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Smile everybody!!!

Man steven that sandwhich makes me (a vege) hungry....

Apr 27, 09 4:15 pm  · 

as a somehwat bonified IT dude sounds like at a minimum you need a windows reinstall.
Otherwise possible hard-drive error(s).

Apr 27, 09 4:16 pm  · 

I think this cranky behaviour has to do with it being Monday and not enough good coffee in the world. Buy Blue people. Buy Blue.

Steven that Hot Brown looks like the perfect hangover food albeit I'm sure it could stop your heart or a speeding bullet in no time. Best wash it down with another glass of bourbon.

fays-panda are you suggesting suffocating someone with a pillow versus using earplugs? That's just crazy but likely to be very effective.

Hi ****melt, hi Wonder K

And I'm all up for this ban on throwing up gang signs, especially for 513.

Oh and I'm going to be calling around achinecteurs again this weekend. Put your name in a hat and I'll see who the lucky bugger is (if having conversation with me could be considered lucky)

Apr 27, 09 4:35 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

FML...there goes all my "aquired" software. Damn.

Apr 27, 09 4:47 pm  · 

Oh mr IT guy - my dell laptop has been spinning like crazy. I'm assuming it's the hamster inside their that makes every work. But lately it's really been fast and the machine slows down. I'm worried that the little guy has had a heart attack or something. I was wondering if I should open up the laptop, and probably clean up the insides incase he's splattered his guts

on another note: can anyone give me the dimensions of wallpaper and metropolis magazine. I'm designing some shelves for my books & magazines but I don't have my magazines with me just yet but desperately need to know the height of them.

Apr 27, 09 4:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Steven, its crazy that I posted just as you posted your request to talk about your town, and BBQ. Which reminds me, you didnt answer the question.

And I think that sandwich may be on the brunch menu sunday. We've kept up with our brunchdays quite well, and even repeated the eggs benedict yesterday. Except that we made it more budget friendly by making out hollendaise from mayo instead of eggs. You couldnt really tell, not really.

Apr 27, 09 4:51 pm  · 

i'll eat almost any barbeque, anytime. i don't know what yellow sauce you mean. one of our favorite bbq places here in louisville, mark's feed store, has both a yellow-ish and a red. the yellow is more mustard-based and tangy, the red more sweet and tomato-based. neither, as far as i know, is especially local/regional, though. i usually use both.

all kentucky bbq is derivative of that of other places, from what i understand, except for the mutton. i think liberty bell had the mutton bbq in owensboro when she came in this year. right, lb?

Apr 27, 09 5:17 pm  · 
Living in Gin

In more pleasant neighborhood news, a harbor seal has recently been spotted loitering a few blocks north of where I live:

I had no idea we had seals in this area... I guess they're pretty common up along the New England coast, but more rare this far south.

Apr 27, 09 5:26 pm  · 

has me worried and could possibly be the third sign of the apocalypse after the earthquake and swine flu

Apr 27, 09 5:30 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Good article, as it pretty much sums up all the reasons my next puter will be a Mac. Interesting that it appears in PC World, of all places.

My home computer is getting increasingly slow and unstable, and now I'm debating whether I should wipe everything and re-install Windows and all my apps (usually a weekend project that I end up having to do about once a year or so on every PC I've ever owned), or nurse it along in its present condition until I can finally cough up the cash for a Mac.

Apr 27, 09 6:01 pm  · 
vado retro

somebody's got a case of the mondays! man i am glad cinci got rid of chad johnson. what a dipshit. for those of you on tc who don't follow the national sport of pro football, chad is a wide receiver. wide receivers are notoriously the prima donnas of the sport, they whine and cry if they don't get enough pigskins thrown there way. any way wide receivers typically have numbers that are in the 80's and chad is number 85. some time ago he started going by the name ocho cinco. he went as far as to have ocho cinco on his jersey rather than his real name. what ocho cinco i guess doesnt realize is that 85 in spanish is ochento y cinco. what a numbnut.

Apr 27, 09 6:14 pm  · 
liberty bell
Best barbeque song ever

, and yes I've posted it before but it never gets old. Lexington style is the best hands down. Western Kentucky's mutton is inventive but doesn't compare.

However, Kentucky has bourbon, and sometimes that's more important. I had a Mint Julep tonight and intend to have one every night this week, for Derby Week.

Apr 27, 09 7:01 pm  · 
liberty bell

Note: By Lexington I mean the one in North Carolina, my ancestral home.

Apr 27, 09 7:01 pm  · 

wow atheists are getting to be rivals to the gay population. thats amazing. do you think we should petition to make it legal for atheists to marry now? that would be so cool.

Apr 27, 09 7:48 pm  · 

hah hah brilliant - I saw that too jump but was afraid to mention the comparison. And thanks for the Spanish lesson Vado... you have a gift I swear

Apr 27, 09 8:11 pm  · 

In case you guys are interested. I posted more photos of my crack :oD

Makes my inner 12 year old chuckle everytime.


Apr 27, 09 9:19 pm  · 
liberty bell

*snort* You think that's a crack? Please....;-)

Apr 27, 09 9:32 pm  · 
Shelly the Architect

Wow, a lot does happen in TC in one day...

To answer your question, Sarah, I am indeed registered. I'm not brave enough to use my first and last name, like you do, however.

I was a little miffed the other day to see that the license of the woman giving me a manicure was identical in format to my license to practice architecture. hrmfpt! I mean, it IS debatable about who has the more difficult job, but I don't think she needed to pass 9 exams and endure a long internship to prove it....

Apr 27, 09 9:50 pm  · 

Shelly the manicurist doesn't have to pass 9 exams but she has to make sure she finishes the job with 10 fingers or toes left on the client. At times that can be a more difficult job.

Apr 27, 09 10:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

My licenses are boring, but both certificates from the states where I'm licensed are fancy. My certificate from Indiana is lovely, it has a little gold seal and big scroll-y type and is printed in several colors.

That reminds me I'm supposed to have my license posted in my office. Hm.

Apr 27, 09 10:15 pm  · 
Shelly the Architect

Good point, techno!

lb: I wonder - is it only those who stamp the drawings who are required to post their licenses in their offices? And does that make the rest of us "Casual Architects"?

Apr 27, 09 10:31 pm  · 
liberty bell

In Philly we were all required to post ours, but we did so at our desks. I think the statute is any practicing professional has to have it in a public location in his/her place of business.

Apr 27, 09 10:33 pm  · 

shelly the architect! i will hopefully join the club as manta the architect later this year. fingers crossed...

LiG, no worries, you are well liked around these parts. I understand bein' sensitive, i get that way too sometimes. Just trust that we are with ya. we've all been there with that annoying noisy neighbor -- i am sure we all can identify. As for white noise -- my sister uses it to get to sleep in her "quiet suburban neighborhood" which is actually raging with annoying noises at all hours of the night* (yet another myth about suburbia!). She uses "" and i start using it at work -- it works WONDERS. I highly recommend the "brown noise" mix. You can download them, put them on repeat, and time your computer to put itself to sleep in 30 minutes or whatever -- that way you'll ease into sleep and you won't waste electricity in the process!

*apparently people don't feel the need to train their dogs when they've got a whole big yard to let them tear up all night! and suburbia = kids = teenagers hanging out in the driveway at all hours, echoing giggle noises up and down the streets. Plus lots of older folks waking up at 5am and deciding to go leaf blowing. The city at least is more of a constant backdrop... except for the clubs, of course.

Apr 27, 09 10:45 pm  · 

oh... and from a million posts ago:

wonderk : i wonder if all your recent headaches don't have something to do with living in southern california? I used to get ridiculous headaches constantly when I lived there, due to crazy weather swings (sometimes just caused by intense summer heat contrasted with frigid indoor AC temperatures, over and over again all day long). Wonder if the spring weather is maybe a factor? When I moved away I stopped getting them so frequently, which is why I wonder.

Apr 27, 09 11:00 pm  · 

> I wonder too, therefore I am WonderK. :o) Seriously though, I was thinking about you earlier (check your email), and then you go and mention headaches, and lo and behold, I have another one. It's a baby compared to normal ones but it's definitely a sinus issue, and I'm sure it has something to do with the wild temperature fluctuations we've been experiencing lately. I think the lesson to be learned is that no matter where I go, even to the desert, I'm probably always going to have sinus issues of some kind. C'est la vie :P

Apr 28, 09 3:43 am  · 

Whoops, thanks fays! Alas, now I'm on 5902, ha.....

Apr 28, 09 3:44 am  · 

i had another weird dream,, this has to stop!

Apr 28, 09 6:18 am  · 

oh, and, you guys should all get rid of ur pcs and buy a mac, when the pcs dont run anymore that is, dont go spending precious money for no reason!

Apr 28, 09 6:19 am  · 
liberty bell

I have nightmares about malls - endless, horrifyingly shiny and overstuffed malls. Had one last night.

Apr 28, 09 7:20 am  · 

Fays - Have you changed your diet in any way? Or are you taking any new meds or supplements? I wonder if this could be contributing to the strange dreams. I've noticed that if I drink Dr. Pepper and vanilla Stoley I have the strangest dreams.

Apr 28, 09 8:15 am  · 
vado retro


Apr 28, 09 9:26 am  · 
brian buchalski

every time i see the name "shelly" i think of house bunny...

a fun movie, but it really needed more nudity if it wanted to do the playboy legacy justice

Apr 28, 09 10:12 am  · 

The punk that stole my car was arrested yesterday and confessed! now I can sue his ass for the damage! I'll go see the car later today and try to figure out if its worth fixing.

Apr 28, 09 11:00 am  · 
liberty bell

Yay tk! I mean it still sucks you have to go through the whole legal process, and you're out money and time no matter what, but it will be good to see justice served!

Apr 28, 09 11:26 am  · 
Living in Gin

Nice, TK.

Apr 28, 09 11:28 am  · 
Living in Gin

I imagine the interrogations going something like this:

Apr 28, 09 11:31 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, I just read an artcle about how Chinese adopt english names for business purposes; do Japanese do the same?

Apr 28, 09 12:57 pm  · 

SH - Yes they do. I know a Japanese person who goes by John, but his name is Shin Yo Jung. He was tired of everyone mispronouncing it.

Apr 28, 09 1:10 pm  · 

But I also know one who still goes by Suzuki, so I guess it depends on how well it translates.

Apr 28, 09 1:11 pm  · 

fays, as long as we're talking about dreams, I have some weird ones as well. Last night I dreamt that I was on a group tour to Sweden and we were driving around in a big giant Volvo but we had to keep going through 5 feet of water, and we'd have to disassemble the Volvo every time and then reassemble it after wading through the water. And the wheels were somehow tiny.

THEN I dreamt that I had a motorcycle, and I didn't really know how to ride it but it got me home anyway. I kept trying to shift with my left foot (which is what you really do on motorcycles) but it wouldn't shift. Also I had some sort of "riding aid" that acted like a giant prop to keep me upright on the thing.

I don't always remember my dreams, but when I do I find them hilarious.

Apr 28, 09 1:22 pm  · 

many koreans go for anglo names too. those that don't tend to have very bad english skilz.

for puddles

Apr 28, 09 1:24 pm  · 

I saw that article too, tk. Can you imagine doign that right next to a mosque, in Pakistan, right now. Eeek! Talk about ballsy.

Also, I hav ebeen wanting to watch Big Lebowski ever since Lebowski day. I think i will have to go to Blockbuster tonight. It is almost like i have been craving it.

Apr 28, 09 1:56 pm  · 

I had a strange dream last night as well. Dreamt I was back in Montserrat for a visit and was hiding from my ex girlfriend. But along the way I decided to drive an intoxicated Chinese man who spoke no English. The rest gets kinda gross as you can imagine, and involves me hosing him off before making a hasty exit. They never have responses/theories about my stuff in dream books

Apr 28, 09 1:59 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Ready for something positive? I thought so.

One of the joys about working where I do is that my office is only two blocks from Central Park. On days when my workload and weather permit, I often bring my lunch into the park for some brown bag action and take a walk around before returning to the office. Today was such a day, with the sun out and temperatures in the low 80's, so I decided to grab a couple slices of pizza and head into the park for my lunch break.

Almost every spring I can remember, there comes a moment when I look up and realize that the scenery isn't as gray and barren as I had come to take it for granted over the past several months. Almost overnight, it seems as if the trees decided to sprout leaves and the flowers decided to bloom. Today, once I found a bench and began chowing down on my pizza, I suddenly became consciously aware that the park is green again. For me, that was the moment when spring had officially arrived.

I only had my iPhone with me instead of a proper camera, but I decided to snap off some photos nonetheless:

I'll probably continue in my love-hate relationship with NYC for as long as I live here, but on afternoons like this, the city becomes a bit more lovable.

Lunchtime is over. Now back to the salt mines...

I just created an album with more photos on Facebook.

Apr 28, 09 2:48 pm  · 

Nice photos. Wish i could visit the city. It has been ages..

Apr 28, 09 3:37 pm  · 

Blackharp, that first name sounds more Korean than Japanese. Japanese names tend to be multi-syllables, while Chinese and Korean names tend to follow the 3 syllable system (Family name, Common name of generation in family, given name)

I didn't adopt an English or more "American" name, even though I had an opportunity when I became naturalized. Once in a while I regret it, but I think I would've regretted more if I did change it. Maybe one day my name will be perceived to be just as american as any other. I won't get statements like "wow! you don't have an accent!"

Apr 28, 09 4:24 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Slarti., the article was talking about the names of those IN China, not the ones here. It was very interesting.

Apr 28, 09 4:36 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i have a very american accent.

thank you treekiller for the link! i love gifts and, damn, if pakistanis aren't just the funniest!!

Apr 28, 09 4:37 pm  · 

****melt, the only new thing i have been doing is watching a line up of 50's and 60's movies in my free time, alot of audrey hepburn,, do you think that is affecting my dreams? if they do, it should be for the better, not me seeing monsters for superheros!! and seeing my highschool classroom with people i met long after highschool inside of it!!

i hope vado's fleetwood mac would help me relax tonight, hehe

the pakistan thing is funny, but also sad,, i really like the place, i visited it in the summer of 2006 when things had started to stabilize and right before it blew up again,, really beautiful place, very simple too,, and the street food is absolutely delicious!!

no single hot women selling street food though, as was deemed an important factor in urbanism in one of the threads

Apr 28, 09 4:55 pm  · 

SH - Interesting. I'd like to see that article. I think Blarckharp and TK were referring to Americans though. I've been a bit sensitive ever since the whole Betty Brown thing where she said "voters of Asian descent should adopt names that are easier for Americans to deal with." It seemed like she didn't have bad intentions, but ignorance is ignorance.

Apr 28, 09 4:56 pm  · 

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