Francisco Gustavo Liebau

Francisco Gustavo Liebau

Córdoba, AR

Perspective - Urban Insertion. (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Urban Insertion. (Image of shared autorship)
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Tau Park Outdoor Amphitheater

In Bell Ville, a city in the Province of Córdoba, at the Tau Park, a natural reserve, there is a terrain designated for receiving cultural events such as shows. Unfortunately, the precarious stage doesn´t have any kind of protection against the weather interference. Fortunately, that luck is the opportunity needed to design an Outdoor Amphitheater that would have as main characteristics, the timelessness and the flexibility.

Talking about the design, structure is the only factor that would define the complete building. This structure would cover three connected spaces, Atrium, Court, and Stage, which would be semi buried. In this way, the colossal structure of 80 meters of large by 35 meters of wide and 20 meters of tall would not impact that much into the context. The structure would be a shell shaped by a three-dimensional mesh of 80 centimeters of thickness, formed by concrete arches in both directions. This mesh would work all together by forming three connected domes, which would avoid the bending stresses. There would be two kinds of arches, the ordinary crossed nerves, of 80 centimeters, and the main perimeter arches, of 2 meters. These main arches would need to be reinforced in order to receive effortlessly the stresses and load them directly to the foundations. Another reason to reinforce them would be the distances between the few structural supports and the cantilever of the entrance, both wanted in order to have an open space where light and wind can cross in all directions.

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Status: School Project
Location: Bell Ville, AR
My Role: Author
Additional Credits: Authors: Santiago Anconetani, Eduardo Cerenich, Tomás Gastaldi, Mariano Pognante.

Model - Entrance
Model - Entrance
Model - Entrance
Model - Entrance
Model - Atrium
Model - Atrium
Model - Main Space
Model - Main Space
Model - Back of Stage
Model - Back of Stage
Perspective - Urban Insertion. (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Urban Insertion. (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Atrium. (Image of shared autorship)
Perspective - Atrium. (Image of shared autorship)