I see it.
    NYC Architecture in Decay
  • Architectural Ellipsis - ... Intern Architect ...
    By Everyday Architect, Everyday Intern: An ellipsis [...] is used to signal an omission, an unfinished thought, aposiopesis, or brief awkward silence. Architectural ellipses are those aspects of the profession we (perhaps intentionally) omit, gloss over, or let dwindle in silence.

    Generally applied this blog should encompass many aspects of the profession. Yet, as an intern architect (now architect) I'll focus primarily on the architectural ellipses that occur in the internship process (and beyond).
    Architectural Ellipsis
  • off-NARRATIVES: - Off-Modern Detours in Architecture and Thought
    By Patrick McAndrews: off-NARRATIVES: is a space for the exploration of detours in architecture and design discourse. The blog's inception is in alignment with the "off-modern" perspective; drawing from the works and teachings of the Svetlana Boym among other writers and thinkers in the 20th and 21st centuries. off-NARRATIVES: seeks to contribute to contemporary architectural discourse through observations, essays, book reviews, serial narratives, and other works of original research and theory.
  • A State Of Architecture
    By deepshah1991: This is something I intend to start as a platform to express my perception and interaction with architecture where by using my thoughts, observations, photos i click etc as a medium to express on frequent basis.

    A State Of Architecture
  • Empirical Architecture - Quantifiable holistic approach for improving health and performance of the built environment
    By Eric Knight: Quantifiable holistic approach for improving health and performance of the built environment without dogmatic ideological barriers. Focusing on common sense and practical solutions that can improve our living ecosystem.
    Empirical Architecture
  • Ecopicality - The evaluated truth of the psycho with the eco:::
    By Monte John Latham: Biocities - might be our only hope. Correction, surely; it is our only hope – improved by the cultural sensitivities of simple ecopicality and supporting ecopical ecological principles.

    There is a psyche thing with this. You are very likely to have a plastic switch in a wall near you at the moment; to make an electricity flow. The flick of a switch is a reminder of industry, invention - capacities generally beyond the individual or small community. It is also a bread and butter thing - a r
  • JL Blog
    By June Lee: My thoughts and ideas about architectural design
    JL Blog
  • David's blog
    By David Kuo: Ideas about architecture
    David's blog
  • Altruistic Architecture
    By Ivana Carbajal:
    Altruistic Architecture
  • GB blog
    By Gabriel Bustos: Thoughts on the architectural design community.
    GB blog
  • Frida's Blog
    By Frida Figueroa: This blog will talk about different ways to explore architecture.
    Frida's Blog
  • People's life
    By yan li: People spend most of their lives in buildings, such as homes, offices, or other indoor public spaces. I think the building should give people a comfortable feeling. The structure and shape of the building must also meet the needs of people's lives. For example, ventilation and nice light, and space are the elements to be considered in living.
    People's life
  • A Different Perspective - The Many Ideas of Design and Architecture
    By Jorge Ruiz: I will use this blog to discuss the different topics of architecture and explore architecture in a new level.
    A Different Perspective
  • The Line and The Reel
    By Gor Gevorkyan: The archirects line and film directors film reel. Two very different ways of experessing ideas yet when working together can lead to magic.

    Students can use movies to inspire a project. By understanding how architecture is used from a film directors’ point of view, the student can learn to use architecture and cinema to sculpt a narrative with tone, presenation,and usage.
    The Line and The Reel
  • The realitivity in Architecture
    By Cristian Pizano: Knowledge is distinct as being a cognitive aspect to our needs for understanding things more efficiently or a necessary asset that is required for our own development and growth. Seeing this in architecture, it's significant to explore other areas in the nature of architecture rather than just the parameters of its design and art concepts embedded within.
    The realitivity in Architecture
  • Architecture in Gen Z Perception
    By Aileen Zaldana: This blog will discuss and explore new ways of how to think and see architecture through a Gen Z's eyes. It will talk about experiences, and the new perception of the world.
    Architecture in Gen Z Perception
  • My Perspective
    By hillarylu: Just seeing architecture through my perspective.
    My Perspective
  • Change the Narrative - Rewriting the Fundamentals of Architecture
    By Kayla Castro: This blog will explore a rewriting of the fundamentals of architecture.
    Change the Narrative
  • Sergio's Blog
    By Sergio Santos: My blog would focus on the different perspectives we can view architecture and what problems architects need to take considerations.
    Sergio's Blog

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