
Thread Central

brian buchalski

myriam, it's an election year so i think you have a chance...provided your birthday is before election day (nov. 7th? is that right?)

and be sure to have her call your contractor first

Oct 10, 06 2:55 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Vote Devos!

Oct 10, 06 2:59 pm  · 

I must give credit where credit is due....Governor Granholm it is. She's a real gem. It was awfully nice of her to get puddles to order them for me.

Incidentally the card was also signed "all your ephemeral friends" so thanks to everyone! It's especially nice considering my coworkers seemed to have misplaced my card, lol.

I'll give you a picture update when the blooms open up. In the meantime, let's continue complaining about people.....

Oct 10, 06 3:03 pm  · 

sadly, my birthday is in march, that crappiest of northern months. i could use an election day pick-me-up, however.

this particular owner is a lawyer. need i say more? i need a phone call from god himself.

Oct 10, 06 3:05 pm  · 
brian buchalski

march isn't's awesome. the trees are still leaveless, the sun's returning, and the snow is's the earth at its more transparent, naked moment and i love it

Oct 10, 06 3:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

March weather kinda wants to make you take off your pants, right puddles?

(BTW, I think you are the nicest archinecter, puddles!)

Oct 10, 06 4:10 pm  · 
liberty bell

jeez, sentence inversion:

...kinda makes you want to...


...kinda wants to make you...

Either way, the pants come off, I guess!

Oct 10, 06 4:11 pm  · 

"Either way, the pants come off"

words that puddles lives by.

Oct 10, 06 4:27 pm  · 

my take on the new starchitect museums, is not so much about the building itself.
for better or worst they all get the job done, one way or another. some rectangular some triangular, undulating etc.. and all the paper arguments behind them. i have seen some great art in bad museums or in non-museums. after seeing many museums, i don't want to go to museum anymore. i don't want to chase the previously unseen painting of... or new work by... by some well known artist that every museum has a piece of.
our cities and their more 'cultural' centers are haphazardly put together by private individuals, who in turn, make or break huge somes of money. it is like, "go downtown and build me a museum y man and y woman".

tese museums have real estate developers behind their conception, and without going in depth, i say, their marginalized art doesn't have the life in it. thats is why more and more they call architecture to the rescue. like, "will build the'll come pitch".

better art is coming from politically charged environments and it is coming from the other side of tracts. the moving culture is there. benefactor so and so with his billioner holdings is not a mover and his art holdings have very little value without the museums he must put them in.
yeah. you can build a lot of museums, but what are you putting inside?

puddles = "the super elegante" of the month. flowers are from puddles right?

Oct 10, 06 4:42 pm  · 

Starting a new thing- "WWTCD?" or, "What Would Thread Central Do?" I'm stressed out over this grad school app stuff and my night classes, I don't want it to affect my work but it does because I'm so stressed that sleep isn't doing anything for me anymore, so I drag myself in half asleep every morning. I'm coming up on the end of a project (well, not the end, but the time when I specifically am moving on to the next project) at the end of the week. I really need a mental health day- do I take it now so I can stop stressing, or monday when I'm 'between projects', or don't at all because that would be selfish?

This probably doesn't sound like a big deal to you guys, but I NEVER miss work, and feel really guilty when I do. I've got weeks worth of sick and vacation time piled up (between three and four weeks total) because of this. So people really notice when I'm not there, and it's not exactly the season for people to be getting sick yet so it's harder to make it blend in.

Oct 10, 06 5:24 pm  · 


hang in there! the apps really are not that difficult. Yes, it feels like your future is hanging in the balance. But if you do the homework behind why you want to go back to school and what you aim on getting out of the experience, the apps are easier then being in studio again. Choose your schools wisely, don't just follow the heard in applying to haaavad.

You've already proven that your 10x smarter then the typical 'school vs school' poster, so sit back and enjoy writing the essays.

Oct 10, 06 5:33 pm  · 

dude, rationalist, fucking call in the fuck sick!!!!!

would your boss go to work if he/she wasn't feeling well?! helllll no. no reason YOU should. and YES, being STRESSED OUT is a physical ailment that requires time off to address. Don't get trapped by the puritanical leanings of our american work ethic!!! god does not require you to work work work non-stop! god wants you to stop and smell the roses, rationalist!!!!!


Oct 10, 06 5:57 pm  · 

who gives a shit about a "sick season", fuck that shit, you're probably getting a migraine from stress, migraines follow no season at all. STAY HOME AND RELAX. PREVENT SICKNESS. that will be better to your employer than you coming in all tired and raggedy every day, and probably susceptible to every germ out there to boot.

Oct 10, 06 5:58 pm  · 
liberty bell
Don't get trapped by the puritanical leanings of our american work ethic!!!

I agree. You have obviously put in tons of hard work, and are not a slacker by any means, in fact you work more than the average overachiever, so take a long weekend (two days off work) and get some mental health time. I think you deserve it and you will come back to work with better energy to move on to the next project.

Oct 10, 06 6:05 pm  · 

awwwww, you guys make me feel better already. It's nice having friends who convince you to do those things that you feel guilty for, but are really necessary, even if they are just 'ephemeral' friends.

I'm not really concerned with puritans or what god wants, but I'll try and hold out until friday.

treekiller- what, you'll hate me if I post a "RISD vs. MICA" thread?

Oct 10, 06 6:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

If you're like me, rationalist, the best cure for stress is to complete the tasks that are stressing me out. I didn't read closely enough what oyur schedule is, so let me clarify: finish the work you have to get done this week, then take a long weekend before coming back to start the new project. You'll enjoy your time off more if you know you've finished at least one of the things you needed to finish.

Oct 10, 06 6:35 pm  · 

they need to stop calling the sick days... i would rather my employee tell me (s)he would not be showing up tomorrow than the stupid phone call with the fake coughing. i remember how annoyed one employer got when one guy said he would not be there the day after st paddy's day....he would be "sick"

Oct 10, 06 6:47 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I take all my sick time and vacation time. Can't really see why you wouldn't. I've even (gasp) played hooky a time or two... although the guilt can get heavy.

Oct 10, 06 6:50 pm  · 

raj, I agree that I wish they would just call them 'personal days'. I would rather be able to be honest with my employer that I needed a mental health day than fake physical illness. But when they're 'sick days', you wonder if you were honest, whether they'd just be like, "nope, we need you here." Plus I have no desire to be questioned regarding the source of my stress.

Oct 10, 06 6:55 pm  · 
vado retro

even if im sick i always come to archinect. coughcough

Oct 10, 06 7:06 pm  · 
Ms Beary

nice one vado

Oct 10, 06 7:57 pm  · 

[random] treekiller every time I see your name it reminds me of this sketch I did like 3rd year...


I suppose I should say something. Putting your life back together after years of neglect sucks. That is all.

Oct 10, 06 8:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

jesus, oe: that's really really beautiful. Thanks.

Oct 10, 06 8:29 pm  · 
Ms Beary

rationalist, I have never been given crap about missing work or being sick. Even if the employer knows it was a "mental health" day cause sometimes I don't hide it. Sometimes I have been TOLD to take mental health days. Why? Cause I work thru lunch or come in early or stay late whenever it is needed, I'm sure you do too.
Shit, I might take a day off later this week....

Oct 10, 06 8:43 pm  · 

ya oe,
the drawing and the your comment are both [tragically?] beautiful.

Oct 10, 06 8:53 pm  · 

def take a holiday rationalist.

agree with LB, though, i can't actually relax til i get the work that is bothering me done. it drives my wife up the wall cuz i am too distracted and it makes her day shitty too...

unless you is one of those folks that can shut off when the work is put down? if so, very envious.

but anyway...take the time off!

Oct 10, 06 8:57 pm  · 

...last month i took a 2 week vacation (which is currently providing the content for my 'school'blog). well, since i've only worked at this firm for 8-9 months, i had not accrued a full 2 weeks of "vacation" days, but if you added my "vacation" and "sick" days together, I had exactly enough "paid time off." ...I didn't ask or tell anyone what I planned on doing... I just filled my timesheet out, using vacation time until it ran out, filling in the remaining few days with sick time.

WWTCD. i love it.

Oct 10, 06 9:00 pm  · 

yes, rationalist. you owe it to're an all-star, they're lucky to have someone like you, and if you give yourself this much deserved long weekend, it will give them a chance to realize just how great it is to have you around.

Oct 10, 06 9:02 pm  · 
brian buchalski
WonderK I want to hear about your flowers.

well, i warned you that if you got me your address then i'd send you flowers. of course, when some aging, pantless pervert shows up at your office and those lilies are long gone...then you'll realize your mistake. in the meantime, enjoy'em and thanks everyone else for the kind words...i was really just doing what any of us would, wwtcd-style.

rationalist, it sounds like you've been skipping brunch and actually showing up to the office on time in the morning. remember, your firm pays all those fancy club dues for a reason so you really should take advantage of's all marketing anyhow ;)

Oct 10, 06 9:40 pm  · 

belated disclaimer... i was being facetious about god ;) but not about those horrid puritans. for the record.

Oct 10, 06 10:21 pm  · 

yay, thread central slacker cheerleaders!!

Oct 10, 06 10:26 pm  · 
vado retro
Oct 10, 06 11:00 pm  · 

Speaking of WWTCD:

"Grand Central Thread"

It looks like someone pissed in someone else's cornflakes.

Also I realize that I am the embodiment of whatever hocus.pocus has a problem with by posting that link on this thread, but I'm all about disseminating information.

Anyway, I don't think we are that bad, are we? Clearly those of us who have been around for longer use this thread as a touchstone to talk about more trite subjects - like birthdays, for example - but I don't know. I feel like everyone is always welcome.

Oct 11, 06 12:40 am  · 

well, if it makes him feel better. So yeah, maybe Thread Central has outlived its name, but it's useful.

Oct 11, 06 1:33 am  · 
liberty bell

I have high hopes that Grand Central Thread will turn into a free-for-all silly non-sequiter jokes and comments thread...I love those!

Oct 11, 06 8:22 am  · 
liberty bell

Actually, do you know what would be interesting? To see how the posts/views ratio has changed over the life of Thread Central, to see if it reflects how many people read without posting. I imagine at the beginning a lot more people were just reading, but by now probably most people who bother to read also add a comment.

Oct 11, 06 8:26 am  · 

wow, all this chatter while i've been enjoying an evening in front of te tellie watching pbs with the missus... now i know the answer, there is no al queda in amerika... So bill moyers is an evangelical and an evironmentalist, can churches really lead the green revolution? I'll find out on thursday.

r - i can never hate you for exercizing personal choice, go ahead and post about 'risd et al', I was trying to qualify the first time posters who typically start those threads as clueless sheep. you've proven your fabulous compentency and intellegence long, long time ago.



oe- great sketches. as 'tects and 'scapers, we kill more stuff then we ever grow so we can build- my name is an attempt to highten awareness of how distructive our professions are... then again, it's fun to pull out the chain saw and chop down the cherry tree.

is TC that incestuous and closed a clique, that nobody else reads this then the usual cast of charecters? how sad- I though we had a soapbox to the world as we created a realtime soap-oprah of our lives here...

Oct 11, 06 10:09 am  · 

nobody ever dies thinking 'I wish I had spent more time at the office.'

Oct 11, 06 10:18 am  · 

for archinect v.3.0 (or would it be 4.0?) I would like to request that we be able to comment on the images in the image gallery, AND that you would have to put in location information for the images, at the least. I'm so tired of looking at the images and thinking, "huh, that looks cool... wonder what and where in the hell it is, who designed it, etcetera" The images themselves are kind of useless without the contextual information. Well I mean they have value as eye-candy, but don't we have enough eye-candy on the web?

ok, rant over. (this one's for you, AcfA! hope you liked it!)

Oct 11, 06 12:10 pm  · 
Chili Davis

Man, you gotta love product reps. Big Apple Bagels and coffee this morning, and Pizzapopolis and Pepsi for lunch!!!

Oct 11, 06 12:59 pm  · 

myriam, I totally agree. I found an image of the most beautiful greenwall on here, and could not figure out where/what it was for the life of me.

Oct 11, 06 1:01 pm  · 

oh, and BTW- karma for even THINKING about skipping work has set in, and I now have a massive sinus headache.

Oct 11, 06 1:01 pm  · 


go home. watch general hospital (or what ever flavor of daytime tv is a guilty pleasure) and just chill.

no project will self destruct without your smile.

go home...

drink hot coco, take a bubble bath, wear pj's all day and relax...

Oct 11, 06 1:10 pm  · 

i also love product reps (and the interior designers that attract them to the office). today's lunch and learn included lunch from biscotti's (a local yuppy restaurant with awesome food) + a gift bag which included a snazzy metalic coffee thermos (filled with 3 small bags of M&M's and a bunch of dubble bubble), a fancy metal pen (which is ball point, so i will likely never use it), a hard-bound sketchbook, a pad of stationary, and a breast-cancer awareness pin.

rationalist, you've mis-interpreted the cosmos...the sinus headache was sent down to reinforce the notion that your head needs a break from the grind.

Oct 11, 06 1:13 pm  · 

(product rep comment was following up Chili's comment on page 47)

Oct 11, 06 1:14 pm  · 

aww, headache?

...sounds like someone needs a SICK DAY!!!


Oct 11, 06 1:15 pm  · 

I'm on an afternoon break right now. I left work, because two days of unusually rigorous physical activity has left me unable to lift my legs without the help of my hands. It even hurts to drive! Anyway, I'm off the massage therapist. I highly recommend that as a way to spend a sick day.

Oct 11, 06 1:49 pm  · 

I got sushi from a product rep the other week.

I talked with my PM and I'm going to try and make it through the week. They don't really require overtime here, so it's not like I've been overworking myself for them, I've been overworking myself for me. Case in point- my Typography I class got dropped by our instructor, so we've merged with Typography II. Well, the Typography II assignments sound really interesting (read: portfolio-worthy), so I'm going to be doing those as well. I'm bringing it all on myself, so I feel like they deserve the effort to make it through this bit until I'm at a point where taking a day or two isn't a problem.

Oct 11, 06 1:52 pm  · 

this gives me an idea.
i better clean the office real good and get some blueprint sets from estep and sons plumbers inc, my neighbors doing large projects, call reps and eat...
i have few friends who'd like to eat free fancy lunches. like i can call pepe, manuel and g-man across the office. all they have to do to eat the free fancy lunch from the fancy smency building material rep, is to take of their aamco shirts. they usually have clean white shirts under anyway.

Oct 11, 06 2:31 pm  · 

[sigh] it's nice to have an office where you get visits from those pant-suited product reps with really expensive haircuts...

maybe I should become one? hmmm, I don't do expensive hair salons, don't/won't shave every day, own only one suit/tie, too cynical to believe that one product can save the world, would get bored real quick giving the same damn ppt presentation to a bunch of wise-ass 'designers' - but to earn unlimited CEUs?

whatcha think? is this the next career for tk?

Oct 11, 06 2:37 pm  · 

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