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happy hump day everyone!

i'm gonna repost something here just 'cause I find it so fascinating, and the thread that I put it on last night didn't turn out quite so well:

speaking of urinating and complexity, i just got home from a tour of the University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute, one of 5 such facilities in the U.S. (and 1 of 20 in the world). The project, with Shands/UF as the client, was completed by Tsoi/Kobus of Boston, and this tour was Jacksonville AIA's first meeting of the year.

anywho, this particular center, which opened for service in August 2006, is initially focusing on the treatment of Prostate Cancer. Currently, 90% of the cancer patients being treated at this facility are suffering from PC. urinating.

complexity... The special thing about Proton Therapy (when compared to traditional forms of radiation therapy, such as Photon Therapy) is that it is able to precisely focus the radiation onto the cancerous body, thereby eliminating the negative affects of radiaton on otherwise healthy tissue. Dr. Carlos Vargas, MD, a ridiculously intelligent man, explained that the cure rate is similar between the 2 modalities of treatment (97% vs. 95%), however, the quality of life for the "cured" patient is not negatively affected by the precise Proton Therapy. It kills the cancer and nothing else.

My simplistic explanation of the 2 methods:
Proton Therapy delivers radiation in particles,
whereas Photon Therapy delivers it in waves.

In Photon Therapy, the waves deliver high strength radiation to everything in their wake. collateral damage.

In Proton Therapy, a lense (customized to the patient's tumor) shapes the particles, which are transmitted at a low level of strength until they reach a certain depth. Once they reach the depth of the cancerous body, the particles are charged to their max for a brief amount of time. This highly focused application of radiation kills the cancer, but not the surrounding healthy tissue.

Jan 17, 07 9:52 am  · 
liberty bell

AP, your fascination with the proton therapy thingey is truly archigeekeriffic. Good for you.

diabase, congratulations on the new boy! Charlie and Jack - such great boy-boy names. Wonderful news and I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to say so. Also thanks for asking about pictures of the project I just finished - I'll get to them soon, that project is in a momentary holding pattern as the owners have to leave town for two weeks so we can finish the wood floors, which won't happen until February.

Too, too busy.

Jan 17, 07 10:24 am  · 

thanks lb...

i figure someone here will appreciate the importance of this technology. i am fortunate to not have a family history of cancer, but it's likely that someone on TC has seen a friend or family member suffer from the disease (like abra's friend and his lungs). To think that there is a treatment option that can kill cancer while giving the patient a chance to enjoy being cured (and not be debilitated by the side effects of their treatment) is exciting.

/archigeekerifficness (ya right, as if I have any power to end it...)

Jan 17, 07 10:51 am  · 

yes yes, congratulations diabase! I'm an ass for not mentioning it before.

myriam, you're so great to me. Always trying to keep me from screwing myself over. Just keep in mind that this is in a field where I'm basically at intern-level. And that I've worked for $8/hr freelance before, so even $20/hr seems like a lot, and $35/hr seems like a fortune!

Jan 17, 07 10:51 am  · 

i charge $50/hour for freelance architecture stuff and am less than 2 years outta school. You have a professional degree (which I lack) and more experience than I do (if I recall correctly), plus you have some supplimentary graphic design education, so you're worth $35 at leasts...

Jan 17, 07 11:00 am  · 

at leastsssssss! my freelance copy-editing fee is a bit lower....

Jan 17, 07 11:10 am  · 

a friend of mine used to say that your breaks down the most
percentage wise between the ages of 28-32 as compared to
any other part of life. not entirely sure if it's true...but seems
pretty accurate.

thankful to still have good eyesight and am interested in that
hearing thing...i tend to focus on background noise as well..
i'll all of a sudden snap back into the conversation i'm in and
realize i have no idea what we were talking about..but that i'm
agreeing and somehow attempting to make contributions to
a conversation that i haven't been listening to. a slightly different
problem probably..but similar.

Jan 17, 07 11:12 am  · 

another reason i like going to other countries where i don't
understand the language..i love/hate it when i get back to the states
and i can understand every meaningless conversation going on
around me.

Jan 17, 07 11:14 am  · 

'my name is charlie and tis' my blother jack. we al flom newsealand.'
'great now sit down and listen to your dad'


thanks ap. that's is a great news. i do know someone with prostate cancer and will mention your information. who knows?

Jan 17, 07 11:22 am  · 
el jeffe

congrats diabase!

i too can't have a conversation in a bar environment. i tend to avoid large parties too for the same reason.

otoh, i was working at my home office and noticed that i could hear a very high-pitched whine from my external hard drive about a foot to the left of my left elbow. turned my head to the leaft and the sound went away. did this a few times and realized that my left ear can hear higher frequencies than my right ear. kinda freaked me out.
makes me understand that whole teenager ringtone that older...ahem....adults can't hear.

i need to raise my rate....there's a new years resolution i can live with.

Jan 17, 07 11:54 am  · 

Ha--yes, Steven, I know exactly what you mean--and lars, too, that is one of my favorite things about travelling abroad. The absolute *worst* for me though is when people leave the TV on low in the background--even though no one's watching it--and then attempt to have a conversation with me. It literally makes me suddenly feel like screaming, I can't take it. Really overwhelms my brain.

On a side note, I really *hate* how noisy 99.999% of restaurants are in the US. I can barely hold a conversation and it makes me frustrated and angry every time. Why are restaurant architects so obsessed with designing with all hard surfaces??? Does no one else think sound absorption enhances the dining experience??

Jan 17, 07 12:25 pm  · 

It's probably more a matter that sound absorbative materials are harder to clean.... nice slick surfaces wipe off easily.

How about when someone tries to talk to you, while walking/facing away from you? They project their sound in the exact opposite direction, but expect you to hear it clearly anyways.

Jan 17, 07 12:32 pm  · 

ahh, that's a good point, rationalist. Forgot about cleaning.

Also, I'm glad you don't mind my cheerleading. :)

Jan 17, 07 12:34 pm  · 

if 28-32 corresponds to the greatest decline of physical wellness- then this corresponded to my stint in grad school. I was blaming the loss of hair and carpal tunnel pain to the torture of grad school, not my aging bones...

otherwise I'm doing fine (or as puddles would say 'i'm still alive')

oh, and I don't need dentures yet.

Jan 17, 07 12:44 pm  · 
el jeffe

i seem to recall reading some 'research' that indicated loud restaurants (in a certain demographic) actually contributed to higher tabs. something about a party atmosphere and the suspension of rational concerns about spending money.
so it is by design, but not driven by us architects.

Jan 17, 07 12:46 pm  · 

interesting, and believable, jeffe....

Jan 17, 07 12:53 pm  · 
vado retro

i prefer loud places exactly so i don't have to listen to the people that i'm with...

Jan 17, 07 1:01 pm  · 

help me :o(

My mental and physical health is probably in jeopardy right now. I am a ball of nerves. I am back from California (although reluctantly so) and I was trying to avoid the board for a couple of days, because I'm so busy I really should focus on my work at hand, however.....

I just got a call from a headhunter. I am being tracked for a position. A very-well compensated position.


I have my annual review tomorrow.


I finished sending out my grad school applications last week.

This doesn't even include my personal life, which is cloudy, at best. (Am still working out the post-traumatic stress from being attacked by an elephant thong over the weekend....)

I don't really know how you can help me. Except maybe tell me what to do? That would be great, thanks.

Your humble archinect yearbook photographer,

Jan 17, 07 1:03 pm  · 
vado retro

take the money and have my lovechile...

Jan 17, 07 1:06 pm  · 

Now for the serious suggestions.....??? I'm kinda freaking out here.

Jan 17, 07 1:18 pm  · 
el jeffe

simple dubk.
proceed by making decisions that keep your options open until you have some clarity.
nothing about these types of decisions should be urgent.
except the part about the thong...

now, to something with a bit more levity, i checked out the aia new mexico site and headed over to the message boards.

tumbleweeds are ablowin'!
notice the newest member's handle.....

Jan 17, 07 1:30 pm  · 

First off, breathe deeply, and go outside and take a deep breath in the cold air and think about how happy you are to have so many friends who love you and to have so much opportunity facing you and remember that you are in a very good spot in life. In a decent firm, jetting across the country and learning about stuff, and ready to tackle school next year. Breeeeattthe. Ahhhhhh, life is good.

Ok, now:

Concentrate on things in this order, and don't let yourself be distracted by anything else:

1) call headhunter back, say thank you, would be interested in an interview, keep you posted as events develop. Then cross headhunter off your list.

2) get your work done for work today. Remember to stop and think of how relieved you are that all your grad apps are done and out the door!!! yay!!!

3) go through review tomorrow. be confident, you know you do a great job!

4) when interview opportunity comes up--take it. Never hurts to interview, and you might learn something. At least it's an afternoon off from work, and no one needs to know. You can deal with questions of employment later, when that bridge comes up, IF it does.

5) slowly wait for grad school acceptances to come in!

6) go to brunch!

Jan 17, 07 1:34 pm  · 
brian buchalski

america is too loud. everytime i've returned from abroad that's the first thing i've noticed. all of our bars, restaurants, retail...everything. it's just much too loud. makes me feel like i'm the quietest person.

also, i remember several years back when i first got an ipod i was concerned about it affecting my hearing since i used to listen to it all the time but i actually think it has improved my sense of hearing. this might sound odd, but i'm much more cognizant of all sounds now (when i'm not wearing my ipod obviously)...even just walking down the street, i'm much more likely to notice the "music" in the sound of traffic or tree branches, birds, whatever...a bit like that bjork character in dancer in the dark movie

wonderk, hold out for flowers...that's what i would do if i was you, seriously

Jan 17, 07 1:46 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'll second myriam's #6. never hurts to say hi to the old ladies at the country club.

Jan 17, 07 1:47 pm  · 

Well, I look at it like this:

Grad School > Current Job, this is an established fact

if Prospective Job < Current Job, then you have no problem, go to grad school and be happy

However, if Prospective Job > Current Job, then you have to ask yourself, is Prospective Job > Grad School?

If the answer to that question is yes, take the job. Ask a couple of the schools if you can defer acceptance. While you are at the new job, get your LEED accreditation, so you'll be that much more prepared for the new course in grad school if you do decide to do that at a later date.

If the answer to that question is no, then just stick it out with Current Job until Grad School.

And yes, brunch is always good.

Jan 17, 07 1:55 pm  · 

I am already LEED accredited. Actually that's another stressor....I'm running a massive presentation on LEED to my coworkers this week. Which is in response to a major client we are in talks with. Bleh.

I want to thank you, my newly acquainted and lovely archinect-lady friends, for being awesome and calming me down. For now.

Also to el jeffe and puddles, I appreciate the thoughtful responses.

vado, stop hitting on my ovaries.

You guys brought up a couple of my favorite topics:

flowers & brunch > prospective jobs, current jobs, grad school, etc.

Mmmm, 3 hours of mimosas....

Jan 17, 07 2:28 pm  · 

Hey DUB K.....miss you already!!
A hug all the way from frigid California (fricken like 20 degrees last night)

Im with myriam on what she suggested. Sounds like good advice to me.

I love it.....(I was thinking as I read rationalist's post).....this is logic, hence rational = rationalist! haha


Jan 17, 07 2:55 pm  · 

the mimosas were very good....

And squirrely, I guess we're even on the label-whore joke now.

I'm back in steel shop drawing hell..... sorting through RFIs that haven't been processed into our drawings, and the person who fielded the RFIs and knows WTF is going on with this project is on a leave of absence. So me and the project manager are sitting here utterly clueless and it's not a great feeling.

Jan 17, 07 3:43 pm  · 

20 degrees in cali is nothin!

it was -20 last night in the frozen north woods, and -5 when I was waiting for the bus (don't even ask me about windchill) brrrrrrr

Jan 17, 07 4:21 pm  · 
Ms Beary

no shit 20 degrees, waahhhh.

my house was 60 degrees over the weekend, it was SO COLD, the boiler just couldn't keep up. The "heated" 3 seasons porch (where all my plants are) was down to 55! Not so bad today.

Jan 17, 07 4:27 pm  · 

the high today here in florida was 71 degrees... :)

Jan 17, 07 4:31 pm  · 

wonderk- unless you already know that the headhunter's potential position is a fit, i'd be wary. i've been approached numerous times and these jokers are always SO wide of the mark. i don't have much confidence in headhunters' abilities to match the right people with the right job. so, like myriam said, go for it and have fun thinking about the possibilities but don't think of it as a commitment.

Jan 17, 07 4:34 pm  · 

Thanks Steven. You're probably right. It's kind of a nice confidence booster though, and I guess it gives me a little more reason to hold my head up at my review tomorrow.

I keep wondering what I'll say if they say I still use the internet too much. "Well you see there's this web site where a whole bunch of architects talk about things like building code, and autocad problems, and interoffice conflict resolution".

I'm not lying.

Jan 17, 07 4:46 pm  · 

That's not bad--but also, keep it focused on you and your accomplishments. If you are accomplishing great things, then your down time is your down time. If you are having problems meeting goals, then of course that's a problem, and they will have to look into possible causes of it.

Otherwise, as long as you get your work done and get it done well (and I'm guessing you probably go above and beyond your work, and do it exceedingly well) then that's what the review should be about--not your internet time, or whether you sneak off and read the comics section in the toilet stall, or...

I used to always wonder about the cigarette-break-takers, personally...

Jan 17, 07 5:33 pm  · 

I can only imagine the head turning, if you said, "I'm stepping out for a few minutes for my sex break." or "I need to go for a fart walk."

Jan 17, 07 6:15 pm  · 

just got to see someone else get chewed out by my boss. In a way it's a relief, because it reassures me that it's not just me that it happens to, but then I feel badly for thinking that.

Jan 17, 07 6:19 pm  · 
Ms Beary

the lawyer whose office is across the hall goes on sex breaks. she primps quite heavily (we share bathrooms) and then leaves. Then she primps again when she gets back - smooths the touseled hair, reapplys the smeared lipstick.

one of the other lawyers smokes 15 minutes out of every hour, I swear. I wonder about that too.

my boss would never tell me to not surf the web. he's worse than I am.

Jan 17, 07 6:25 pm  · 

Thanks everybody for your kind comments.

Here is a photo of my two boys, on the day of Jacks Birth:

On another note, I am also one who has tremendous difficulty understanding/hearing converstations in public places. I always thought it was due to my being a musician and playing my US Strat through my 30th Anniversary Blue Marshall Stack too loud.

Jan 17, 07 6:42 pm  · 

Oh man they are both sooooo cute! Look at the head of hair on the little one!

Jan 17, 07 6:48 pm  · 

Your older boy looks like he could be cast in an Enid Blyton book.

Jan 17, 07 6:49 pm  · 
Ms Beary


Jan 17, 07 6:50 pm  · 

Yeah he looks a bit "Whats all this then?"

Jan 17, 07 6:53 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

Thems some great-looking kids db! Good effort.

Jan 17, 07 6:53 pm  · 

"uhh ohhh, something possibly quite bad for me has just happened..."

Jan 17, 07 7:04 pm  · 

Or "Wheres the bathroom?"

Jan 17, 07 7:07 pm  · 

ha ha ha, that too. or,

"why does mummy looks sick but everyone is laughing and smiling?"

Jan 17, 07 7:08 pm  · 
vado retro

the difference is that a lawyer can actually bill a client while screwing or smoking. an arcitect has a hard enough time working that archinect time into the billable hours...

Jan 17, 07 7:53 pm  · 

dang diabase. beautiful children.

Jan 17, 07 8:05 pm  · 

wait a sec, isn't myriam moving tomorrow? Good luck myriam! Have a great trip.

Jan 17, 07 8:21 pm  · 
Ms Beary

yes she is. good luck.

So I have a house guest this week. Today I got home from work, he's not here, there are 2 broken wine glasses on the kitchen counter and a pile of dirty clothes on the bathroom floor. WWTCD? Wash the laundry? Throw the broken glass in the trash? Leave both?

Jan 17, 07 8:24 pm  · 

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