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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! LB, I'm guessing you read all the broo-ha-ha on FB as well?

Yes folks it's almost 4am EST and I'm wide awake. This totally sucks. I'd try to read some of my book, but I really don't want to turn on the lamp. This is one of those few moments I really wish I had a book light. Sigh.

Mar 16, 09 3:51 am  · 

Guess i will need to check out Facebook.

Also, snook can i just say how bad ass is it that they were named DEATH....

Mar 16, 09 8:25 am  · 
vado retro

tuna u should a called me i am the great insomnia cure.

Mar 16, 09 9:09 am  · 
brian buchalski

i think i did include a link to detroitfunk...right after girl-in-the-D and above the detroit marathon

and yeah those Death guys are legendary. nice to hear they're still alive...some of them at least.

Mar 16, 09 12:31 pm  · 
brian buchalski

oh, and my interest in Detroit doesn't really have much to do with the ruins or anything other romantic notions. i think i'm fascinated by the prospect of what kind of person i would become if i lived there.

Mar 16, 09 12:33 pm  · 

vado - I find that hard to believe. In any case, I think I finally got back to sleep around 4:30am. I'm actually not as tired as I thought I'd be. We'll see how the afternoon goes. I might be sawing logs come 2pm.

Mar 16, 09 1:01 pm  · 

For me it is a similar thing. It is the possibilities that the city hold for an individual and the city at large...

Mar 16, 09 1:07 pm  · 


did you see hawthorne's [rul=,0,7253958.storylink]review[/url] of dodger's spring training camp? what a waste of column inches. Aren't there more important buildings and issues for him to write about? this could be a good topic for elseplace (hint, hint).

Mar 16, 09 1:22 pm  · 

First time I saw the title for this thread: laptop with a docking station
I thought, "Lapdancing looking for a docking station." damn I need to get my mind out of the gutter.

Mar 16, 09 3:47 pm  · 

when I got home tonight, there was a letter from CLARB notifying me that they transmitted my council file to the MN Board! YEAY! the countdown to TK-RLA is at T-minus 4 days and counting! (board next meets on the 20th). should i then change my username to 'Treekiller RLA'?

Mar 16, 09 7:57 pm  · 

jafidler - I lived there in the mid-80s to the early 90s (near city airport).. my family moved just north of 8 mile when I was in HS.

Did you grow up there, or move there later?

the decay just makes me sad and a little angry. Detroit's a really vibrant place in some parts... it's gotten a lot better than it was in the 80s - I went back to my old neighborhood a few years ago, and there were actually kids playing on the playground and people hanging out outside - same playground where people used to smoke crack in broad daylight. brought a tear to my eye.

puddles - I think my experience made me realize the impact a strong community can have on the health of a neighborhood. I've lived through what happens when too many people disengage or move away. I also think that those who survived that dark period and are still there doing what they do are truly amazing people.

anyway - in more positive news, one of my projects is moving ahead! finally!

Mar 16, 09 8:29 pm  · 

To all.

Mar 16, 09 10:21 pm  · 
vado retro

some things you never get used to
even though you're feelin' like another man.

Mar 16, 09 10:30 pm  · 

vado, i am thinking something about that sounds a little off.

Mar 16, 09 10:37 pm  · 
vado retro

no, it's ON!

Mar 16, 09 11:02 pm  · 

tk, congratulations!
i just looked at your link for dodger ranch article... haha. looks like somebody in baseball business asked hawthorne something he couldn't refuse and it resulted in very dead article. call it the obligations of a big print architectural critic... a giveaway nevertheless.

Mar 17, 09 1:36 am  · 

Woo hoo!

Best Day Ever!

Mar 17, 09 3:56 am  · 
brian buchalski

i liked it better when rivers were odd colour s because of pollution. now we just dye them for art's sake.

and to anybody who actually cares about drinking, st patrick's day is nothing more than an insulting farce by amatuers. i'm sitting this one out...except for the shamrock shake. damn that irresistable minty cool

Mar 17, 09 9:17 am  · 

so i was doing simultaneous translation this evening for some starchitects at a conference. all i gotta say is bloody hell but that is a tough job. funny old world that i am often asked to do odd jobs for which i am entirely unqualified just because i speak a bit of english.

Mar 17, 09 9:53 am  · 

my spouse has today off for "evacuation day."

tumbleweed - congrats! I'm sure you rocked the interview. I've also attempted to stop listening to NPR for the same reason, but "science friday" always sucks me back in.

puddles - isn't the chicago river always that color?

Mar 17, 09 10:11 am  · 

Jump - The way I see it, you would have a certain set of specific skills. If I were speaking in a foreign country in need of a translator in front of other architects, I'd like an architect translate it too. You probably have the Architecture related vocab and understanding of the profession regardless of your mastery of the language.

Mar 17, 09 10:41 am  · 

jump's such a backdoor bragger... >_>

Mar 17, 09 11:07 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I didn't realise that was a dyed river, I just thought it was a river, and didnt understand the big deal.

Tumbles, I hope you get that job, I am super excited for you, and crazy jealous.

Mar 17, 09 11:52 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I didn't realise that was a dyed river, I just thought it was a river, and didnt understand the big deal.

Tumbles, I hope you get that job, I am super excited for you, and crazy jealous.

Mar 17, 09 11:53 am  · 

Sounds enthusiastic not pushy.

Who is jk3hl ? Yeah jump!

Mar 17, 09 1:06 pm  · 

And I thought my plate was full enough. now I'm being sent on a business trip on sunday for which I have to coordinate all the meeting logistics on top of everything else I've been tasked to do... one week ago, I was starving for stuff - now I'm drowning.

Mar 17, 09 1:36 pm  · 
liberty bell

Archinect is so slow today I can hardly stand it!

Mar 17, 09 1:42 pm  · 

Such is life.

Mar 17, 09 2:53 pm  · 
Living in Gin

One of my best friends grew up in Ferndale, just outside of Detroit, and we spend a weekend there for the 2001 Detroit Electronic Music Festival. It was my first visit to the Motor City, and while I don't think you could pay me to live there, I found it incredibly fascinating and more than a bit depressing. I'm glad to hear there are people there committed to making it a better place.

The music scene there is incredible, and I'm a huge fan of Detroit techno music. At Les by Carl Craig is a quintessential Detroit techno track, and I could probably listen to it a thousand times and not get tired of it.

Mar 17, 09 5:19 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK, I'll gladly help you, if you pay me!

Mar 17, 09 5:39 pm  · 

sounds fun, treekiller.

backdoor bragging is my specialty.

translation is fine. i have done it before at lectures given by visiting architects to japan. i was ok at that. not great, but ok. but simultaneous translation into a microphone so everyone with the wireless headphones get to listen to speakers live....that is hard. you have to ignore your own voice and forget what you are saying in one language so you can hear the speaker continue to talk in the other language. add in a fair amount of archi-babble to the mix and it becomes a real adventure...glad i did it though. one more weird job to add to the list of professions i should never be allowed to get near ;-)

Mar 17, 09 6:59 pm  · 
vado retro

so i have the local yokel news on and they just had a story about the cops confiscating a mortar and an anti tank weapon lots of other weapons and 30,000 rounds of ammo from some joker's house. the police responded to a suicide threat at the house. wtf?

Mar 17, 09 11:13 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Confidential to a certain PM:

For the fourth time: No, I don't need an intern to help me with these presentation drawings that are due on Friday. I know what needs to be done, I know how to do it, and I know I can have them done in time. It would take me much longer to explain everything to the intern and answer his questions than it would to simply do it myself... And knowing this particular intern, he probably won't do it correctly and I'll end up having to fix it anyway.

What I do need is for you to leave me the fuck alone and stop interrupting me every ten minutes asking if I need help. When you interrupt me, I lose my concentration, I make mistakes, I have to spent time correcting those mistakes, and then I won't be able to meet your deadline.

If the intern really needs something to do, I'll have him sit near my desk with strict instructions to beat you away with a stick the next time you come over here to interrupt me.

Mar 18, 09 12:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hey, that's a GREAT task for an intern? Now would they get IDP credit under Contracts for that, or for CDs?

Mar 18, 09 12:10 pm  · 
brian buchalski

why st patrick's days sucks...except for shamrock shakes. thank yuu mcdonalds, sláinte!

Mar 18, 09 12:10 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Irish people drinking and getting into fights? I'm shocked!

Mar 18, 09 12:18 pm  · 
Living in Gin

In honor of AIG, Uncle Scrooge #284:

Mar 18, 09 12:22 pm  · 

St. Patrick's Day does NOT suck! Take it back puddles!

Mar 18, 09 12:41 pm  · 
liberty bell

You know what DOES suck? The new neighbor who just bought the cute little cottage up the street has decided to clad it in vinyl siding. Thanks for dropping real estate values on the whole block, lady!

It WAS adorable, stuccoed CMU with the vertical joints covered and the horizontals struck, probably built in the 40s. Now it's another gross vinyl piece of crap.

Why oh why are people so dumb?!

Mar 18, 09 1:16 pm  · 
Maple Street

I've been thinking about this show a lot lately.

Is it really necessary to pin a Scarlett Letter to all of those AIG execs getting bonuses, when those bonuses were negotiated in good faith, when times were good? Really? What is that going to solve? Might as well label them as pedophiles, and institute a sort of "Megan's Law." These people should not be hunted down like prey or be forced to commit hari-kari.

Mar 18, 09 1:28 pm  · 
brian buchalski

just wait until someone invents a fake vinyl that even cheaper than the real thing

as long as st patrick's day isn't a paid holiday, then i'm pretty sure it's going to suck. moreover there's simply nothing endearing about clownish hooligans' drinking themselves silly and confronting riot police. maybe next year will be better if o'bama can nationalize it.

Mar 18, 09 1:33 pm  · 

i'm 1/2 irish and the only thing that was ever cool about st paddy's day was having corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and irish soda bread. other than that, they can screw.

Mar 18, 09 1:39 pm  · 
vado retro

we could have a good German day if it wouldn't have been for Hitler. Thanks Hitler. Way to fuck up the whole German culture. Now we don't even get a German day. And I'm not talking Oktoberfest (which hitler would've loved btw) which is all lederhosen and tubas. I'm talkin' philosphers, composers, writers, scientists and visual artists out der yingyang. But because of Hitler we don't get a German day. Way to go Hitler.

Mar 18, 09 4:33 pm  · 

I have recently discovered that the downside of completing my thesis in a timely fashion, and also being a proactive member of the council I am on, means that I am now being bogged down in bureaucratic paperwork hell. And I mean, HELL. The process for completing this paperwork that I have the misfortune of dealing with is so extremely inefficient and antiquated that I started thinking about tax law, and government, and stocks and all that.... and I am not at all surprised that our financial system failed. And I will not at all be surprised if something far more drastic occurs, like the complete collapse of say, California's state government. We have FAR too many rules, and regulations, and codes, and statutes, and crap in this country if even the most diligent and persistent people are punished for trying to do their jobs.

That said, I am this close to becoming a gun-toting libertarian.

Mar 18, 09 5:46 pm  · 

You get German day if you live where I do Vado. It's great -- parades, fanfare, all kinds of celebration.

beta, I have an issue with the bonuses. Plenty of companies (mine included) negotiated bonuses, pay raises, etc when times were good last year, worked hard for them all year, and then saw them evaporate when times got bad and the company couldn't afford to pay out. If AIG says "we can't afford to pay our debtors and need help or we will go out of business entirely" then they need to cancel bonuses, freeze salaries, etc. just like everyone else. Begging for money to avoid bankruptcy is a major issue, a last-ditch effort, and should be treated that way -- something you do after you've already tightened the belt everywhere else that you possibly could. Screw those jerks.

Mar 18, 09 5:55 pm  · 

My best Saint Paddy's was spent in a South Boston Pub in the early 70's. Drinking beer with my buds and a ravishing red head named Becca. Then the Irish girls started dancing on the bar...oh my I was all of 19 at the time and I thought I had found heaven.

Mar 18, 09 6:04 pm  · 

Last night we went to an Irish Friends place...He is very was a small civil party let it was up until we left. I can't claim for the party after we went home. These friend are clients, and they live above where they work in a main street apartment. I'm surprised no one from the New York Times has found them cause they unbeliveable. They live a life which can only be imagined in the mind.
They are antique dealers and everything evolves around their collection of antiques. The room where we partied is filled with restored light fixtures and an elegant bar with a antique pool table serving double duty as a buffet table for the evening. There is even a 1970's disco ball tossing glistening light among the many antiques.
It is like being transformed to the roaring 20's. So we tossed a few beers, ate a good amount of excellent food, and carried on with a room mostly filled with those of Irish Decent.

Mar 18, 09 6:13 pm  · 

decent irish? cool.

LB, just be glad your home has value. In Japan houses depreciate like cars. value drops as soon as you move in and it does not matter if it is a good neighbourhood or not. it's going to drop. the only thing of value is the land. value goes up if in the center of tokyo or close to a train line, but apart from that if you buy a home here it is for life. no one can afford to sell their home (unless they are in the center). which is part of the reason why if the husband-unit gets a job in another city he moves and the wife and kids stay behind.

the upside of that situation is that it doesn't matter what your neighbour does so there are no arguments about paint colour, building materials or other aesthetic decisions. which explains a lot. the kind of experimentation in housing that happens in japan is very much a product of the economic system. there is no penalty for trying new things the way there is in much of the rest of the world. i think it is a good thing. but i am a happy anarchist and like the world messy and full of individuals doing their own crazy things. funny how a nation famed for collective action can be defined by a society as cantakerously individualistic as the american myth, while in usa conformity right down to colour of house can even be made into legally binding covenant.

just goes to show the world is much more interesting than it seems on the surface.

Mar 18, 09 7:06 pm  · 

jump....very interesting...."the blue bloods of my hood, wouldn't buy into such a thing as loosing value on your house...and of course you must have a say in what the heck your neighbor is doing"

oh ya there was a couple of decent Scots there as well.

Mar 18, 09 7:22 pm  · 

I'm not Irish, but I really like red heads, Guinness and lived on what could easily be an Irish colony that celebrated St Patrick's Day as a public holiday. So I guess that makes me more green than you?

Anyway, I agree that it's an amazing celebration filled with bland gassy food and loads of beer. And everyone is dressed in funny green costumes. I like to think of Easter's version of Halloween or Halloween for adults.

Anyway turns out the missus is sick, she's off from work for a few days. I'm waiting to find out the extent of which and if I should fly to be by her side. And no news, an innocent query went loopy all. Come now we all know I'd announce it first on Thread Central

Mar 18, 09 8:06 pm  · 

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