Francisco Gustavo Liebau

Francisco Gustavo Liebau

Córdoba, AR

Perspective - Urban Insertion
Perspective - Urban Insertion
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CUMIn (Inclusive Urban Mobility Circuits)

Creating Urban Masterplans based on Inclusive Pedestrian Circuits to solve different negative situations on the Center of Córdoba was the objective of this project. There were determined three problematics on the zone with the urge of being solved: Lack of Public Spaces, for an appropriated Social Interaction; Lack of Parking Areas, in order to have a more fluid traffic, and Lack of Vegetation needed to balance the toxic emanations of traffic.

So as to establish a new image of the center, it´s was important to have only one solution for these three problems. So, after a study of the municipal ordinances, the concept of “Heart´s Block” seemed to have the opportunity of becoming the main solution. These underestimated spaces, reminiscing Cerda´s Plan for Barcelona, are, according to the government, the back parts of some lots where buildings can´t be constructed. Therefore, those places were perfect to incorporate the public parking buildings needed. Besides, on their terraces, it would be located public spaces full of vegetation, accessible from all the buildings and some passages made for the occasion. People would finally have not only a less congested center, but a proportionated place to gather and relax in the centers of the center.

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Status: School Project
Location: Córdoba, AR
My Role: Author
Additional Credits: Authors: Eduardo Cerenich, Tomás Gastaldi.

Fugal Section - Main Public Space above Car Parking
Fugal Section - Main Public Space above Car Parking
Axonometric - Tree-Pot Column
Axonometric - Tree-Pot Column