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my favorite flop house writter: Frito
Actually I'm waiting for him to win Power Ball, he steals coins from my piggy bank every week just to buy tickets.

Nov 25, 06 1:59 pm  · 
Nov 25, 06 2:03 pm  · 

now that is better

Nov 25, 06 2:50 pm  · 

Wow vr! Pretty cool! What's the name of the book? You've become famous and I want to keep in touch :)

Nov 25, 06 4:03 pm  · 
brian buchalski

finally time for the big's my prediction notre dame 34, usc 10. america rejoices as the fighting irish dance their way into the national championship game where they so rightfully belong.

Nov 25, 06 5:13 pm  · 

katze- glad to know that my large tom isn't a mutant alien lifeform.

Nov 25, 06 6:18 pm  · 
liberty bell

snooker, that is one cute doggie!

treekiller, there was a collection of doggie pics on page one or maybe two of thread central.

Orhan Ayyuce I meant to wish you safe travels on turkey day and hope you arrived safely in Turkey. I am thankful for your contributions to archinect and to the news especially as your posts are usually about serious topics but offbeat ones.

I'm going overboard this year and have started holiday decorating already.....more on the holiday music thread!

Nov 25, 06 9:38 pm  · 

treekiller - do you have a pic?

LB - if you can beleive it, my decorations are already up! And I'm not a holiday person (if you can beleive that!!). Guess I'm in the holiday spirit for once - must be that holiday music thread that got it all started :) Damn Archinect!

Nov 25, 06 9:44 pm  · 

Wait, Orhan was actually going to Turkey on turkey day?! Wow, that's handy.

Nov 25, 06 9:44 pm  · 

WK - have you tried out the "I guess so" yet? I'm excited to see if it works!!

Nov 25, 06 9:47 pm  · 

No, but I have been gone a lot so I haven't had the chance. Mainly I've just been saying "OK" a lot and not really paying attention.

I think that I should try it on pof79 though. Something tells me that might not work as well :o/

Nov 25, 06 9:56 pm  · 

\m/ word!

Nov 25, 06 10:29 pm  · 

merhaba from izmir, turkey.
just arrıved here frıday evening and sınce my mom doesn't have a computer i am writing thıs post from dıfferent klavye (key board) in an ınternet cafe down the street. ie:(ıçöşğü) its taking me extra tıme to fınd the right letters and commands. i am stıll gettıng over my jet lag (10 hours ahead of PST) and adjustıng to the daıly lıfe here. today ıs sunday around noon and most people are just wakıng up and gettıng ready for a soccer fılled afternoon ın front of the tv sets and ın sıdewalk cafes. izmır ıs the second largest port ın turkey after ıstanbul and has a bustlıng lıfe. there are a lot of places open tıll late night and some all night.cıgarette smokıng ıs okay ın most publıc places lıke ın thıs ınternet cafe and young and old people are lıghtıng up çontınuoşly.
weather ıs unusually warm lıke ıt was ın los angeles and people are strollıng ın large numbers around the parks lınıng the ızmır bay.
here ıs a lıttle pıcture of what ı am talkıng about and ı am off to my cousın's for an afternoon tea who knows what else. ı'll be postıng more and take some pıctures to post sooner or later.

thıs ıs a 5000 years old cıty even though you don't see much of it above the surface. they run ınto tons of materıal that would fıll any western museum as they dig for metro expansıon. so long for now and my mom says hello to everybody.

Nov 26, 06 5:45 am  · 

awesome Orhan, glad you arrived safely. I wish I was looking forward to a soccer filled sunday... hello to momma Ayyuce.

i don't put up decorations. but i do enjoy everyone else's...

Nov 26, 06 10:54 am  · 

...Orhan Ayyüce’nin yaptığı röportajı yayınlıyoruz.

Nov 26, 06 10:55 am  · 

Have some turkish delites for us underpriveleged 'nectors who aren't in the crossroads of civilization.

katze- I'll repost my cat pic:

you can use the vintage computer box for scale... all 24#s of cat love.

Nov 26, 06 11:25 am  · 

sad to say i'm back from maui. this was our place, or the view from it anyway: .

our bedroom opened onto the terrace behind the seawall. cool house, built in the late 19th C (though you can't tell because most of the house has been sheathed in home depot materials). house is oriented parallel to the seawall so that every room, two levels, opens to the ocean.

also saw this corb-inspired gem just up the street from us, passed it every day as i pushed the stroller on my way to coffee:

you really have to walk around it to appreciate how well it works here, despite being 100% foreign relative to the other houses. i wasn't able to learn much about it except that it was for sale recently, it's courtyard has a lot of fountain/pool stuff going on, and it is rented out as a vacation villa now.

guess i'll have to start gearing myself up for work tomorrow...

Nov 26, 06 1:48 pm  · 

Treekiller – that is a pretty big cat! At least he is not the monster shown above :) Thanks for reposting.

Steven, I hope you have an easier time transitioning back to work than I normally do. I usually need a couple days to recoup and get back into the swing of things:)

Nov 26, 06 2:49 pm  · 

killer, the cat looks like a mannerist figure in it's proportions, large bod/small head. huge cat.

Nov 26, 06 3:16 pm  · 

time for yet another wwtcd:

i'm doing my resume and need a quick question answered. (yes, i'm about to do a thread search as well...)

at my last job i started out, i guess, technically as an intern architect--in fact technically i would have been that the entire time, since i'm not yet licensed i guess. anyhow, pretty soon i started running at least construction management for my projects, and then running the whole thing, and my boss introduced me as project manager. however, i never had a business card while i was there. what title should i use for that firm on my resume?? intern architect/project manager? i have no idea.

also, should i include firms i worked at for only a month or two? i worked at one for like a month and a half, and the job was set up by an architectural temping agency. however they then asked to hire me, which i mulled over for awhile and then declined. i did learn things at the firm, and wouldn't mind including it on the resume. but i'm not sure if it would work against me since they might wonder why i'm jumping around jobs with only a month or so at each.

sorry this is a pretty stream of concious question. any help is appreciated.

Nov 26, 06 3:43 pm  · 

my cat has the cheshire like ability to shrink or grow his head in proportion to his body. or maybe it's that his body shrinks or grows and the head stays the same. did I feed him too much or did he eats too much?

ms. M- go for the PM title. licensing has nothing to do with managing a project. if you call yourself 'project architect'. List the relevant jobs for the position you're seeking. So leaving off all the goffer/office slave/model making crap that we all have to go through to pay our dues is acceptable. you only get into problems if there is a self-destructive pattern of jumping ship every few months for your entire life.

Nov 26, 06 4:57 pm  · 

abra - enjoy and safe travels! do you have room for one more? cheeres

Nov 26, 06 5:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

Glad you arrived safely, Orhan. Unseasonably warm in the midwest this weekend, too.

myriam, go for PM as title, or 'staff architect', although in a tiny firm like yours that seems a little formal. Also, if the name of the firm you worked in for six weeks seems like it might be recognized, list it as well. in fact I'd say list it anyway - you want to have good references, if they liked you, which of course they did, then go for it. And I think you were at your last firm for a couple years, right? Which would mean some job-hopping early is fine, because then you showed your ability to commit at a place that was a good fit for you.

Steven, glad you are home safe too. Must be a tough change from walking the Maui streets to the Louisville streets every day!

Nov 26, 06 10:02 pm  · 
brian buchalski

keep your resume to one page. if you need to fill in space then add the 1-month job, but if you're having trouble condensing things to a single page then consider dropping it (especially if it's relatively old).

yawn...bedtime but one more drink first

Nov 26, 06 11:50 pm  · 
liberty bell

myriam, puddles has a good point. Good point, puddles - I'd join you in that drink but it's 7am here. Oh well, back to work! Happy post-holiday Monday everyone.

Nov 27, 06 7:11 am  · 

There is nothing "happy" about returning to work after a 4-day weekend. Sorry. :o/

Nov 27, 06 9:48 am  · 
Chili Davis
Nov 27, 06 10:14 am  · 

well...then Happy "there's nothing happy about" Monday, everyone.

myriam, if space allows for the temp job on your resume, just come up with a title that explains your temporary role. if a confused interviewer asks about it, you can quickly explain that it was a temp position and that you were offered a full time position after the temp work was finished. The fact that they offered you a full-time job should reassure a prospective employer.


Nov 27, 06 10:17 am  · 

all extremely helpful comments, guys, thanks!

i'm going to go with the PM title, and since i'm pretty comfortable at one page, i'm going to put even the small arch jobs on there--may as well, that way it doesn't look like i had periods of unemployment. and you're right, lb, i think they'd give me a good reference if they were called. the HR woman at that firm really liked me, woohoo!

also, i've decided to pass a milestone: for the first time, i am taking off all the non-arch jobs on my resume. so long, coffeeshop and bookstore! the only one that looks cool is the french film production company i worked for in paris... but it is soooo non-arch related it would be silly to keep that one only. it's not like i'm going for any french jobs. :( le sigh.

also, great idea, AP--i'll put something like "intern architect, temporary position" perhaps.

Nov 27, 06 10:51 am  · 

myriam, be careful about putting jobs on there that were only temporary. Are you including dates? I have heard that you shouldn't put dates on resumes but I do on mine because it demonstrates my co-op jobs and length spent at each. They were really good firms so I am keeping them on there for the time being.

Definitely call yourself a PM. At the very least, call yourself a "graduate architect" and include Project Management in the job description of your last place.

Also, I am amazed that your resume is only one page. I mean I guess mine was until I had to add this job but this was a pretty substantial add.

Nov 27, 06 11:07 am  · 

"le sigh" ...hilarious. we started adding 'los' in front of everything after a week in Barcelona. los flip flops in a big, dirty city are a bad idea. los feet got pretty nasty...los lesson learned. it gets obnoxious after about 5 minutes.

good luck with the job it really that important to keep a resume at 1 page?

Nov 27, 06 11:18 am  · 
liberty bell

abra, what are Daisy and Rupi doing while you are in Turkey?

myriam, remember that Pixel whore put "hotrod architecture" on his resume under a heading called "interests" and as I recall it led to a fun discussion at one of his interviews. I think it's good to get the coffeeshop jobs off, but listing the fact that you worked on a film (!) in Paris (!!!) is a great conversation starter if nothing else, I think. Remember that interviews are not only for seeing your experience, but for finding out if you will be a good personality fit in the office culture, especially if you are interviewing in small firms. The question is, do you list film work in Paris as an actual job, or just an interest? Since you are trying to move beyond just the intern stage, I guess I think it's better to work it into your cover letter or something rather than list it as a previous job. How long did you work there?

Nov 27, 06 12:02 pm  · 

film??? why is film so interesting to everyone? I found that making films to be the most tedious, soulcrushing, waste of creativity ever devised in the name of making a buck. And the people who want to make films are just pathetic attention starved wannabe's with dreams of 'fame' aka narcisism. Seriously folks, hollywood/paris/mumbai is full of pathologically deranged schemers that aren't worth any ink on a resume.

Nov 27, 06 1:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

tk -ssshhhh - most people want to suspend disbelief....

Nov 27, 06 3:09 pm  · 
vado retro

i just typed a letter about fire dampers and shaft enclosures through horizontal assemblies. i must have typed the word penetration fifteen times. now i am horney...

Nov 27, 06 4:05 pm  · 

still alive.

Nov 27, 06 4:45 pm  · 

Another Turkey Survivor!

Nov 27, 06 4:55 pm  · 

vado- smear some ashes on your forehead and don some sack clothe. repent yee sinner! oh, i'm not evilevangelicalbunny.

in that case, enjoy rolling in the stuff.

Nov 27, 06 5:09 pm  · 

hmm, maybe i should write more in my job descriptions? they are SUPER brief, which probably explains why my resume is only a page. also it is in size 10 font (i know, i know, it works, i'm not changing it).

are you actually supposed to put detailed project descriptions? mine are very short, like: "oversaw document production and construction of xyz type of projects; ran construction meetings w/ client and general contractor; maintained all project correspondance; made client invoices; etc."

Nov 27, 06 6:06 pm  · 

Mine are about the same length, and are bullet points. However, I've got 4 jobs on there - whoops, actually 5 - plus a boatload of activities (which are relevant considering I'm trying to get into grad school).

Incidentally, I also have a lot of variation in font size....not the font, just the size....but I passed it to my best friend, who is a professional editor, and she changed the sizes, so I am taking her word for it. It kind of aggravates me, but if she says so....

Nov 27, 06 6:35 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I like Mondays after long holidays. Hope everyone had a good day today!

Everything is new feeling and freakishly unfamiliar, and I think, "Hey this isn't so bad after all." and the day flies by!

Nov 27, 06 6:51 pm  · 

myriam- keep in mind that book and magazine text is usually 9-10pt, so your resume should also be very legible at that size. With regards to the descriptions, mine vary by job. For internships, I just put, 'Architectural Intern', and 'Project Engineer Intern' for the construction job, but my real positions, particularly the current one, get longer descriptions.

I've been doing general office work all day long, and it's pretty relaxing.

Nov 27, 06 7:44 pm  · 

all right kids, I've just about had it. Literally I have reached my breaking point. I'm done, I'm done, I'm done with idiots. I can't handle it anymore.

Didn't I say, more or less, "don't feed the trolls"???

this tool doesn't know when to quit

I mean, come ON already!!!

Where's myriam, I need her to curse for me, I just can't bring myself to do it.....

Nov 28, 06 12:35 am  · 

I just realized that my last post was #5555 on Thread Central. That kind of makes me happy.

Anybody see the newbie named "all the other screen names were taken"? Funny.

PS. Lars, beta, cameron, et al., you're fighting the good fight, and thanks again for the bunny! But honestly I'm concerned that responding to this person in any way will prompt him to step up his personal attacks which have already crossed a number of lines, and which I find fairly disgusting. But who knows. :o|

Nov 28, 06 7:18 am  · 

jeez, its been a tough day today. last night i didnt get to sleep til 2:37am.

Nov 28, 06 10:32 am  · 

ya, me too, but I was wearing pajamas...and not posting on archinect.

seriously though, I did stay up past 2 am improving the plans from a school project...and I had to wake up at 6! ...rough day indeed...

Nov 28, 06 10:42 am  · 

the bunny still makes me laugh.... and then betadinsutures made me laugh even more by calling it 'that rabbit with the pancake bonnet'.

Nov 28, 06 10:55 am  · 
vado retro

bunny exploiters make me wanna throw up!!!

Nov 28, 06 11:26 am  · 

greetıngs from izmır;
my fourth day here and i am already part of the city like it use to be. today, i walked the old part of the city in its maze like center, finding everything no problem.i used all three public transportatıons avaılable;
bus, metro and vapur (ferry). with my mom's one card pass. most people are busy going and coming from their jobs and i feel like a retıred person enjoying the after retirement. ı took some pictures and will download them ın cousın's laptop tomorrow.
i am just walking around and talking to people with no particular direction trying to get them to speak about their city and most of their response are complains about cumbersome things.
there was an article on rem koolhas and everybody has pointed out to me and asked if i know this 'individual'. haha. do i know rem?
most starchıtects are trying get ınto turkish projects market which will be exploding in coming years. cities are in real bad shape ith ugliest modern architecture anywhere.

anyway, lets se what we can do...
i am to meet my momand sister for a fish dinner down the street. its around 6:30 pm here. talk to you soon and ıi miss you guys believe it or not...

Nov 28, 06 11:34 am  · 
brian buchalski

orhan, i miss you too...believe it or not

Nov 28, 06 11:38 am  · 

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