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i was worried about money situation this morning and a little depressed about it past few weeks. i went to office and there was an envelope in the mailbox from one of my clients with a check in it. i did forget about that stuff since it has been a long time since the project was finished. well, small but a timely little surprise. wow. wouldn't that be nice each time there is a bottleneck and a check arrives without asking.
close call. okay 'til april.

Mar 10, 07 8:59 pm  · 
some person

Okay, maybe I should have noshed at Starbucks before my exam today. I was starving during it. *sigh* abra is always right...

When I got up for my 15-minute exam break, I passed a workstation with a 7 year-old girl in it. Yes, a seven year-old girl. A few questions came to mind:

1. Did another test-taker bring his/her daughter to the testing center?
2. Was she the daughter of one of the employees?
3. Was she a seven year-old prodygy who was taking the GRE's?
4. Did she only look like she was seven, but in actuality, was she really an adult?

As I signed out for my break, she also came to the desk, and the Prometric employee asked, "Are you ready for your break?" She nodded. I concluded that she was, in fact, taking an exam.

I walked around/stretched a little bit, then took a seat in the lobby. The little girl was sitting with her mother who offered her a coloring book to work on during her break. (I thought to myself, "Okay, she's really seven.)

Curiosity was killing me, so I engaged her mother in a conversation. (What else was I going to do while waiting for my break to be over?) I said, "It's amazing that they have testing for children here." She told me that her daughter was in a children's enrichment/extracurricular program at Johns Hopkins, and that they frequently do testing. We had a nice chat about children being over-scheduled these days.

I still can't get over the fact that I was taking my test along side a seven year old. I didn't learn how to use a computer until I was about 10...

It turns out that her daughter wants to be an architect, so I told her that they might be back at the testing location in about 20 years... (Perhaps sooner if the girl is actually a prodigy.)

Mar 10, 07 9:45 pm  · 
leave the studio...damnit
Mar 10, 07 10:44 pm  · 
some person

Orhan: Congrats on the surprise payment.

We have a saying in our household when getting the mail: "Maybe my million dollar check came today." or "Did my million dollar check arrive today?"

One day it almost came true when I received an inheritance check from a long lost great aunt. (...for $120)

Mar 11, 07 11:04 am  · 
vado retro

well my weekend was screwed when on friday afternoon i checked my online bank statement and saw a withdrawel not made by me, but done in scotland! so i had to cancel my debit card after getting some weekend caish. what a hassle. plus i lost an hour of sleep with the dopey time change so now its daylight at six a. m. and will be less light after work when we all like to drive around with the sunroof open.

Mar 11, 07 11:27 am  · 

actually vado, isn't it reverse? Won't it stay lighter, longer? And it will be dark when we get up, right? Or is Indianastan "special"?

Mar 11, 07 11:49 am  · 
vado retro

maybe you're right. afterall all day friday i thought it was the day before saint patrick's day and was wondering why no one was wearing green. i think i'm losing it.

Mar 11, 07 12:17 pm  · 

it is almost sint paddy's time to fly back to the [other] emerald isle...

Mar 11, 07 3:25 pm  · 

things are fuzzy, and I might seem foolish but;

abra = orhan?

Mar 11, 07 3:30 pm  · 

it is like 90 degrees in santa monica and east of here usually feels 10 degrees hotter if not 15...
just came back from a short walk because the puppies didn't want to walk too far in the heat. i was telling tina that scientists exceeded the speed of light and she said thats how her head fels like today (like the thoughts exit faster than they enter into her head). i thought that was really brilliant and made me laugh. i feel a little like that too and totally understand vado's state of mind.
but now i have craving for dim-sum but i don't know any place in the west side that has it since the imperial palace stopped serving it due to i don't know what. chinese restaurateurs never tell you anything. it could be health dept. or the size of the kitchen. cheese winnies for now. (cheese winnies=individually wrapped string cheese-tina)
there is a left over bow tie pasta w/ basil lamb sausage waiting in the fridgedair. it usually gets better next day but it might give me some indegestion like it did last night. i don't know yet, if i should go to the office and clean up or just put some short pants and hang around home thinking if abra is orhan today...

Mar 11, 07 4:14 pm  · 

ohhh I had dim sum and you've just made my mind feel like string pasta travelling faster than the speed of light

Mar 11, 07 4:50 pm  · 

i played on slides and swings with my 21mo old and then treated her - and myself - to graeter's cherry chip ice cream before we came home for lunch. good day.

Mar 11, 07 4:57 pm  · 

I think we need to stop thinking about Starbucks as coffee shops and start thinking about them as infrastructure for the global economy. I now memorize the location of a new Starbucks on my way to work the same way as I do a new gas station. One day, I hope that they have signs out front that advertise their prices: Espresso 99 9/10 or French Roast 10.99 9/10. That way we will know if we need to pick up it now or wait until we are closer to the freeway.

Orhan, are those lamb basil sausages from Bob's Market? I think their butcher is a genius.

Mar 11, 07 5:01 pm  · 

that's right janosh, bob's indeed.

Mar 11, 07 5:10 pm  · 

i don't think she mentioned it here, but i read on the "accepted to grad school thread" that rationalist got in to SCAD's MFA program, w/ a fellow$hip to boot! congratulations!

Mar 11, 07 7:20 pm  · 

Congratulations rationalist - paint the town the colour of your hair

Mar 11, 07 10:43 pm  · 

I just watched the opening ceremonys for the ICC Cricket World Cup - it brought a tear to my eye (sniff sniff)

Mar 11, 07 10:48 pm  · 
liberty bell

rationalist, that's great! Congrats!

Please everyone else who is waiting to hear from schools let us know here on thread central. I can't follow the grad school thread but want to hear the news.

I was in Kentucky all weekend doing interviews for the Kentucky Governor's School for the Arts program, which I taught last year with Steven. He's taking a sabbatical this year so I've got a new partner, a fellow Cranbrook grad who I'm looking forward to teaching with. We reviewed a total of 34 high school student portfolios for 20 slots in the Architecture program. One of the big problems is getting students, especially those from rural school systems, to apply: I think they don't really know about the GSA program in general, and in addition most of them have no experience whatsoever with what an "architect" does.

I'm exhausted, rough weekend, but promising. Now I have to line up guest speakers for late June - anyone going to be in Kentucky this summer?!?

Mar 11, 07 10:58 pm  · 

ok, then here's the update for the TC folks: indeed, as AP mentioned, I've been accepted to SCAD with some nice $$$ thrown in. Unfortunately, because of their high tuition costs, the fellowship only puts SCAD at $1500 cheaper than full tuition at UW over the course of two years anyway. There's a possibility I could get more, but no sense counting those chickens yet. So while this is flattering and exciting (and very confidence boosting, which I'll need for the next phase of this stuff), I still hope to find a better situation.

I am also travelling to Seattle this Friday to interview with UW, and may meet up with OldFogey,, and others for some St. Patty's Day celebrating. Just getting the interview with UW was pretty competitive: out of 50+ applications, they invited 14 people to interview, and will eventually accept 6. So I've been gearing up for the interview, working on the portfolio some more, and shopping for interview clothes. After debating between conservative-suit-type interview clothing and something artsier, I settled on nice slacks, a knit jersey top, and fun creative shoes. I also got my hair cut for the occasion, and can now be seen sporting my natural waves instead of flat-ironing every day. I'm pretty excited. Everyone shoot some good-luck vibes my way early Friday afternoon (west-coast time).

Mar 11, 07 11:11 pm  · 
some person's time for the Cricket World Cup?

In 2004, I was (somewhat remotely) involved on the team that was putting together Bermuda's bid package to host one of the early rounds. Our firm was mainly involved with a facilities analysis, but I also spent time researching the sponsors and the lodging offerings available on the island. The project was a fun diversion, but in the end, Bermuda was not selected.

Mar 11, 07 11:14 pm  · 

oh, and I guess as I shared it with the grad school peeps, those in thread central certainly deserve to see the updated portfolio. I showed it to my boss (upon request, not voluntarily), and he liked the giraffe the best of all. I think that says something about his taste, personally, as I only included it to say "see, I can actually draw by hand, too, I'm not just a computer wiz..."

Mar 11, 07 11:22 pm  · 

Excuse my complete post-whoring here, but has anybody flown recently? Is it even possible to only bring a carry-on for a weekend trip? Because I've been reading the current guidelines, and they sound incredibly retarted. Straight from the LAX website:

"All liquids, gels and aerosols must be in three-ounce or smaller containers. Larger containers that are half-full or toothpaste tubes rolled up are not allowed. Each container must be three ounces or smaller.

All liquids, gels and aerosols must be placed in a single, quart-size, zip-top, clear plastic bag. Gallon size bags or bags that are not zip-top such as fold-over sandwich bags are not allowed. Each traveler can use only one, quart-size, zip-top, clear plastic bag.

Each traveler must remove their quart-sized plastic, zip-top bag from their carry-on and place it in a bin or on the conveyor belt for X-ray screening. X-raying separately will allow TSA security officers to more easily examine the declared items."

Mar 12, 07 1:16 am  · 

my daughter had to give up her blunted children's scissors last year at airport security. i thought that was pretty extreme already...

was america always so scared? i totally remember going shopping cross the border and thinking it was just like canada when i was a kid. doesn't seem so much alike anymore...

especially when i saw our PM on national TV a few years back talking bout how he would have a bag of pot in one hand and the 500 bucks for the fine in the other, once they downgraded possession of mary-j into a fineable offense. somehow i just don't see those words coming from of the leader of the USA anytime soon. mores the pity.

Mar 12, 07 4:10 am  · 

it's easier if you're staying at a hotel, rationalist. most hotels will have shampoo, soap, etc so you don't have to carry it.

we've been flying a good amount lately and have just gotten in the habit of having a bunch of trial size sundries from the drug store packed in a baggie that stays ready to throw in the front pocket of the carry-on. you can take this out to show the screeners and go on your way.

Mar 12, 07 7:29 am  · 

damndest thing, but i just cracked a tooth biting into a piece of toast (!)

what the hell, last year it was the broken foot for no good reason, bad knees (from too much competitive exercise in younger days), now its my teeth. i swear this aging thing is turning out to have its downside.

is this how vado feels ALL the time?

Mar 12, 07 8:59 am  · 

wow jump, one of my friends got a broken foot for no reason last year too. She just said it started hurting one day and wouldn't go away, after a while she went to the doctor and an x-ray revealed a break, but she had no clue how it had broken.

Steven, yeah, I'm staying in a hostel. I'll head out to rite-aid tonight for some travel sized goodies, though I was happy to discover that a stick of deoderant is only 2.6 ounces, so that's safe.

Mar 12, 07 10:49 am  · 

Ha ha ha, the project I'm working on actually has THREE Starbucks on one floor! I just found the third one! Ha ha ha.....

rationalist, make sure if you are just traveling with carry-on baggage, that you don't have more than TWO bags, period. This could consist of a standard roller-board bag and computer case, or computer bag and large purse, or small duffel and large purse, etc. But if you walk into airport security holding anything more than 2 items, they will make you shove one into another, which can seriously screw some people up.

Also, if you have face powder, that doesn't need to go into the plastic baggie. Toothpaste does though, so I suggest getting a wee tube of that. Also you can put chapstick or lipgloss in your pocket (assuming it has no metal) and chances are they will never even notice.

Mar 12, 07 11:13 am  · 

the end of last week i got some really cool and exciting news...

i've been selected as the associate representative on the AIA national design awards jury for 2008 (jury meets at the end of 2007 for the 2008 awards)... i don't know who the rest of the jury is yet and i don't really know any specifics other than i'll get to fly up to washington dc a few times to meet with the rest of the jury... i think that i'll also get to fly to see a few of the finalist buildings in person... i can't wait...

Mar 12, 07 11:41 am  · 

cool. they ask cuz you b famous, or you applied for judgeing post?

Mar 12, 07 12:05 pm  · 

unfortunately i am not famous (at least not yet :) )...

i was nominated by a friend/colleague that is the aia regional associate director (RAD) for the florida/caribbean region... each of the 18 or so RADs was able to nominate someone from their region...

Mar 12, 07 12:09 pm  · 

sorry about your tooth, jump, and your overall aging crisis.

congrats Phil! that sounds like it could be a lot of fun...

Mar 12, 07 12:10 pm  · 
almost famous


Mar 12, 07 12:13 pm  · 
$250K goodness

. Can't believe we pulled this off in a week. insane.

as for the Cricket WC, england blows. Go Sri Lanka!

Mar 12, 07 12:51 pm  · 
liberty bell

This poor guy puts up a thread about his/her thesis or something at 11:20, and at 11:35, :36, and :37 Steven, Orhan, and Donna come out with snarky one-liner responses.

We suck, we're so mean...yet I can't stop giggling.

Cameron, the prize sounds awesome and I'm sure you will get amazing results! You rock! Hoping to see you at Ball State in a couple weeks but I'm not sure yet if it will work out - I may have to view the Indy location simulcast, instead.

Mar 12, 07 2:41 pm  · 
vado retro

wicked googly.

Mar 12, 07 4:24 pm  · 

Will this god-forsaken day ever end?!?!

Mar 12, 07 4:40 pm  · 

I went of the Grand Opening of one of my projects this morning and I was handed a coffee mug, with the bank logo and well when you fill it with hot coffee up pops the rendering I did of the building over a year and a half ago. So I guess this one will always be remembered as the coffee mug project.

Mar 12, 07 4:57 pm  · 

I went to the Grand Opening of one of my projects , blah, blah....

Mar 12, 07 5:00 pm  · 

I would love that

Mar 12, 07 5:14 pm  · 

I'm getting tired of having to defend the program where I did my undergrad. I didn't even have the energy to do so here. I'm just sick of it.

Mar 12, 07 7:26 pm  · 

ratio, why bother? are they paying you to defend them, do they need defending? i actually get turned off by notre dame and usc because people that went there seem so damned defensive. to one degree or another all of our schools blow mighty cock. dems da fax.

Mar 12, 07 8:01 pm  · 

It's totally reactionary to all the people who constantly say how much (they think) USC blows. I guess it's just hard to hear it so often since I know that these people don't know what they're talking about. They judge based on football, or have listened to one too many UCLA grads, or are themselves reacting to the fact that SC grads have such an easy time finding work in the LA market. It's hard for me to sit there and take that crap, but I'm tired of reacting to it, which puts me in a no-win situation.

Mar 12, 07 8:06 pm  · 

it just has the rep of being a rich kid's school in the la area, for whatever reason. us smartypants know it as a great school, and those who choose to defer to the false stereotype are making that choice willingly. you ain't gonna change their minds--their minds just aren't large enough to change. so chillax, yo! it doesn't matter. you know your school is gonna stand the test of time all by itself, no matter what those one-track mind-people think about it. you gotta relax, rationalista! i prescribe a long hot bath and some wine. no one is gonna not choose an arch program based on some ignorant comments on a website, y'know?

Mar 12, 07 9:02 pm  · 

HA HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA libertybell you made the EXACT same comment I was gonna when I read that post!!!!

"looks like someone suffers from the delusion that it sounds smarter when you simply add extra syllables to words!"

Mar 12, 07 9:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

And now, from the website, I present:" Geometric Innovationism"

I need to start adding syllables to my words.

For my work tonight, I will be writing a punch list that will explore and categoricalize the finalitude of the organizationism of the renovationistic tendencies of the contractor's effortsisms.

DubK I'm sorry to hear you're having a bad day - I thought your comment re: your chest being on Garpike's was hilarious. And for those who don't know to what I'm referring, get your minds out of the gutter!

Mar 12, 07 9:33 pm  · 

stopping in to say UCLA said yes to me :)

I'm expecting to hear yay/nay from 3 of my other schools sometime this week. There's one more that notified really late March last year, so I'm expecting the same this year.

Mar 12, 07 9:36 pm  · 

if "DEFINiTIVE DIMENSIONS OF CREATIVE ARCHITECTURE" actually ends up being something that gets this guy a phd, i'm probably gonna be pissed. (i hope he keeps us posted so i don't miss out.)

Mar 12, 07 9:48 pm  · 

namby that was your first choice, right?


For my work tonight, I will be writing a punch list that will explore and categoricalize the finalitude of the organizationism of the renovationistic tendencies of the contractor's effortsisms.

Mar 12, 07 9:50 pm  · 

if he gets a phd, lb definitely gets one.

dr. lb...

Mar 12, 07 9:51 pm  · 

+q - I am not yet in a post-visitational state in relatedation to The University of California Los Angeles, so I am disabilitized from articulationing that opinionation. I'm hesitationing to elocutate the orderization of the hierarchicality of my selections until my cornucopia of potentialistic opportunities has notificated me in regards to their admissionizing decisions, but I'm consummately enjubilationed by having been notifized of an acceptance :)

Mar 12, 07 10:13 pm  · 

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