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Sarah Hamilton

Thats what inspired the article,Slarti. Let me know what you think.

Apr 28, 09 6:34 pm  · 

hey vado, fleetwood's alright but this is the dream song for me...

Apr 28, 09 6:47 pm  · 

SH, the article points out to something important. There's something different between those who immigrate and those who remain. His "Americanized" parents were not comfortable with giving him an english name, while kids in mainland China are getting them in school.

Apr 29, 09 1:21 am  · 

my use of the word remain is kind of wrong, sounds negative, but I did not mean it that way. :S

Apr 29, 09 1:22 am  · 

sarah, no there are no Americanized names in japan. that would require a lack of confidence in japanese culture that i could not imagine. japanese tend to be very proud of their identities. xenophobic actually.

Shin Yo Jung is i think not a japanese name. shin could be, but yo jung i think not...

my own name is not pronounceable in japanese. people call me all kinds of things, some versions closer than others. i don't take offence to that.

however, my father in law thinks if i don't want to become more japanese i should go back home. i think he is an asshole. but i understand where he comes from. it is a very north american point of view in a lot of ways...

Apr 29, 09 5:51 am  · 

Hi Biroo!!! ;o)

Apr 29, 09 8:24 am  · 

HEY! We got our 1st case of swine flu!

are any of you nect's gonna be in San Francisco this weekend, cause i'll be there.

Apr 29, 09 9:29 am  · 
liberty bell

So did we!!

I'll be in Tucson this weekend.

It's rainy today, but I have a bunch of client-related errands to run. I'd rather spend the day inside drafting and listening to podcasts.

Apr 29, 09 9:33 am  · 

i am just so excited by the possibility of a global pandemic! good things!

Apr 29, 09 9:41 am  · 
vado retro

This may be a stupid question and I havent' heard any comments or thoughts by experts that support this thought. But, given that the America's did not have Swine until they were introduced by Europeans and since many of the diseases that decimated the native populations began in swine, could the seriousness of the outbreak in Mexico have anything to do with the possiblity of many Mexican citizens are Indian and mixed race? Or does this matter or would the immune systems of a people adjusted soon after exposure in the 15th century?

Apr 29, 09 9:42 am  · 

interesting angle of speculation. but i'm guessing industrial agriculture (i.e., livestock mass-production) has more to do with this than any legacy virus vulnerabilities.

Apr 29, 09 9:46 am  · 
liberty bell

No need to speculate, guys, Jon Stewart already figured out the source of the pandemic: some guy f*cked a turkey bacon club.

Apr 29, 09 9:51 am  · 

liberty, that was totally awesome! and right too...

Apr 29, 09 9:54 am  · 

i have to recommend a book, well the book i am reading now which is actually 3 or 4 books. The Man Without Qualities, by Robert Musil. the main character helped me understand the flaneur that i have heard many speak about on the nect. i am reading the book[s] now and i all i kept thinking was; this is what a flaneur is, Ulrich.

Apr 29, 09 9:58 am  · 

beta - enjoy the crowds of rampaging architects and eat some sourdough for me. drop me a line when you get back in town.

Apr 29, 09 10:34 am  · 
vado retro

thats a big ass book.

Apr 29, 09 11:04 am  · 
vado retro

Speaking of the Swine Flu, tomorrow I am heading up to South Bend where the Indianastan case was reported.

Apr 29, 09 11:11 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We got our first, THE first swine-flu death. Sadly, it was a 23month old boy. Glad my kid isnt in daycare.

And I dont know that mass-production has anything to do with it either. I mean, they say that the virus lives on pigs, but doesnt hurt them. That it wouldve been passed to someone who lived in close proximity to pigs, and with it getting so crazy in mexico, maybe it was from a rural rfamily that actually lived with their pigs. People do that still, right?

Thanks, jump.

Apr 29, 09 3:18 pm  · 

hi all. Not to be morbid and calluous in anyway but....

With all this paranoia regarding swine-flu what are we going to do? I'm anticipating an AFH competition to design hygienic virtual venues for sporting matches since when this pandemic hits fever pitch all football matches in Mexico will be cancelled and then banned. Wait...what...? Okay from reports it seems that the they've cancelled the regional Concacaf matches.... Cameron... now's your chance.

Apr 29, 09 3:56 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Apr 29, 09 4:30 pm  · 
liberty bell
Living in Gin

End of Days with a pork motif? Sounds like an occasion for a barbecue.

Apr 29, 09 4:46 pm  · 

hey if anyone wants me to, i'll text blog from the AIA 2009 convention, because i'm sure you looooooooooooooooveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, to know what or who is blowing what or who.

Apr 29, 09 5:50 pm  · 

back to the car saga-

I've decided my car is a complete loss and will either have the impound lot auction it off or if I can get the impound fees paid for by the Auto Theft Impound Fee Fund, I'll donate it to charity. too many parts missing, and the labor is looking like it will be over a $1000.

I can use small claims court to sue the asswipe for the value of the car - but how should I determine the value pre-theft? Kelley Blue Book says the private sales price is about $2,315 , while the retail price is $4,490, and the trade in value is $975. Should I also throw in the $30/tank of gas i bought the evening before it was taken, the $99 radio, and the new tires I bought a year ago?

should I pay a lawyer/paralegal to file the claim for me? or can I successfully do it myself?

Lig- love that case of meats!

Apr 29, 09 6:38 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'd go with the KBB retail value, and add any other expenses else as long as you have documentation to show what you paid for it. If you have to pay $5 for a cab ride to the impoundment lot, get a receipt and add it to the damages.

Also, check your car's retail value at It will probably be in the same ballpark as Kelley but who knows. Go with whoever has the higher number... The judge can always reduce the awarded damages if he/she thinks you're asking for too much.

As for the lawyer/paralegal thing, it wouldn't hurt as long as your legal fees are added to the damages. Any halfway-respectable attorney should at least be willing to meet with you for an initial consult without charging you. If you know any lawyers who would be willing to do it as a pro bono favor, even better. I can't imagine a simple small claims case would be too demanding of their time.

Good luck...

Apr 29, 09 6:57 pm  · 

tk, I agree with LIG on the gist of what he said about your car.

I wonder if swine flu is going to mutate?....

Apr 29, 09 7:14 pm  · 

DubK - I think it has already

Apr 29, 09 7:48 pm  · 

I disagree. I believe claims (as in insurance, etc) are about replacement cost, not appraised worth at time of theft / damage. In your case this would be the $4k estimate.

Secondly, you never get as much as you ask for in life; so ask for the highest plausible amount and let someone else ratchet it down if they choose to. In the end the judge will award the damages so just shoot for the moon and move on. If you get more than you feel is deserved, donate the difference to charity. This kid needs to learn the pain of his crime.

Apr 29, 09 8:19 pm  · 

Also, from my experience you cannot have legal representation in small claims court; I was told that was in fact the goal of having a small claims court (to provide a venue where citizens could deal with small disputes without needing to pay for legal fees). Actually, come to think of it, last time I checked the claim limit was somewhere around $2,000, so you may be stuck by that anyway. Check the small claims limit for your particular court.

Apr 29, 09 8:22 pm  · 

And the thing about "replacement cost" I'm getting from a discussion I had once with my insurance company.

Apr 29, 09 8:23 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK, you could be on Judge Judy! But really, the guy was stealing your car, do you think he really has any money? Why arent they putting him in jail for auto-theft?

Great, they just closed all of FtWorth ISD schools for the next week. I guess I will stay upbeat until the pediatrician calls to say I should worry.

Apr 29, 09 9:23 pm  · 
vado retro

you will only be able to right the car off on your taxes if you itemize them.

Apr 29, 09 9:40 pm  · 

MN allows claims up to $7500 in small claims court, so that will need to include legal fees. I'd rather be on the price is right then go on judge judy.

don't know if the perp is doing time or has anything beyond possibly a frankenstein integra that he was trying to supe up and might not even have title to.

now I just gotta go find me a Matlock!

Apr 29, 09 10:05 pm  · 

Hey TK there was one other option you didn't mention, and that was converting your car into a hybrid or an electric vehicle. Forget monetary value think value to the planet. And it would side well with your TK emblem. Just a thought and would be a more pleasant experience to arise from this. Who knows mr booster could lend a hand to pay off his debt. Now let Matlock figure that out legally.

In other news I'll be flying to Cleveland tomorrow - I really wish I had one of these

Hey Sarah when I'm flying back in a week or so I have to go through DFW for a few hours. Drop me a note if you fancy coffee and rousing conversation

Apr 29, 09 10:34 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I think mantaray and I are pretty much saying the same thing regarding the claim amount: Shoot for the maximum amount you can document, and let the judge be the one to reduce it to what he/she feels is an appropriate amount if necessary. As long as you're not trying to sue for a billion dollars you should be fine.

Regarding having legal counsel with you in court, I think the rules vary by state. I think it's an option in some states, while other states don't allow it. Even if they don't allow it, it wouldn't hurt to have an attorney look over your paperwork and make sure you're going through the process the right way.

As for what to do with the wrecked car, I recommend turning it into a piece of public art.

Apr 29, 09 10:44 pm  · 
Apr 29, 09 11:40 pm  · 

I think you're right, LiG. Varies state by state.

I personally wouldn't bother with legal representation though; seems pretty open and shut to me, no? Just submit the backup for your cost estimate, the police report, the report of his confession, and show up with it all in court. Now, getting him to cough up the dough may be the hard part...

Apr 29, 09 11:43 pm  · 

yeah i am not sure of the point of the process. do you think he will even have as much as a few thousand bucks? he a rich criminal who stole old car by mistake? unless you know he got resources to cover your costs your best bet is to refrain from incurring them...cuz it would so suck to be left with a wrecked car AND a lawyers bill at the end of day.

Apr 29, 09 11:52 pm  · 

Techno that picture is AWESOME!!!

Apr 29, 09 11:59 pm  · 
For Liberty Bell
Apr 30, 09 8:16 am  · 
liberty bell

Thanks melt. I decided with the addition of the dog in February - and my husband being gone half the summer - that chickens were not in my spring this year. However, my sons' class has an egg incubator right now, those chicks will have to go somewhere...

You guys should know that I have notification set for this thread only, so I do keep up here even when I'm not posting. Today I'm at BSU for most of the day.

Apr 30, 09 8:30 am  · 

Liberty Bell really?
That is sort of neato thing to do. It is like "status updates" for TC.....

Tk, I say take it to small claims court. Why not.. Seems pretty open and shut as people have said.

Also, I am getting a haircut today. Time to go short for summer. Dennis the Menace meets business professional. Is what i tell my haircutter to give me. Last time it worked out really well. We shall see this time.

Apr 30, 09 9:52 am  · 

anyone catch last night's daily show?

"the washington monument consummating it's love for the pentagon."

Apr 30, 09 10:16 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I got hit on at the grocery store! And I dont care what anybody says, it always feels good to get hit on, even if its creepy (this wasnt creepy).

Apr 30, 09 10:59 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Steven, do your girls have fancy Derby hats?

Apr 30, 09 11:09 am  · 

SH good for you. It is always nice to get hit on. I don't even mind if it is from the same sex. As it still pumps my ego.

Also, my boss called my haircut "a bigboy haircut" last time...

Apr 30, 09 11:21 am  · 
Living in Gin

Here's a handy online self-diagnosis for swine flu.

Apr 30, 09 11:47 am  · 

to, the Daily Show was utterly brilliant last night. I mean, it's always brilliant but last night's show was particularly funny, like once-a-month type of funny. The Rick Sanchez bit had me roaring!

Apr 30, 09 12:08 pm  · 

so, my weird dream thing is continuing, this time, its bordering on a nightmare

i saw myself falling into a body of water,, it was still, so i was able to swim, but inside the water there was a headless old woman,, i think she was old because of her body structure,,

whats wrong!!!!

Apr 30, 09 2:32 pm  · 
brian buchalski

the problem with chickens is that they shit all over the place. i couldn't imagine having them in the city. and i'm not very fond of this "urban farming" fad. granted it works in detroit because there are literally large swaths of land that are almost prairie-like in their abandonment. that is, there's no urban there. what's next? a farmer in iowa trying to max out FAR with high-rise condos while talking about "rural density"?

and getting hit on is not always least not when you're using public restroom and someone decides to lean over the urinal and complement your penis. that shit is just creepy. i've heard some women complain about the being alone in public...but at least their just attracting the attention of men. for men alone in public (at least the really, really good-looking ones like myself & zoolander), we tend to attract perverts.

oh...and yeah...i'm still alive

Apr 30, 09 3:15 pm  · 

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