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brian buchalski

i'm pretty sure that you're not a real architect until you have an ex-wife (or husband)

not sure if i'll ever become an architect

Oct 4, 06 10:22 pm  · 
brian buchalski

sorry for the mis-spellings. i'm typing with only my left hand

Oct 4, 06 10:26 pm  · 
liberty bell

Orhan, I posed the shingle question to my partner when I first got here. In Philly you never, ever did asphalt shingles on less than 4:12. But Matt casually replied that here the builders "install them some special way" and as I look around I see that tons of houses - including my own! - have less than 4:12 and have asphalt. So obviously it's not only possible it's common practice, I just don't know what the common trick is. A roofer might!

Oct 4, 06 10:40 pm  · 

So apparently I suck at dating but somehow I've managed to come out ahead on the whole "roof slope" portion of my education. Somehow I think the two are related :o|

Oct 4, 06 10:43 pm  · 

Wow, where on earth did I get 1/4"/foot?? Yikes.

Oct 4, 06 10:50 pm  · 
liberty bell

puddles was that some kind of icky joke?! I don't see any misspellings in your post!

DubK remember you have grad school - a selection of fine achieving inquisitive men who share your interests quite closely. Perhaps a two-year program would be better, hell even three? Start a "Which grad school should I go to" thread based on which school has the best-looking men, the advice will flood in (treekiller, I heard your rant on the previous apge and yeah, I dread the return of those threads too.).

Oct 4, 06 10:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ladies I'm guessing Project Runway isn't on tonight?

Oct 4, 06 10:52 pm  · 
brian buchalski

WonderK I want to hear about your flowers.

Oct 4, 06 10:52 pm  · 
brian buchalski

no, i was just snacking on a bag of popcorn and my right hand was full of too much butter to touch my precious powerbook. not's all.

5am run tomorrow = bedtime, now.

Oct 4, 06 10:55 pm  · 
vado retro

no merlotch????

Oct 4, 06 11:03 pm  · 

lb, Project Runway WAS on tonight! It was the reunion show. It was pretty good too. I'm sure they'll show it about 10 times over the weekend if you missed it.

puddles my birthday is Sunday. If you want to send me flowers we could start this all over again.....

Oct 4, 06 11:20 pm  · 

myriam - 1/4"/1'-0" is a "flat" roof

Oct 4, 06 11:32 pm  · 

did someone catch what happened with the guy who got kicked out for keeping the pattern books? After looking at the reunion, it seems like someone in the production team screwed up by getting the books into his room and when they found out, it was already too late....

Oct 5, 06 1:41 am  · 

thanks for the help. i told gc that she can take it up to 3/12.
this is for a roof that is being added to an existing roof and because of the particular conditions of the existing. you can take it down min.3" in cali. it is not really critical for it is a 'regular gable roof on a track home it doesn't matter if it goes from 2.5" to 3".it is just that this contractor freaked out. it is her first project and she already had the framing sub walked out on her, and clients are about the fire her.i would only do 2.5 if it is backed by manufactures minimums.
thank you.

Oct 5, 06 1:57 am  · 

ahh, right. it has been a long time since i've done anything other than a flat roof. i forgot. looks like it is a good thing i am fleshing out experience w/ a new job.

Oct 5, 06 8:14 am  · 

sameolddoctor, he seemed to have gotten a lot of support and just kind of went on and did his thing. I can't imagine that they would have really set him up and if they had, they certainly wouldn't have showed it on this reunion special. Which was awesome BTW. I love Tim Gunn.

Oct 5, 06 9:02 am  · 

i found this in certainteed web.

CertainTeed fiber glass and organic shingles.

NOTE ** Delete first two paragraphs below if all roof slopes are greater than 4:12. Otherwise, select either complete WinterGuard underlayment or Roofers’ Select or D4869 underlayment in combination with eave ice dam protection. WinterGuard is an improved version of standard underlayment, developed to resist standing water held on a sloped roof at eaves and valleys by ice dams and to resist wind-driven water. WinterGuard can be used to cover the entire roof deck, rather than just eaves and valleys, when the slope is so low (2:12 to 4:12) as to permit wind to drive rain beneath the shingle. Assure sufficient ventilation of space beneath the deck upon which WinterGuard is applied, as WinterGuard is a vapor barrier.

A. Roof Slope Between 2:12 and 4:12: Apply one layer of "WinterGuard" over all areas not protected by WinterGuard at eaves, with ends and edges weather-lapped per application instructions. Stagger end-laps each consecutive layer. Nail in place.

B. Roof Slope Between 2:12 and 4:12: Apply two layers of Roofers’ Select or D4869 underlayment over areas not protected by WinterGuard at eaves, with ends and edges weather-lapped minimum 19 inches (480 mm). Stagger end laps each consecutive layer. Nail in place.
C. Roof Slope 4:12 or Greater: Install one layer asphalt felt shingle underlayment perpendicular to slope of roof and lap minimum 4 inches (100 mm) over eave protection.

Oct 5, 06 1:18 pm  · 

Here's a little excerpt from the wonderful Chris Ware's fascinating book Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth to jumpstart Thread Central:


Probably one of the greatest creations of present times is the modern miracle known as vinyl siding. Available in a veritable nature's palette of bold and challenging hues, these brightly colored sheathings are responsible for some of the most magical landscapes of contemporary life. Old, crumbling buildings are miraculously transformed in an autumn afternoon from cruel reminders of mortality into brightly-pigmented examples of hope and clarity, refreshed and renewed for a vernal generation of citizens to infest. A casement of chromatic complexion armoring rotting wood and weeping plaster, this delicate "second skin" can even conceal out-of-style doors, windows, and frivolous decoration; no need to rebuild or repaint when one can simply slather. Plus, with a texture of top-quality birchwood impressed into the plastic, who's the wiser? One watches as the lovely colors fade to a dusty tincture, and crack and pull away and sag as the structure underneath falls to its knees--what greater metaphor could there be for our time on Earth than vinyl siding? Here, at the intersection of Dry and Futtock Streets in Waukosha such sublimity is readily apparent--and readily available--contact the realtors for particulars.

Oct 5, 06 1:24 pm  · 

myriam i emailed you back! hope you got it

Oct 5, 06 2:04 pm  · 
brian buchalski

wodnerk, if you've got the daring to get me your address(preferably office address)...i will send you flowers courtesy of your good friends heerre at acrchinect ;)

Oct 5, 06 2:32 pm  · 


It would be a fun thread to start the 'where the best looking students are' thread. Then we can also start a 'best looking profs' thread too. I'm afraid that the only school that cares (and so wins both arguments) is the GSD, though GSAAP follows close behind. If we go euro, then I the AA has more trust-funders and so is the best dressed.

I was in the midst of applying to grad school when I met my wife and started dating her. That relationship quickly quashed or merliotched my plan to use my grad-school days as a dating game. Having cute classmates got me in trouble a few times, when my gf (later to be wife) visited studio and I hadn't learned to turn off my "I'm-single-so-i-flirt-with-each-cute-girl-without-knowing-it" attitude.

wK, you'll have a blast- just remember to not date guys in your studio section- look other departments or the year ahead/behind you. Otherwise, you'll never get any work done.

Oct 5, 06 3:00 pm  · 

gehry's stata center in today's doonesbury:

Oct 5, 06 3:53 pm  · 

too bad the letters are so small my eyes hurt trying to

Oct 5, 06 8:01 pm  · 


Oct 5, 06 8:04 pm  · 

oh, thanks garpike

Oct 5, 06 8:16 pm  · 

what do you think of the last episode of grey's anatomy?

Oct 5, 06 8:27 pm  · 

i can't wait to see how the relationship between George and the hot latin chick turn out.

i also think the writers do a great job of overlaying stories that don't seem to mean anything to the plot at first glance.

ie. the kid with the tree in him, and the father's regret of not being a father sparks the 'nazi' to go speak to lizzy about how she wasn't a teacher...blah blah blah.

just realized that i missed tonight's episode :( darn.

Oct 5, 06 10:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

It's after midnight, I'm tired and have a cold and still have to write up an agenda for my meeting tomorrow morning, but I just have to sign on to write this:

My dad, a very intelligent man, a metallurgical engineer, who loves his daughter(s) so much that he would sit through a TV documentary about a noted piece of architecture because he thought it would be nice to talk with her about it, just called me up and said "Donna, please, whatever you do, please don't ever design a building as incredibly ugly as that Denver Art Museum I just watched a TV show about....".

I promised him I wouldn't and reassured him that I think it's hideous too. I love my dad.

Oct 6, 06 12:12 am  · 
vado retro

i wish my dad was alive, he could fix my tv. fordaddy

Oct 6, 06 12:36 am  · 
brian buchalski

hasn't anybody seen gondry's science of sleep yet? that guy's movies remind me so much of arch school.

i also feel that beetlejuice was one of the best architecture movies ever.

Oct 6, 06 1:39 am  · 
brian buchalski

sory, i might have posted that on the worng thread.

Oct 6, 06 1:40 am  · 

puddles, are you being sarcastic :D?

grey's anatomy's the best show ever. their internship (or is it residency?) reminds me of architecture studio dynamic.

Oct 6, 06 2:04 am  · 

i personaly think meredith has to have an affair with dr mcsteamy!

Oct 6, 06 2:06 am  · 

on a more serious and architecture related note, is anyone interested in entering the LivingSteel competition?

Oct 6, 06 2:16 am  · 
A Center for Ants?

1st project for m.arch I + relationship + long distance = trouble

ugh. i posted those few things on my school blog and she got upset. because i had time to document and blog but not send her an email or call her. she says she doesn't believe that i need to spend that much time in studio. i'm too tired to argue at this point.

i'm off t'bed.

oh and best looking students? maybe i should post pics of my studio mates in the school blog. you guys can be the judge.

(i love my dad too. as cliche as it is, i wax nostalgic on playing catch with him in the backyard)

Oct 6, 06 5:06 am  · 

I saw Science of Sleep last weekend and loved it. The critics are entirely wrong, I think they missed the point. I found it beautiful and will be buying it. I actually just nabbed the soundtrack off itunes.

ACfA, I guess your gf is not an architect, then? :( It's hard for non-archs to get the whole studio thing... how long a distance is it? I have some modest experience with these things. She probably just needs a little reassurance.

Oct 6, 06 10:48 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm not sure if i loved the movie...or if i've just become such a gondry fan that i love everything he does. at any rate, i enjoyed the playfulness of it all...and can sadly relate to how perceptions of that can turn sour

and i'm still alvie...but who knows for how long

Oct 6, 06 11:15 am  · 

slow day around here yesterday. our office closed at 3 because we had to get EVERYTHING off of the floor so that a crew could come in and strip the vct and rewax. ended up disconnecting all computers, plotter, etc. monday am is going to be interesting because i'm sure something somewhere is not going to work.

got home early and we went walking through a local - and HUGE - arts and crap fair. nice walking and people watching, but whew-wee, some of the stuff people will buy!

then went to a gallery walk downtown and saw some much more interesting art showings. opening for acadia conference at the new center for contemporary art: a juried showing of computer generated architecture from all over, exhibited in a gravel yard in shipping containers, but with display armatures via programmed cutting mechanisms. (i don't understand that stuff yet, but cool.)

Oct 7, 06 8:38 am  · 
vado retro

vado saturday...woke up at 8:30 made coffee and fed cat...talked to my special lady friend via skype for two hours...walked down to the canary cafe for breakfast and there was a huge parade going for the "circle city classic" which is a big deal apparently and brings from what i read, over a 100,000 people into town for the weekend, its a game between hampton and central state which are two historically black colleges. hampton is in virginia and central is in ohio. i pretty much missed the parade as i had slow relaxing and late breakfast. then i walked down to the interim library( a new library is being built and is way behind schedule and overbudget) and grabbed some dvds, including but not limited to...the thomas crown affair(original)the night of the hunter and hustle and flow...feel a nap coming on. will play with sketch up some more today and need to hit target. right now am gonna have a jones soda...the life of zeee bachelor.

Oct 7, 06 1:11 pm  · 
brian buchalski

-what about it?


faye is a fox.

Oct 7, 06 2:26 pm  · 

they're re-doing our office floor this weekend as well - replacing carpet tiles with newer carpet tiles...

AP Saturday - wake @ 10:30, stumble out to porch, sit on porch swing for 15 minutes...waking up, listening to birds, realizing the temp is 15-20 degrees lower than wakes up, joins me outside. Switch to living room - futon still pulled out from the night before - watch pbs (last 10 minutes of The New Yankee Workshop, entire 30 minutes of Hometime...they were finishing up a 3 level townhouse renovation. nothing exciting) up the momentum to get dressed and go to The Fox - our weekend greasy spoon breakfast. Wait in line for 10 minutes, sit at the bar (our wait would've been longer, but they're are always "table snobs" that shun the breakfast bar, allowing us to skip them - I like the table snobs)...our seats are just in front of the flat-top grill, so breakfast this morning includes a show. 3 cups of coffee, one 3-cheese omelette with home-fries and wheat toast...tabasco. Finish eating, walk around outside (The Fox is in a nice little "main-street"-ish area, shops, restaurants, a cafe...)...back to the house, laundry, vacuum, nang ceiling fan, check email...after some chores, we'll head to the park and walk around a bit more, enjoying the unusually cool weather. my gf also wants to go to Target...i'd rather play with sketchup, work on portfolio...

Oct 7, 06 2:29 pm  · 

and her answer, puddles?

Oct 7, 06 2:30 pm  · 

woke up 6;30. empty dishwasher carefully without making noise, a project in itself. read the news in turkish papers. shower and shave.
made me a turkish coffee. 7;30. everybody is up (tina, rupi and daisy).
took the pups for a short walk and ran into neighbor bob who wants me to go to a meeting regarding some neighborhood issue.
sure, when bob?
tina already working on her table making jewellery and i am out of the house.
i am in my office, no floor work here.
real reason me being here is, to listen hungary vs turkey uefa 2008 qualifier on the internet radio. so far 0-1 turkey. good.
i call electrician art to show up at the job site at 8 am instead of 7 am to gain some time to stop at anawalt lumber to pick up some parts tomorrow. i've been at hair salon on sundays to direct work, for last few months.we work there on sundays and mondays when they are closed for business. so far it is looking good. i am here till' 3 waiting for weed delivery...
tex-mex music coming from transmission shop is mixed with turkish live broadcast of the soccer game.

Oct 7, 06 2:52 pm  · 
vado retro

im'd some more with special lady friend at cambridge. now she says she wants to move back to nuevo mexico. went to target its absolutely awesome outside so i drove to the one furthest from me. bought six pair of socks!!! and other assorted items. in the elevator, a woman on the sixth floor said her cat fell out of the window! but it didnt get hurt that bad. faye is hot but the music in this movie is annoying as hell and frankly i like the steve in other roles much better. the tao of steve was written by a classmate of my special lady friend. also, john devlin called me on skype, but i was on my other phone. i'm so popular lately...

Oct 7, 06 5:13 pm  · 

today is what, the seventh? in a little more than three weeks my wife and i are to start our journey to the twin cities, with three cats in tow - that in and of itself should be interesting - i am so looking forward to a change, and looking forward to finishing my exams, as they have been on hold for a couple of months. we will be passing through PA, OH, IN, IL, WI and then MN, i am thinking a day and half of driving, depending on the feline temperment. now, if there are any people looking to hang with the beta before the east coast departure, i will be at Maxwells on friday the 27th to see Jimmy Gnecco...and saying goodbye to some other friends.....peace.

Oct 7, 06 5:23 pm  · 
brian buchalski

vado gets phone calls from john devlin on skype?!! i think that is the definition of popularity right there.

i don't remembere any of the music, but i thought the clothes looked pretty good. agreed, mcqueen seemed miscast (at least on first viewing). i really liked him in the towering inferno. that whole dune buggy thing still leaves me perplexed.

ap, you'll have to watch the movie to know get the answer.

yes, today is the seventh and in a little over three weeks i'll be attempting to run a marathon for the first time in my life. all this training has become a drag, but it's a good way to lose weight. and the timing is perfect. the race is two days before halloween so i guess i'll be going as a skeleton this year.

Oct 7, 06 6:16 pm  · 
liberty bell

Spent the morning at the farmer's market (Steven, did you get your wife those flowers she wanted?) and grocery, driving in the Ranchero which was great fun in the beautiful fall weather. Did some yard work, made some pesto and roasted red pepper lasagne (farmer's market purchases) to freeze. Spent the afternoon walking into Broad Ripple village with a neighbor, pulling our two boys in wagons and then chasing them up the bike trail - several near-misses with people racing by on bikes as one of the kids would suddenly divert 90d across the trail. Kids are exhausting. Watched a cast iron pour my husband was helping with at the Art Center (which despite my complaining about Indy is really an amazing cultural resource, plus the building is designed by Michael Graves - and guess what I really love the building!) Watching molten metal splash and pour has to be one of the most sublimely beautiful sights around. Three-year-old boys loooove fire. So do 40 year olds, actually!

Oct 7, 06 9:17 pm  · 

walked to farmers market, bought flowers, painted basement until 4:00, showered, went to 'block party' on our court and watched kids go berserk for an hour or so (no alcohol, though), came home and painted 'til 9:15.

Oct 7, 06 9:42 pm  · 

Got up to blue skies over my duvet, a warm radiator next to my bed and cool crisp air washing over my face...ahh, fall! Knocked out an errand on my way to the gym for a 10am ass-kicker class, realized 45 mins of the way through the class that I was yawning too much to get adequate oxygen to my poor muscles, and now in fact my ass is sore. So much for getting up at 8:30am on a Saturday morning. Knocked out another few errands on the way home, ate lunch in the park, and went home to watch LSU get beat by Florida (ugh); today's football terms learned were "turnover", "snap", and "you have to have two feet in the endzone for the touchdown to count." Then I decided to bum around for awhile and enjoy the fall day. I moseyed over to Staples and bought boxes for my move, and they undercharged me $12, which I promptly spent at Starbucks on the way home. Pretty good Saturday, so far! Tomorrow is Oktoberfest outside in Cambridge all day. mmm-hmm.

Oct 7, 06 10:13 pm  · 

myriam- "you have to have two feet in the endzone for the touchdown to count"....? Do you mean on a pass, to demonstrate in-bounds control of the ball? Because if you are running it in, only the ball must cross the plane of the endzone, your feet don't have to be anywhere nearby.

I spent my Saturday slightly happier, watching my beloved Trojans beat the Washington Huskies. I got sunburnt. In a bit I'm taking my manfriend out for his birthday.

Oct 7, 06 10:18 pm  · 

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