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today I am packing my things to move home to California to be with my family until January or so. it'd be great to meet up with some LA 'necters while there.

i have all that churling stomachiness that you get when you're nervous about getting a lot of important stuff done in a short time. i feel like i'm back in undergrad!

Nov 13, 06 9:22 am  · 
liberty bell
This morning I have a super-big case of "I can't take it anymore, get me the hell out of here" coupled with a little bit of "my life utterly sucks" and a pinch of "get the hell out of my face".

DubK, are you inside my brain?!? This is how I'm feeling this morning, just add a touch of "I'm the crappiest mother in the history of the planet" and you've got my Monday exactly!

Not even the garwondler can cheer me up - though I'd love to see more photoshop attempts!!!

Nov 13, 06 9:27 am  · 

wait. is my life now made up of mondays!?!?

Nov 13, 06 9:43 am  · 

[this could cue vado to post either 'rainy days and mondays' or 'monday, monday'. not sure which. or maybe he's got something else up his sleeve. or maybe we have to wait until his lunch time...]

Nov 13, 06 9:45 am  · 
vado retro

steven i am on an aesthetics/philosophy bender and will only be posting jacques derrida clips from youtube. there is a nice vid of "i don't like mondays" out there though! and prolly one of "monday ive got friday on my mind" if you poke around!!! personally i like mondays its the other four days that blow. garwondler lives!!!

Nov 13, 06 9:53 am  · 

Steven and lb, at least you have people at home and little kids to cheer you up. I don't think I can even pay anybody to date me at this point. And at the end of the day, who do I get to go home to? Yeah.

Nov 13, 06 10:23 am  · 

yep. I'll 3rd (or 4th?) the following:
"I can't take it anymore, get me the hell out of here"
coupled with a pinch of "get the hell out of my face".
alongside a steaming desire to move to a big city and a more satisfying job, as soon as I hit my 1 year mark at this place (which will be in about 2 months...) boston, nyc, whereverthehellelse...

Nov 13, 06 12:16 pm  · 

i'll play the role of vado and remind people of happier times to come.
whilst also including monday.


Nov 13, 06 12:18 pm  · 

oh ya, and add a "big brother corporation is probably watching me type all this via the IT department!"

Nov 13, 06 12:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

Aww, DubK, does that mean Gentleman Friend #1 is no longer in the picture? I'm sorry to hear that.

Just keep up with those grad school apps, I think the vast majority of relationships are forged in school: you'll have guys keeping you so busy you won't have time to study!

And in the meantime, enjoy the freedom of not having responsibilities to others keeping you from enjoying any "me time". Also, as a British friend of mine once said, "There are times when you want to be the only one farting under the duvet." Enjoy it!

Nov 13, 06 12:27 pm  · 

hmm, my monday is mostly, "whoo, I'm a little dizzy" with a dash of, "wait, how long have I been awake for, and why?" with a massive dose of, "jesus, I guess this means I'll be completely unprepared for class tomorrow night"

Nov 13, 06 3:23 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I haven't eaten in 78 hours. I'm fasting, 162 hours to go. Despite no coffee and no food, I'm feeling alright, even for a Monday.
I just chugged a mug of mint tea. :)

Nov 13, 06 3:59 pm  · 

Strawbeary, try no sleep in 78 hours....

Nov 13, 06 4:04 pm  · 

Strawbeary, try no sleep in 78 hours....

Nov 13, 06 4:04 pm  · 
Ms Beary

that, I don't think I can do.

Nov 13, 06 4:08 pm  · 

Chicago was great although it would have been better if I was able to cross paths with Myriam. In addition to a good time and a lot of link I also left with a tattoo of the Chicago flag (but with bike cogs instead of stars) on my arm. Laugh it up.

Are there any good fabrication firms out there I should look up, as moving to Chicago has suddenly appeared on my radar.

Nov 13, 06 4:11 pm  · 

Chicago was great although it would have been better if I was able to cross paths with Myriam. In addition to a good time and a lot of photos I also left with a tattoo of the Chicago flag (but with bike cogs instead of stars) on my arm. Laugh it up.

Are there any good fabrication firms out there I should look up, as moving to Chicago has suddenly appeared on my radar.

Nov 13, 06 4:11 pm  · 

sorry about that, thought I caught the thread in time to avoid a double post.

Nov 13, 06 4:12 pm  · 
liberty bell

Strawbeary, why are you fasting? Are you at least taking water with lemon or broth or something? Sounds scary.

Nov 13, 06 5:45 pm  · 

druken limbo!

Nov 13, 06 5:49 pm  · 
Ms Beary

yes, i have lemonade and water and tea. it's cool. i'm fasting for a cleanse, to get toxins out. it's working very well and am quite happy with it.

Nov 13, 06 5:49 pm  · 

Strawbeary, what's the occasion?

>>>>>>>>>||HATing ThIS||<<<<<<<<

Nov 13, 06 5:51 pm  · 
Ms Beary

the occasion? just feeling crappy and need a kick start. have had sinus problems for a couple of years now and think fasting might help clear it up.

Nov 13, 06 5:58 pm  · 

Straw, wheatgrass juice is a great addition to your liquid diet...
I'm a big fan of the cleansing fast...they're great. I dated a nutrionist for a looooooooong time and learned some techniques from her (she transitioned from being vegetarian to vegan to raw. it's amazing how much you can do without an oven!)...

anyway, with a cleansing fast the transition out of the fast is almost as important as the fast itself (so i'm told). for instance, one could restrict themself to liquids for 2-3 days, then smoothies and such for another day or 2, then raw fruits, nuts and vegetables for another few days...easing back into cooked foods via vegetable heavy dishes ...and so on.

+q and I did this one summer over the course of 6-weeks. We started with a fast (3-4 days) and transitioned over the course of a week to raw foods. We stuck to a fairly strict raw food diet for 6 weeks. It gets difficult after a while because you feel like you're eating the same stuff over and over (there are tons of raw options, but most of the more interesting dishes require a while to prepare)...although the raw diet makes you feel great, energetic, as lucid as you could imagine, it's hard to ignore the desire for bread or cheese...


time for some fried chicken!

Nov 13, 06 6:57 pm  · 

yeah! survived the first day in the cubicle farm! nice (not just minnesota nice) people.

looks like archinect can survive a few hours without my constant posting out of shear bordom... ;)

Nov 13, 06 7:59 pm  · 

can't find the post 2004 election thread about michiganistan... anybody remember where that went?

Nov 13, 06 9:01 pm  · 

This Thread is still going Cool.

Nov 14, 06 1:00 am  · 

So I was having a pretty bad day yesterday. But then, late last night, a good friend of mine called to ask if I wanted to go see a Kiss tribute band - made up entirely of midgets. Naturally I said yes.

The ropes in the picture belong to the ring that got used after the band played....yes, that's right, there was midget wrestling too. They called themselves "midgets" too, their words not mine. HILARIOUS.
See the whole thing here.

Needless to say, I felt a lot better at the end of the day....

Nov 14, 06 8:32 am  · 
liberty bell


They were on John Stewart a few months ago, DubK - apparently there are two mini-Kiss tribute bands, and they are involved in a lawsuit over who owns the copyright to being a mini-Kiss tribute band...hilarious.

Also, tk - here is the thread about secession.

Nov 14, 06 9:04 am  · 
Chili Davis

I love Toxins!

TK, I think it was titled "The Balkanization of America" or something like that, no?

Nov 14, 06 10:35 am  · 
vado retro
Nov 14, 06 1:21 pm  · 
Ms Beary

hmmm, can anyone smarter than me explain the difference between an ASI and an addendum?

Nov 14, 06 4:58 pm  · 

asi's are for after there is a contract: architect's supplemental instructions (or information).

see: ASI doc

an addendum is part of the bidding documents, issued before bids come in so that the work becomes part of the contract.

Nov 14, 06 5:28 pm  · 
Ms Beary

that makes sense, thanks.

Nov 14, 06 5:43 pm  · 

Thanks Chili & LB. you'll see my new contributions shortly!

i started exploring the pergatory of the skyways leading out from my office over my lunch... I'll need to write a feature about those habitrails for humanity.

Nov 14, 06 8:00 pm  · 
liberty bell

tk I'm enjoying hearing your reactions to the new city, keep them coming!

Nov 14, 06 9:09 pm  · 

there is a whole different culture in the skyways, treekiller.

i lived the white rat life for a couple of years. i'd walk 20 minutes down nicollet mall, spend the days in the skyway system, and then 20 minutes back up the mall to home. like living your life on two layers of reality.

Nov 15, 06 7:45 am  · 

skyways. one of my architectural experience must do's. so futuristic.

Nov 15, 06 12:54 pm  · 

they're a very clear separation of haves and have-nots, unfortunately. all of the skyways, despite the fact that they cross public rights-of-way, are controlled by private interests. the owners of the two ends can say who stays and who goes back out to the street.

also steals a lot of the pedestrian life off of the street, something that i rail against here in louisville where the climate makes them entirely unnecessary. but minneapolis has extreme circumstances. the sidewalk is no place to hang out in february.

Nov 15, 06 1:09 pm  · 
Nov 15, 06 3:50 pm  · 
liberty bell

55 smoooooooth......

I have a fantasy that some night my child will go to sleep at 8pm and I won't have any work to do that night and can thus pop some popcorn and plant my ass on the couch for all of primetime right through to John Stewart. Dream on....

Nov 15, 06 3:55 pm  · 

nice rims.

Nov 15, 06 3:59 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Update on my "contractor redlines" in case you need a good laugh:

I have to label materials that I previously labeled "Beyond" and that are clearly shown elsewhere.

I have to elevate interior walls that have nothing on them to elevate. (I'm NOT doing that)

I have to edit and reissue the interior elevation of the fireplace because the window next to it isn't shown quite right (shown 9' tall instead of 8'). It is correct on the window types where it matters.

I have to reissue full size sheets of all the bath elevations with the tile drawn at 4'-0" instead of 6'-0" high even though this is the interior designer's scope and I noted to refer to her drawings and not look at mine. I just drew the tile in there to satisfy plan checkers.

He wants to modify a millwork detail. Fine.

There's more. Maybe 4 of the 30 (?) redlines are actually legit.

And apparently he can't even dig a dam hole to start the project until this stuff is finished and the docs are perfect. This guy is asking for it. What a terd.

Nov 15, 06 3:59 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Oh, and you know how engineers have standard details that may or may not apply, or that apply but aren't revised to be project specific?

We have to take all those out too and reissue those sheets.

Nov 15, 06 4:05 pm  · 

I want mag rims too!!!!

my brain is fried after trying to get my head into my introductory project- a tribal casino/hotel in michigan- the dd set already has over 400 sheets and I just learned that the steel has already been ordered- so does that mean we can't change any of the structure????

Any recomendations for alternative structural glass mountings widgets/systems beyond pilkenton planars? my baby for this week is resolving a 100' glass port cochere that spans 75' and finishes with a 25' cantilever- fun. the engineer seems to have gotten carried away with really heavy steel sections that we're trying to wrap in delicate 5x10 laminated glass panels. tommorow I'll be asking the structural engineer how much movement needs to be accomodated at the intersection with the building...

Oh, I learned that in Michigan, people heat their gutters to keep them from icing up - wow!

Nov 15, 06 8:33 pm  · 

yeah that wire trace in large commercial gutters is pretty much sop in NJ too.

Nov 15, 06 8:41 pm  · 

wow it sounds like TK has done more in 5 days at his new job than I have in 2 1/2 years at mine....

Nov 15, 06 10:09 pm  · 
vado retro

man it is crappy outside. rain is sideways its forty degrees. i don't wanna go out there. wk you travel so much. you arent a drug mule are you?

Nov 16, 06 7:37 am  · 
vado retro

at least a lighting rep is givin us lunch today...

Nov 16, 06 7:38 am  · 

I am not a drug mule. I am hungover though. Everyone might want to check their MySpace pages, I did some drunk commenting last night....

Nov 16, 06 8:27 am  · 

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