- Front page headline on NYTimes website: "As the University of California’s Board of Regents met Thursday at U.C.L.A. and approved a plan to raise undergraduate fees — the equivalent of tuition — 32 percent next fall, hundreds of students from campuses across the state demonstrated outside, beating drums and chanting slogans against the increase." This is also after approving fee hikes for professional programs. Don't forget, we're looking to list notable alumni in the design and arts fields. more here
whew! board of rejects!
christ, so does that UCLA degree become 43% more valuable?
I can't imagine any student in any program at any university having to deal with a 32% hike.
a few years ago, thousands of german students in every university city took to the streets over introduction of a 500 euro/semester fee, placing their total at... 500 euros (for most laender)
americans tend to roll over and take tuition fees at least double that every semester.
i can only imagine how they would have reacted with a 4,000 euro increase...
perhaps a critical mass of students should just not register next semester. see how the uni's deal with that revenue shortfall.
holz.box, roll over and take it?
there were protests, all across the university of California system. some of them were even violent.
like VT when i was in school - and nearly every other institution in the states, UW has raised it's tuition/fees every term i've been here. the students never protest, and outside of what's going on in california right now (and only due to the outrageous increase) most students/parents grumble and pay up. that's what i meant by 'tend to roll over'
xcarlx mentions that some demonstrations were violent. Yes indeed. I was at many of the Berkeley protests and the only violence I observed was the police's. They came into our campus with full battle gear, pushed people around, threw em to the ground and even in one case I read about, actually fired a rubber bullet into a guy's stomach.
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