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liberty bell

Now that comment, DubK, is almost enough to make me join Myspace.

But not quite.

Nov 16, 06 8:39 am  · 
Ms Beary

oooh, LB join myspace!

Nov 16, 06 1:03 pm  · 
Chili Davis

I learned the wonders of resin flooring (or was it epoxy?) while enjoying pizza and breadsticks today.

LB, if you want to see the Garwondler in all of its glory, you must join myspace.

Nov 16, 06 1:13 pm  · 
liberty bell

Chili, were you laying on the floor while eating?

I thought everyone is shifting to facebook these days? Not true?

And honestly I'm scared to find yet another online distraction. Archinect has been quiet the last few days and that is a GOOD thing as I am swamped with work.

I do want to point this out to Steven Ward: Steven, I know you're not loving architecture these days, but I wanted to remind you of a comment you made back in July on the "what did we learn at the office" thread, after old dirty mentioned he got laid off: i missed that, oldirty. don't give up on architecture, though. maybe you just need to find a better fit. i've learned that firms are more different on the inside than they appear from the outside, so shop around.
Good advice as always, Steven. old dirty, I wonder if you can give us an update?

I downloaded The Kink's "Give the People What They Want" today and am thoroughly enjoying it as I cad this afternoon. It's such an indictment of the 80s, I love listening to it again. Ugh, so uncouth: Excuse me, is this your tooth? Fantastic. Art Lover is definitely appearing on my upcoming CD Swap mix!

Nov 16, 06 3:48 pm  · 

DubK, I was apparently left out of the drunken posting extravaganza. Or if I wasn't, the comment won't show up for another week at least. Myspace is always finicky for me.

I have PLENTY of time to comment on archinect this afternoon, as our server is down! It up and died this morning, so we're all chatting and surfing the web, doing occasional redlines, but mostly fucking off. Also uploaded some pics to the flickr 'Archinecture' group. If anyone wants to see more of Bonaire let me know, and I'll upload some more.

Nov 16, 06 5:33 pm  · 

i changed my mind, lb.

Nov 16, 06 6:01 pm  · 

keep hope alive! or, get a new job...that's my plan. nyc 07 or bust!

Nov 16, 06 6:03 pm  · 
vado retro
Nov 16, 06 9:33 pm  · 

that made me cry.

Nov 16, 06 10:25 pm  · 

that made me cry. thanks, vado.

Nov 16, 06 10:25 pm  · 

I did more drunk posting. God I'm bored.

Nov 16, 06 11:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

Drink lots of water and take a Tylenol before bed, DubK. Goodnight.

Nov 17, 06 12:02 am  · 

then when you wake up drink some tomato juice...

Nov 17, 06 12:51 am  · 
Ms Beary

i better get a drunk comment on myspace, dammit.

Nov 17, 06 8:29 am  · 
Ms Beary

yeah, yeah, yeah, i DID get one!

Nov 17, 06 8:31 am  · 

You got a drunk comment, Strawbeary. Visiting your page is a total sensory experience, by the way.

Speaking of MySpace and the whole Garwondler extravaganza, somebody mentioned to me how funny it would be if we all took the Garwondler and put him in our MySpace photos and had them all up at the same time.

Whaddya say? I think it would be hilarious. Maybe we could coax liberty bell on there too!


Nov 17, 06 8:35 am  · 
liberty bell

Please file under WWTC do?

One of my homeowners has started sending emails directly to the subs - not copying the GC - making threats like "If you don't finish the drywall this week you can plan to not work on this job any longer"

What is protocol here? Yes the job is a scheduling nightmare, we are 6 months behind schdule on what should have been a 12 month project. And the GC is clearly to blame. But how do I tell the client he's not making himself any friends, nor is he likely to get good serivce or quality product, out of threatening the subs? Even though my client thinks the GC is inept, which he somewhat is, how do I convince my client that sticking to the proper channels is the way to go? At this point, if the GC pulls out of the job - which he has threatened to do - the whole thing wil cost far MORE time AND money to the Owner. We are trapped.

Nov 17, 06 9:05 am  · 

seems as though the last sentence answers your question lb...
tell the client that as remarkable as it may seem..if they keep
messing with the works it will actually take longer and cost more..
i think money is a good deterent sp?. either that or convince
them that sending threatening letters typically has the opposite
result of that intended in the construction world.

on the other hand maybe the client is willing to invest more time
and money to just be rid of a gc that they can't relate to and
time consuming and annoying as going through another selection
process may be.

Nov 17, 06 9:38 am  · 

i had the same situation on the last project before i quit my own work, lb. i'm not sure what the right answer is, but i fought to keep the gc there for the reasons you're citing. the project lasted another month or so before it fell apart completely and the gc pulled out. the project has now been completed successfully by another gc, after a delay of about 4 mos, during which the owner just had to live in the mess with nothing happening. now (over a year later) there is a law suit between the owner and the first gc. i've been told that my records will be subpoenaed next week.

i don't know that this is advice 'cause it may not work any better than what i did but, if the gc will go gracefully, maybe it's okay to move on?

Nov 17, 06 9:54 am  · 

my friend and office roommate godeleine has just lost the whole new illustrated story she has been working on last mounth or so in her apple g5 computer. she was trying to burn the whole thing to a disk and pushed to wrong button. the whole thing is gone and she doesn't think it is recoverable. needlessly to say she is no computer savy person and to me the whole thing might as be a murder mystery. i just want to ask my friends here for some words of knowledge if that file is at all recoverable. is it? thanks for your kind apple computer knowledge in advance.

Nov 17, 06 6:45 pm  · 

I think you just have to be straight with them about the resentment they're creating, but try to spin it that contractors are sensitive, not like they're a jackass (though both are entirely possible). Just tell them that the contractors are getting offended because of their opinions, and the GC is getting confused because they're left out of the loop on this stuff, and that as hard as it definitely is, it's usually better to take action AFTER their building is completed, because the sort of resentment created by this can cause some really shoddy construction practices. Make it clear that you have absolutely no interest in taking sides, that you're frustrated by the whole thing too, and that your only goal at this point is to get this building built in the best way possible.

My office had this sort of problem too (one sub framed a whole wall upside down- the doors didn't reach the floor, the windows were really low, it was stupidcrazy), and that's the way we got the owner to back off, by letting him know that his actions could potentially compromise the quality of the final product.

Sorry abra, no findings here. I know there's something called 'System Restore' in Windows, but couldn't really figure out how it works.

Nov 17, 06 8:18 pm  · 

d'oh. That wouldn't even work for you anyway, since you're talking about a Mac. That means I'm REALLY no help!

Nov 17, 06 8:19 pm  · 
snooker need a mac wizzard! Go to New York to the mac store and they have someone who can recover anything! I know cause they have assisted a friend of mine, who is a Professional Photographer

Nov 17, 06 8:40 pm  · 

abra- a few courses of action for ms. g: once haul that box down to the apple store on 3rd street (or the grove which ever is closer) and get the experts to work on it. #2 remove the HD and bring/ship it to a data recovery expert - may cost $$$$ but it should be salvagable. #3 -most risky is to try some of the data recovery software, this may do more damage then help. good luck to her.

Abra so what's with the battle regarding charities in the developing world? if somebody wants to help, do we really need to stop them? Something is really pissing you off with that post.

Nov 17, 06 8:41 pm  · 

lb....I always tell my clients to withhold money! I tell them at the start of the project, during the middle of the project and towards the end of the project. No matter how good the contractor is they will move on if they have money in their pocket from your job and do the finishing up of the project on their own time schedule unless your holding money!

Nov 17, 06 8:44 pm  · 

thanks a lot. i will e mail the suggestions to godeleine. she was tearfull about it. she'll have an expert come in sunday to look into recovery. she said it will take her six mounths to redo which i didn't realize she was working on it for that long.

re; charity project

i don't think i'd have chance to stop hido nor i would want to stop anybody helping another. i've been looking into negative impacts of -i'll use mr. afh's words here- 'top down' aid programs, mercy tourism, religious efforts through aid, colonization through aid etc.
'your 10 dollars buy 20 meals' is another example of my disdain.
i am also weary of countless organizations always asking for donations with the pictures of...
i am against helping people through hand me downs. it never helps in the long run. i believe charging people with fighting spirit and enpowering them with their own tools and means.
and, that sponsoring hotel reminded me pipe smoking colonialist lion hunters who were called 'sahib' by the poor compound workers who were eaten by the intruding tiger later in the movie to save the master's sexy mistress.

okay, on a guilt free note, tina just called me to pick up some dinner on the way home.

Nov 17, 06 9:39 pm  · 

aid is a two way street, it may help, but it may also generate dependancy/subjugation. Reminds me of the scene in motorcycle diaries when Che is at the leper colony and the nuns refuse to help anybody who dosen't convert to christianity. Yet I don't think we should abandon the third world completely just because so many charities are corrupt. When i lived in peru in a mining camp. We in the gringo community got enough money together to build a roof and bathroom for a school in a local shanty town on the main road out of town by the pan-american highway. That kind of action is stuff i really do support. Local, sustainable aid that has a narrow, simple focus is the way to go imho.

Nov 17, 06 11:42 pm  · 

WonderK, in response to your drunken myspace comment [thankyou], our new baby boy arrived last Monday. His name is Jack Luis, brother to Charlie. Mum and baby are doing well. Life is changed, all is good. He has a full head of hair - it is longer than mine...

Nov 19, 06 5:38 pm  · 
vado retro

i did nothing today except watch tv. i am still in my pajamas and its seven pm. i think i'll have french toast for dinner and watch some t.v.

Nov 19, 06 6:49 pm  · 

YAY for Jack Luis! We've got quite a baby boom going on here, don't we? No worries here, I don't plan on having vado's love child until 2008.

Nov 19, 06 7:02 pm  · 
vado retro

i may not have any lead in my pencil by then :(

Nov 19, 06 7:09 pm  · 
vado retro

our LoveChil'

Nov 19, 06 7:18 pm  · 

Oh dear god. What is it with you and '60s and '70s youtube videos today?!?

Nov 19, 06 8:13 pm  · 
vado retro

love me love my videos...

Nov 19, 06 8:35 pm  · 

i thoroughly enjoyed Baby Come Back earlier today vado. thank you. my girlfriend and I danced to it (in honor of you and dubK)...

I made her parents a 28th wedding anniversary dinner tonight. some filet mignon, mashed potatoes and an experimental wilted spinach salad with apples, onions and gorgonzola she's in the kitchen takin care of the mess I made...

Nov 19, 06 8:36 pm  · 
vado retro

all my salads are wilted

Nov 19, 06 8:54 pm  · 

AP, I would gladly take care of any mess that you made if you had just cooked me any combination of those foods. I am resourceful in the kitchen but this does not always equal "good food"....

Thank god for the 3-day week. I can barely face the prospect of going to work in the morning, but the knowledge that Thursday will be here soon will certainly help.

Nov 19, 06 8:56 pm  · 

so long as it's just your salads...

Nov 19, 06 8:58 pm  · 
liberty bell

Player, baby:

I can't believe I'm posting a video but the reference to Say Anything is hilarious.

I own Player's Greatest Hits. The only worth listening to on it is Baby Come Back. And even that is certainly debatable.

Nov 19, 06 9:03 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh my god, DubK you just reminded me it is a three day week CRAP I have so much to get done!!!!! I'm so far behind, not helped by being in Kentucky for 36 hours this weekend. Cripes.

diabase, congrats on wonderful little Jack. Such a strong name, so final: Jack. Best wishes and I hope you do get to enjoy the precious new-baby time despite little Charlie needing lots of attention adjusting to his new life, too. Your woman is surrounded by the best boys, what fun!!! Congrats and much love all around.

Nov 19, 06 9:46 pm  · 
vado retro

i suggest putting a family album together using "time in a bottle" as the theme music!!!

Nov 19, 06 10:01 pm  · 
brian buchalski

anybody else thinking about rubber floors after seeing the recent beer commercial where the guys are bouncing bottles off the floor?

Nov 19, 06 10:03 pm  · 

That commercial is a better ad for rubber floors than for beer. Can't remember what beer it was but certainly would love to bounce from my bed to my bathroom in the morning.

lb, I own Journey's greatest hits. And Kenny Loggin's. Both good investments.

And don't sweat the week! Just do your work and you'll be eating turkey before you know it!

Nov 19, 06 11:59 pm  · 

i'll be on my way to turkey on turkey day. get it?
>>>>> hahahaha.....<<<

Nov 20, 06 12:09 am  · 

Kenny Loggins! Yacht Rock. I saw him at the Hollywood Bowl fireworks show on July 4th.

Orhan, >>>>>yes. Yes I do.<<<<<

Nov 20, 06 12:33 am  · 

>it's taken on a life of its' own<

my best music investment - 4disc box set of Clapton through the ages, from the Yardbirds to Cream to his solo stuff, and evertything in between....

i thought of lb's cork floors when i first saw that commercial...

Nov 20, 06 8:25 am  · 


do you have a twin brother? if not, i spotted your doppelganger on TV this sunday morning...

i turned on the TV sunday morning to find that it was tuned to The Hour of Power (from the Crystal Cathedral)... before I could change the channel the camera panned across the choir and in the back row was a guy that looked just like you...

Nov 20, 06 8:31 am  · 

sending rubber floor samples to a client today. Less expensive than cork floors....least I think it know when you attach the eco-dollar to flooring products the price skyrockets.

Nov 20, 06 9:25 am  · 
liberty bell

Was he wearing a LE$$ Shirt?!

I have rubber floors in my home too, AP. Armstrong rubber tiles from 1954, original to the addition that was added by the architect who built and lived in my home from the early 1950's to the early 80s. He and his wife had many raucous parties at my house, I'm told! Apparently Al Ford, the architect, was quite the character, and an exceptional mentor to younger Indy architects, especially if you showed up at his (my) house carrying a bottle of Beefeaters. I intend to carry on that tradition, as long as you're carrying Basil Haydens or a good microbrew come on over and I'll mentor ya!

Nov 20, 06 9:27 am  · 

what bothers me about that commercial is the dog bouncing
out the door...i mean it's not a's just a rubber
floor...the solid objects bouncing off it makes some sense,
but the dog? and they don't show them opening the beers
either...those beers would be unopenable for about a half if they were throwing milk or orange juice or somethin
that'd make sense...but beer?

speakin of roommate in college bought the led zeppelin box
set.... on cassette.

Nov 20, 06 9:37 am  · 

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