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liberty bell

Aw, hell, melt. Sorry to hear that.

It's a morning of bad news as I just got a cranky email from a client. Sigh.

Apr 21, 09 8:20 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, I see...In that case, I say run now. I'm sure Hawaii is great this time of year, and besides, why put off getting lei'd any longer than you have to?

And yes, unemployment only lasts for 6 months, and I'm pretending that I will NOT get the extention, even though I WILL file for it - sorry great american tax payer. Husband doesnt want me to be a Housewife, and frankly, while I'm not so bad at housewife, I am terrible at Stay at home mom. Its sad, I know, and it makes me feel like a failure as a woman, but I just get tired chasing after a little kid saying "No, don't touch. I SAID NO!.........HEY! No." As cute as my kid is, he's one of those head strong suckers. I've been reading up on how to get control before he really becomes a pain. But all that is another story for another time...I'm sure you guys dont want to be bored with it.

Oh! And I forgot to tell y'all about the luncheon at the AIA yesterday. It was for member and non-member alike, as long as you were unemployed. Sort of a "cry on me" club. The idea was to talk about how the AIA could help us - which was nice of them. Anyway, only 6 people showed up - including me, and only ONE was a registered architect. THAT guy was funny. I swear, it was Evangelical Bunny in the flesh. He cracked me up. He was in his 50s, at least by my math (said he graduated in the 70s) and when he walked in he was grumbling about how hard it is to find a job, how corps are using joblisting sites to simply pad their resume books, ect. Then he started asking about how LEED was a scam, ect, and that ALMOST got him into how Global Warming was a Liberal Media blah blah blah... At this point I said to the other guy "Well, I'm just hoping they include LEED into the ARE and I wont have to worry about it." Later he walks up to a black guy, I though he was Hawaiian, and says that the economy is just going to get worse now that Obama is in office. The black guy told me this later. We thought it was funny. I said, "Well, maybe he was colourblind, or thought you were Hawaiian." He says "Maybe." and then introduced himself - his name was Juan! Cracked me up. Maybe you had to be there. Then the Architect gets into his NEW BMW 5 series and drives off.

I did learn that Autodesk is offering a FREE 13 month liscense of ACAD 2009 and Revitt to all us Unemployed folks. Take THAT you employed losers!

Apr 21, 09 8:23 am  · 
Ms Beary

Sarah, can I get the free 13 months of Revit too? Who are they giving it to?

Apr 21, 09 9:57 am  · 
brian buchalski

easy choice. go to hawaii. work on your tan. visit a cemetery. pick a plot. drink your brains out. forget everything you've learned. don't look back.

Apr 21, 09 10:06 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I was just thinking about you, Beary. And its to anybody thats been laid off. Its part of their "Assistance Program." I'm downlaoding Revit now. It should be said that it is the Student Version that is free, and they are intending that it be used as an educational tool. They are offering ACAD AP, Civil AP, and Inventor.

I'm sorry, but I have a bias to accents. I HATE the south jersey accent (particularly women) and the boston accent. I'm sorry to all of you who may have it.

Apr 21, 09 10:06 am  · 
vado retro

wtf? its snowing outside.

Apr 21, 09 10:14 am  · 
liberty bell

vado I'm pretty sure that's hail.

But what do I know? If you believe sarcasm, I'm always wrong.

This seriously makes me consider making a new screen name with zero posts. If people discriminate against my advice because of my post count, well, the world is topsy turvy indeed.

puddles I think your plan sounds good. But what do I do with my kid while working on my tan? <sigh>

Apr 21, 09 10:23 am  · 
vado retro

I think it was snow but it didn't last long. maybe two minutes.

New screen name for Liberty Bell contest begins NOW:

ILOVEBRAD!... is my suggestion.

Apr 21, 09 10:37 am  · 

Hi all... I'm a little worse for wear this morning as I had to drop the missus to the airport before the sun rose. I was able to get about 4 hours sleep before and 1.5 hours when I returned but I can still smell the lavender on my pillow and the chirping birds in my head.

Wonder K, off all the decisions in the world I think yours will bring a smile either way. Think of this way... which will bring the biggest smile sooner. Either way sounds great. I remember looking for architecture jobs in Hawaii (in what felt like another lifetime away with the wrong person) and found most of them to be with developers - I suspect as glorified cad monkeys. But I suspect with your green cred you could add a necessary panache to much of the crap work that constitutes resort design over there. Granted it looks like you are moving further, and further away - and perhaps I may have to drop you further down the list of archinecteurs I'm likely to meet in the near future.... you and jump-will-san are tied for last place.

Speaking of archinect meet-ups if I can get vacation in May I might drop in on Chicago & DFW. Fingers crossed

Apr 21, 09 10:39 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

DFW?! Really!? Are you teasing with just a crappy airport lay-over, cause thats not nice, Techno.

Apr 21, 09 11:38 am  · 

Dammit techno, that's not what I want to hear!!! Incidentally I will be back East in October as I have a friend's wedding to go to in Vermont. Maybe I'll make a whole road trip out of it.

Woke up at 4 am with a splitting headache. I get headaches on a regular basis but I really have no explanation for this one. Maybe the heat? Maybe my brain is frying? Yuck...

Apr 21, 09 11:43 am  · 

Sarah lately it seems like these layovers are less and less crappy. The last one I saw was 18 hours (a reduction in almost 200 clams on my airfare) - if that's the case we'd have to do drinks, lunch and the Kimbell (my treat).

Dubbers how about this... and you'll like this. I have a wedding in late August in LA, I didn't want to mention it because well you are talking about leaving at the beginning of summer. But...

Apr 21, 09 11:58 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

UGH. This Revit download/instal is taking for EFFING EVER!

Apr 21, 09 11:59 am  · 

Looks like NCIDQ is going the way of the AIA with their IDEP program. Unfortunately I am ineligible, as I graduated too long ago. Still is questionable if it's even worth doing it.

Atechno - No Cincy? Pooh!!!! Ah well, I guess I shouldn't be too annoyed, after all I've already met you.

Apr 21, 09 12:11 pm  · 

****melt... you can't get rid of me that easily. You'll see me again before the summer's out. Especially if I take this teaching gig + my house sells, I may have all of August off

Now I'm archinect-stalking, scanning Plataforma's Postopolis LA photo coverage looking to see if I recognise any archinecteurs.

Apr 21, 09 12:45 pm  · 

RIP Thom Kennedy

(ps SH, I think southern drawls make folks sound dumb and texas twangs makes folks sound pretentious too - you picked a fight with the wrong yankee ;-)

Apr 21, 09 1:49 pm  · 

Hi y'all,
I was in a HR training class all day. I am required to take at least 1 a year so i took More effective Business Writing!!! I reviewed grammar etc all day.

As for accents etc. I knew this yankee had lived in North Florida too long when i said Mural like merle (long on the l) a couple of years ago.


Apr 21, 09 3:50 pm  · 
brian buchalski

liberty bell, take your kids to ">nebraska & drop them off at a hospital and just like that you're free & clear to do all the tan work you want.

isn't that just the best law ever? and that it's nebraska is perfect for scaring the buggers out of the little shits. if it was california or new york, the kids would probably be saying "cool, get me out of here"...but nebraska...ha ha, that's just perfect.

Apr 21, 09 4:03 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I don't suppose there's a polite way to tell the person who sits behind you that the sound of their voice annoys the living shit out of you?

Apr 21, 09 5:05 pm  · 

Fays what was the comment re: Orhan about?

Apr 21, 09 5:14 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LiG, I was so there when I was employed. I just ranted on Archinect about it.

Apr 21, 09 5:14 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

LIG, calmly turn around and inform him that he is going to have to stop talking. And then calmly return to your task. It works...I've done it before. The offender was flabbergasted that I made such a request.

Apr 21, 09 5:33 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

And that is the first time I've ever written flabbergasted. Don't think I'm going to keep that one in my vocabulary.

Apr 21, 09 5:36 pm  · 

south jersey accent? i think anything south of seaside is ALL philly related. i, since i am from jersey, defies anyone to pick up any accent on moi. the north jersey is definitely distinguishable. as for those quaint southern accents, and those minnesota nice accents; they're fake, bullshit attempts to lure people in and then crush their souls. i'll take new york/new jersey "nice" over that any day. at least i know where i stand.

Apr 21, 09 6:13 pm  · 

lol, beta.

LIG, i guess this is a chance to work on your people skills.

really, best way to act to others is how you wanna be treated. unless said person is an ass, in which case it is your moral responsibility to speak up and correct em. trust me, its safe. knives are seldom involved.

archi, japan ain't so far, really. you should probably bring your students here for a study tour.

my mom says i have a funny accent. could be. a decade of talking to people who learned english as their 2nd or 3rd or 4th language tends to trim off the fat a bit. any word worth more than 5 cents left my spoken vocab years ago (no one understands em round here). i did manage to hang onto the curse words though. and have picked up a few more as i guess that means i am ahead!

Apr 21, 09 7:17 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I've given him the evil glare a couple times to no effect, but I haven't said anything yet because I'm not really sure how much of it is him being an asshole and how much is just my own personal pet peeves.

About 3-4 times a day somebody from his project team will come up to ask a quick question... Invariably, it turns into an hour-long mini project team meeting four feet behind me while I'm trying to get my own work done. (And I'm not really in a position to say anything when the other person happens to be a partner in the firm.) And when he's not talking to project team members, he's yapping on the phone about some renovation work he's having done on his own home.

The really irritating thing (besides the fact that I really hate it when people are holding extended conversations directly behind me... May as well be fingernails on a chalkboard) is that while he never gets angry or raises his voice, he has this constant whiny, petulant tone when he talks, as if he grew up an only child who always got his way. He's completely incapable of taking any answer at face value, and often sounds like a spoiled-rotten 12-year-old trying to persuade his mom to take him to McDonald's after she had already said "no" in no uncertain terms.

He's also one of these people who knows just enough about computers to be really dangerous. At least once a week or so, he'll call over the IT person and explain that his computer "is messed up." Of course, it's always the result of him fucking up the settings or doing something stupid, but you'd think his computer just spontaneously changed its printer settings or something. Nevertheless, the IT guy ends up spending an hour of his time "fixing" the computer, while listening to my co-worker whine about how the mouse doesn't feel right, etc.

I probably won't say anything because it's mostly one of those personal irritations that doesn't rise to the level of requiring a confrontation, so I rant about it here instead.

Apr 21, 09 8:43 pm  · 

LIG - I suggest earplugs. Problem solved, no more ranting necessary.

Apr 21, 09 9:23 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sorry to continue the rant fest, but: I'm tired, and I have so much to get done tonight before I can sleep. I want to be busy at work, but the last couple weeks have been a bit too much!

Apr 21, 09 9:50 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I could swear I started a "Rant Central" thread a couple years ago.

Apr 21, 09 10:01 pm  · 

Gin, I thought so too... I searched and searched and couldn't locate it. Let's make a call out to the big green floating head or better yet what about that Thread Locator... I wish that had a red dot on it.

Apr 21, 09 11:26 pm  · 

earplugs sounds good to me too LIG.

hang in there LB!

Apr 22, 09 7:08 am  · 
Living in Gin

Well, I won't have to listen to him today, because I was up all night with an upset stomach and I'm calling in sick. I get to listen to the construction noise outside my window instead.

Apr 22, 09 8:16 am  · 
Ms Beary

LB, do you need an intern?

Apr 22, 09 8:34 am  · 

Gin the sounds of construction is a great noise, I had our builder hammering away at 7.30 this morning. Of course I'm being sarcastic, however there is an innate positivity that arises from that sound that tells us the economy is not dead, there is still a heartbeat.

Hey Liberty, if you need any help call/email me... even if it's moral support. It's good to be busy but not having the resources to complete work can be difficult. Hang in there.

Jump, I'd love to take the students to Japan... perhaps I can convince them to take the graduate students or perhaps when I start my summer programme (ultimate goal: travel | learn | draw | build) and we'll drop in on the office...

Apr 22, 09 9:35 am  · 

Oh and happy Earthday everyone, Gin I thought that's why you were home to save energy. Hmm so my Earthday started with my precocious 9 year old niece asking me what I'm doing for Earthday. So aside from drinking locally sourced coffee, that is hand picked by a community of farmers, I car pooled - but the plan today is to minimize my carbon footprint (the air conditioning on my window-less office has been turned down 2 degrees and the fan is set to low). Otherwise I'm using my blog to spread the opportunity for greening our local environments... start small folks

Apr 22, 09 9:48 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, I hate my computer. I do. It says I'm the administrator, but then wont let me do anything because I don't have permision from the Administrator. Huh? I haven't given myself permision? WHat? And because of this, I cant get the tutorials for revit to load, or unzip, or something. All I know is that I cant get it to work, and Revit isn't makng any sense otherwise. I need an IT guy on call, for free, thats what I need.

Apr 22, 09 9:49 am  · 

Can i help?

Apr 22, 09 10:06 am  · 

Can i help?

Apr 22, 09 10:06 am  · 
liberty bell

Strawbeary, do you know SketchUp? I can't afford an intern, but I've been thinking about hiring someone to give me an online/phone call SU tutorial.

My husband is stirring a two-part plastic and it smells exactly like beer brewing. Is 10 til 10 too early to have a beer?

techno, your post about the sounds of hammers reminds me of this totally sappy story I heard once about a woman who had learned to be thankful for folding laundry, because her son was in Iraq, but when he was home and she was folding his laundry it meant that her loved one was near. I frequently choke up while folding laundry.

Never while cleaning windows, however.

Apr 22, 09 10:51 am  · 
vado retro

LB I can't afford an intern but my windows need cleaning. I;m on the fourth floor. you have a ladder right?

Apr 22, 09 11:01 am  · 

for the rant thread:

I'm really pissed at Gehry's statement on DnA 'sustainable design is an excuse for no talent'. Well f* you frank, tearing cardboard is not talent! Cameron needs to kick your wrinkled ass!

Apr 22, 09 11:07 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Nam, I dont know. Can you? I dont know much about anything computer wise. Strange, since I'm 25 and I should, but I dont.
I can get the tutorial file to download, and unzip to my desktop, but I cant get into the revit\program file. I can open it from the desktop though, and so at least thats something. Of course, I get the "simple house" file opened, and its just a file, I was expecting revit to teach me how to create the house, ect - you know, like a tutorial? I really do much better when someone is teaching me.

TK, that is crazy.

Apr 22, 09 11:37 am  · 

tree, that's not really what he said though. his point, and i do agree, is that there are many architects out there that get the cursory LEED accreditation and then use that as a tool to position themselves as "sustainable" architects and thus better than those that are not LEED. that does happen, and that is specifically why i won't get LEED, because i think we could adhere to principles, do right, do great design, serve architecture and not pay the USGBC fee for some plaque. that fee i believe is the primary reason why many entities balk at LEED certification.

Apr 22, 09 11:45 am  · 

I just listened myself and was going to make the point Beta does.
He seems to be railing more against the use of sustainable/LEED ranking as a marketing gimmick both for architects and for the project itself.

Apr 22, 09 12:01 pm  · 
vado retro

my experience is that the people who are LEED ap's generally use/waste more fucking energy than i do. ie they drive in from the suburbs in their honking euro about being green while sucking on bottled water, leaving the lights on, and using a small forests worth of plotter paper. so much of this is just a marketing tool and not a philosophy for living. the extant of their thoughts about sustainablity run about as deep as any of their other thoughts about susatainablity, carbon reduction etc... an aside my nieces husband is studying for the LEED exam. his job? he is a customer service rep for a company that makes projection screens. you either walk the walk or you don't regardless of any acronyms after your name.

Apr 22, 09 12:15 pm  · 

having said that. my argument is that both - and i like Cameron way more that Frank - are egoists and the opposite side of the same coin or quoin. the real problem is not the Bilbaos, although they are problems, and the real solution is not AFH, although it is a solution. the real problem right now is our collective inability to foster "real" change at a governmental level in how we develop, in a responsible fashion, our planet. real solutions to real problems need to come from all of the people that say they give a damn, and that starts by getting in front of our elected official's face, and tell them to institute regulations/codes that curtail the outright destruction of this country and others by developers that have one hand in my pocket, another in the government, and both feet in our asses.

Design Like You Give A Damn meet Raise Hell Like Your Life Depends On It

Apr 22, 09 12:30 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i've changed my lifestyle...but it's because i'm doing everything i can to waste resources in effort to destroy planet. sadly enough, the planet is still here.

how come bottle deposit programs haven't been expanded? in michigan, it's still the same 10¢/per can for something like the last thirty years. no adjustment for inflation...and program not extended to things like liquor bottles.

oh, and i just watched a movie called house bunny. it's awesome. probably best movie of the year. i recommend it.

Apr 22, 09 12:36 pm  · 

Frank uses design as a marketing ploy, yet has never until now been accused of 'design-washing'. So he is a yellow bellied hypocrite with a double standard. There are many dumb design architects and LEED-APs out there too. That doesn't warrant his remarks. It's more difficult to design a sustainable building, net-zero, living structure, then it is to tear and twist cardboard stuck together by hot glue. Frank has no justification to claim moral superiority. Yes, brad is his 'friend' who twisted frank's arm into designing a few katrina cottages, but those are not green in any way.

btw, Francis Anderton's original point that iconic buildings aka 'excessive' architecture helped foster Cameron et al flip side of appropriate architecture was never proven and all but disproven by Cameron.

Apr 22, 09 12:40 pm  · 

i just don't hear a moral superiority. i hear that there is room in the world for design for designs sake and critically responsive architecture to natural and man made disasters or environmental stewardship. i tend to look at his work, recent work, as excessive, but again his point was to the LEED washing and AIA credentialing as a means for somehow discrediting those that are not.

as for brad, again, at a "small" level these things are irrelevant. they lack the bigness of our collective capabilities; there is nothing systemic or even approaching a real level substantive change going on to correct an ineffective code/zoning/governmental level. brad or the other celebrity nit-wit Cameron Diaz, are nothing but symbols, in a lame attempt to "radicalize" a dialog around "change."

i didn't find either fostering any kind of dialog and only seemed to be speaking to the converted. i think both could be seen as flawed.

in all actuality, i am surprised Frank even took the bait. it's easy for Cameron to tackle Frank, he's a large, old, and immovable object. easy target, like hunting a manatee with a howitzer.

Apr 22, 09 1:03 pm  · 

I am steadily approaching hopelessness.

Apr 22, 09 1:39 pm  · 

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