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aww....i feel like we're loosing a good archinector.....even though she was all the way down in orange county, california.
Bye will have to come back to LA. But now you have a new archinector family nearby in chicago. You'll have to tell us all about the likes of LiG, etc.

Jan 15, 07 12:48 pm  · 

if archinect's brain is in the discussions and soul in los angeles,
then, definetly the heart is in mid-west...

Jan 15, 07 1:53 pm  · 
Heather Ring

good luck in chicago, myriam: it's my home.

... but maybe archinect's itch is in london ... ?

Jan 15, 07 2:11 pm  · 

definetly in londra.

Jan 15, 07 2:26 pm  · 

didn't know archinect had an itch.

maybe the armpit is in Florida?
although i hear it stinks in NYC these days...

Jan 15, 07 3:15 pm  · 

travel well myriam!

Jan 15, 07 3:17 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Ohio could be the armpit, it's already the armpit of America.

Jan 15, 07 3:23 pm  · 

No no no, that's New Jersey.

Jan 15, 07 3:26 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Well, maybe Ohio is the buttcrack then.

Jan 15, 07 3:26 pm  · 
brian buchalski
I sue ANY Roman , then I will Kill The Brick.


has made my day, twice in a row now...oh, thank you my danish friend...i so pleased to have lived another day

Jan 15, 07 10:50 pm  · 

thats made my day for the second day in a row

Jan 15, 07 11:05 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'm starting to think that guy writes lyrics for Underworld.

In other news, I'm having to cough up more than $700 for car repairs tomorrow... Arrrgh! Seems like every time I've almost managed to crawl out of my black hole of debt, something comes along to suck me back in again. I really hope The Brunette likes McDonald's, because that's about all I'll be able to afford tomorrow night.

Okay, rant over. Thank you.

Jan 15, 07 11:31 pm  · 

Gin: Architect: "Oh, that's because we used a laser tape measure while documenting your existing conditions."

EXACTLY! Your comment cracks me up...

How can dentists get away with such crap??? B.S.:)

Jan 16, 07 1:31 am  · 

Gin, sorry to hear about your car expenditures...

Jan 16, 07 1:32 am  · 

Yeah, that made me laugh too, Gin. Sorry to hear about your car. :( You should take the girly for drinks at the top of the Hancock--that was my first date!

Jan 16, 07 1:55 am  · 
Living in Gin

Oy... I'd end up spending as much money on drinks at the Signature Lounge as I do on my car repairs.

Last time I was up there, it was on a Sunday afternoon with a friend. He was visiting Chicago for the first time, so I thought it would be a nice way to show him the city while kicking back some bloody marys. Problem was, it was a very windy day and we were already pretty queasy from being hung over from the night before. Both of us quickly developed a case of motion sickness because of the building swaying in the wind, and we had to quickly get out of there before trouble happened.

My date works in the Prudential building and I work near Navy Pier, so I'm trying to think of something quiet and casual (and inexpensive) that would be convenient for both of us. The weather today sucks, too, so I'm hoping to minimize walking outside.

Jan 16, 07 7:41 am  · 

is Khalid a reincarnation of Soulikeit?

Jan 16, 07 9:54 am  · 

that's exactly where I'm at too, Gin. I would be debt-free in a month, except that I ripped an oilpan on my car and killed my laptop. Makes me feel really, really stupid.

Khalid=soulikeit? I'm not sure, but there was a guy in school with me named Khalid, who was terrrrrible, would fail one studio per year and retake over the summer, and showed up to thesis review with only research and nothing to show for it, but presented it on such a large scale that it made the professors thing he'd done tons of work. He didn't pass anyway, but I would have thought he'd graduated by now.... anyway, they sound remarkably alike in their inability to do things for themselves.

Jan 16, 07 10:53 am  · 

ok, thread central looks DEAD this morning. I can't believe nobody posted since me...

Anyways, remember I told you guys that a coworker had recommended me for some freelance graphics work? Well I got an email today asking me to send in my resume, and I checked out their website and their work is GREAT. I would really love to work for these people. I'm afraid they might be too good for me. But I'll try anyways.

Jan 16, 07 12:39 pm  · 


party at my house on saturday... if your in the city and want to come
your invited...
im opening up my house
one archinector
to another

email me if your interested

Jan 16, 07 2:53 pm  · 

awesome rationalist! best of luck. proceed with confidence!!!!

Jan 16, 07 4:13 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm not sure what to post here today because I am quite spaced out today, why I will explain later. Maybe, if it seems relevant.

I think DubK lands within the hour - so I will finally get the full scoop on Los Angeles Holiday.

Jan 16, 07 4:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

Note double use of "today" above - I am definitely spaced out.

Jan 16, 07 4:25 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Ah-hem, My drawings labeled "Partial Elevation" (too big to fit on one sheet) have mysteriously changed to "Portion Elevation" and "Partition Elevation" in one location only.

Those damn leprachauns.

Jan 16, 07 7:20 pm  · 

...helped a team for a day or two last March, picking up redlines on a project about to go out for d.d. pricing...

RCP's were titled "Reflective Ceiling Plan."

mirrors on the ceiling?

Jan 16, 07 8:32 pm  · 
snooker doing a house for Hugh Hefner....?

Jan 16, 07 8:40 pm  · 

HA HA HA portion and partition elevation...

Jan 16, 07 9:18 pm  · 

AP - thanks mate.

Jan 16, 07 10:26 pm  · 

do we get a look at him?

Jan 16, 07 11:06 pm  · 

I gotta get some photos off the digital camera - be prepared for a gorgeous boy with a sh*tload of hair....

Jan 16, 07 11:08 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Okay, back from my date... I guess I owe you guys a summary.

We ended up going to a local pasta place here in Lincoln Park, and overall it wasn't bad. Not much in the way of real chemistry and we seem to have almost nothing in common, but she seemed like a nice enough person and the evening was generally pleasant.

Only real problem is that my hearing isn't the best in the world, especiall in places where there's a lot of background noise -- such as bars and restaurants. She talks incredibly fast, so it was almost impossible for me to understand about 75% of what she was saying. Mostly stuff about her huge, overbearing Irish family as far as I could tell... Eventually I got tired of having to ask her to repeat herself, so I just smiled and nodded politely throughout most of the conversation. She did the vast majority of the talking, which thankfully saved me from having to come up with pointless small talk, but I could see it becoming an annoyance if we were ever to start dating regularly.

Will I ask her out again? Probably, but with everything else on my plate right now, I can't seem to find much emotional energy left over to commit to this endeavor.

Jan 17, 07 12:15 am  · 

I'm sorry, you're going to ask her out again? There must be something missing from that description (like being the hottest girl you've ever seen or something?), because I wouldn't be eager for a second date where the person at the other side of the table didn't even notice that I wasn't listening to them at all, but kept rambling on, and from what I could hear it didn't sound like we had anything in common, and I was already seeing the ways in which I would get annoyed with them.

Thanks for the encouragement AP.

I just sent out resume and samples to them. I have no idea how much to charge though.... I think going rate for entry-levels in LA is $35/hr on the freelance (read: self-employed) market, but the fact is that I know my skills aren't up to par and I'll be lucky to get the job at all. Do you guys think asking for $20/hr is too much?

Jan 17, 07 1:14 am  · 

I charge $75/hour for freelance architecture and I'm not licensed, and I am pretty sure that's undercharging. I wouldn't charge a dime less than $35 if I were you. Remember, theoretically you have overhead and taxes to pay on that. Remember the craigslist rule: anything listed for "free!" never gets a bite, but as soon as you take that same free item and list it for $10, someone will buy it off you. Nobody wants something that isn't considered to be of value. You have 5 years of a design education. I bet you're already better than 1/3 of the so-called graphic designers out there. Just sell yourself at the going rate, no one will ask any questions. Why put the idea in their mind that you're not worth much?

This is something architects do a lot, I think, which is to my mind what le bossman was hinting at in the "why don't architects make enough money" thread...

Jan 17, 07 1:24 am  · 

Ah yes the smile and nod... a sign of a real click. Ha ha. I also suffer from a difficulty of hearing as some Archinectors may now now, but they also know it didn't interfere with my communication.

Don't ask her out again.

BTW, going through the same thing right now... Sucks.

Jan 17, 07 1:55 am  · 

now know

That was for LiG.

myium, I am $10/hr. No bites. What gives? (I kid)

Jan 17, 07 1:57 am  · 

Jeebus, my keyboard sucks these days.

Jan 17, 07 1:57 am  · 

I thought you already knew from my blowjob skills that I don't bite!

(...sorry, couldn't resist...)

Jan 17, 07 2:04 am  · 

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Jan 17, 07 2:07 am  · 

actually, I have trouble hearing in busy places too. Ha! I make up for it by laughing a lot! No one seems to mind! Makes them think they're funny and me think I'm having a good time!

...well the last part is a joke, but I do honestly have trouble hearing when there is any kind of background noise at all. I am that guy who is always asking roommates to turn up the tv so I can hear... finally I actually went and got my ears checked out, afraid I was going slowly deaf, and guess what I found out?? I actually have really good hearing, to the point where I hear all kinds of random background shit that apparently no one else even hears, and thus my ear can't sort out the stuff it's supposed to be focusing on as well what with all the distractions. Huh! So, you guys might have the same problem! It pretty much blows. I also get headaches from noise, which makes me real fun at a concert, let me tell you. Sucks because I like loud music.

Jan 17, 07 2:08 am  · 

Ha! I also had my ears checked not even a year ago. I have great hearing. News to me. Same with my vision, which I thought was failing me.

Jan 17, 07 2:21 am  · 

Ah, you might have the same problem!!! I really did think I had hearing problems. I have to ask people to repeat themselves constantly. It's probably truly gone downhill though now that I listen to my headphones much more. My vision I really do think is failing me. And my knees hurt when I stand up. And I *swear* my various body parts fall asleep much more quickly nowadays...

Jan 17, 07 2:29 am  · 

Oh man I am bored tonight.

Jan 17, 07 2:30 am  · 

Ha ha you too? I should be studying for the damn exam, but procrastination has set in.

So what's the deal with us old coots? Are we forever burdened by our hydochondriacism? I say it has to do with too much down to to overanalyze.

Jan 17, 07 2:38 am  · 
el jeffe

i'm doing site planning layouts tonight (this morning) for a broker - hopefully it'll lead to a paying project.

somebody answer the damn phone!!!!!

Jan 17, 07 2:41 am  · 

I should be packing, but man can only fold so many clothes before turning to the internet in a cry for help. Also, packing is about the only architectural thing I do lately, so I feel compelled to put way too much thought and effort into it. I have already taken packed things out of their bag and swapped 'em around a few times just to make sure I'm "maximizing my packing volume." Now I've lost interest in the problem because it has become too complex.

Jan 17, 07 2:42 am  · 

the hearing thing you guys are discussing is freaking me out. not even a year ago i went to a specialist to find out what was up with my hearing and learned the same thing. is it an architect thing?

my biggest issue is that, as a huge music addict, if there's music and talking in a place, my mind focuses on the music and i CAN'T fully focus on the conversation. especially if the music is at very low volume because i'm reeeaaccching to hear it/recognize it.

drives my wife crazy.

Jan 17, 07 7:15 am  · 

yep, got the same problem...bars and restaurants can't hear a damn thing in a convo...really frustrating when everyone else knows what's what and i am left in quiet reflection and trying to read lips....that's why i bring pens and pull napkins from the holders...well back to the ARE...

Jan 17, 07 7:19 am  · 

dirty humour was too funny myriam. strangely reminded me of home...

Jan 17, 07 7:38 am  · 
Living in Gin

I haven't had a hearing test since grade school, so who knows what's going on. It probably wouldn't kill me to get another one, though.

I suppose it's possible I have the same problem as myriam and Steve... I have no problems with conversation when it takes place in somebody's living room, and I can pick out the most subtle details of classical music pieces, but if you put me in a crowded bar and try to talk to me, I'm helpless.

As for my vision, I've fortunately been blessed with very good eyesight so far, but in the past year or so I've found myself having to use reading glasses when doing intensive CAD work, marking up drawings, or wading through a spec book. My doc says it's only a matter of time before I'll need bifocals.

I'm convinced the warranty on my body expired the day I turned 30... In addition to the issues mentioned above, I have a bad shoulder that will eventually need surgery, my back is giving me more trouble lately (probably because I have a crappy mattress), and I never seem to get enough sleep. God help me when I'm in grad school and pulling all-nighters... At least I won't have to pay back my student loans if I drop dead on the studio floor.

Jan 17, 07 7:41 am  · 
vado retro

i feel great and i'm ready to procreate!!!

Jan 17, 07 9:13 am  · 

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