Francisco Gustavo Liebau

Francisco Gustavo Liebau

Córdoba, AR

Perspective - Urban Insertion
Perspective - Urban Insertion
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Urban Borders

The City of Córdoba presents a visible Border of the Urban Sprawl: The “Circunvalación” is a circular freeway which main idea was to stablish the limit between the residential sprawl, inside, and the industrial sprawl, outside. However, municipal ordinances have been tending to go on the opposite direction, enabling the sprawl in question to overpass the limit and generate a mixed industrial-residential sprawl that don´t benefit neither of them. Instead of condensing the population, inside the ring, and raising a higher density, the ordinances let people buy cheap terrains with no services available, next to an incredible and diverse amount of pollutions.

On the other hand, this project pretends to generate an added value inside the ring, particullary in the northeast, in order to keep a bigger amount of the population condensed and make it cheaper to have services for all. On this way, a wasteland next to the “Circunvalación” is transformed into park with a building, containing a Technical School and a Community Center, at the back so as to have a sound barrier that keeps the activities of the park away from the noise pollution coming from the freeway. 

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Status: School Project
Location: Córdoba, AR
My Role: Author
Additional Credits: Author: Mariano Pognante

Presentation Panel - Urban Insertion
Presentation Panel - Urban Insertion
Floor - Aerial View
Floor - Aerial View
Floor - Ground floor
Floor - Ground floor
Presentation Panel - Idea
Presentation Panel - Idea
Presentation Panel - Functional Program
Presentation Panel - Functional Program