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Living in Gin

There was a weekend? I must have blinked and missed it. *sigh*

Apr 5, 09 9:56 pm  · 

Wow, I was blessed with another phone call from another great Archinector this weekend. Our one and only WonderK. What a great way to finish up an already great weekend, Unfortunately it's back to the grindstone tomorrow :o/

Night all.

BTW - vado and TK: I finally found that topgear episode online. Those guys are hilarious, and now I too have a huge desire to visit Vietnam.

Apr 5, 09 10:37 pm  · 

It was great to hear a friendly voice. Sometimes my problems seem so big in my head but when I finally get them out, it's not so bad. Miss you ****melt!

Apr 5, 09 10:44 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Damn, I should call ****melt!

Apr 5, 09 11:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

The weather is hideous (for April). Spring break is finally over so I can get back to work thank goodness! I have a week's worth of podcast/NPR listening to catch up on, and thankfully plenty of drafting to accompany it.

Apr 6, 09 9:02 am  · 
vado retro

lb at least you won't be tempted to put the top down and go for a joyride!

Apr 6, 09 10:04 am  · 
Living in Gin

Cold rain and thunderstorms here in NYC, and it's predicted to last all day. This would have been a good day to call in "meh" if it were allowed.

Apr 6, 09 10:25 am  · 

So has anyone gotten any good leads or anything from their LinkedIn profiles? I joined this morning (nothing better to do, as I'm still waiting for my project to start up). Hope you don't mind as some of you got requests for me to join your network.

Apr 6, 09 1:00 pm  · 

*m, I've had good luck with linkedin when I'm looking for work and to keep in touch with colleagues and folks that I don't want to share facebook's rollicking socializing with. Linkedin is very useful for finding folks within organizations and companies that you want to contact. There are also so useful discussion groups on serious topics that occasionally distract me.

It's blustery windy today - the wind is whistling through the old-school steel sashes by my desk - at least the air quality is high. the gusts are visible on the pond, and in the wheeling gulls.

Apr 6, 09 1:12 pm  · 

Ya aside from Raining I had to take the Mrs to the Dentist....I could just go crawl back in bed.

Apr 6, 09 1:33 pm  · 

My mom told me that it was supposed to be pretty nasty in the 'Nati this week. Something about a "rain/snow/wind" mix. Global warming, folks - it'll only get more interesting from here! (Although I do think that calling in "meh" is a great idea....)

I just got a very interesting phone call! I can't elaborate now but I will soon, I promise!!!

Apr 6, 09 2:04 pm  · 

Yes I wish I could call in "meh". I feel like it would be difficult to not call in meh most days though...

Apr 6, 09 2:06 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Dubbers, you're such a tease!

I'm bored. Got a lunch meet and greet sorta thing in a few weeks, maybe I can find an architect to help with my church project.

Nothing else is going on, gonna sweep and make pasta sauce. Fun times.

Apr 6, 09 2:07 pm  · 

liberty, I too get through my workday via podcasts and npr. what are your favorites? let's compare -- i could use a few new ones.

podcasts --

radio lab
the moth series

npr --

morning edition
this american life
wait wait don't tell me
fresh air -- although the browsing interface annoys me to no end!!

Apr 6, 09 2:12 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Yeah, that's one benefit I would abuse the hell out of if I could.

Today is also the Opening Day parade back in the 'Nati, and I understand it's pretty much an unofficial civic holiday for anybody who works downtown. With weather like this, though, I think one could be forgiven for opting to watch it on TV instead.

Apr 6, 09 2:13 pm  · 

How do I get a Archinecter phone call?

Apr 6, 09 3:08 pm  · 

Ooooh manta - you might have something there. Perhaps I can call in MEH tomorrow. Better than sitting on my ass twiddling my thumbs willing the client to call with the go ahead.

Apr 6, 09 3:15 pm  · 

So I'm completely knackered and feel like crawling under my desk and having a nap. I got to work and had to make some silly adjustments to the cover letter for 1/2 dozen contracts we are sending out. And just when I was finished the clerk noticed the incorrect title on the letters. So I had to kill a few trees reprinting it.

Also my carpenter, cabinet maker extradonnaire is in Jamaica (he's the guy we got the best service/quality out of in Montserrat). So I picked him up showed him what we needed done. He was also giving me the gossip on my ex - fun

Anyway, Nam I tried calling you just now.... the number you have listed on facebook is busted.

Apr 6, 09 3:42 pm  · 

wait my apologies Nam - seems to have been my phone's fault! Will call in few

Apr 6, 09 3:45 pm  · 

Oh, I bet you can totally call in "knackered"!

I remember a few years ago on Opening Day, it was terribly cold, although I don't remember it snowing on us. Nonetheless, a ticket to the Opening Day game in Cincinnati is worth its weight in gold so we would have been utterly foolish to not go. Come to think of it, that was the year we had "standing room only" tickets, and it was so nasty and we were losing so badly that many people left by the 7th inning and we were in the lower section by the end of the game! Still lost though, oh well. No surprise, we usually lose on Opening Day.

(It just occurred to me that I am referring to the Cincinnati Reds as "we"... hard habit to shake and I probably never will :o)

Apr 6, 09 3:52 pm  · 

Archi, comes through..
I am at work. But will you leave a message?
That way i can finally match a voice with a face?

Apr 6, 09 4:29 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Looks like the Reds are on track to keeping up their Opening Day tradition... Meh.

Apr 6, 09 4:40 pm  · 
vado retro

here in indy they moved fresh air to noon and then preceded to preempt it all week with a piano competition which is okay. but today they preempt with this economic luncheon they have here in town. some prof from pepperdine which is a right wing wackjob school. i actually went to one of these luncheions once with spare tickets that my boss had. and the speaker was some right wing columnist in the alan keyes mold and preceded to ruin my lunch by tlaking about how great ronald reagan was and how even though there were no wmd's in iraq it was the right thing to do. what a right wing circle jerk that was.

Apr 6, 09 4:43 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, I meant to get those above things done today, but I discovered Hulu, and got stuck.

Apr 6, 09 4:56 pm  · 

Nam.... it rang but no voicemail or answering machine came up for me to leave a message. I'll try again in a few

Apr 6, 09 5:27 pm  · 

Hulu is so great. Have you seen the Hulu commercials with Seth McFarlane, the creator of Family Guy? They trip me out every time! Plus he's kind of cute, LOL.

Apr 6, 09 5:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

vado, I heard five minutes of mr pepperdine and his jokes were all falling flat - he sounded like a major geek, a smart one, but possibly an insufferable one too.

Apr 6, 09 5:54 pm  · 

our oven is sounding like a truck backing up.....and it will not quit!
yesterday the dryer the oven. humm....think I will go have a beer an work on it tomorrow. Mexican Dinner across the street...with Mexican Beer of course. Maybe it will drive the rain away....and my Structural Engineer...who is currently on the, "Most Wanted List".....Now there is an Idea...maybe we should start a thread "MOST WANTED"

Apr 6, 09 5:57 pm  · 

Ohhhhhhh, I was wondering why hulu sounded so familiar. So I guess the commercials are correct... it'll rot your brain.

Random question, but does anyone know what happened to peridotbritches? Perhaps I was the only one, but I quite enjoyed his shennanigans. And for that matter, I quite enjoyed moose drool too. After all he was the one who created my favorite thread.

Apr 6, 09 6:01 pm  · 

You mean Thread Central isn't your favourite thread?? Hmmm interesting. I like hulu - but you can't get it outside of the US and that well sucks. But here's the advert

Apr 6, 09 6:40 pm  · 

I just went to that link that's AWESOME!!!

Apr 6, 09 6:50 pm  · 

Good question wheres Peri?

Also, while i do still only have a land line, no cell I do have voicemail, weird.

SH, i watch 30 Rock on Hulu as i always seem to be busy on Thurs nights..

Apr 6, 09 6:50 pm  · 
vado retro

i talked to liberty bell TWICE today. be jealous people. be very jealous.

Apr 6, 09 7:06 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Just here to report that pregnancy SUCKS! I'm weak, dizzy, and nauseous. Out of curiosity, I looked at my former employer's maternity leave policy, perhaps as baseline for looking for another job, and found they give 2 days of paid maternity leave. Doesn't that sound absurd? Or is it normal? ...going to find Sarah's thread to see if it was already discussed there.

Apr 6, 09 7:06 pm  · 
vado retro

weak dizzy and nauseous? okay who knocked me up???

Apr 6, 09 7:30 pm  · 

It snowed in Nashville for 20 minutes today. On Saturday, the high was 78. Food for thought.

Apr 6, 09 8:06 pm  · 


Apr 6, 09 8:19 pm  · 


Apr 6, 09 8:19 pm  · 


Apr 6, 09 8:19 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Apr 6, 09 8:20 pm  · 

I watched all of Arrested Development when it first came out on hulu, and watched it more or less straight through, every weekend and weeknight till the wee hours. Intense experience.

I watch 30Rock on hulu too for the same reason but I get bummed because they only carry the most recent 5 episodes of it at a time. Kind of lame... there's some great features to hulu, though, if you have tabbed browsing enabled.

Apr 6, 09 8:46 pm  · 

This should be a school blog post, but I'll wait till more is known. the prospects of teaching are getting rather intense for next year. I'm in discussions to teach one or more of the following:
LA 3003 Case Studies in Sustainable Landscape Design and Planning 3 cr.
LA 4001 Sustainable Landscape Design and Planning Practices 3 cr.
LA 4002 Implementation of Sustainable Landscape Design and Planning Practices 3 cr.
or LA5712 Infrastructure, Natural Systems and the Space of Inhabited Landscapes 3cr

Think some of them are spring semester, so I'll be busy all year. (5712 is a grad level, the rest are undergrad)

I've been told that each credit is wort about $50/week (times 15 weeks)...

wK & Q, you're always welcome to be a guest if you want to do some ice fishing...

Apr 6, 09 9:02 pm  · 
birds and cicadas!
Apr 6, 09 9:07 pm  · 

$50/wk/unit? That doesn't seem right, are you sure?

Apr 6, 09 9:39 pm  · 

that seems right to me. usually it is like $4-$5K/class for that kind of job...isn't it?

those courses all sound interesting treekiller. my school was multi-disciplinary for undergrad so we took landscape courses as well as architecture, but mostly all we learned was how to ensure drainage and the theories of Lawrence Halprin. For urban planning we studied William Whyte. Kinda lame as inter-disciplinary subject matters go, but we were all architects, so i guess was at least something....but the stuff you (might) teach should be required for everyone in undergrad regardless of discipline...

no hulu in japan. someone told me it is possible to do work around but heck if i can figure it out...

Apr 6, 09 10:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

We usually watch our tv shows on the networks' website, which you could possibly do in other countries.

Sorry, Strawbeary. I hope you feel better. Remember, you at least wanted to get into this mess! If you need anything, let me know.

There has been a lot of phone calling recently. Man. I almost wish my phone number was online, but that kinda scares me.

Nam, you dont have a cell phone? Are you, like, really old or something?

Apr 6, 09 10:23 pm  · 

Jump, that's more then I was exposed to as an undergrad. Wish I had some halprin to counteract the derida/eisenmann.

that $50/classroom hour/week is a few years old, not sure the current pay. most of those 3 credit classes are going to meet for 3 to 4 hours/week. The budget will be finalized next week, then I should be getting a more solid offer.

Apr 6, 09 10:28 pm  · 

I agree, jump, but $50 wk x 3 credits = $150 / wk x 15 weeks = only $2250.

That seems low to me. But awesome, tk! Foot in the door! Hopefully it will pay even more! :)

Apr 6, 09 10:28 pm  · 

you're right manta. i was totally miscalculating. way too low. like 4 times too low. ?

our school was pretty good for undergrad treekiller. derrida was just getting famous so we were still on habermas and heidegger in our theory class. that plus statics, numerical mathematics, mech courses taught by green-freak (very mazria-influenced), and all the rest meant we had lots of variety. in hindsight i am glad for the breadth of what we learned, but wish it had been more guided. and really halprin got so tiring after awhile. we were "scoring" streets and so on, and it just seemed so nonsensical to for climate (can't remember who wrote that one- mcharg, maybe?) was another mainstay in landscape theory class, but that too also felt tepid. things are much much more interesting today.

Apr 6, 09 10:43 pm  · 

in school it was all about Olmstead for landscaping and Kevin Lynch for interpretations of the urban surroundings. I remember being treated like a leper when I was beating my fists about Roberto Burle Marx and X-urbanism by Mario Gandelsonas, sigh those where the days - challenging the Anglo-establishment in school. Dissuading the English rhetoric that was being drummed in our ear masked as authentically Caribbean in favour of a flavour of our own interpretation of the world around us.

Apr 6, 09 11:35 pm  · 

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