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yep, farmers market also, walked ms lu around greenlake [an olmsted park about 1.5 miles from my house], had a mexican brunch at an awesome place in ballard, and went on a run. thassit.

Oct 7, 06 10:27 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

also, while running it in, the plane of the endzone extends infinitely so it doesn't even matter if it's beyond the lateral boundaries of the field.

i listened to the UF/LSU game and was glad the gators won. though sad i had to listen to it while working in studio. it was a nice fall day that i spent indoors. surfs up tomorrow though.

Oct 8, 06 1:34 am  · 

ahhhh, it's so nice and neighborly in the archinect weekend.

tK sunday- 5:52am. woke up with out the alarm going off or waking the wife. gotta get to a 7:15, 7:15ugh! breakfast meeting for the ASLA committe i'm representing... Did the shower, dressed, made coffee (trader joes ethiopian fair trade, medium dark roast) in the french press, looked at the clock- only 6:30- wohoo, few minutes to log onto the 'nect and catch up with my friends.

lB- so if vado ups and moves to be with fiance/wife, who's going to keep you engaged with the culture in louisville??? Maybe you have to disconnnect his skype and break off the engagement to keep him in town.

6:51am time to log off till after this expo wraps up....

Oct 8, 06 7:52 am  · 

well if lb were in louisville, she could come over and work on my house...unfortunately she's in indy and has her own house to work on.

Oct 8, 06 8:03 am  · 
vado retro

ah i have never been to louisville, if i were there i could drive the hummer over and watch steven work on his house. speaking of french presses my coffee (deadman's reach from alaska) is ready. and then i'm out of coffee. but its shaping up to be a beautiful sunday morning!

Oct 8, 06 8:30 am  · 

lb, that lasagna sounds great.

i also watched the UF game yesterday, happy to see UF win, and to see our freshman backup quarterback do so well (2 TD)...before watching the game, we went on a long walk around our neighborhood...found some cozy pocket parks where streets dead-end into the St. Johns River. chatted with the weekend fisherman, enjoying the pockets of river access, talking smack with eachother about who was having more luck that particular afternoon...

vado, this is a beautiful sunday morning, and I'm enjoying your Velvet Underground soundtrack at the moment, thanks.

hope ACfA's out surfin' by now (is it 7am PST? too early to surf?)...

Oct 8, 06 11:22 am  · 

While watching the game I was thinking, which one of the A's went to UF? Turns out it was both acfa *and* AP. Hmm.

I wanted LSU to win because I am going to be at their next game, next Saturday, on my very first trip to the real South!** Wish me luck that me and my California accent don't get torn to bits. I can't wait to try out all the amazing food I've heard about. I'll have to take copious pics for the food porn thread.

**having been told that Virginia and Kentucky "don't count"

Oct 8, 06 11:35 am  · 

rationalist, I'm a bit confused now--but LSU missed a touchdown because the guy with the ball got taken down right outside the endzone, and his elbow hit the ground outside of the endzone a split second before his other hand with the football in it hit the solid gold endzone dirt. So I think I named my bit above incorrectly. But I had a long conversation wherein I tried to learn a lot of the rules of scoring so I would no longer cheer at inappropriate times... ;)

It's so true that the more you learn about something, the more you enjoy it--if only we could apply this maxim to, say, teaching kids in american schools about other cultures, or about the arts, etcetera. Anyway the more questions I ask about football, the more I know what's going on, and the more I enjoy it!

Oct 8, 06 11:38 am  · 

Hey--here's a cool site to bookmark:

Galinsky guide for building visits

Came across it while looking for siza's address for that post. Very cool, well organized and well-annotated site that tells you how to visit all different famous buildings.

Oct 8, 06 11:44 am  · 

actually, ACfA is from Gainesville, but i don't believe he went to UF. No hard feelings myriam, root for whomever you wish.

...not sure about Virginia and Kentucky, but having grown up in south Florida, I was always told it was too far south to be considered The South that i live in Jacksonville (about an hour from Georgia), I know what they meant...

good luck. I've never been to Louisianna, but I hear they gots plenty a culture o'er there. reckon they seen folks from cali before. ; )

Oct 8, 06 11:45 am  · 

...myriam, he was "down" because his elbow hit the ground before the ball crossed the "plane." college, if a receiver catches the ball near the side-line, they only have to have one foot in bounds to consider it a catch. same goes for touchdowns - if, for example, a receiver catches the ball near the back of the end-zone, but manages to touch a single toe down inside the line (while they have control of the ball) it's a touchdown.

however, in the NFL, a receiver must have both feet touch for a catch to count.

i agree with your logic re: the more you learn the more you enjoy...

Oct 8, 06 11:53 am  · 

Or if he is running it in, as long as the runner is still standing, or his knee is not down, the ball has only to cross the plane of the endzone for it to be a touchdown- a tackle can take him down with the majority of his body outside, but if that hand holding the ball made it in, it's a touchdown. However, if he is taken down outside of then endzone and then stretches that hand with the ball into the endzone, that doesn't count because it was already down. The elbow is not typically the measurement of being down, that is usually the knee for college football, but I admit it's hard to picture the elbow being down without the knee being down too.

Oct 8, 06 12:16 pm  · 

if you're from the north, kentucky feels south. if you're from the south, kentucky feels north. (undeclared/neutral during the civil war.) sometimes kentucky feels more midwest, sometimes more east. strange place that way.

virginia on the other hand, is definitely east and definitely south. while there may be fewer deep south accents flying around (in va, it's 'queen's english' that you hear in the rural areas, a different sound altogether - sometimes unintelligible), most virginians will proudly remind you that robt e lee was a virginian.

while i'm amibivalent about the civil war role of virginia, having grown up there i definitely was always aware that we were southern. and my parents were certainly less ambivalent: robt e lee was over the mantel of our fireplace when i was growing up. the lee family was incredibly impt in the state well before robert e left west point, feeling obligated to turn down union army and going to the confederacy out of state loyalty. i'm thinking virginia 'counts' in a way that kentucky may or may not.

i only became aware of how southern i am when i lived in minneapolis. it just felt wrong. despite (because of?) everyone telling me 'you don't sound like you're from the south,' like i was trying to cover up some secret shame or something.

Oct 8, 06 1:05 pm  · 
vado retro

lsu was started by the kingfish

Oct 8, 06 1:32 pm  · 
vado retro

good news liberty bell. your favorite singa, mr. bob seger, is coming to the city of indianapolis in november. will you now retract the mean things that you said about indianoplace???

Oct 8, 06 5:40 pm  · 
brian buchalski

one foot in college, two feet in the nfl (and a good lawyer to successfully argue that you had possession of the ball while it's being reviewed on video)

nov. 25, remember that date, because notre dame will destroy that sad sack of a football team called the trojjans of of southern california.

Oct 8, 06 7:53 pm  · 

my appologies to the cities of indy and the l-ville. So what will Lb do in Indy without Vado?

today, I entered the asla expo 'win a honda scooter' contest 4 times- for each entry, i had to stop at 20 different booths and get a sticker from the vender. a few venders were really cool and offered multiple stickers, just so I woudn't stop at their competators booths next. collecting all those stamps took over 2 hours- maybe I'll win... The odds seemed to be really good (compared to the AIA expo car drawing, but then it's a scooter, not a civic hybrid) since the expo has about 3k attendees, and there weren't that many entries in the plexi entry boxes.

sW- KY will always have a warm spot in my chest for inventing bourbon and perfecting american whisky. The bourbon trail is a great drive (if you can stay on the road between all those sips).

Oct 8, 06 8:36 pm  · 
some person

Technically, Virginia is the second state south of the Mason Dixon Line. However, it has both northern and southern influences.

In Virginia, there's definitely a blue part of the state and a red part of the state during election season.

I live "inside the beltway" in Virginia, so I feel more connected to DC than the southern part of the state. The almost-southern accents in Richmond are charming (I can still hear one of our site superintendents at a Richmond project asking, "Do you want three or foah?)

Oct 8, 06 8:53 pm  · 
vado retro

well i may not be movin to england. i got an email from special lady friend that included a link for a tenure track post colonial/british lit position at purdue, which is an hour away!

Oct 8, 06 10:32 pm  · 
liberty bell


It can be a lot of fun if you don't take things too seriously - especially something as trivial as architecture.

A quote from one of the many members of the public who actually use these built things we think of as architecture. Found on Orhan's yahoo-FOG news item.

vado could you live wherever Purdue is, isn't that school the rival of the Bloomington IU Redhawks or MinuteMen or whatever ya'll are called? (to me, sports are trivial.)

Oct 8, 06 10:48 pm  · 
some person



Oct 8, 06 10:55 pm  · 

lb, that was one of the most hilerious yet alarming comments. it might have been posted by a satirical architect or an artist, or by just plain joe public in which case it becomes alarming.
another repeated public comment on fog's architecture is;
most people associate curved or non rectalinear forms as, being or thinking 'outside the box' (they specifically use the term over and over) and progressive. as architectural world becoming more and more critical about, lets say, gehry's work, mainstream is just starting to take notice and discovering it or having something to say about it.

anyway, it is informative to read so many public comments about architecture on yahoo, especially about gehry, whom a lot of architects love to hate these days.

Oct 8, 06 11:38 pm  · 

Man, have I got a story for you guys.

OK, "WonderK's Birthday Sunday Brunch Extravaganza", which took place today, went a little something like this:

Back story: If you've been keeping score at home, you might have heard that I had a man-friend. Well it didn't last very long and it was because he is simply a Fuckwit, and I told him to strap on a pair and buzz off. Unfortunately (for him) we have mutual friends and I am now finding out that many of my friends who know him actually didn't like him. Wish they would have told me. Lucky for me I am back to seeing the guy that I met before I met Fuckwit, and now all is looking up again.

Story: So, 13 of my friends join me for brunch at 12:30 today at my new favorite restaurant, which happens to be 2 mere blocks from my doorstep. The food is great, the design is awesome, my friends are the best. We are just finishing up our meals and getting ready to pay, when, straight out of some sort of movie script, my friend Jay leans over and says "WonderK, Fuckwit is walking in the door right now". (Clearly I have changed the names in this story for clarification purposes). I turn to Jay and say "are you shitting me?". He says no, and lo and behold, I look up and Fuckwit is actually walking into our room with some girl that I've never seen before. Mind you this is the first time I've seen Fuckwit since he told me he didn't want to rush things over a month ago (this was a lie, he was just ball-less).

So, all of my friends, who know everything that Fuckwit did, literally stop all conversation and stare at him, jaws agape. It was brilliant. It was my neighborhood, my posse, my happy place, and he walked straight into a steaming pit of loathing, with another woman, no less. So he looks at me and says something like, "I didn't know you guys were going to be here" and I say, "It's my birthday". He says "Happy Birthday" and I say, "thanks, this is my Birthday Brunch", at which point I gesture at my 3 tables worth of amused friends, who are still staring at him. The owner of the place, who knows me because I spend half of my paychecks there, senses some disturbance in the force and rushes in to tell me Happy Birthday, at which point normalcy resumes and our tables go back to whooping it up. He sits down in a booth uncomfortably and is there when we leave, but not before we cackled for about 15 minutes at his expense whilst marveling at the ridiculous confluence of the cosmos which happened to lead him there at that time. I think the best quote came from my roommate (SuperBeatledud) who shouted, "This is better than TV!"

Honest to god, we still can't believe it. I'm still laughing about it. And what I'm left with is thinking of how terrible his hair looked (awful, just absurd), how much of my time he wasted, and how so many of my friends tried to be supportive of me while I was dating him and they actually couldn't stand him. I certainly won't be forgetting this birthday anytime soon.....

PS. Fortunately the new man was NOT there to witness this, that could have gotten really ugly. Also I'll have a picture of the wonderful buffet of food up on Flickr shortly.

Oct 8, 06 11:44 pm  · 

eternal justice of the scales...
happy birthday wk.

Oct 8, 06 11:59 pm  · 

i am personally convinced that architecture is absolutely trivial (but not worthless)...and devote most of my waking hours to it anyway. how is that for schizophrenia...?

happy bday, wk. apologies for being contrary, but why is that justice? you had him outnumbered, even if he is a jackity-ass. poor thing. ;-)

Oct 9, 06 1:55 am  · 

I didn't say anything about justice. I just thought it was hilarious. He looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Funny thing was, no one else was in that room, either. It was us, and then him, and that was it. Hello, awk-ward!

Crazy stuff. Thanks for the b-day wishes! It was a great weekend. I ate so much that I'm actually looking forward to trying to exercise it off.

Oct 9, 06 7:37 am  · 
liberty bell

DubK, I can't even imagine the level of awkwardness, thank goodness it was you in the safe place since it was, after all, your birthday!

Speaking of which: to such a super-cool and awesome chica: happy, happy, greatest ever wishes for a fantastic upcoming year!

Also, the best part of te story to me is that the owner of the restaurant "sensed a disturbance in the force" and intervened. It is wonderful to have "third places" in your life where people know you.

(I can't recall the "third place" reference source right now, anyone else?)

Ah, runnin' late again, happy Monday morning everyone.

Oct 9, 06 7:53 am  · 

happy bday wonderk! and it is always fun to have an 'event' to remember them by. so often they just float by, even if there's a party attached. i can't even remember my last one.

i was also going to post something about the 'something as trivial as architecture' post from orhan's news item, but lb beat me to it. felt like a stab in the chest.

saw wilco at louisville's lovely iroquois amphitheater in one of our olmsted parks last night. best live band in the world right now (imo), incredible sound, out under the stars in a smallish venue, and easy access to the beer tent. heaven.

Oct 9, 06 7:55 am  · 
liberty bell

Sorry, Steven to start your Monday morning with a stab!!! I won't do it again.

But Wilco sounds AMAZING!!!! Wilco is indeed wonderful live, they were Angus' first concert, in utero, that is. Under the stars must have been incredible, and it was so nice and clear out last night. Glad you had fun.

OK now I'm REALLY getting out the door...

Oct 9, 06 7:58 am  · 

i know i was supposed to call you lb. crawled out of the basement with just enough time to shower and go out. will call though.

Oct 9, 06 8:05 am  · 

good morning
happy monday sans 'mondays'
and happy birthday dubK

Oct 9, 06 9:26 am  · 

i dig wilco too steven...but best live band at the moment?
are you talkin sound or are you talkin performance?

cause i personally think radiohead is pretty freakin good live
right now..and the flaming lips are better performers...

of course how can you quantify these kinds of things..

Oct 9, 06 9:35 am  · 

and re: scoring a touchdown.

the ball doesn't actually have to cross the goalline..only the nose of
the ball has to touch the goalline for it to be considered a touchdown...
at least i know that's the truth in the pros.

Oct 9, 06 9:41 am  · 
liberty bell

re: the Denver Art Museum:

Thanks to whoever posted all those images in the gallery of the opening. But ohmigod the more I see of that building the more I dislike it.

Look at this one:

Those people sitting in the back just look exhausted by the overwhelming confusion of the space. And that 2x4 ceiling grid: yes, I've had to do ACT more times than I'd like to admit but at the freakin' showpiece that this building was supposed to be they couldn't come up with a better ceiling system? What a disappointment, what a joke.

Oct 9, 06 9:50 am  · 

yes, of course, it's a matter of opinion, lars: unmeasurable.

but every time i see wilco - and last night i felt it fresh - i think 'these guys can do anything'. they can deconstruct a song, rewrite it completely, provide a little artful gimmickry (just enough, not too much), rattle its bones, or - alternately - just play it straight as a perfect acoustic pop song or a crunching rock'n'roll raveup. left last night shaking my head saying god damn that was a rock show!

Oct 9, 06 10:53 am  · 

only seen em live once...and really dug was in tennessee
90-100 degrees out and jeff was in jeans and a jean jacket..absolutely
sweatin his ass off...and i was about ten feet from the stage. great
show...i hadn't heard of them before that..but definitely became
one of my more listened to bands after that...

same year i also saw my morning jacket..which is also a good show.
saw em this year again and they played for something like five hours..
maybe longer. i eventually had to go to sleep. seemed like the days
when rock shows were epic.

Oct 9, 06 11:26 am  · 
Ms Beary

So i have a younger coworker who is getting more and more oppositional defiant with me. Makes it really hard to want to engage in conversation when every conversation turns into Uh-huh, Nut-uh, Yuh-huh!, Nut-uh! We have argued over whether ice cream has eggs, whether architects legally get paid 15 minute breaks, whether there is a high school named XX in town, how to frame a rake end of a roof, it goes on and on.
It takes 2 to argue, but I always lose even if I am right. When we weret talking about whether or not ice cream had eggs, I said it did (meaning that it is generally true). Only to be retorted with "Light ice cream doesn't have eggs!" I don't know whether it does or not, and I "lost". Basically everytime I engage in conversation with her, it becomes an argument and she twists her way around to win it. Argh! She'd make a pretty good lawyer. Anyways, makes it hard to draft/design the same project together, and it shows. When projects are kinda open and undecided, when things could be this way or that way, it is hard to reason with such a personality. So I do what I think is right, she does something else and then we have to have someone solve our dispute. I don't want to be the one in the office that appears I can't work on a team. Any advice? (by the way, I am the "job captain" and she is still a student, a very confident student. If I told her it was 1:30, she'd wait until it was 1:31 to say, "no it's not!"


So wonderk, did he come there on purpose?

Oct 9, 06 11:41 am  · 

i'd tell her about the problem, strawbeary. maybe she doesn't realize she's being so oppositional? might not seem like a good idea to her if her supervisor points it out?

if that fails, maybe just make a point of following up each instance and determining that you're right (without any nyaah-nyaah) or that she's right (in which case you can make a deal out of 'look at that, you're right!) sooner or later, esp. if she's wrong enough times, it might die. ???

Oct 9, 06 11:47 am  · 

oh puddles, lets not do this again. If Michigan STATE could do it for 3 quarters, USC can do it for four quarters. The Michigan schools have provided perfect blueprints for how to beat Notre Dame, all our guys have to do is quit getting injured so that they're in shape to pull it off.

Also hate Denver Art Museum- I posted some pics last spring of the horrible clash it makes with the existing museum and surrounding buildings. The adjacent condos do look interesting, though.

I got in contact last night with a graduate of USC who went on to RISD for graphic design, and I feel very reassured. She said that her previous graphic design attempts were horrible too, and that they were looking for 'fit' and outside interests and such as much as portfolio. I'm breathing a little better now. I'm trying to get all my stuff to my recommenders next week and stressing a bit about compiling that final list of schools.

Oct 9, 06 11:59 am  · 


Oct 9, 06 12:13 pm  · 


Oct 9, 06 12:16 pm  · 
Chili Davis

I want to be on top!

Oct 9, 06 12:16 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Boo WK!

Oct 9, 06 12:18 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Hooray Beer!

Oct 9, 06 12:22 pm  · 

Whoops, sorry Chili. Wait, aren't you my alter ego? Didn't we decide that about 3 pages ago? So we can share.

Now that that's out of the way....

Strawbeary> technically, since you are job captain, can't you just keep giving her less and less work to do until she gets filtered off to someplace else? Also, wouldn't you have the final say at things? Maybe you should accidentally leave some law school brochures on her desk.

Also, I don't think he came there on purpose but it's hard to say. He knows where I live so if he had thought about it for 5 seconds he could have figured it out. In any case, the whole thing just reiterates that I am much better off without him. Mainly I am just irritated that I didn't realize what a bad person he was and am now questioning my lack of judgement on the whole thing.

I also saw Wilco this weekend, but in Cincy at Tall Stacks on Saturday night. It was a lovely affair and they do well live. Not my favorite thing ever, but it was a great show. I don't think anything can top my "of Montreal" experience a couple of months ago....

Oct 9, 06 12:24 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Okay, WK, I'll be your alter ego, but I want clarification on this point. Spiderman is Peter Parker's alter ego, Batman is Bruce Wayne's alter ego, and Superman is Clark Kent's alter ego. Chili Davis is WonderK's alter ego, so Chili Davis is a superhero, and WonderK is my day-to-day persona?

Also, am I talking to myself right now?

Oct 9, 06 12:28 pm  · 
vado retro
Oct 9, 06 12:33 pm  · 

sorry Chilli, WonderK is the superhero (duh!)

Oct 9, 06 12:42 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Damn it. I already started making a costume.

Oct 9, 06 12:48 pm  · 

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