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I like Liebeskind, so at first I was puzzled by all the hating on the DAM. However, I looked at that picture set last night and the first two things I thought were:

1) wow, was the use of ACT integral to his concept??? Did he use it on purpose to highlight the diagonal walls, or... was it just plunked in there with no thought?? 'Cause the effect is... weird. Just gross. Like "featuring" vinyl siding on the Robie House to "accentuate the horizontality." If it wasn't on purpose, it was even more stupid. He should have fought for that one.


2) hmm. The crazy angles are really disorienting in these pics. I loved the disturbing angled walls in the Holocaust Museum in Berlin--but that was the entire point of his concept for that museum and they seemed to really work for it. Is he just repeating that design (a la FOG) as a gimmick here? I liked it when it was the conceptual focus, but repeating it in a completely different setting just undermines the Berlin museum AND the DAM. Also, on a practical note, I think it would kind of jar the art-viewing experience.

Oct 9, 06 12:53 pm  · 
Ms Beary

The museum residences (near DAM) are nice from the outside, but I was in one last week and it was obnoxious. Angled walls inside too - pretty uncomfortable, bad interces, wierd room relationships, there was a 30' long entrance hall in the unit I was in that had about 4-5 kinks in it, ala angled wall for angled wall's sake, probably half of the unit's square footage was in this hall as it was about 6'-8' wide. The unit entrances were a dated dark stained wood, 1970's law officeish. Also the view was pretty bad.

Oct 9, 06 1:15 pm  · 

oh, and Strawbeary, those kinds of personalities are the WORST. I feel very sorry for you. Can't offer many tips as I seem to just shut down in the presence of people like that, and turn my dislike of them into festering hatred in my insides and icy tones on the outsides.

YOu could try just getting all decisive and authoritarian on her. Have no discussions that do not involve the specific project. Only talk work and do so in very clear, i'm-the-manager way, perhaps?

Oct 9, 06 1:25 pm  · 

This one's for Pixelwhore: Battle of the Bands

Oct 9, 06 1:35 pm  · 

When it's something non-architecture-related, just be like, "look, it's not worth argueing about. If you want to believe that, it's fine with me." And yes, get authoritative on her about the architecture-related stuff. Maybe try and say it in a way like you're trying to teacher her? Like, "well, here we prefer to do it this way, just so you'll know for next time." If she continues to argue, tell her that it's great that she has ideas, but that part of working in architecture is working with a team and respecting the experience and knowledge of other members of the team, and her constant arguementativeness does not reflect respect for the GREATER experience of the other members on the team.

Oct 9, 06 1:44 pm  · 

lol, look how badly I type sometimes.... "teach her", not, "teacher her".... "arguing" not "argueing", and "argumentativeness" not "arguementativeness".

Oct 9, 06 1:48 pm  · 

i prefer "teacher her"

Oct 9, 06 1:55 pm  · 

I'm fixen to learn ya to ourn ways, now its all yourn.

Oct 9, 06 2:12 pm  · 
Chili Davis

I prefer "torture her."

Oct 9, 06 2:12 pm  · 

happy happy dubK.

yeah, i think the DAM is pretty bad. i think other future projects by danny will be the same. his san francisco project comes to mind. to me, they just look like bad first year projects. i'm not saying i dislike all of his projects. i think the jewish holocaust museum is amazing as well as his proposal for the wtc site. i just think he is a one trick pony.

Oct 9, 06 2:13 pm  · 

I think a lot of starchitects are one-trick ponies, and it's just about matching up that particular pony in the sort of show they do best.

Oct 9, 06 2:25 pm  · 


Oct 9, 06 2:26 pm  · 

Peter Principle?... and that has nothing to do with male domination for you feminists.

Oct 9, 06 3:28 pm  · 

And honestly, is ACT the best we can do? Aren't we in the 21st century? I know that Armstrong is coming out with some "alternative" modular ceiling systems, but shouldn't crap be the alternative?

Ceilings are like indie music. The industry standard is clearly inferior but until more people grow accustomed to the good stuff, we're still going to be surrounded by the crap.

Oct 9, 06 3:36 pm  · 
Ms Beary

my parking garage has ACT (which I call APC by the way, acoustical panel ceiling).
don't ask why my parking garage has it. I'm not happy about it.

Oct 9, 06 3:40 pm  · 

That's one of the things that makes me loooove doing residential construction.... heh heh heh, suckers! ;)

Oct 9, 06 3:47 pm  · 

screw you, noseless b*tch! j/k. ; )

Oct 9, 06 3:50 pm  · 

(feel free to remind me about that glee the next time i am knee-deep in contractor negotiations...)

Oct 9, 06 3:51 pm  · 

sorry, couldn't resist...

Oct 9, 06 3:53 pm  · 

mmmm beautiful pure plaster ceilings with flush-mounted recessed halogen lights... i looooove youuuuuuu!

Oct 9, 06 3:54 pm  · 
brian buchalski

"noseless b*tch!" that is funny.

thanks for making my day.

Oct 9, 06 3:55 pm  · 

ahh, if only you know how big my nose truly was...

Oct 9, 06 4:05 pm  · 


Oct 9, 06 4:09 pm  · 

more like :--) !

Oct 9, 06 4:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

Don't let her fool you! Though she appears noseless in one image and claims to be over-nosed in life, the reaility is myriam is gorgeous and I know cuz I've seen her hahahahahahahaha.

I think.

I'm ready to become a tile contractor. The prices these guys charge, good lord! I'd be rich in a year! Of course I'd have a lot to learn.

Oct 9, 06 4:38 pm  · 

aw, thanks! i was gonna scrounge up a pic of me on the web but now i won't bother--i'd rather let your compliment stand. ;)

i think i'm ready to become an electrician. those guys make soooo much money, and it's like the simplest job in the world.

Oct 9, 06 4:52 pm  · 


Just finished doing over a bathroom, laid all the tile. It wasn't that difficult. Did a mosaic on the floor and had a friend over the other night who ask if the floor was original to the house. It did bring a smile to my face. Did the walls in a subway tile pattern and when we were in Brazil in May I brought back a cap tile which we paid forty cents a piece, here in America the same tile cost $12.00. The security guys at the airport were very curious as to why I was carrying on a box of ceramic tile. Thank God my wife broke the ice with the security guys
and they let me pass thru.

Oct 9, 06 5:40 pm  · 
vado retro

steven did early day miners open for wilco? i saw them do a short set in bloomington last week. they had like nine guitar players. good stuff

Oct 9, 06 6:01 pm  · 

lB- the problem with tile work, is you spend most of the day on your knees- are you ready for that???

wK!!!! happy happy!!! at least you're comfortable with how things stand now. then again, if you didn't date that ??? would you be as happy with the current wonderful mF?

the problem with most starchitects (you know who you are) who only think of buildings as sculpture, is that they design the insides after they've conceived the outsides. look at FOG as the chief culprit of this crime. dL is just following the meltdown of his creative talents following the wtc. the ACT is an unforgivable crime for a museum.

oh, happy 4601 to the superhero wK.

Oct 9, 06 8:48 pm  · 

I think it's 'bout time to update/repost the what do archinects look like thread or maybe launch the 'what do archinects look like v2.0' since so many of the original pics don't load anymore...

any thoughts?

here Tk & the lovely wife at coachella...

[img] width=420[/img}

Oct 9, 06 9:16 pm  · 
Oct 9, 06 9:17 pm  · 

DAM does indeed look poorly executed. i think gehry does it better, cuz he doesn't force exteriors on interiors all the time. of course the top half of bilbao is empty space, which seems a bit daft on first blush, but why not...

strawbeary, sounds like a downer to work with said young lady. i think is best not to argue about ice cream, or anything else trivial...actually just don't argue. tell her gently that you are in charge and she is a student there to learn from you...and if she isn't interested then maybe she should work for someone else or take up another career. no need to suger coat. architecture is about collaboration, sure, and you should listen to her ideas, but that don't mean she is in charge. you are.

Oct 9, 06 9:26 pm  · 

early day miners did open, vado, but i wasn't very excited by them. too many people on stage not doing much. too much buzzy, structureless feedback. 10 minute 'songs' that started, dragged on, and stopped. i was puzzled why they would be chosen as the opener. guess it's just not my cup...

Oct 9, 06 9:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

tk, if you actually knew me, you'd have a good idea what kind of joke I might make about a job requiring being on one's knees all day. Since I'm trying to behave here, I won't make such a joke.

But I will say this: I accidentally kicked the main tile guy's kneepad across the floor today and felt like a total jerk - careful with the craftsmen's tools, please!!

(...and see there's another joke opportunity that I need to let pass me by - I think it's time I start an alter ego identity...)

Oct 9, 06 10:07 pm  · 
vado retro

happy birthday miss wonderk.

i like ten minute buzzy songs.

Oct 9, 06 10:11 pm  · 

thanks everyone. This SuperHeroine is definitely feeling her 28 years. I played flag football tonight for the first time ever and I think I'll be spending tomorrow at the chiropractor.

Woo hoo! ;o)

Oct 10, 06 12:23 am  · 

Steven I'm jealous of your Wilco show! Their new guitarist Nels Cline is pretty incredible----and the drummer----WOW! Holy Crap! I've seen them more than I'd like to admit, but they keep touring year after year (LB, Wilco was my sons first concert in utero too!)

Lars I cannot WAIT to MMJ live. Their latest, Zzzzzz and At Dawn are on rotation all the time---currently more than any Wilco. (but I do have that new Tweedy solo DVD on preorder!)

Oct 10, 06 12:39 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'll second the notion that being an electrician is the best job. it's not that much work but since most people are scared shit-less of electricity, electricians can get away with charging exorbitant prices. most of us will readily attempt some carpentry work...and everybody thinks they can paint a room (not true, by the way) but electricity? better leave that to the pros.

also, that nose-less joke is only funny because we're all assuming that, unlike her cartoon, myriam actually has a nose. it wouldn't be very funny if she didn't. there used to be a man that i'd see around town here who was missing his nose and it was one of the most disturbing things i've ever seen. he was kinda of young, so i don't know, maybe it was a war injury or something. still, it was quite shocking to be walking down the sidewalk and then suddenly catch a random face...eyes where they're supposed to be...mouth where it's supposed to be...but no nose, just a big hole. i can't fathom how painful it must be to try interacting with other people on a daily basis under those circumstances...whew, i'm counting my blessings just thinking about it.

Oct 10, 06 9:45 am  · 

one of my childhood neighborhoods was also home to a guy [a couple years older than me] who was badly burned as an infant. Over the course of his life he had a number of surgeries, at least one every few years as he would grow and new problems would the time I met him - around age 14 - both of his big toes had been removed and replaced onto his hands in substitute for thumbs. It was the kind of thing that you had to deal with almost immediately upon meeting him - the common "what's up" handshake among adolescents quickly turned into realization, explanation, and that was that. He could still roll a mean blunt with those toes.

Oct 10, 06 9:58 am  · 

lb- figured there was a joke in your dreams of tiling the world. then again, cecil balmond takes this topic very, very seriously ;-)

Oct 10, 06 10:17 am  · 

someone sent me birthday flowers!

Sorry for the camera phone picture quality but I had to get this up right away! Aren't they lovely?!?

So, do you want to know who sent them or should I drag this out for a while and bring the thread full circle?

Oct 10, 06 1:28 pm  · 
Chili Davis
Happy belated to my alter ego!
Oct 10, 06 1:31 pm  · 
brian buchalski

those look like stargazer lilies...just wait till tomorrow morning, after they've opened up, the office will smell amazing.

Oct 10, 06 1:32 pm  · 
brian buchalski

by the way...i think they're from michigan's governor jennifer granholm.

Oct 10, 06 1:33 pm  · 

beautiful flowers. who from?

Oct 10, 06 2:17 pm  · 

hey puddles! michigan's governor must be really nice! i should inform her when my birthday is coming up...

Oct 10, 06 2:26 pm  · 
liberty bell

I sent them, that's right, I did!!

Kidding of course....I think vado sent them.

Oct 10, 06 2:26 pm  · 

ya, he seems quite a debonair gentleman, mr. retro. actually, i recall a pocket square with a similar color as the lillies. maybe i remember incorrectly...

Oct 10, 06 2:32 pm  · 

for the best superhero on archinect...
this was the biggest bouquet I could find!

Oct 10, 06 2:38 pm  · 

I got a call from a contractor before I even got to work today letting me know that the owner had called him and demanded my cell phone number. It's been a fun morning so far!

Oct 10, 06 2:49 pm  · 

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