
The realitivity in Architecture

  • Journey to the center of Architecture

    Cristian Pizano
    May 3, '21 2:45 PM EST

    Everyone wants to instill the desire to persevere in the world they have designed to live in throughout the course of their lifetime. In this desire, they have utilized the failures of their past in respect to circumstances and situations that have uplifted them to become the better version of themselves. However, their desire may only become a glimpse of a collection of areas of success they have yet to explore. Needless to say, this advice is evidently targeted to the insights on how I view the world around me and its relationships with my own desires, perspectives, and ideas about the world. 

    Architecture sparked my interest the moment I, as an 8-year-old boy, decided to take my Lunchables alongside a caprisun to work with my dad. As a carpenter, his level of creativity excelled my performative views on how well he executed his wood craftsmanship based on the technicality in the drawings he composed together before creating some sort of artifact. I was amazed at how well he was able to understand floor plans when visiting a site, materiality, details in the composure of framework systems, and other connections throughout the house. What I saw in my years working with him, created my envision of what else was possible in the world of art and design. As a kid I would think things like, could I draw every component inside these Lunchables and transform them into an artifact as well? It doesn’t necessarily translate to how I began to think about architecture in the coming years. How well could I understand the significance of materiality when proposing such projects together that create a proposal to signify the needs of people in relation to the integrated systems and concepts in a building? 

    Studying computer science and engineering at the University of California at Merced, I was fascinated by how the languages of C++, Python, and Java were able to construct algorithms within mechanical and electrical systems, and even a website which for the most part I thought you would only go to Squarespace and you’re done. However, it’s never thought about how these sites use such computer languages to incorporate the creativity for you to build together. I then utilized the world of computer science to better allow me to understand the concepts and systems found in architecture. 

    As I continue my education as an architecture major and computer science minor at Woodbury University, I plan to continue utilizing both worlds in architecture and computer science to perform an efficient way of understanding software and other architectural programs to assist the evolution of how projects are represented in the future such as virtual reality. As we have become very composed with technology, it’s evident that the introduction of computer systems can become more integrated with architecture in the coming years.

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  • Coverage to the real

    Cristian Pizano
    Apr 12, '21 2:54 PM EST

    We all want to elicit the best of what we do whether it is at school, whether it is at work, even when it is at home. I’m sure it is simple to say that you want to ensure your parents know that you can clean and cook and cater to your needs without their support, let alone succeed at your best... View full entry

  • Architecture as an Image

    Cristian Pizano
    Mar 10, '21 1:48 PM EST

    I think it's feasible to illustrate how people have seen architecture through the modern era and the current world we live in today. When asking non-architecture students what they imagine when they think about the word “architecture” they look at the Falling water Residence by Frank Lloyd... View full entry

  • More Within the Unknown

    Cristian Pizano
    Feb 28, '21 8:29 PM EST

    Through the midst of time, people have evidently decided whether knowledge is a cognitive aspect to our needs for understanding things more efficiently or if it is a necessary asset that is required for our own development and growth. In this sense, it is ideal to provide the perspective on how... View full entry

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About this Blog

Knowledge is distinct as being a cognitive aspect to our needs for understanding things more efficiently or a necessary asset that is required for our own development and growth. Seeing this in architecture, it's significant to explore other areas in the nature of architecture rather than just the parameters of its design and art concepts embedded within.

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