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Ms Beary

Best SU tip I got is to use the Intersect with Model command. SU King says it is the most underused, useful tool in SU. I believe him.

Apr 24, 09 12:07 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I have 4 things to go to today! One of them is a theme party, that is going to make it difficult to decide what to wear. Hmmm, leopard print might work.

Apr 24, 09 12:08 pm  · 

wait scratch that first part...

I need to find someone whose willing to convert my truck electric and make my house solar whilst he's at it.

Apr 24, 09 12:29 pm  · 

I'm sorry for your loss, tk, but I can't say I'm too sorry about the result.

techno, have you seen those conversion kits for Prius's? If your car gets converted to electric, you can even convert that to solar!

Still alive, btw. I'm such a dork that I'm actually going to a typography conference this weekend. In Canada, which I've never been to before, which fact greatly influenced my decision to go. Still, I feel like the ultimate type-nerd, because somewhere someone out there is going "wait, there are conferences all about... FONTS?!"

Apr 24, 09 12:39 pm  · 

does 50x more likely to be bitten by a hamster than a great white shark seem incredibly low to anyone else? is this just a case of not many people owning hamsters or that they don't bite often? seems as though it should be 500x or something...unless a lot of people get bitten by great white sharks..which would be more concerning.

Apr 24, 09 1:11 pm  · 

if I go for two wheels (versus the bus), my collegues will have to deal with my sweaty b.o.

Apr 24, 09 1:16 pm  · 
larslarson's hard for me to imagine any part of manhattan as truly residential...seems as though the whole idea of nyc is that the bottom floor is left open for commercial activity pretty much everywhere you go. this makes it the dynamic city that it opposed to a city like boston, for instance, that has distinct zones for commercial activity which may keep certain areas quiet, but also makes for a rather stale (imo) city environment. what i like about new york is that it's constantly in flux and there are always new places opening up...

with that said...noone really likes living above a bar...although i think i can pretty much sleep through anything...unlike yourself. a wine bar tried to open up across the street from my apartment and the community shut the idea down...there are already a ton of bars around, but i wonder why it's better to have an empty storefront than an actual business.

i guess one thing i would say is that in one way bars make for noise/ violence etc, but on the other hand i remember walking down orchard street five years ago when there was no nightlife...if someone had decided to mug me there would have been noone around. now the street has life on it at almost every i don't feel unsafe walkin home.

Apr 24, 09 1:19 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Lars, I think upper Manhattan has a significantly different character to it than the lower portion of the island. I live up in the so-called Hudson Heights area, which is a mostly-residential enclave within the much larger Washington Heights neighborhood. The main things I find appealing about Hudson Heights are the steep topography, ample parkland and forests (yes, forests in Manhattan), and its predominantly residential character... All with quick access to Midtown and the Village on the express A train.

The main business strips are along 181st Street, 187th Street, and Broadway, and most of those businesses are respectable mom-and-pop establishments that have been fixtures in the neighborhood for a long time. The other streets in the neighborhood are almost entirely residential, with a large collection of stunning art deco apartment buildings... Here's a pretty typical stretch along Fort Washington Avenue:

I live down the hill between Bennett Avenue and Broadway, which is on the edge of the Hudson Heights area. Broadway forms the boundary line between the "good" part of the neighborhood to the west, and the "bad" part of Washington Heights to the east. The neighborhood east of Broadway tends to be much lower income, and there have been decades-long problems with drugs and Dominican gang activity. A block-long stretch of Nagle Avenue east of Broadway, a couple blocks to the north, has been pretty much an open war zone for several months.

My building opens up to Bennett Avenue, shown below... My building is the yellow brick building on the left:

On the right is a steep hillside and Fort Tryon Park... If I lived across the hall and faced Bennett, I'd be able to open my windows and hear crickets at night during the summer... Unfortunately, my apartment faces the back of the building, which overlooks the construction site and the business strip along Broadway. As I mentioned earlier, most of these businesses have been and continue to be good neighbors, but lately there seems to have been a dramatic upsurge in gang activity and all the violence and trouble that comes with it. And with 20 other people showing up at a special community board meeting, it's obvious that I'm not the only resident with concerns about what's happening. Ironic part is, it seems like the police are far more aggressive about enforcing quality-of-life complaints downtown and in the Village than they are uptown.

In general I really love the Hudson Heights area, and if I remain in NYC for grad school and beyond, I'd like to remain in the neighborhood. I think my long-term solution will be to eventually find myself an apartment in a quieter part of the neighborhood (preferably up on the hill along Ft. Washington or Pinehurst Avenue)... It would certainly be within my price range at my current salary, but with me planning to head to grad school within the next couple years, I feel like my living situation is sort of in limbo until I know where I'll end up.

Here's a couple more photos just for the hell of it:

Fort Tryon Park, just up the hill from my building:

The Little Red Lighthouse and the Great Grey Bridge (the basis of a famous 1940's children's book by the same name) at the other end of the neighborhood:

Apr 24, 09 2:43 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Dammit... Here's the missing photo above:

Apr 24, 09 2:44 pm  · 

i guess the main reason i can't imagine it is because i've never been up that high...i rarely get above 14th street....we're on opposite sides of the island. looks nice though.

Apr 24, 09 3:09 pm  · 
Living in Gin

You'll have to come up for a visit someday... I know of a nightclub right by my apartment where we could grab some drinks.

Apr 24, 09 3:24 pm  · 

hah hah wow that last line I know of a nightclub right by my apartment where we could grab some drinks sounds very summer/son of sam.

Apr 24, 09 4:25 pm  · 
vado retro

fuck, my hamster just bit me. I guess he's tired of powering my archinect habit.

Apr 24, 09 4:26 pm  · 

LiG, is that the same nightclub that keeps u up all night?!

Apr 24, 09 4:55 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

You know, I dont think I like cachaca. It taste too much like tequila to me. And I used to love tequila, but well, I dont really need to go into that...

Apr 24, 09 4:58 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Fays: Yes... I was attempting to be ironic.

There's actually a couple of great little neighborhood bars up on 187th... Nice atmosphere, good food and drink selections, and no gangbangers.

Apr 24, 09 5:02 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LiG, does Gangbanger mean the same thing to you that it means to me?

Apr 24, 09 5:14 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I have no idea what it means to you... In this context, a gangbanger is a member of a street gang or "crew", or somebody who at least "rolls" with a gang even if he's not actually an official member.

Apr 24, 09 5:28 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i would love to live above a bar. i don't think the noise would bother me at all...of course, i'd probably be the last customer to leave every night if i actually lived that close.

Apr 24, 09 5:46 pm  · 
Living in Gin

If I had to live above a bar or pub, ideally it would be a quiet lounge with lots of dark wood, a big fireplace, classical music playing, a good selection of single-malt scotches, and a bartender who knows how to make a dry martini. The old Palladium on the UPenn campus was a perfect example of this until they got evicted by the university. (Damn Quakers.) But then, if I lived above any such bar, I'd probably spend all my money there and not have anything left over for the rent.

In reality, I wouldn't live in a building that had any sort of grocery store or restaurant in it. Noise issues aside, any food service establishment will attract bugs and rats to the building.

Apr 24, 09 6:23 pm  · 

Sweet Jesus my head hurts. This migraine will not go away. I took a vicodin (left over from the WonderToe Situation) and that helped for a bit, but the migraine seems to have said, "ha, nice try but screw you I'm coming back" and now I'm sleepy AND in pain.

TK, sorry about your car. That sucks. Having stuff stolen feels like such a violation. What kind of car was it that was so attractive to the creeps?

Apr 24, 09 6:34 pm  · 

wK, Blame honda for making a good car that could go fast and be modified easily, especialy if you put a very big exhaust/muffler on it and purple lights underneath.

Apr 24, 09 7:08 pm  · 

lol @ WonderToe. I know I've said it before but drink a few glasses of water you might be dehydrated. Feeling which they also suggest more horizontal activities aside from sleep.

TK I hope your insurance will cover the purchase of a newer greener one, the bicycle is great but as you said the b.o might be an issue (at least initially, I'm sure your body would get accustomed to it after a while)

Sarah I suspect you thought of items 5 & 6 on that list. Too worry it's where my brain went as well. The reference of a gangbanger in a gang sounds passée or at least what a tweed wearing old fart would say. But really can we hear about the tequila story? I have an embarrassing one to share if all fails - ****melt can attest

Apr 24, 09 7:16 pm  · 

Horizontal activities! Ha! WonderMan is not here for another 3 weeks... at which point he will be meeting WonderMom for the first time! That hurts my head even more when I think about that situation!

Apr 24, 09 7:54 pm  · 

i think i was imagining the same definition of gangbanger as SH. not sure if that is good or bad ;-)

a wine bar would be awesome. there are a few in the city centre but round where i live even a coffee shop has no chance unless its actually a family restaurant. we had a place where the dude would cook (?) and grind the beans for you on site, but since we are in a district dominated by carpenters and truckers no one went (definitely too fancy for reglar folk). now its a yakiniku chain store and bizness booms.

actually, even buying wine here is an expeience. most shop owners don't understand it, so my local place has 14 types of cabernet sauvignon, but i can't get a pinot noir or anything italian (italian's make wine?)'s kind of funny. not that i mind really. i like that i live in a neighbourhood where even though there are 600,000 people within walking distance of the store there are not enough who think wine matters enough to care about where the shit was made.

TK, dude that sucks hind teat so bad. i hope your insurance covers cost of replacement...i am a year round cycler (snow, rain, sun - all good for the soul), but do not wish that on anyone who doesn't choose it.

Apr 24, 09 8:12 pm  · 

no comp/collision ins. since the ride is 13 y.o. and paid off - took a gamble and lost. so no motorized ride till I get paid what I'm worth or the missus gets a gig. yeah, it sucks.

Apr 24, 09 8:31 pm  · 

now that really sucks treekiller. The only good thing is that spring has arrived so at least you get some fresh air whilst you cycle in to work.

Apr 24, 09 9:23 pm  · 

TK - that really sucks. I hope you don't live too far from work and I hope it's warming up enough to ride.

Funny Atechno I was thinking the EXACT same thing when SH mentioned Tequila. Perhaps you should share your story first ;o)

DubK - Hope your head feels better soon.

Apr 25, 09 12:06 am  · 

****melt you know I can only share that story under a flurry of mint leaves from my mojito

Apr 25, 09 1:15 am  · 
liberty bell

I don't have any embarrassing tequila stories, only vodka. My last very embarrassing vodka story happened while at my sister's hose, and had my mother holding my hair out of my face as I yakked into the toilet. Now that might be something that happens to most people in their teen years, but this happened to me at age 39. My mother, bless her wonderful heart, said the next morning "Hey, better to do it in front of your mom than in front of strangers!" She's so awesome.

treekiller: I'm so sorry about your car being stolen. That is HUGE violation and terrible - I assume police are involved but there is little hope that they'll find it? Fingers crossed for your high-paying job to come through.

I'm alone this weekend - husband took the boy to Michigan to visit his uncle/pick up a new Ranchero for a friend, so I'll be working all weekend. Strange that I'm looking forward to getting stuff done?

Apr 25, 09 10:44 am  · 


thanks to a good Samaritan who spotted my car, it was recovered in two pieces with an unknown amount of parts stripped from a north mpls garage. Until the cops finish their investigation, it's getting the CSI treatment at the impound yard. then I gotta pick it up so I don't get hit with an $18/day storage fee. Since the motor and car we towed seperately, I have to pony up 2x $178 for the recovery. dang.

So I'm not sure if its worth fixing (depends on whats missing) or if I'm going to donate it to charity or get $$$ for the metal. any suggestion?

My commute is 4 miles each way, so the gas has been less then 1/2 the cost of a bus pass each month and the liability insurance wasn't very much either. So biking is very do-able. the problem is there are no showers and I tend to get grossly sweaty. Might have to sponge off in the bathroom and then change into my dress duds. the other alternative is to get chauffeured till the missus starts working on days that I have meetings and such. A scooter would keep the sweat production from being an issue - maybe an electric bike should be in my plans. Of course the missus wants me to have a child seat option, so bike trailer or seat?

Apr 25, 09 12:01 pm  · 
brian buchalski

here's some good info in case anybody is worried about a volcano erupting & destroying climate

Apr 25, 09 12:39 pm  · 
Shelly the Architect

Hello, Thread Central.

As I step into a slightly less anonymous web existence, the quote on my small sketch book asks, "How will you give something beautiful to the world?" The back label reads, "Everything starts somewhere. Here's your somewhere."

In architecture, there can be simplicity, and simple can be beautiful.

Apr 25, 09 5:00 pm  · 
liberty bell

Simplistic is easy, simple is hard. That's one of my mottos.

Hi Shelly!

Apr 25, 09 5:13 pm  · 
Shelly the Architect

Hi liberty bell!

Yes, there is nowhere to hide in simple.

Apr 25, 09 5:17 pm  · 

Hi Shelly!!!!

Apr 25, 09 5:46 pm  · 
vado retro

TK I hope you got your Creedence Tapes back.

Apr 25, 09 6:41 pm  · 

hi shelly the architect!

vado, no ccr. lost my jethro tull 8-track though.

Apr 25, 09 6:52 pm  · 

puddles....great article. Thanks for posting.

Hi Shelly!

Apr 25, 09 7:39 pm  · 

has anyone seen this - wow when did we perfect the mobile suit, it's great when your opinions of Japan - as a country of technological fancy are true. But I wouldn't mind one, even if just to pick up the kids (when i have them) from school

Apr 25, 09 10:51 pm  · 

hi shelly the architect <- cool name no pretensions, is what it is

Apr 26, 09 12:45 am  · 

WOW TC is quiet. I guess everyone is enjoying the spring weather. Make sure you all put on your suntan lotion, even if it's overcast.

Apr 26, 09 2:17 pm  · 

I just found a crack in the foundation of my garage (please note the foundation of the garage keeps half of my house up). FUCK!!!!!!

Apr 26, 09 3:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

melt, take pictures and post them here on a new diagnostic thread. Maybe it's not so bad!

Apr 26, 09 3:48 pm  · 

****melt it may not be as bad as you think.

you may want to print one of these to measure the width of the cracks (better if you find one in metric, but I can guess I could convert). I'll wait until you load up the diagnostic thread to post a solution

Apr 26, 09 4:52 pm  · 

archi....I managed to get a sunburn on my arms and the back of my neck and also find time to do an internal dusting of my computer cause the fan was making wierd it is a happy computer with the winter buckyballs....gone for yet another season.

It was 91 degrees here today in the middle of the afternoon....come to think of it we had sleet just last weekend. So we have passed from Winter to Summer in one week.

I spent a good part of it sanding outdoor deck chairs and sprucing them up with a couple coats of paint along with a 9:00 am Sunday morning Inland Wetland Commission site walk of one of my projects.

Apr 26, 09 7:22 pm  · 

Snook sound like here. Last weekend it didn't get above 40 I think. Today the thermometer on my computer got up to 89. The temp inside my house is 81 at present time. I have turned on the attic fan and switched out the winter storm door for the screen door in my front door so hopefully that will help.

Stupid Northern European stock me spent an hour working in the yard yesterday without sunblock. Now my upper back and shoulders are nice and crispy. This happens every year... you'd think I would have learned by now.

Apr 26, 09 8:11 pm  · 
vado retro

i got the pink slip daddy...

Apr 26, 09 9:20 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yay!!! One less monthly bill!

Apr 26, 09 10:10 pm  · 

You are right. It is kind of similar, especially served cold.

TK, i saw at least for summer do without? Or get an electric bike.
Melt that is a big crack!

I too am having a time, believing spring is done. Summer and swamp are here for the next few months, yeah!!!

Nite all.

Apr 26, 09 10:56 pm  · 

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