Francisco Gustavo Liebau

Francisco Gustavo Liebau

Córdoba, AR

Perspective - Urban Insertion (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Urban Insertion (Image of shared autorship)
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Güemes´ Cultural Commercial and Residential Center

The project meant to transform a closed jail, located near the center of Córdoba, into an attraction pole for a bohemian neighborhood called Güemes. As the Jail´s building occupied only half of the block (the other half was a yard) in order to accomplish the program requirements, it was necessary not only to refunction the jail but also to design an extension. So, the biggest concern was lying where it was more appropriated to place the residential program: Inside the Jail or not, that was the question. Finally, due to the floor similarities between them, the residence ended into the upper levels of the jail, adapted to the situation by the creation of several common areas, shaped by the extraction of prison cells, among apartments formed by the join of the same cells. However, the ground floor was kept public by inserting there the commerce program.

On the other hand, the extension would contain the cultural program which demands more specific areas and dimensions. This extension, formed as the extrusion of the two yards, results in two cubes that complete the two missing quadrants of the block. Coated with the traditional bricks of Córdoba, such as the Jail, the two new volumes would emphasize the unity of the Center despite being crossed for several passages that recalled the essence of Güemes: The Interstice. Finally, the interior facades of the cubes will be complete covered by glass in order to show, once inside, what artistic activities are being performed at the time.  

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Córdoba, AR
My Role: Collaborator
Additional Credits: Authors: SDF Arquitectos (Enrique Schneider, Leandro Darsie, Lucas Fantini), Jorge Arias.
Collaborators: Santiago Anconetani, Emanuel Garabello, Evangelina Lora, Mariano Pognante, Daniela Reyna, Mariana Reyna.

Presentation Panel - Urban Insertion (Image of shared autorship)
Presentation Panel - Urban Insertion (Image of shared autorship)
Presentation Panel - Principal Floor Plans (Image of shared autorship)
Presentation Panel - Principal Floor Plans (Image of shared autorship)
Presentation Panel - Views and Sections (Image of shared autorship)
Presentation Panel - Views and Sections (Image of shared autorship)
Scheme - Functional Program
Scheme - Functional Program
Fugal Section - Ex Indicted´s Jail (Image of shared autorship)
Fugal Section - Ex Indicted´s Jail (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Belgrano Street Facade (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Belgrano Street Facade (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Ayacucho Street Entrance (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Ayacucho Street Entrance (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Main Public Space (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Main Public Space (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Public Space´s Terraces (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Public Space´s Terraces (Image of shared autorship)
View - Belgrano Street Facade
View - Belgrano Street Facade
View - Ayacucho Street Facade
View - Ayacucho Street Facade
View - Lacosta Street Facade
View - Lacosta Street Facade
View - Santiago Temple Street Faced
View - Santiago Temple Street Faced