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Sarah Hamilton

No, not today. Its mid 60s, and windy as hell, but its so sunny, and some days it gets into the upper 70s, and well, I'm just excited I guess.

Apr 2, 09 5:48 pm  · 

LiG - the company that makes the bagger 288 also makes elevators. although I wish I could have spec'd that on my last big project. I wonder if a contractor would actually catch it during pricing...

Apr 2, 09 7:42 pm  · 

that thing is amazing. scary or cool i don't know which...

the kids are away at moms place for a week and it so soooo strange that i cleaned the house two days ago and it is still clean. this has not happened for such a long time i actually had begun to think our place was supposed to require constant cleaning.

Apr 2, 09 7:56 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I love the fact that it's so sinister-looking. In the photo, it looks like it has achieved self-awareness, and is now rampaging across the countryside as the villagers look on in horror.

Apr 2, 09 8:12 pm  · 

Cool thanks TK...
Only now i have another magazine to read regularly..

Apr 2, 09 8:43 pm  · 

Quote of the Day! "You Are Here" I have been laying out exit plans for a building today, and well I go room by room placing the label "You Are Here." I feel like I'm standing in each and every room. Odd thing the phone rings like around 7:00 pm and I end up talking to a potential client about a 40,000 SF building...recommended by another client...and in these time we be doing just about anything to keep the work coming in. Ya..ya...for potential clients.. Sarah...might be giving you some guiding light on your Church Project.. you looking at an assembly area with 400 people.

Apr 2, 09 10:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

I wondered how the Bagger 288 compared in size to the vehicle that moves the Space Shuttle form the building to the launch pad. So I asked my five year old son "What's the name of the thing that moves the Space Shuttle?" "The Crawler Transporter, mommy". Freakin' kids, their ability to retain some info but not others is amazing.

(FYI, the bagger is the biggest, crawler transporter second biggest, tracked vehicle in the world.)

I'm working on my husband's old PowerBook since mine is in the shop and the home page colors of Archinect look much more true on this machine than mine. Interesting.

Apr 3, 09 12:05 am  · 


He told me to tell liberty bell he said hello, LOL.

I will tell you all more about it tomorrow when my sinus cavity doesn't feel like it's going to cave my face in....

Apr 3, 09 2:44 am  · 
brian buchalski

still alive...and with handsomely trimmed fingernails, i might add

Apr 3, 09 8:59 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Hmmm..... Snook, need any help with that project? I'm always up for learning opportunities.

LB, the wiki article said that the bagger is also powered from offsite, but the crawler is not. So, if you ask me, that bagger isn't a vehicle, tracks or not.

Apr 3, 09 9:30 am  · 
vado retro

i was watching orhan's presentation (hey orhan!) on the storefront link and then it just went blank. hopefully it'll be posted somewherez.

Apr 3, 09 9:34 am  · 
Living in Gin
More pics

of the bagger, including some photos of what happened when a hapless bulldozer got in its way.

Apr 3, 09 10:01 am  · 

LB - yeah, they can remember that stuff, but they can't remember where they put their shoes. My 4 year old nephew has memorized every single piece of construction equipment ever made - he'd absolutely love the bagger.

Apr 3, 09 11:33 am  · 
vado retro

not to mention correcting you on your failings in dinosaur knowledge.

Apr 3, 09 11:44 am  · 

Dead again today huh?

Apr 3, 09 1:20 pm  · 

manta & other moms-

Wish we had read
this a year ago.

Apr 3, 09 1:27 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

You know, tk, I made my choice financially. I still dont understand why women, especially poorer women - like the ones in Africa, or wherever Selma Hyack went - wouldn't choose free over expensive, although the waitress/incapatible jobs argument makes sense. All that said...

I am so glad I'm done! I can finally sleep on my stomach again, YEAH!!!!!

Apr 3, 09 1:53 pm  · 
vado retro

manta ain't no mommy. i did see her skipping though.

Apr 3, 09 1:55 pm  · 

Anyone going to touch that "Limitations of Architects in Training" thread?

Apr 3, 09 2:03 pm  · 

tk - I posted on your teaching thread - my comments were pretty general - although teaching could be seen as a liability in some places if you are a woman.

Apr 3, 09 2:31 pm  · 

gay marriage is now legal in Iowa?

Apr 3, 09 2:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

tk, why do you wish you had read that article a year ago? I've not read it, I've only read other parenting blogs' take on it.

Apr 3, 09 3:41 pm  · 

LB- we dealt with lots of angst around the entire BF versus bottle process, especially for missus - pumping isn't free, time is very valuable. reading a more objective view then la leche's 'bottle is evil', is useful for all parents. yes, there is a BF mafia out there.

As a dad I care, especially regarding the co-parenting issue - not that we had a choice, as I spent the first 3+ weeks doing all night time feedings following the c-delivery. Glad to know that most of benefits are associated with the parental interactions with the babe, then the source of the fluids.

it's worth reading, it validates that good parenting is more then just BF or having $800 strollers.

Apr 3, 09 3:54 pm  · 

I spent my whole morning helping build out my first exhibit, which is opening tonight. I felt good to get out and get my hands on some steel again. And even better to be done with that project!!!

Apr 3, 09 4:09 pm  · 
liberty bell

tk, I guess I'm jaded because of the circumstances of my breastfeeding experience. The hospital where I delivered - Pennsylvania Hospital, "The Nation's First" founded by Benjamin Franklin - offered a weekly breastfeeding support group. In those meetings the only message we ever heard was "Breastfeeding is good for the baby, but if you can't/don't want to do it then formula is not bad.". I mean, this was a serious support group, and judgement was absolutely not allowed. The mantra was that a even a single day of breastmilk is good for the baby; if that's all you can do, then that's all you do - the baby gets that benefit then you both move on to enjoy the wonder of the first months without the stress of worrying about what you "should" be feeding the kid.

The point being, I was surrounded by women and professionals (two delivery nurses ran the meetings) who were totally NOT the La Leche League mafia. AND I heard so many other women who were telling the exact same experiences I was going through: giving up dairy, no sleep, painful thrush, etc. Being in a supportive momgroup was, for me, the only thing that kept my sanity that first year. We are so isolated these days - especially living away from experienced relatives - that finding that support is hard, and new parenting is lonely.

For comparison, here is Daddytypes take on the article. I commented on it, under my own name. Remember the Ditch the architect guy? Daddytypes argues that Hanna Rosin's article is exactly the same kind of personal experience heavy, shock-value writing that most journalism has become these days.

Yes, the whole new parenting thing can seem like a competition, but only if one lets it be so. It's the same in any endeavor in life. I'm sorry BFing was so hard for you guys - it is for a LOT of families - but you and the missus are smart, involved parents, which means your kid will likely be a smart, involved person, no matter what you feed him.

Apr 3, 09 5:02 pm  · 
vado retro

i was breast fed and i'm a train wreck.

Apr 3, 09 5:57 pm  · 

funny how our world has become so polarised into narrower and narrower camps. grey areas are such nasty things when the experts talk, but we live in grey all the time and have to conduct out lives in that zone.

can't recall which day it was but think it was recent NY TIMES that wrote about a guy who checked predictions and assessments of experts against reality and turns out that experts get things right only as often as a random dart board toss. Turns out common sense is more impt than deep knowledge. So there you go. breast feeding is natural obviously, but bottled formula is not evil and probably refraining from beating your child is more impt than the food the kid eats. as long as malnourishment isn't involved...but you know that's just common sense.

Apr 3, 09 8:22 pm  · 

hi all. Had the perfect Friday beer, pizza and excellent conversation

Apr 4, 09 1:47 am  · 

Yay! Sorry this took so long. I'm going to go collapse now.

Apr 4, 09 3:01 am  · 

So I just spoke with the ever so gracious Liberty Bell, as she started her morning. Just thought I'd mention that and rub it in. I know normally it's Vado who gets to boast of such things, and Steven every now and then but it was fun to take up the phone and call.

Apr 4, 09 12:11 pm  · 
Congratulations, a**hole

: you just sparked another wave of anti-immigrant hatred in an already on-edge immigrant-wary country.

Nice job, douchebag: I don't know that Obama was so keen to ban guns before, but with paranoid psychopaths like you in existence, I'm sure he will now. (PS. Why didn't he do us all a favor and kill himself? Now not only is he a cop-killer, he's going to waste taxpayer money too. People like this guy are the reason I have revised my stance on the death penalty to "pro"...)

Apr 4, 09 5:11 pm  · 

wK- relax, it's just a form of darwinism.

Apr 4, 09 5:28 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I fear it's just the tip of the iceberg. There's a lot of unstable wannabe Timothy McVeighs out there, and people like Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly, and Beck are cheering them on every step of the way.

Apr 4, 09 8:02 pm  · 
vado retro

techno that beats french toast as a way to start the day!

Apr 4, 09 8:05 pm  · 

Vado it was great she was so chirpy and it wasn't even noon.

Now I'm talking to ****melt and she's giving me the giggles. This is the best way to start and finish the day...

Apr 4, 09 8:33 pm  · 

OMG!!!! I just had the most fantabulous day. Woke up this morning and attended the annual scooter rally that Cincinnati has. I think there were 400 ppl who participated, fromall walks of life. Truly amazing. The roads were hilly and windy and the weather was brisk and sunny. View photos here. Man I am beat though

And then to top it all off, I got a call from Atechno. HI ATECHNO!!!!

Apr 4, 09 9:40 pm  · 

****melt I am jealous on both accounts! I hope some day we can scooter rally together!

Apr 5, 09 1:20 am  · 
vado retro
Apr 5, 09 9:50 am  · 

@melt- [URL=]topgear went scootering in vietnam...

Apr 5, 09 10:57 am  · 
vado retro

that episode made me want to go to vietnam. i don't think i want to eat a beating snake heart though.

Apr 5, 09 11:01 am  · 

2nd attempytt
@melt- topgear went scootering in vietnam...

Apr 5, 09 11:38 am  · 

TK - What channel is that show on? I am completely and utterly intrigued. I wanna see what happens.

DubK - I am totally up for it. So when and where are we going?

Columbus is having a rally the begiining of September and I'm considering going. We shall see.

Apr 5, 09 11:47 am  · 

*T - BBC america, monday night - check out the recent test drive of the honda FCX too. mostly, they drive gas guzzling supercars, occasionally they look at gas millage (like how far a Lambo and a Ferrari will go while racing on one gallon of petrol)

Apr 5, 09 11:58 am  · 

(switching off the 'otify me when someone replies to this post' feature)

Apr 5, 09 12:01 pm  · 
vado retro

the entire vietnam episode is on youtube.

Apr 5, 09 1:05 pm  · 

Wonder K I was going to call you as well (although we've never spoken) because I wanted to call in a question to the school blog panel you were on. By the way how was it?? I'm really quite jealous of all of you and these great archi-opportunities to chat and ponder architecture. Hmmm sigh

Apr 5, 09 7:53 pm  · 

Oh techno, don't be jealous. In fact I'm feeling a little lost lately... I've had so many great experiences lately but it still feels like no matter what I do, I'm still going to be out of a job after graduation. I don't know what I'm going to do. Le sigh.

Apr 5, 09 9:11 pm  · 

hey ya'll. i'm back. and alive too.

Apr 5, 09 9:39 pm  · 

Hi all.
Tommorow, is Monday. I had a great weekend. How about you?

In other news since i hardly use it anyways and could use the money I am thinking of selling my car to my sister. Who needs a newer one.

Apr 5, 09 9:50 pm  · 

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