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Breaking news.... Swine flu is in Ohio. YAY!!!!!

Apr 26, 09 11:01 pm  · 
Living in Gin

8 confirmed cases here in NYC.... If I'm destined to die from a global pandemic, please let it be something with a name other than "swine flu".

Apr 26, 09 11:10 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm actually a bit freaked by the swine flu thing. Avian never worried me this much, and what I read is that avian flu doesn't jump as easily from person to person as the swine does.

I actually toyed with the idea of keeping Angus home from school tomorrow. A few more reported cases and I'm afraid I will, even though that probably makes me a paranoid mom.

I just keep thinking of Egon Schiele. All the moaning on other threads about "a whole generation of architects leaving the profession"...bullshit. A few years of a few graduates going into graphic design is not a generation; the 1918 Spanish Flu influenza outbreak decimated a generation: 20,000,000 people. Yikes.

Apr 26, 09 11:23 pm  · 
vado retro

I like what they said on the news. "you can't get swine flu from eating pork."

Apr 27, 09 12:25 am  · 

Vado that's a nice ride....

I'm totally watching perhaps one of the best anti-chick flicks he's not that into you. M/Dating rituals are hilarious.

Apr 27, 09 12:39 am  · 

I don't care if they say you can't get swine flu from eating pork...if they think I'm going to consume any part of a pig while there's something called "swine flu" killing people, they're mad. It reminds me too much of the brush I had with swine-fluke-related illness last fall whilst in God's country in West Virginia. Trust me you don't want to hear about it.

Day was uneventful here, aside from a trip to a pet cemetery to visit the grave of Blinky the Friendly Hen. (Blogged) Lovely mild weather, though (aside from the weird 40-degree swing last week). I think we're having the Spring that you all maybe missed...

Apr 27, 09 1:52 am  · 
liberty bell

DubK, there is absolutely no reason to be worried about eating pork. The H1N1 virus is not food borne. That said, if you eat too much pork like I do, it's probably a good excuse to take a break from it.

On another blog I read someone posted they can't help but feel the swine flu is karmic retribution for our recent internet fetishization of bacon.

Apr 27, 09 8:16 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, once again, I get distracted all weekend, and have tons of TC to catch up on.

From what I can remember...I think I'm glad your car was found TK, but think the electric pedal bike is the way to go for you. It'd be green, and quirky. I dont know that you're a quirky guy, but architects should always be quirky to some extent.

Hi Shelly. Are you registered? The AIA will come after you otherwise. ;)

LiG, That is NOT what I think when someone says GangBanger. Mine is a much more, um, shall we say explicit?

The Leblon tea turned out much better after it sat for an hour, and ice was added. Seemed it needed to be watered down some. In any case, the cookout went well, and I even got a shopping date the next day. Of course, we had to install the other lady's carseat into my car so we could take our kids, but its nice to be making a girlfriend. I'm excited.

I'm sure I missed something, but I cant remeber now. Good Morning all!

Apr 27, 09 8:49 am  · 

I too am begining to be a little freaked by the swine flu thing.
From what i hear Obama, met with the head of archaelogy at Mexico City Archaeoogical Musuem who died a few days later from unkown causes.

Imagine if Obama was exposed.... But in all seriousness. Yikes!

Also, it is Monday all,.

Apr 27, 09 9:34 am  · 
Living in Gin

Vado, if you've got a problem with something I've said here on TC, you should fucking say it here rather than hijacking somebody else's thread to mock me.

Apr 27, 09 10:40 am  · 
vado retro

??? what are you talking about???

Apr 27, 09 10:42 am  · 
Living in Gin

Your comment on ****ment's "Foundation Crack" thread.

Apr 27, 09 10:44 am  · 

wow. i thought that was a funny/goofy comment, gin. and i didn't even think of you, strange enough. too much coffee this a.m.?

Apr 27, 09 11:09 am  · 

now that i think of it, we should do more mocking of each other around here anyway...

Apr 27, 09 11:16 am  · 
Living in Gin

I know Vado's schtick is the funny/goofy thing, but sometimes I think he steps over the line.

Apr 27, 09 11:21 am  · 
liberty bell

You pee like a girl.

(Addressed to no one, just my oft-quoted favorite put down from the old Archinect - not the middle ages of Archinect, the real old Archinect.

For some helpful insults, check Ms. Beary's middle-age Archinect post on random ones.

And how is THAT for being the biggest Archinect-geek living? vado's got me beat in post count, but I own him in thread recollection.

Now I have to go to the stone yard and make sure the sink isn't mirror finished.

Apr 27, 09 11:34 am  · 
brian buchalski

word steven

or steven word?...does that count as a mock? tongue hurts. i think the espresso might have been to hot. why must i suffer like this?

Apr 27, 09 11:37 am  · 
vado retro

That post was written at around 6 a.m. Believe me, you were not on my mind.

Apr 27, 09 12:08 pm  · 
snook_dude I'm going to have to go read about the "Crack Problem"... and I only thought Plumbers had "Crack Problems"

Apr 27, 09 12:16 pm  · 
snook_dude I'm going to have to go read about the "Crack Problem"... and I only thought Plumbers had "Crack Problems"

Apr 27, 09 12:16 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Sorry for calling you out, then, Vado.... Given my recent TC postings about the noise issues in my neighborhood, your comment seemed like a slap in the face.

Apr 27, 09 12:25 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Apr 27, 09 12:30 pm  · 

steven, i can eat more hot dogs than you!

Apr 27, 09 12:41 pm  · 

There is hope for Utah!!!!

Apr 27, 09 12:41 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'd probably be an atheist too if I lived in Utah.

Apr 27, 09 12:47 pm  · 

Wow, Gin. If you're that senstive to what ppl are saying than perhaps your mind istrying to tell you something. I didn't get that at ALL from vado's post.

Woo-hoo for the atheists.

Apr 27, 09 12:48 pm  · 

i am watching Bloomberg and they just had a crawl noting that Mexico City was hit by an earthquake?

End Of Days?

you be the judge.

Apr 27, 09 12:56 pm  · 
Living in Gin

My sinuses and allergies have been so fucked-up lately I'm not sure I'd even notice if I started getting flu-like symptoms.

Apr 27, 09 12:59 pm  · 

i'm with that, gin. i just feel flu-like year-round. given the choice to drug it or ignore it, i just ignore.

complaining about noise/music etc is like the regional pasttime in midwest cities' neighborhoods, so maybe that's why vado's comment didn't seem specific to you. in louisville, and i bet in indy and cinci, it's the prime business of neighborhood associations to campaign against some noise-making something. a guy in my office is actively engaged in trying to make sure a bar across the street from him can't become a bar again (even though the bar was there before he was) and my brother is usually on a campaign against something in his neighborhood. i thought vado's comment was funny because i feel like it's part of my culture...

Apr 27, 09 1:33 pm  · 

Dudes, "somebody" has is out for Mexico City! 6.0 earthquake! Maybe adjourning to Hawaii isn't such a bad idea for me after all!!!

Apr 27, 09 1:45 pm  · 

Hey, remember when we used to care about post counts? I used to have mini-parties for myself every time I hit a number with zeros. Oh, those were simpler times.

Apr 27, 09 2:01 pm  · 
Living in Gin

SW: As opposed to homeowner or neighborhood associations, community boards in NYC are a formal part of the city government, and community board members are appointed by each borough president. Each community board has a number of committees that deal with quality of life, traffic and transportation, zoning and land use, business licenses, etc. My neighborhood is represented by Manhattan Community Board 12.

The noise issues and the police indifference are far beyond anything I've ever experienced in Chicago or Cincinnati (or even East Harlem or Brooklyn, for that matter)... There's the stereotype of the cranky old neighbor yelling at the kids to get off his lawn, but when the community board calls a special meeting on less than a weeks' notice and over 20 people make a point to show up, I think the problem is more than just one or two overly-sensitive neighbors, and I got a bit touchy because I felt like somebody who doesn't live in the neighborhood and who hasn't experienced the problems firsthand was making light of the situation I described here on TC.

Apr 27, 09 2:18 pm  · 
brian buchalski

how come all the rockstars haven't held a concert to bailout wall street, general motors, etc? they're always doing that for farmers and africa, right?

Apr 27, 09 2:30 pm  · 

LIG: You said "I got a bit touchy because I felt like somebody who doesn't live in the neighborhood and who hasn't experienced the problems firsthand was making light of the situation....". You also said The noise issues and the police indifference are far beyond anything I've ever experienced in Chicago or Cincinnati. Do you think it's out of line, then, for me to be a bit "touchy" when you claim that you have experience with "noise issues" and "police indifference" in Cincinnati, when you actually lived in Ft. Thomas, KY...when you were a kid? Or did you spend your youth gang-banging in OTR in the 70's?

When I lived in Cincinnati/OTR, I didn't experience too many noise issues, and I was friendly with the police. I was friendly with most everyone actually, and the most trouble I had was with a couple of hood rat girls who mocked me for riding a sissy bike (which I promptly replaced with the one I own now). God I'm so f$%&ing tired of talking about Cincinnati. It's pretty but jesus christ, can we just let it be....

Apr 27, 09 2:36 pm  · 
brian buchalski

ha ha ha

Apr 27, 09 2:39 pm  · 

According to that chart and common knowledge, Tennessee likes to make slow steps. Keyword: slow.

Apr 27, 09 2:43 pm  · 
vado retro

How do you think the Bengals did in the draft WK?

Apr 27, 09 2:47 pm  · 
vado retro

n________, i'll see you at the Athiests For Jesus rally. I'm totally jammin to your cd's when I have the sunroof open!

Apr 27, 09 2:48 pm  · 

WonK,, congrats on ur 5901st post!!!

im still freaked out by my dream, i dont wanna sleep today!

Apr 27, 09 2:54 pm  · 

Wait panda, what happened in your dream? I can't remember and am too lazy to look.

I actually had ppl screaming around the corner from me last night. It was great, especially considering I live in the middle of a large hill and EVERYTHING is amplified b/c of all the buildings. I can literally hear every word ppl say across the street when they are sitting outside. They could be whispering and I could still make out everything. Hence the reason why I always have about a million pairs of earplugs in my nightstand.

Apr 27, 09 3:05 pm  · 

Wait panda, what happened in your dream? I can't remember and am too lazy to look.

I actually had ppl screaming around the corner from me last night. It was great, especially considering I live in the middle of a large hill and EVERYTHING is amplified b/c of all the buildings. I can literally hear every word ppl say across the street when they are sitting outside. They could be whispering and I could still make out everything. Hence the reason why I always have about a million pairs of earplugs in my nightstand.

Apr 27, 09 3:05 pm  · 
Living in Gin

WK: Just drop it already. I mentioned Cincinnati because Steven mentioned it and I was responding to him, but if you feel I don't have the proper street cred to ever say anything about the city at all, then feel free to substitute the "Cincinnati" in my post with Philadelphia or Boston.

Apr 27, 09 3:39 pm  · 

whee you guys are fun today. let's talk about louisville instead...

...cuz it's [url=]derby time[/i]!

balloon race was this weekend. we had family over, barbeque and beer, kids played outside all day both days under the dogwood blossoms.

Apr 27, 09 3:52 pm  · 
derby time

, dammit.

Apr 27, 09 3:52 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow. While we're at it, can we agree to never use the term Gang-bang again...please? I'm very visual, and well, I picture it everytime its used, and its not something I like to see.

And why is everyone so pissy today, anyway?

Steven, I heard of this open-facd sandwich today that is a loiusville specialty - hot brown, or something like that. I cant remember. Ever had it? Can you describe it? Do you eat that crazy BBQ with the yellow sauce? Whats that all about, anyway?

Apr 27, 09 3:55 pm  · 

melt,, my post from a page ago:

"had a weird dream, it was all in comic book form, and there was a grotesque superhero, and something about porosity,, what the hell does that mean?"

im scared of earplugs, i always imagine them getting stuck inside my ear,,back in the day, i shared a room with my brother, and he sometimes breathed heavily while he slept, so i slept sideways and put a pillow over the side of my head, it worked pretty well for me

Apr 27, 09 3:56 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I can't deal with earplugs, either... I need some sort of constant white noise while I'm sleeping, like a fan or an AC unit. Right now I have a box fan that I can crank up so that it blocks about 90% of the street noise when my windows are closed, but if the weather is warm and I need to have my windows open, all bets are off. Thankfully next weekend is supposed to be cooler, but I see myself having to cave in and buy a window AC unit pretty soon.

Apr 27, 09 4:04 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

My my, everyone is just dancing on each others nerves today.

Apr 27, 09 4:05 pm  · 

hot brown can be a range of things - variations galore - but this pretty well covers the basics. the brown hotel referenced in the wiki article is a great old style hotel downtown....great bar.

they're really good, but you can almost feel your arteries harden from the first bite. like anything really good, i guess.

Apr 27, 09 4:06 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

BTW, Does anyone know what to do if windows won't start? My computer just keeps cycling through the boot up process over and over again. is not helping so any pointers on where to get real help wpuld be greatly appreciated. I guess it's time for something new.

Apr 27, 09 4:14 pm  · 

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