Francisco Gustavo Liebau

Francisco Gustavo Liebau

Córdoba, AR

Perspective - Urban Insertion
Perspective - Urban Insertion
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Campus Masterplan for the Catholic University of Córdoba

As everything in this life, the Campus needed to adapt itself, by reaching the 21st century, in order to survive. So, the competition was called no only for designing a new Service Building, but also for resetting the layout of the entire Campus and the objectives to be accomplished within the next 40 years, towards the 100th anniversary of the University.

The proposal stablished four Systems that would interact with each other in order to create a balanced atmosphere where studying and living would be pleasant. They were: Social Interaction, Motorized and Pedestrian Mobility, Natural Environment and Further Extensions. Within the first point, there were defined different scales of public spaces where different groups to gather, from Faculty´s semi private yards to the whole University´s Agora, defined by the existing Faculties and the New Service Building. Going into Mobility, all the car´s roads, inside the ring made by buildings, would be replaced for pedestrian passages except for the main street that connects the Campus to the City. Besides, an Outer Road Ring will be completed so as to make the motorized mobility more efficient and less protagonist. The third topic, Vegetation, would be particularly taken into account in order to generate a sustainable environment free of pollutions and full of natural weather controllers. Finally, there would be defined the Further Extensions Areas for the purpose of avoiding that future interventions would go away from the settled objective of having a Sustainable full of Social Interaction Campus.

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Córdoba, AR
My Role: Author
Additional Credits: Authors: Omar Paris, Mauro Pedrazzoli, José M. Schmädke, Santiago Anconetani, Tomás Gastaldi, Victoria Maglione, Diana Perazzolo & Partners, Ítalo M. Schmädke & Partners.

Scheme - Public Space
Scheme - Public Space
Scheme - Extentions
Scheme - Extentions
Scheme - Mobility
Scheme - Mobility
Scheme - Vegetation
Scheme - Vegetation
Presentation Panel - Urban Insertion. (Image of shared autorship)
Presentation Panel - Urban Insertion. (Image of shared autorship)
Floor - Ground Floor. (Image of shared autorship)
Floor - Ground Floor. (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Agora Space. (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Agora Space. (Image of shared autorship)