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went down to Borders with my almost-year-old gift certificate in hand, and finally ordered myself this. I can't WAIT till it gets here! I never got to take a theory course in college, so I am hereby starting myself down a long road of autodidactylism.

Nov 30, 06 1:14 am  · 
liberty bell

Anyone else working late tonight? I've got pdfs to get to the Indy Historic Preservation Committee tomorrow first thing - a couple more hours work here to do. reminds me of one year ago when I would always greet sporadic supernova when he came to work in the morning and I was still up.

Nov 30, 06 1:17 am  · 

well lb, you might still be able to do that--he's still 6 hours ahead of you!

Nov 30, 06 1:23 am  · 
brian buchalski

not working late...just drinking, but i'm about done for today, brunch will be served before i know it.

and myriam you're probably lucky to have not had a theory course...those books still make my head spin...of course, if i didn't have to read it and write a paper on it in the next 48 hours then i might have enjoyed it more

Nov 30, 06 1:29 am  · 

We'll see how long I last before I get bored and throw it away. Place your bets, folks.

Nov 30, 06 1:35 am  · 
Ms Beary

aw, lb, put on good music then if you MUST work. I'm looking over whatever I stuffed into my bag whilst at work today. Over wine, naturally.

Nov 30, 06 1:37 am  · 
liberty bell

The Kinks' Give The People What They Want - my trip back through the 80s.

Nov 30, 06 1:38 am  · 

actually, myriam, that's a great one. not for reading straight through, mind you, but for dipping into every once in a while. it has a lot of the original texts describing what architects were thinking when they did certain work, i.e., debunks a lot of the lazy speculation or one-liner simplification that we discuss here about architects.

the columbia collections of original texts do the same, but carry you more up to the present.

Nov 30, 06 7:56 am  · 
vado retro

sorry for all who had to work late. i watched a 240 minute long bbc production called Cambridge Spies about Kim Philby and friends.

Nov 30, 06 8:36 am  · 

what about working early??? I still can't get used to being in the office before 9- and here I am at 8fing AM... damn it's cold today. puddles would have been very, very small waiting for the bus with a windchill of -6.

Enjoy the snow to all those between Chi-town and KC! Indy should be getting those toboggans out.

Nov 30, 06 9:04 am  · 
liberty bell

Nooooo, please noooo, tk, they say it's only going to be a dusting of snow!!! Noooooooo I'm not ready for winter yet!

Nov 30, 06 9:15 am  · 

big deal here is about pope's visit to turkey. he was in izmir yesterday becoming a pilgrim by visiting virgin mary's house. he gave messeges of reconciliation and used some turkish words which were well received here specially holding a turkish flag. he is now on his way to hagia sophia and after that he'll walk to sultanahmet mosque which will win him even more browny points here.
i am now in the office of 'selo' who is married to my cousin using one of his many laptops. bit of an eccentric, he just sold 1000 notes of cement stocks on the istanbul stock market. he first was able to sell 551 and 20 mınutes later he sold the rest. very interesting. he said construction material stocks are doing well speciall selling to iraq and russia and iran.
yesterday i went to industrial part of the city visiting the small cabinet making shop of my childhood friend ümit. he is fabricating a custom kitchen for an architect and he showed me the shop drawings. sort of like ikea kitchen planner drawings. he had a wood burning stove in the shop and we had nescafe ınstant coffee as we talked about cabinet making which is pretty much the same story i am familiar with in los angeles.
i've been walking a lot and drinking tea every 15 minutes which speeds you up eventually.
i am now going to watch live broadcasting of pope's visit to hagia sophia which he is just about to enter on foot.

Nov 30, 06 10:07 am  · 

depending which thermometer you believe, it was either -12F or -20F in my backyard this morning. BUT I took 2 hours yesterday morning for my first powder day of the season- 17 inches of manna from the skies could not be ignored. So let it be cold, at least it's sunny! A great day to appreciate a job that does not involve concerns about exposed skin...

Nov 30, 06 10:23 am  · 

5;30 pm
he is now leaving hagia sophia and will go to the sultanahmet mosque. HS is a museum since 1920's. i think it was a smart move in 1453 that turks converted it to a mosque, perhaps saving this magnificant structure from distraction. only mosque in the world with the mosaics of jesus and biblical stories. pope looked at the ceiling and said 'bellisimo'.
this a very positive development that pope is now going to enter a mosque. the entire country is watching as i am writing these notes minute by minute. he is now joined with the imam of the mosque and he again said bellisimo.
a historic moment is being broadcasted.
this is a very different perspective of islam indeed. very different than what we've been seeing on the media last 4-5 years.
pope is now praying in the mosque wıth the imam.
this is beautiful. great messege to the fanatics from both sides.
two magnificant buildings and two gigantic faiths.
greetings from selo's office where he is now drinking uzo after selling cement stocks and watching this history being made, and video chatting with his friend in istanbul who is drinking whisky on the other end. they are talking about tomorrows markets.
pope in mosque, selo on the video conf. about cement sales and i am watching cnn turk and typing these notes. it is already dark outside.
have a nice day. we are 10 hours ahead.

Nov 30, 06 11:03 am  · 
vado retro

abra if you run across any attractive women who would like an american husband email me!!!

Nov 30, 06 11:12 am  · 

Wow, that's pretty cool. I hope the visit ends on a high note. I've been listening to updates of the trip on NPR and I thought it was very impressive that the pope is trying to reconcile with Islam through this visit. He seems humbled, which is necessary.

Also the updates have left the impression that there are a lot of protests in Istanbul because of his visit. Is there much of this going on? I don't understand why people are upset when he is obviously trying to make peace.

Nov 30, 06 11:42 am  · 

wK- we'd have larger protests in the good ol' u s of a if iranian mullahs tried to do the same sort of reconciliation travels here.

Nov 30, 06 12:32 pm  · 
this is beautiful. great messege to the fanatics from both sides.
two magnificant buildings and two gigantic faiths.


Nov 30, 06 12:48 pm  · 

it's great that this is happening, and a day after Ahmadinejad sent his letter (with a message of shared needs and desires) to the people of America.

Nov 30, 06 12:51 pm  · 

thanks for sharing with us, Orhan.

Nov 30, 06 12:52 pm  · 
Chili Davis

This is how I'm feeling today...

Nov 30, 06 3:09 pm  · 
liberty bell

Orhan, I love your updating stories - please continue to post when you can.

That pic, Chili, is exactly how I'm feeling right now - so I'm off to bed, Goodnight everyone.

Nov 30, 06 9:22 pm  · 

I'm already getting bummed about grad school, even though it's a few years away for me. I have been so interested in hands-on programs like Auburn and KU, and just found out that all the interesting stuff at both schools is done in undergrad, and they have either none or a crap post-prof degree offered. :( I wish I'd known ANYTHING about the field of architecture before heading off to get my B.Arch, because if I had, I definitely, absolutely would have taken advantage of one of those programs when I had the chance. Dammit. I feel like I missed out. (Although I did have a decently hands-on education... better than many.) (But still.) (It's a pity party.)

I am sooooo NOT interested in doing computer manipulation work for my masters... ugh. Is that the only option left???? Sheesh. I hate computers. God gave me hands for a reason.

Dec 1, 06 1:17 am  · 
brian buchalski
afro-wigs on fire & sexy people in their underpants

...this site always cracks me up

Dec 1, 06 1:17 am  · 

and men who stuff! puddles, you are such the ultimate connoisseur of ultimate products. Such a consumer!

And just to make you jealous, I am going running tomorrow on the bluffs above the pacific ocean. then the trail loops down onto the beach to return. mmmmmmm.

Dec 1, 06 1:20 am  · 

I seem to be feeling a bitcantankerous tonight!

Dec 1, 06 1:51 am  · 

orhan, is it seen in Turkey as historical or are people there as cynical as i am and see this as a pr move ala mel gibson and michael richards...??

i am not sure this pope cares. does anyone remember when the last pope and the american president were almost like brothers, what does this president think of this pope??

Dec 1, 06 4:57 am  · 
vado retro

why dress codes suck...okay i like to dress well but today is wet and there is what sounds like a four hundred mile per hour wind outside and its still dark and its supposed to snow and i would like to toss on some jeans old boots turtleneck parka and catcher in the rye dear hunter hat to go to work in but no i have to wear dress casual even though im gonna sit in front of a computer all day dry humpin my monitor. joy...

Dec 1, 06 7:16 am  · 

i feel you dawg. i feel you.

tomorrow i am going to a tea tasting and i am going to make up a new description of what i do - Metroterior Fashion Consultant

Dec 1, 06 7:48 am  · 

vado, can't you say you've got a roof inspection this afternoon or something? that would both give you reason for jeans and you'd impress 'em mightily on a windy day like today.

Dec 1, 06 7:49 am  · 

for treekiller:

...the decorative potential of doggy claw induced scratches on untreated wood.

Dec 1, 06 8:44 am  · 
vado retro

dressed up instead with cashmere no less...

Dec 1, 06 8:45 am  · 


Dec 1, 06 9:13 am  · 

"December will be better. December will be better."

I just spent 50 minutes stuck on an entrance ramp behind a wreck, which involved no less than 3 ambulances, 2 tow trucks, 5 cops, and one short bus. The entrance ramp was elevated so my car was rocking the whole time from the wind, as was the giant highway light post next to me. I considered getting out and watching it but decided the story would be better if the light post landed on me whilst I was still in the car. Also there was a chance that I could have gotten out, if I had weaved my way past everyone then gone the wrong way on this other ramp, but people got mad at those who did it before me and blocked the way. Classy.

However, unlike vado I am wearing jeans (yes, vado, they are my express jeans). Last year when SuperHeavy still worked with me he just started wearing jeans whenever he wanted, and then after a couple of weeks, some other people did too, which was funny. I don't think anyone ever said anything to him either, except for me of course.

"December will be better."

Dec 1, 06 9:33 am  · 
Chili Davis

When I leave work tonight, in 6 hours, I will be slipping into my new, limited eddition, bright red, "ARCHITECTURE SUCKS" t-shirt, my favorate jeans, and my sketchers... and I plan on wearing that all weekend (sans the pants, on occasion).

Dec 1, 06 10:00 am  · 

sometimes on a blustery winter morning you just need some good news: man becomes oldest in ky to bowl perfect game

Dec 1, 06 10:40 am  · 
vado retro

with the advent of the synthetic lane, new bowling ball technology and an exponential leap in shoe sanitizer tecnology, the perfect game isnt nearly as rare as it once was...

Dec 1, 06 10:56 am  · 

Where's the Dude???

Dec 1, 06 10:58 am  · 
Chili Davis
Congratulations Vado Retro on your Perfect Game!!!

Vado will get a ring emblazoned with "300" from the U.S. Bowling Congress, America's bowling authority.
Dec 1, 06 11:01 am  · 
brian buchalski

i actually think there's two ways to bowl a perfect game.

last time i bowled (years ago), you might say that i did it except i bowled a zero instead of a three hundred. that's right, all gutter balls, not single pin knocked over.

...and it's not as easy as you really have to concentrate & focus on hitting one of the gutters else you might strike some pins over the course of ten frames. thousands of people have bowled 300 games...but i'm the only one that i know of who's bowled a "perfect zero"

Dec 1, 06 12:52 pm  · 

a few pictures from my thanksgiving trip to milwaukee are here

Dec 1, 06 1:28 pm  · 

Cool, architphil. I didn't know the wings moved at all!!! How corny and yet super cool at the same time.

Did you find anything else good to do in Milwaukee for a day-trip? Is it worth walking around in?

Dec 1, 06 1:30 pm  · 


if i remember correctly you're in chicago, so downtown milwaukee is only about 90 minutes from the loop... it would be worth a day trip on a nice weekend day...

i didn't really get to see a lot since i was there to visit my parents for thanksgiving, and my wife and i took a daytrip down to chicago on one of the days...

from what my parents say there are a lot of festivals along the lakefront parks during the spring and summer, so you could probably pick a good day to go see something interesting...

the MAM has a Francis Bacon exhibition starting in january that might be worth seeing... i also spent some time walking around the old third ward which has a lot of cute little shops, a DWR showroom, and the new public market... as you saw in the picture we also went out to "miller valley" and took the brewery tour which is about 1 hour long... a lot of the old brewery buildings are beautiful, and you get 3 different free beers at the end of the tour...

Dec 1, 06 2:06 pm  · 

great tips, architphil, thanks. I'll have to wait till after the holidays till I go--I'm in CA at the moment. But the Bacon exhibit and the miller tour sound like excellent indoor winter activities...probably in that order.

ok guys, I'm feeling another small crisis come on. Got through the resume, now I'm doing the work samples page... but what to do?? I've been out of school a few years, so I'm guessing I should put a mix of a couple great school projects and a couple work projects on my samples pages. But at the same time, seems sad to waste space showing like, cad drawings I did for work. Is there a better way to do this? Any tips?

Dec 1, 06 5:00 pm  · 

ya, I have the same question re: sample page(s).


(nice images architphil...I've been to Madison to visit family 100 times, but never once to Milwaukee...besides one Brewers game when I was 9 or 10...

Dec 1, 06 5:13 pm  · 

Hmmm. Samples pages, huh? Yeah I usually just show them a whole portfolio. What I have is a portfolio divided into sections: practical, architecture-related stuff towards the front, and if they see the other headings (graphic, digital, photography), and they are intrigued....I say, "oh that? Yes, I've done some other work as well, have a look..."

Perhaps it's overkill but my current boss called it "impressive".

Dec 1, 06 5:16 pm  · 

Well I bring the whole dang thing into my interviews, but this is for a few pages just to send out with my resume for the initial job-posting response. Some of the places I'm looking at specifically ask for some sample works pages (like in a pdf package w/ cover letter etc).

Dec 1, 06 5:18 pm  · 

yeah, I would put either photos or renderings in those. No CAD. That limits which projects you can use, sure, but there's pretty much nothing impressive about CAD. Maybe, maybe a plan or a really nice detail overlaid on a photo. Maybe.

Dec 1, 06 5:56 pm  · 

I concur with rationalista. I would include CAD if I had done, say, a CAD line drawing of Sagrada Familia or something. Maybe.

Dec 1, 06 6:06 pm  · 


Dec 1, 06 6:19 pm  · 

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