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holy crap - this past week of daily shows has been epic...

last night it seemed like Cramer was on the verge of tears at several points and you could tell Stewart was backing off because he felt bad for him.

I really hope last night's show gets disseminated to the people who really need to hear it and can do something about it.

hey tumbleweed - I have a friend who did the same thing after college - she loved it. I've also helped out with design/engineering workshops at that age range until a couple years ago, and really enjoyed it. I personally like working with the older kids because you can do a lot more with them in terms of complexity and theory. The younger kids can be difficult in terms of classroom management, but as long as they are small groups and/or you have assistance, it can be a lot of fun. The easiest way to come up with activities is to think about what skills/ideas are important for them to learn (especially if the school hasn't developed an art curriculum), and how you can get the kids to understand through a series of activities. It'll just take some practice before you really figure out what the kids can grasp at a certain age.

Just remember to be confident and energetic if they are having you give a lesson.

good luck with your interview!

Mar 13, 09 11:42 am  · 

hello in 30 mins my weekend gets much closer, and ends my second week of work. Yippee... only 102 more weeks to go before my end of contract yay!! Next stop school to mould some moldy minds, as my dear sister would say.

Mar 13, 09 1:02 pm  · 

HA!!! NYT is my default page for work. Stewart and Cramer made are the headline. AWESOME. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm looking forward to watching it when I get home tonight.

Mar 13, 09 1:14 pm  · 

on the cover of NYTs

Mar 13, 09 1:51 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

O...K....What am I missing?

Mar 13, 09 2:11 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Well, my firm just laid off three administrative people today. In a memo to the staff, the partners said we still have a healthy backlog of projects and that they're cautiously optimistic about the short-term, they're uncertain about the long term.

Mar 13, 09 2:12 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Correction: Two admin and one architect.

Mar 13, 09 2:14 pm  · 

Venturi rocking?

Mar 13, 09 2:19 pm  · 

sarah, check out the venture/lieb house thread. a venturi house was saved by an unusal agreement by a buyer to relocate it to n.y.

Mar 13, 09 2:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I just caught a closer photo of it on Yahoo "Iconic house sells for $1." I get it now. In the above photo, I focused on the NORTHSTAR, and the bridge. I'm terrible at the "look at that!" game. Husband sees a Ferarri on the highway, says "Look at that sweet car" and I see the rusted out pinto and say "You're nuts."

Mar 13, 09 2:36 pm  · 

We had four layoffs today. YAY ECONOMY!!!

Mar 13, 09 2:59 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Oy.... Presumably you weren't one of them, I hope?

Mar 13, 09 3:01 pm  · 


Here is to keeing your head down..

Mar 13, 09 3:31 pm  · 

LiG - I have two projects that I was doing contract work for that are on the back-burner - they've been cautiously optimistic about them since December. One project only needs to raise $4-million... not much of problem in last year's economy, but the client is having trouble getting people to lend him $20 for the amount he spent on drinks trying to butter them up.

I keep getting interviews, though (which always gives me confidence that I'm not some kind of leper) - one guy wanted me to wait a couple weeks until he found out about this one project... I didn't want to say that would be no problem since no one else is hiring. I just got another "we really like you, but we can't afford to hire anyone right now" today... this was at a firm where I really like the work they are doing.

I hope banks start lending again very very soon - there are a lot of projects that are just sitting there right now.

Mar 13, 09 3:31 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Reason #497 to nationalize the damn banks already. Seems like the CEOs of Citibank and BofA have the entire country by the balls right now, when they should be rotting away in prison. And people wonder how the French Revolution started...

Mar 13, 09 3:43 pm  · 

I don't know if nationalizing will do anything, though... I keep hearing that it's just that people are irrationally scared about pumping any money into any building project (not just residential) - even to organizations that are financially solvent? I don't understand why someone isn't willing to lend money for a project at, say... harvard, when we all know that they aren't going to default. Either people are being completely irrational, or something else is going on.

Mar 13, 09 4:02 pm  · 

LIG - You are correct I was not one of them.

toasteroven - i personally think it's this little think called fear. It's amazing how paralyzing that little emotion can be sometimes.

Mar 13, 09 4:54 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I think a lot of this was chicken little syndrome. I mean, people kept crying recession, and so people stopped spending money, and whallah, we're in a recession. Maybe its not so simple, but I'm not an expert. I dont think nationalizing the banks will help, either. Maybe just nationalize one bank, or allow the feds to loan directly to people. Something just feels off about nationalizing banks, though. Like, what happens if say the government does do that, and I take out a loan at 4.5%, and then you cant get a loan from them, so I give you a loan at 15%....and start my own, private bank. Like loan sharking?

Mar 13, 09 4:55 pm  · 

If we land the RFP we're working on - we'll need to hire several folks. We also have a project that is on the verge of going - we'll be hiring folks for that too.

The economy of my office is suddenly looking brighter. they even paid last weeks paychecks today!

Mar 13, 09 5:26 pm  · 

treekiller that's great news!

For the record I agree with most/all of you about your observations re: Cramer, the economy, etc. Sarah I think you make a very good point: I think perception has fed this rapid downturn more than anything.

I have leads on a couple of jobs and I'm going to make it my job to apply for jobs on my Spring Break next week. If that makes sense. Of course I am taking St. Patrick's Day off. Duh.

I have some big-deal type of things coming up soon that I'll talk more about eventually in the blog, so that's a nice distraction from the Bladerunner-landscape that is the architectural job market. One of them is this mini-TEDx conference we're hosting at USC. Should be fun.

Mar 13, 09 6:12 pm  · 
vado retro

now they're talkin about the daily show episode on the news hour with jim lehrer.

Mar 13, 09 6:21 pm  · 

Yeah, it's on All Things Considered too....awesome.

Mar 13, 09 7:26 pm  · 

treekiller - where are you located?

vado - it's been all over the news today... someone on npr said "good - cnbc was crap anyway..."

I'm working on a song called "it's not me, it's the economy." an uplifting little ditty about getting laid-off. I'm going to get a performance permit and sing it in the subway. I only know 3 chords on the guitar (which is all you really need anyway) - I can get a little fancier with the banjo, but no one wants to listen to my crappy banjo playing on their commute. I'll also have a sign that says "designer: clean/sober. will do 3D for food" written on the back of my old copy of the massachusetts building code.

Mar 13, 09 7:30 pm  · 

This whole economic mess, you know, it's just that the Gaussian Copula Functions have gone all screwy....

Mar 13, 09 7:37 pm  · 

Tweed - Thanks for the condolences but I was NOT laid off, four of my co-workers were. BTW - I'm so excited for you and your interview. Sounds like such an amazingly fun opportunity. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Anyway, I just got done watching the interview with Cramer... Wow!!!

TO - Love the idea. Hope it works.

Mar 13, 09 7:48 pm  · 

i was impressed that the exchange was on the ABC news as well yesterday morning. we get our news from the usa about half a day later than you folks so i saw the highlights before the show. too funny.

to be fair the news channels are not really the problem. everyone was ready to swallow the nonsense in spite of the facts before them/us. they are just a soft target. the one truly interesting lesson that stewart's show offers us is that honesty about mistakes works/plays much better than obfuscation and prevarication.

Mar 13, 09 8:13 pm  · 

@tumbles, nope. I live further north in the city that makes cheerios and grain belt beer.

I'll put in my .02 for adverting on the 'nect. but they might be cheap and just do craigslist.

ps to any tc regulars, drop me a line and I'll see that your resumes get thrown in the pile when that good day comes. yeah, even b3ta and cowerd ;-) We're discussing revit and leed-ap as essential skills, plus strong experience in one of the following: hospitality, retail, or lab - licensure a plus. But that description might change...

Don't hold your breath waiting to get to work with TK - neither of these projects is a done deal.

Mar 13, 09 8:42 pm  · 

treekiller - I used to work for a firm HQ'd your neck of the woods before I moved out east. I tried to convince my significant other to move there a few years ago, but I think the skyway didn't help my case.

Mar 13, 09 9:01 pm  · 

to- my .02 is you're better off staying put then moving to the land of skyways...

Mar 13, 09 9:36 pm  · 

2:37 is cryzko's site. i think he goes by manhole cover now.

Mar 14, 09 1:40 am  · 

TK - Do you guys hire/have IDs? Just curious. I really hope that these projects pan out. Hell, I hope all the potential projects that are out there at everyone's firms pan out, especially mine.

Mar 14, 09 10:08 am  · 

I just found out a former classmate had placed 3rd in the White House Redux competition, most more importantly her images was what was used on the news and in the papers. So cool -

Anyway I'm alive after the second pitcher of mojitos. We had to good sense to walk away from it before we had to taken home horizontally. There was however alot of uncontrollable dancing but no pictures were taken, at least none that I can remember

Mar 14, 09 10:53 am  · 

Tuna, haven't gotten around to figuring the ID services yet. There won't be much ID at for the next year till schematics start. ID will likely be a consultant though.

Mar 14, 09 10:58 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive. hungover, tired, spining head...but still alive aweome week with full moon acitvities. but...even though it might sound like fun to go to a party one night and then wake up the next morning on a beach on a completely different island...i dont' recommend it. small things like national boundaries get involved. trust me, you do not want to be hungover and sitting in a stifflingly small office of custums officials explaining why you enterd country illegally with, of course, massive hangover hedache raging. talk about hell. layoofs & economy is nothing by comparison


I am obsessed with the idea of detroit!

i can relate to this. being from michigan and having studied detroit extensively in arch school i've been dying to move there for the past 10 years (and somehow enedd up on small caribb island instead). the place is simply awesome. here is a few good sources of info that help keep me connected (in addition to my friends there):

for mind-tripping, urban exploration

for really nice photos
james griffioen

for news

for news
model D

for business

for supergay (with occasional references to architecture)

for detroit-berlin comparative (excellent writing)
losing your mind

for girl in the D (unfortunately on hiatus)
girl in the D

for funk blog

for best way to see detroit (& windsor) on foot in 3-4 hours
detroit marathon


and for betadineligsturesadtt...
i've run marathon and talked about it quite a bit on the nike + ipod thread. take a look at that and then if you have any more questions i'd be happy to share my experience/advice. in the meantime, let me just say it was an awesome experience (my best memory from an otherwise lame year) that i highly recommend

Mar 14, 09 11:35 am  · 
won and done williams

wow, people obsessed with detroit! i will say that your impression of the city changes after living in the city for a few years. i like detroit, but not for its ruins and gritty image the way most outsiders are interested in the city. detroit has great cultural resources and a great legacy for architecture (and not just of the decaying variety). it's also dirt cheap. a lot of people are moving here to buy that $5,000 house. you can basically live here for nothing. it's in every way the anti-new york or san francisco. if anyone is visiting the city or has any questions drop me a line.

Mar 14, 09 12:37 pm  · 

it was a sort of whirlwind week...
it started tuesday with glen small coming to los angeles and starting to work together on a competition. so he starts to work on his renderings and all of a sudden he starts to have pain in his groins. i take him back to where he is staying, he calls me back back in two hours and wants me to take him to emergency room. i pick him up, on the way tell him he might have a kidney stone and he says nooo. and dr. says your friend might be right, they take a pic. and sure enough it is a kidney stone. they give him a lot of pk's and i pick him up late night and he gets a good nights sleep. next day he feels good i pick him up and we finish the project on wednesday and thursday get it mounted on boards etc...
yesterday i spent all day critiquing student projects starting crack o down and come home after 9. i meet most faculty i will be working with starting end of this month. if i have time i will blog about the school projects. and the competition we did after they announce the winners which probably won't include us.

i really wanted to go to wonder k's thesis presentation but i regrettably missed it considering the activities.

Mar 14, 09 1:00 pm  · 

I'm a little mixed on non-detroiters' obsession with Detroit - I grew up in the city, and while the attention is good, the romanticism really bothers me. Yeah - it's a great place in many many ways, but it was also hell on earth during the 80s and 90s... even to this day, whenever I hear sirens I sometimes catch myself looking down my street to see if I could see smoke. I also still don't like sitting or sleeping near windows that are on the street - even if I know I'm in a good neighborhood.

Mar 14, 09 1:04 pm  · 

I'm with jafidler, though... I love the DIA and the public library (my two sanctuaries when I was growing up) - I also think the art and music scene is far more interesting than most places - and definitely not as pretentious. Detroiters love music - and there's always something going on.

Mar 14, 09 1:12 pm  · 

This is my first weekend truly off in about... 2 months. Whew!!! It feels so foreign. My brain keeps bubbling up thoughts like "wasn't there an email you were supposed to send out...? don't you have to go drop off rent money...? shouldn't you be calling some client...?" and I have to keep saying NO! I have NO RESPONSIBILITIES THIS WEEKEND! woohoo!

Mar 14, 09 1:54 pm  · 

Orhan I was secretly hoping that you would appear and blow my mind during my thesis presentation, but it's probably good that you didn't as I might have been rendered speechless!

I went on a Critical Mass ride last night for the very first time. [url=
IT]]IT WAS AWESOME. [/url] Anyone who wants to do this with me sometime in the future let me know because it was too much fun!

Regarding Detroit, I've always thought of it more as a sibling to Atlanta. I think it's because of the John Portman buildings, and also the strange porous density around the core.

In any case, welcome back jafidler, and puddles, I hope you find your way back to you home island.

Mar 14, 09 2:13 pm  · 


Critical mass = awesome

Mar 14, 09 2:14 pm  · 

OMG DubK that looks like so much fun. I'd love to join sometime. The Queen City's Annual Scooter Rally is in a few weeks and I'm going to make every effort to go. I can't wait.

Mar 14, 09 2:50 pm  · 
won and done williams

toasteroven, i didn't realize that you grew up in the city. i'm pretty much numb to the ruinseekers. even today, i took some out-of-town guests to see the train station. i find it kinda boring, but it's really our number one tourist attraction. the city should probably try to take advantage of its image - market it - but personally, i'm still more interested in making things and less interested in watching old things decay - the paradox of being an architect in detroit.

Mar 14, 09 9:25 pm  · 

It's funny but I always assumed that the critical mass rides were the ones you in the buff, so I cautious clicked on Wonder K's link. Alas I was mistaken. I was further careful not to place any links on this post that may lead to disciplinary action at work or a peculiar look from a loved one. But apparently the two are interlinked, as the World Naked Bike Ride shares the same Modus operandi to silently but effectively protest the modern world's dependence on fossil fuels in favour of human powered forms of transportation.

Mar 14, 09 10:59 pm  · 

WonderK are you going to be presenting or just helping to pull off the USC TEDx? Maybe your thesis?

Orhan love the recent post.

Puddles as i was reading the list i started wondering where's
Detroit Funk, which i just recently discovered myself.

Mar 15, 09 6:36 pm  · 

Detroit told by the Sunday NYT:

Mar 15, 09 7:44 pm  · 

Just to Tease ya!

Mar 15, 09 7:45 pm  · 

nam I am not presenting at TEDx...that honor is reserved for SUPER cool people!* I will be attending though, and available to help out if they need me for anything. Also I am having breakfast with CNN the following morning. Long story, I'll get into that later....

*SUPER cool people presenting at TEDx USC:

* Salman Ahmad – UN goodwill ambassador and Muslim rock star
* Markus Nordberg – Large Hadron Collider
* Jane Poynter - Biosphere 2
* Kellee Santiago – videogaming innovator

Some USC innovators presenting include:

* Paul Debevec – creating 3D teleconference holograms
* Mark Humayun - restoring sight to the blind
* Qi Zhang - Ph.D. Candidate, experimental organ performance

Unfortunately, the one person I was most excited to see - Shepard Fairey - had to back out, I guess because he got himself arrested and started suing the AP. But he was supposed to be there too :o/

Mar 15, 09 9:10 pm  · 

Wonder K, you are super cool! Perhaps too cool for TEDx

Mar 15, 09 10:45 pm  · 
liberty bell

, do you have some kind of announcement to make?!

Mar 15, 09 11:51 pm  · 

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