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chock it up to my born in brooklyn hatred of NJ...

But in all seriousness I have spent some wonderful times in Jersey canoeing and such as well as listening to music from the states greatest resident...

Apr 23, 09 12:43 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Having spent approximately equal amounts of time living in New York and Philadelphia, I've noticed that one thing that both cities have in common is their mutual pastime of ripping on New Jersey while taking advantage of the state's cheap liquor and gasoline prices. And in both cities, you can drive to New Jersey for free, but you have to pay a toll to come back.

Apr 23, 09 12:45 pm  · 

well, Jersey has a born in hatred of New Yawkers, they never go home, bust up our shore towns, clog our highways, spit on sidewalks, and kick babies and dogs. that's why we call em BENNYS.

Apr 23, 09 1:13 pm  · 

Beta is BENYYS for real, or did you make it up?
Either way what is the second N stand for?

Apr 23, 09 1:47 pm  · 

B = Brooklyn or Bayonne
E = Elizabeth
N = Newark
NY = New Yawk

but that is one of sure many...Bennies Go Home!

Apr 23, 09 1:57 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Two items in today's news:

Researchers use mind-reading device to send Twitter message

World's first shape-shifting building

Now, if we could use our brain waves to shape-shift buildings via Twitter, that would be fucking awesome. Anybody remember the movie Dark City?

Apr 23, 09 3:12 pm  · 

I was just thinking as I saw the image first Gin, is that from Dark City?

Good movie. Sort of architecty/urbanismy right?

Apr 23, 09 3:45 pm  · 
Living in Gin

It's one of my favorites... And like most of my favorite movies, it did badly at the box office but got good reviews from critics. It's sort of like Blade Runner meets The Crow. The plot of The Matrix is based on a similar premise, but I think Dark City is a far superior movie.

In doing a search for the image above, I learned that a Director's Cut of Dark City is now on DVD... Guess I'll have to go buy it now.

In other sci-fi movie news, I just bought a ticket for the first showing of the new Star Trek movie at the IMAX theater up by the Lincoln Center. Yay me!

Apr 23, 09 3:57 pm  · 

When I lived in Wyoming we shared the same feeling about people from Colorado. We called them "Greenies" Cause of the license plates on their cars. They would drive to Wyoming to Fish for Trout....and of course they drank that Beer "Coors" aka antelope piss.

Apr 23, 09 4:29 pm  · 
vado retro

Meeting a member of the opposite sex for cocktails in an hour.

Apr 23, 09 4:37 pm  · 

Vado....Tornado Season is coming....maybe you can offer some manly protection to ms hotness....diagonally across the hall.

Apr 23, 09 4:45 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Vado, is it the same member from the date earlier?

Ok, so I just watched "The Future of Food" and yes, I know its from 2004, but I'm just coming across it - on Hulu no less, and wow, talk about scary!

And I watched an episode of Highlander as well. Oh the 90s.

Apr 23, 09 4:45 pm  · 

Speaking of obscure films (ie Dark City) - have any Tarantino fans seen From Dusk Till Dawn? My roommate introduced me to this movie the other night. Imagine Pulp Fiction with vampires. ^_^

LB - I'd reccommend checking out for some really good tutorials and an excellent forum to ask SU related questions to. Also some good tips to add to previous comments would be:

1) Don't be afraid to cheat, or clean up your model with the "hide" command. Right click on a line or plane and click "hide." If some particular form just won't situate itself neatly, you can make do with that.

2) Also be sure to utilize 'scenes' for quick views, and navigating in and out of the interior/exterior of a building model. You can also create animations with them, etc.

Apr 23, 09 6:01 pm  · 

im always late here, i cant keep up

lb, hows the sketchup going?

Apr 23, 09 7:01 pm  · 

Gin I've never seen Dark City but I'm sceptical when anyone thinks anything was better at whatever than the Matrix... I'm snobby like that. Sad but true I wrote a short visual paper under the theme "knower's arc" about the film when it came out.

Apr 23, 09 7:05 pm  · 

jk3hl from dusk til dawn was an amazing movie... I suspect for nothing but casting Salma Hayek as a scantily clad vampire....

Apr 23, 09 7:06 pm  · 

matrix was good but then the 2 sequels were incredibly crapilicios.

so is sketchup worth knowing if you already do the reglar 3D stuff? 3d studio, fmz, rhino, etc?

town i grew up in wasn't big enough to be area-prejudiced so we relied on racism instead. i spent first decade of my life being called whitey by the natives. that didn't register when i was 5 but when i moved out into flat on my own when i was 17 i gotta tell you walking through a posse (what the natives call their gangs) after dark to get to the dive i lived in - in the basement of some dilapidated turn of the century mansion - made all those race flicks come to life. ah the joys of urban life. man, i would have killed for something as peaceful as a crowded gang-infested club-scene.

Apr 23, 09 8:12 pm  · 
man, i would have killed for something as peaceful as a crowded gang-infested club-scene.

Just showed up but jump's comment - the last line I read on the page - is probably my favorite so far.

I also dislike New Jersey. I am fairly convinced that their building department, all of their departments even, are run by the mob. And their roads are ridiculous!

Office party, had two beers, going to bike home tipsy now....wish me luck.

Apr 23, 09 8:51 pm  · 

I just don't see Wonder K as a two drink drunk... nonetheless you have more courage that me, I saw that film about them biking along the LA freeway. Seems like suicide to me. This from someone whose rode dirtbikes with no shoes and cliff dived in fairly nurse shark infested shallow water <- in fact I consider myself a HUGE coward.

Apr 23, 09 8:58 pm  · 
vado retro

no it was someone else. she was wearing an awesome pair of sandals with a leopard suede. home now eating pizza for one.

Apr 23, 09 9:00 pm  · 

Did the date not go well? Tonight I helped a co-worker/friend go over LEED flashcards. She's taking the exam Saturday. Ahhh, thank God that's over.

Apr 23, 09 10:13 pm  · 

wait, wait a sec, the building departments are run by the mob? i thought that was just a tip. roads? bad roads? let me say this again; nj roads are not, i repeat NOT paved with the remains of Hoffa or day old cannolis. they are paved with the same things that are used in NYC and CA; baby seals. i like jug handles too.

Apr 23, 09 10:26 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Speaking of New Jersey roads...

Apr 23, 09 10:51 pm  · 
liberty bell

A leopard suede what, vado? A leopard suede WHAT?!?

Apr 23, 09 10:56 pm  · 
liberty bell

Argh, the bottom of the page is all teeterey again. I hate that. Make lots of comments, guys, let's get 296 up there soon!

Apr 23, 09 10:57 pm  · 
vado retro

the wedgie part of the sandal was leopard skin suede.

Apr 23, 09 11:01 pm  · 

the temperature has fluctuated -30, +30 degrees in couple of days here in los angeles, leaving me with a cold, chill, and a head that feels like 10 times bigger than the usual.
it has been extremely busy with teaching, and guest critiquing in sci arc.
tuesday morning a michael rotondi studio where they study the slowness and mind, and i did ed keller sci fi studio in the afternoon where we criticqued speed, territory and future etc...
one class related to buddhism and milan kundera and the other was foucault, the book accelerando, deleuze and lacan ( mirror stage, my addition,) networks and so on.
these were very situmulating conversations and students did some very interesting work. keller studio crits ended at midnight and i think that is when i got the bug.
i did an art review for architect's newspaper on moca show of dan graham just came out. since it is only in print i had to blog it and here it is. they did some editing in print but it was okay.

i hope everybody is okay. funny, when i don't post in tc i feel like i was on the road. in a way i was.

Apr 23, 09 11:03 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh. How dull. I mean, not dull for a pair of sandals, I'm sure they were awesome. But from your object-less prepositional phrase I thought she was wearing some other leopard suede object that would be much more exciting.

Still, leopard shoes, hard to beat!

Apr 23, 09 11:04 pm  · 
liberty bell

Here is a funny quiz from my son: What animal are you 50 times more likely to be bitten by than a great white shark?

Apr 23, 09 11:06 pm  · 
vado retro

a woman?

Apr 23, 09 11:09 pm  · 

a mosquito?

Apr 23, 09 11:11 pm  · 

a female rock guitarist?

Apr 23, 09 11:12 pm  · 
liberty bell

Correct answer: A hamster.

Apr 23, 09 11:24 pm  · 

A rhinocerous? OK, not really, but I swear I heard that death by rhino was more common than death by shark....

Orhan the temperature shift in LA this week has been quite strange, hasn't it?

Apr 23, 09 11:24 pm  · 

Oh a hamster. That makes sense. Anybody seen that hamster commercial for the new car, what is it, The Soul? I love that commercial. Makes me dance every time.

Apr 23, 09 11:25 pm  · 

I never did like those slow moving balls of fur. And speaking of fur - what were you think of in Leopard print Liberty? Seems like the perfect entrance for the Garwondler sigh... but nowhere to be found

Apr 23, 09 11:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

...a leopard print miniskirt? Pillbox? Bustier? Pair of glasses? Muumuu?

Apr 23, 09 11:40 pm  · 

oh, happy long belated birthday techno!

ek, yes. this is classic los angeles sabotage! happens every year leaving half of the city coughing and with sore throats.

Apr 23, 09 11:45 pm  · 

many thanks Orhan

Apr 24, 09 12:25 am  · 
vado retro

LB not every girl has a leopard collection like yours in her closet!

Apr 24, 09 12:26 am  · 

sometimes the whole cat family

Apr 24, 09 3:45 am  · 

I've been wondering lately what will happen when TC gets to 300.

Leopard wedge sandals. I've never owned anything with leopard print on it. I don't think I could pull it off.

Anyway, drove in on my scooter today. What a lovely day for a scooter ride.

Now back to work.

Apr 24, 09 8:25 am  · 

the *&!!!****!!!! punks stole my car last night from my driveway. guess they perfected their technique.

now I'll be riding my bicycle the rest of the summer.

Apr 24, 09 9:33 am  · 

jk3hl, that is a classic Tarantino film. And yes archi, Selma Hayek as a vampire doesn't hurt...

Tree, are you serious? That is crazy, but they probably just took it for a joyrid eif it is kids, right?

Also, i am glad it is Friday and wish everyone a fantastic day...I did some bakiong last night, Oatmeal, and nutella cookies...

Apr 24, 09 10:01 am  · 
Living in Gin

Aww fuck, TK... That really sucks.

Apr 24, 09 10:10 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

here's a few (unverified) facts that i've learned recently...

-more people die from falling coconuts than lightning strikes

-raul castro has always been the brains running cuba's regime with fidel serving as figure head because 1- raul is gay and 2- fidel is far more charismatic & popular

-the fastest growing demographic (presumably in the united states) being infected with hiv/aids is senior citizens living in retirement homes. apparently they are horny old buggers with too much time on their hands and a blatant disregard for using protection.

Apr 24, 09 10:44 am  · 
liberty bell

Yesterday I was in a Z Gallerie (ugh) in an exurban lifestyle center (double, no triple, ugh) and saw these:

round dice

For some reason, puddles, they made me think of you. They actually feel quite nice in your hand, heavier than you'd expect, and it's very satisfying to see them pause when the internal weight settles.

Apr 24, 09 11:04 am  · 
the fastest growing demographic (presumably in the united states) being infected with hiv/aids is senior citizens living in retirement homes. apparently they are horny old buggers with too much time on their hands and a blatant disregard for using protection.

Ha ha - I guess they're making up for lost time!

Apr 24, 09 11:07 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jk, you shouldnt laugh, the old people are dying...oh, wait. Still we shouldnt laugh.

I think I could maybe pull off leopard pumps, but not much else. Maybe with the wig on.

We're having a cookout tonight, and I'm making that tea I posted earlier. I have to substitute Cointrue for the apple snapps though, I'm sure it will still be delish!

Apr 24, 09 11:15 am  · 

I think I'm flying to Miami later...

And ****melt I think you could rock the leopard, perhaps as a leopard print cosy for your scoot!

Apr 24, 09 11:38 am  · 

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