Francisco Gustavo Liebau

Francisco Gustavo Liebau

Córdoba, AR

Perspective - Main Space. (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Main Space. (Image of shared autorship)
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Paseo Rivera Mall Restauration

The work meant to restore half of an existing mall, called Paseo Rivera, by adding more commercial area coming from the reduction of the deposit area. This commercial area would consist in new shops, a complete new food court, restrooms and the restauration of the cinema´s foyer. The project remarks the importance of the common areas, where people can relax and rest. It´s known that relaxed and rested people tend to shop more. That´s why it was added to the program a main space next to the main entrance where various events are possible. Besides a main corridor emphasizes the fact that a corridor is not just for going from one shop to another, is a space itself. The main curved lines that structure the whole project intend to generate a fluid circulation in which people may see what´s coming before it actually comes. Finally, the connection with nature is often a missing aspect within mall projects. Thus, the creation of big skylights and a new glassed back façade are the keys to maintain people connected with the outside.     

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Status: Under Construction
Location: Cordoba, PE
My Role: Collaborator
Additional Credits: Authors: AFT Arquitectos (Gastón Atelman)
Collaborators: SDF Arquitectos (Enrique Schneider, Leandro Darsie, Lucas Fantini), Mariano Pognante

Floor - General Ground Floor. (Image of shared autorship)
Floor - General Ground Floor. (Image of shared autorship)
Floor - Detail Flooring. (Image of shared autorship)
Floor - Detail Flooring. (Image of shared autorship)
Floor - Ceiling´s Structure
Floor - Ceiling´s Structure
Section - Main Space
Section - Main Space
Perspective - Main Space. (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Main Space. (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Main Corridor. (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Main Corridor. (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Main Food Court. (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Main Food Court. (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Main Food Court. (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Main Food Court. (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Secondary Corridor. (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Secondary Corridor. (Image of shared autorship)
Detail - Ceiling Corridors
Detail - Ceiling Corridors