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Chili Davis

It is also a special day as I will be 26 on the 26th. Alas, my tribute to 26...

Twenty-six is a composite number, its proper divisors being 1, 2, and 13.

6 is the only number between a square number and a cube number, the numbers being 25 (5 squared) and 27 (3 cubed).

In the classification of finite simple groups there are 26 sporadic groups.

26 is a repdigit in base 3 (222).

26 is the atomic number of iron.

26 is the number of spacetime dimensions in bosonic string theory.

26 is the gematria of the four-letter name of God.

According to Jewish chronology, God gave the Torah in the 26th generation since Creation.

26 is the number of World Series Championships won by the New York Yankees through 2006.

26 is the number of letters in the English and Interlingua alphabets, if capital letters are not distinguished from lowercase letters.

26 is the number of miles in a marathon rounded down (26 miles and 385 yards).

26 istThe car number of Will Ferrell's title character in Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby.

Michigan is the 26th state to be admitted to the United States.

The age at which males can no longer be drafted in the United States

Those are two biggies!!!

Jan 25, 07 2:38 pm  · 
Ms Beary

happy golden birthday chili.

happy birthday vado.

thanks fro, i think it IS a colorado thing. sometimes that uber laid back thing really pisses me off.

Jan 25, 07 2:42 pm  · 

OMG rationalist!!!!!! that's awesome!!! thanks so much, that had SERIOUSLY been bothering me. so glad to know it was a total mistake. phew!!

Jan 25, 07 4:13 pm  · 
vado retro

i will eat a bowl of chili on the 26th!

Jan 25, 07 4:34 pm  · 


is hilarious.

I started to count the spelling and grammar mistakes but got tired after a while and just let it go. Why even bother engaging someone who uses the non-word "complintating".

This is my favorite post on the page:
"Your all frustrated that you cant reply back with "your racist", becuase i have the most valid points. Personally I would rather people like you die of hunger and diseases then the poverty stricken people."

Jan 25, 07 5:24 pm  · 

yeah. There are some points I haven't responded to because, frankly, I can't always understand the guy. His grammer and word choice are too poor (at times) for comprehension.

Jan 25, 07 5:29 pm  · 

it's always astounding to me to find that those people really exist.

Jan 25, 07 5:33 pm  · 

for me that realization came at the 2000 election. I was living in a dorm at USC, which if you don't know is a hugely conservative place politically, and it turned out that half the girls on my floor were pro-lifers. Until that point, I didn't actually believe that women were anti-abortionists. Completely opened my eyes.

Jan 25, 07 5:48 pm  · 

ok. what the HELL was that all about?

Jan 25, 07 6:54 pm  · 

a previous post by Indy, in the thread "is there an element of bullshit?": "Hi, I will be studying architecture this september at uni. I come from a computer software related background. I was just wondering how much 'bullshit' (sorry for the term, cant think of an alternative word) there is in the subject of architecture?I mean like out of 10, how much bullshit ratings would you give it."

I think this shows that he was putting us on. He may have been British (bad on me, fooled by his silly language), but no he is not a political analyst. His language in his other threads is much, much more understandable.

Jan 25, 07 7:07 pm  · 

ok, i get that he was putting us on. but what did he hope to find on an architecture website?

the only thing i've known architects to hate on:
-other architects
-bad design
-long hours

other than that, we seem to be a hard-partying, friendly bunch. lots of self-depricating humour and hard work. i suppose the best response was no response. but i couldn't help myself.

Jan 25, 07 7:13 pm  · 

I would add to that....

-comm majors
-basically anyone else who makes more money than us with the same or less education and/or effort

Jan 25, 07 7:18 pm  · 

He went to an awful lot of effort to put us on though. Perhaps he is conducting a psych study of some kind?

Jan 25, 07 7:36 pm  · 

He certainly did.

In other news, my value seems to be going up at work. A notoriusly cranky, hard-to-communicate-with associate with whom I'm being made to work has lately been praising my work considerably. Doesn't quite make up for the pain in the ass of working with him, though.

Jan 25, 07 8:32 pm  · 
brian buchalski

from the department of news that's so good it practically makes me want to dance and buy myself flowers...the concretes will have a new album out soon. first single oh no with the new vocalist (lisa, the drummer) is now available on their website as well as the licking fingers website which also features some nice new tracks from el perro del mar & frida hyvonen amongst others.

i think i'm gettin drunk tongiht on cheap chianti (from a box) and retiring early

Jan 25, 07 9:38 pm  · 

licking fingers..heh heh

Jan 25, 07 10:48 pm  · 
liberty bell

I couldn't resist a snarky comment on that brain-sludge thread about Israel.

I mean, I'm not crazy about Indy either, but I don't dislike it enough to call it crap in my screen name!

I had a very, very bad night here. I'm tired.

Jan 25, 07 11:59 pm  · 
liberty bell

However, this bit of writing just cheered me up a bit, taken from the news section - thanks AP for posting it, you've been so good at the news lately! Perhaps it's time for a Florida-based Archinect editor?

Good architecture, like good food or good music, is a blessing of such magnitude, most of us don’t realize its full glory until we’re presented with something truly jaw-dropping in stature. It’s no accident that so many of the world’s religions are built around temples, cathedrals and other such structures. High ceilings, colored glass and symmetrical design evoke the soul’s potential. They give off spiritual vibrations. Everyone knows Friedrich Von Schelling’s famous saying that architecture is “music in space, as it were a frozen music.”

If I could hope for one social trend in the near future, it would be the American public’s wholesale realization of great architecture’s paramount importance in our lives. Hopefully, great architects will one day carry more cachet than rock stars or, dare I say it, professional athletes. With real estate continuing to boom, plus a handful of publications like Dwell showcasing avant house design almost as if it were the new pornography, that day may come yet. If your heart doesn’t skip a beat at the sight of a house designed in the spirit of Mies van der Rohe’s Barcelona Pavilian, you’ve got a heart of stone.

According to the Director of Education at the Indy Art Center who I spoke to today about my proposed Architecture Appreciation class, every other high school kid who comes to the Art Center has an interest in architecture. We may be on the upswing in public appreciation!

Jan 26, 07 12:19 am  · 

(lb, check the 'about' page. Paul welcomed me aboarda couple weeks ago...)

glad you dig the article..."frozen music" was the original title of the news post, but "the new pornography" had such a nice ring to it...

keep us posted on the class. surely those youngins will be talking about what you taught them for years to come...

Jan 26, 07 10:02 am  · 
liberty bell

Aww crap how did I miss that" Sorry AP and congratulations - good work.

Jan 26, 07 11:23 am  · 
el jeffe

i missed it too - congrats AP!

that was a valiant effort over there rationalist.

Jan 26, 07 2:04 pm  · 

thanks lb and jeffe...

Jan 26, 07 2:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

After AP posted The New Pornography article, I wrote the following letter to the Salt Lake City Weekly:

Yes, one can hope that architecture begins to be appreciated as more than simply a means of enclosing the most space the most cheaply. Thanks for a fun article.

Guess what they called today and said they want to publish it. Hilarious. A two-sentence letter...publish away!

No wonder I haven't gotten any work done this week. I'm writing too many architecture-related letters.

Jan 26, 07 2:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

From the image gallery:

I call playful trilobite.

(No offense to the poster of the images from the emergent studio - I just looked at the image and that's what came to mind.)

Jan 26, 07 3:17 pm  · 

thank you, jeffe. I tried.

Cranky Associate is now all over my work. It's almost embarrassing. What are the odds that this praise is compensation for not getting a raise, vs. being a prelude to a raise?

Jan 26, 07 3:24 pm  · 


i feel like employers get more complimentary when
they sense that someone has a foot out the door and/or is
unhappy. especially when they don't want to pay you. but i
could be wrong.. i just feel like architects are some of the
stingiest, least appreciating employers around. i've never
quite understood why employers don't treat their staff better..
it takes such a little amount of effort. and the cost of hiring/
training etc new staff would be more than a simple raise.

Jan 26, 07 4:03 pm  · 

hmmm, am I that transparent? maybe.

Jan 26, 07 4:52 pm  · 

this man and this album says everything you want to know about Amerika, i listened to this album for the first time when i was 8 at my friend Kevin Bell's apartment in Germany.....holy shit is it good!

one of the originals.

Jan 26, 07 7:31 pm  · 
liberty bell

I listened to a George Carlin comedy album when I was about 8 - at the neighbor boys' house - and I learned quite a bit about the world from it, too.

(Not to minimize Richard Pryor - I'm just reminiscing.)

Jan 26, 07 8:31 pm  · 

I'm sure you also learned many a new curse word too lb

Jan 26, 07 8:54 pm  · 
vado retro

Was stirred awake this morning by the now unfamiliar caw,caw, caw of a murder of crows gliding by my windows and settling in the bare trees and the roof of the church across the street. Since these birds were dessimated by the west nile virus i haven't seen them in such numbers. it put me in a great mood. i love crows. i just hope my car isn't covered in shit.

Crow's Nerve Fails

Crow, feeling his brain slip,
Finds his every feather the fossil of a murder.

Who murdered all these?
These living dead, that root in his nerves and his blood
Till he is visibly black?

How can he fly from his feathers?
And why have they homed on him?

Is he the archive of their accusations?
Or their ghostly purpose, their pining vengeance?
Or their unforgiven prisoner?

He cannot be forgiven.

His prison is the earth. Clothed in his conviction,
Trying to remember his crimes

Heavily he flies.

Jan 27, 07 8:23 am  · 
some person

hrm... lyrics du jour?

Counting Crows | Murder of One


I dreamt I saw you walking up a hillside in the snow
Casting shadows on the winter sky as you stood there counting crows
One for sorrow
Two for joy
Three for girls and four for boys
Five for silver
Six for gold and
Seven for a secret never to be told


Jan 27, 07 9:30 am  · 

is it poetry Saturday? Didn't get the memo

Jan 27, 07 9:52 am  · 
some person

It very well could be poetry Saturday... loaf-around Saturday... chillin' Saturday... where's my Starbucks?

At work, we issued our construction set for the second of two buildings yesterday. (I've been working on this project since November 2005.) Now we just gotta build it, which will keep me busy until March of 2008.

For now, for today, I at least have a temporary pause. I'm in denial of all of the submittals that are on my desk for the first building.

Jan 27, 07 9:57 am  · 
vado retro

am off to the ups place to pick up a birthday present. then i'll come back home make some more coffeee, nap and i'm gonna whip up a pot of zuppa di pesce later. oh and drink and nap...

Jan 27, 07 10:01 am  · 

I start my publication design class today, then have to go out and find an anniversary present (yeah, I just can't go without getting him one), then finish up a grad app, then go out to dinner with my honey. Full day, definitely not a loaf-around Saturday.

Jan 27, 07 11:35 am  · 

wake at 9:30, lie in bed until 10:30.
coffee and an episode of the e^2 PBS series (narrated by Brad Pitt).
make egg and cheese on a bagel for breakfast, watch another e^2 episode...
make 2pm haircut appointment with Mindy at Lockstar.
the GF just started vacuuming...I better go help her clean...

happy saturday everyone.

happy birthday weekend to vado and chili.

Jan 27, 07 11:55 am  · 

Poetry Saturday

Jan 27, 07 12:38 pm  · 

i almost went to an event that is 10 days from now. i was veered away at the last minute by a famous blogger. thank you gm.
i'll see an old friend of mine today who designs beautiful houses for celebrities, who often coaches me about running a design business and i am his worst student who never improves..
it is such a luxurious place to be though, when i can ask a well known designer "so what do i do next?", about a project organization.
i have start getting ready for a feature article. i must confess that writing architecture doesn't pay but i could do it forever because it is absolutly exciting and fun and on the way, you learn a lot by just researching your work.
i'd like to teach a design studio that students write their projects.
instead of using text to explain the drawings, use drawings to explain their texts. hmmm. something like that.

off to walking the dogs in this increasingly modernizing neighborhood where local contractors build all glass homes and there is a philip starck remodel to go by.

Jan 27, 07 12:43 pm  · 

Lazy Saturday here, too. About to take some scones out of the oven, then I'll probably go look at a few apartments. I've got good news to report though--I sort of might possibly have a job at a firm I really like! Regardless, I start some temp work Monday, so I am a working stiff once again, and can no longer laugh at y'all during the week. Tis a shame.

Jan 27, 07 1:24 pm  · 
some person

myriam, congratulations on the "sort of might possibly have a job" !

Thanks for also having a lazy Saturday. rationalist's comments felt condescending to me, as if it's bad to relax for a day.

Jan 27, 07 1:43 pm  · 

ha ha I have a feeling rationalist was bemoaning the fact that she couldn't relax today like we are!

It seems I'm going to be getting a stick-shift lesson in a little bit, and then head out to see a studio apartment. The scones were excellent, and made from a box! The grocery store here has a kick-ass "foreign foods" section--chicago grocery stores beat the pants of boston ones so far. Everything is like 3/4ths the price and the selection is vastly superior!

Jan 27, 07 1:52 pm  · 

-Woke up
-went to teach Spanish to a French tween. Pronouncing r's is a problem though we are making progress. now say carro...
-tried not to die from hypothermia (Im not sure Ill make it)
-watched episodes of 30 rock and My Name is Earl (online TV will be my ondoing). In the latest episode of My Name is Earl, a dude dies and only his online friends know him enough to care... So Earl gets them together to remember him.
-Catching up with buddies from FL that I havent talked to in a while before school starts again and I go back to my shell
-Now I'm planning to work a bit, some writing, some reading

Jan 27, 07 2:37 pm  · 

Anyone else loafing about with ME exam materials? The personal pressure to pass this f**cker is overwhelming.

Jan 27, 07 3:42 pm  · 
b3tadine[sutures], i have been studying for three weeks for my ME test on tuesday, wish i had more time, and still don't think i am retaining much info - quite frustrating - and i have been saying to myself, i just need some motivation, where is my BP letter from NCARB surely that will help me out here. its been a a little while, where is it, i should have it by now. i keep checking the mail today, it's gotta come today, gotta. so lo and behold what is in my mail NCARB envelope, i close my eyes as i open it, only to see PASS in big fucking letters - shit i needed that. i am pretty sure that the next one i get SP will be a pass too, so 6 down and 3 to go - now if i can just remember the difference between illuminance, and luminanace........gawd i hate ME.

Jan 27, 07 3:46 pm  · 

where aare you gar when we need each others warm embrace....uh, did i just say that.....must be the heating section of MEEB talking....fuck.

Jan 27, 07 3:48 pm  · 

ME sucks. I am taking it Tuesday as well. 8:30 PST. Crap.

Jan 27, 07 3:49 pm  · 

i cant keep this pile of shit in my dome.

Jan 27, 07 3:51 pm  · 

best of luck test takers...bleepspeed.

and q, it was very nice talking to you earlier. good luck with the upcoming semester...

Jan 27, 07 4:41 pm  · 

Thanks, AP.

Jan 27, 07 4:44 pm  · 

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