Francisco Gustavo Liebau

Francisco Gustavo Liebau

Córdoba, AR

Perspective - Urban Insertion
Perspective - Urban Insertion
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Public Library of Córdoba

The site, in front of the Main Square of Córdoba, supposed revalorizing Two archetypes that had accompanied the humanity since ever but have being losing importance since the last century: Library and Square. The Library is no longer the main deposit of knowledge; it has lost the battle against the Internet. The Square is no longer the main public space where people to gather, the “Cabildo” and the Cathedral, placed in front of it, are the icons of a past society. That´s why this typologies need to evolve in order to survive. A Library has no only to stock information, but to create it. The Square has to contain an Icon of this actual society. The Library can be that Icon.

So as to concrete this objective, the project stands on two concepts: The Extension of the Public Space inside it, and the Iconography. In this way two volumes and an artificial ground, placed on the first level, are defined. This ground forms one of the volumes and cross the other, connecting them with a public space next to it, called “Obispo Mercadillo” and the Square. From beneath this “piano nobile”, the two functional programs are also connected by a Bar. Morphologically, the Auditorium, part of the ground, advances towards the Square enabling shows being seen from there. On the other hand, the Library stands as glass tower with a perimeter structure that functions as parasols and enables the floors to be flexible. 

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Status: School Project
Location: Córdoba, AR
My Role: Author
Additional Credits: Authors: Santiago Anconetani, Mariano Pognante.

Floor - 'Piano Nobile'
Floor - "Piano Nobile"
Perspective - Front Facade (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Front Facade (Image of shared autorship)
Fugal Section - Urban Insertion
Fugal Section - Urban Insertion
Drawing - Front Facade
Drawing - Front Facade
Graphic Section - Functional Program
Graphic Section - Functional Program
Fugal Section - Auditorium
Fugal Section - Auditorium
Fugal Section - Bar
Fugal Section - Bar
Fugal Section - Tower (Image of shared autorship)
Fugal Section - Tower (Image of shared autorship)
Axonometric - Tower (Image of shared autorship)
Axonometric - Tower (Image of shared autorship)