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Sarah Hamilton

I think I found a dress for this party! At least I've narrowed it down to two, and Husband will choose between them. Let me just say that I love Banana Republic. They have their sizing done right. I'm really a few sizes larger, but Banana Republic says I'm a 00p. I promise, I'm really not - all the other stores can attest to that. Its about time they figured out to adjust the numbers to make us ladies feel better.

Oh, and I am REALLY LAME. I took a picture of the vinyl wall covering in the GUESS dressing room. The clothes werent working for me, but the wall paper was amazing. It was little one centimeter squares layed in a simple running bond, and the top corner pressed in with the bottom, opposite corner pulled out.

Hope everyone is having such an awesome day.

Mar 11, 09 4:22 pm  · 

want tos hare the pic of the wallpaper?

Mar 11, 09 4:54 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, Nam, I would, but I cant get it off my phone, and I cant find it online. Tuna, I mean, Melt, arent you in interiors? Do you know what this wall covering is? It really looked like tiny, marble/lime stone tiles. Deliscious.

Mar 11, 09 5:12 pm  · 

hi all, interview went well - granted I spent most of the time filling out an interview form that requested 75% of the information in my CV, the remaining 25% I believe are unethical/illegal based on the newly ratified labour laws regarding grounds for employment in the public service 1997. But I didn't bother bringing up that point, just yet. Anyway it was a little odd, I was snarled at through most of the meeting and made it my determination to get get them both to smile. Thanks Tuna, I used your tactic and it worked. Will wait to hear what they say, doubt I'll get a response as quickly as my previous one.

Mar 11, 09 6:05 pm  · 

hi all, interview went well - granted I spent most of the time filling out an interview form that requested 75% of the information in my CV, the remaining 25% I believe are unethical/illegal based on the newly ratified labour laws regarding grounds for employment in the public service 1997. But I didn't bother bringing up that point, just yet. Anyway it was a little odd, I was snarled at through most of the meeting and made it my determination to get get them both to smile. Thanks Tuna, I used your tactic and it worked. Will wait to hear what they say, doubt I'll get a response as quickly as my previous one.

Mar 11, 09 6:05 pm  · 
vado retro

alright techno!

what a drag it is getting old... except when it comes to car insurance. mine just went down by a third.

Mar 11, 09 6:28 pm  · 

Sh - you are correct I do interiors (sorta) but that description isn't ringing a bell.

My brain is fried, I've spent the last three days at work studying (read circa 24 hours) for the LEED exam and I think it's actually making me dumber, I'm beginning to get everything confused. D'oh!!!! I think I'm going to let my mind rest and be a couch potato for the rest of the evening. I just got Ratatouille in the mail from my Netflix queue and I may just put it in this evening instead of waiting for the weekend. Yes, I am a dork, as I still enjoy the kiddie movies from time to time. Ciao

Mar 11, 09 7:14 pm  · 

SH - forgot to add, I don't think that's lame, not lame at all. I'm constantly fondling walls, floors, furniture, etc. whenever I go out someplace new and like the design. My friends usually just roll their eyes and pretend like they don't know me. Haven't ever taken a photo, but if I remember I'll probably start.

Mar 11, 09 7:37 pm  · 

tuna - take a break. watch lost (or something mindless). pace yourself - two weeks to go, so don't burn out.

Mar 11, 09 7:41 pm  · 

Don't you love working in small towns.....I have this sweet project and today I went and meet with the inland wetlands officer (local real estate broker). This parcel is on a nice lake and it is the largest parce just pushing 3 acres of property. So I'm there to take a pass thru on the Application form with the officer. Well he tells me right up front he is feeling like shit and is headed to the doctor at the end of the day cause he has a fricking terrible soar throat...... and by the way it is so bad I forgot to bring my reading glasses into the office today. Well I have to have my application filed before the end of the work day to be on their agenda. So here I'm reading the fricking form to him and asking him questions. He is answering them right along then I roll out my site plan and show him what were looking at doing...and he goes into this long drawn out thing about why I shouldn't have a rectangular swimming pool...cause it is to much like a public swimming pool...I look at him and say that is what my clients are looking for. Then he tells me about all these Flordia Pools and how their not round but sort of free form. I look at him and think should I say something or should I keep my mouth shut.....(thoughts racing thru my mind) The client wants a pool they can swim in for exercise they don't want an organic form which they can't swim in....I decide in my mind it isn't worth it.) So then he wanders off track asking me how busy I am.....cause everyone is doing it in their pants these days thinking about not getting new work. Next thing he is off on a rage about the guy who just dumped several million dollars on a parcel of land and you can only imagine the house he is going to build. Then were off to the race track about one of his clients who wants to build a spec house and goes and visites a hoyty-toy-te architect. His client wants the architect to leave some of the details undescided so he can make some changes to the drawings once he gets into building.....and the Architect unloads and says no one makes changes from my drawings with out my written consent.
He says to me , "What do you think of that." I have to keep my mouth zipped closed because as I said it is smallville usa.
Damn the things we have to do as Architects....

Mar 11, 09 7:44 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno, you do have an amazing smile, it should get you anything* you want!

Sarah, i know that wallpaper, we've used it. I can't recall the name right now but can probably dredge up a piece of it from the basement we tried to make work as our office for a time.

* Within bounds of propriety, of course ;-)

Mar 11, 09 7:56 pm  · 

hah hah Liberty you just got the biggest smile out of me - thanks guys.
and thanks for that link again Nam

Mar 11, 09 8:40 pm  · 

oh man, snook, that story is brutal. i can only imagine the things you kept bottled in side...

Mar 11, 09 8:43 pm  · 
vado retro

snook you can swim in a non rectangular pool. if liberace could do it so can your clients.

Mar 11, 09 8:54 pm  · 
vado retro

speaking of Swimming!

Mar 11, 09 8:55 pm  · 

Thanks Vado....I spent last evening watching a "Blue Whale Thing" with Mrs. B. She thought I was bored....but I was truely fasinated!
I love National Geographic gone Blue Tube in Hi-Def!

Mar 11, 09 9:00 pm  · 

Vado....this one is for you......after a slush snow storm you get snow bugggers in the wheel wells of your car... Yuck ....what a vision of disgust! Damn when will winter be over....and the economy recover.?

Mar 11, 09 9:03 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Mind if I rant about NYC's cost of living for a moment?

When I was growing up in Cincinnati, a high-rise apartment building called One Lytle Place was built on the riverfront. This was the first residential high-rise to be built downtown, and probably one of the first in the city. When complete, it was the address in town: Every apartment had incredible views, indoor pool, indoor parking, concierge, you name it. If you had an apartment here, you know you had made it. I remember riding past it as a kid and expressing my desire to live there. My mom or dad would usually reply, "Well, when you win the lottery..."

I was just looking at their website, and every apartment model in the building costs less than I'm paying in rent for a tiny studio in NYC... A studio that's actually smaller than my first apartment in Chicago, which I moved into during my sophomore year in college and managed to pay for on a $9/hour internship. That was ten years ago... Isn't your quality of life generally supposed to get better as you advance in your career? Hell, when my parents were my age, they had already bought a 3-bedroom house in a quiet suburb.

About 30 minutes ago I heard gunshots right behind my building. Hearing gunfire in this neighborhood isn't that uncommon, but it's usually a few blocks away on the "bad" side of Broadway. These were close enough to have been fired on the "good" side, where I live. WTF?

I realize things could be far worse... I'm no longer living with a jackass roommate, I'm not living with my parents, and I'm not living in a tent, but Jesus fucking Christ... I'm paying over $1400 a month for a tiny studio, and I have to listen to nonstop car alarms, loud stereos, and gunshots outside my window?

I'm thankful to still have a decent-paying job that seems stable and that I usually enjoy... In this economy, that's no small thing. (If I had stayed in Chicago, there's a good chance I would have been laid off months ago.) But at this point, I think my job is about the only thing keeping me in NYC.

Okay, now the cops have arrived... 40 minutes after the fact, even though the local police precinct is three blocks away.

Mar 11, 09 10:13 pm  · 

wow LIG. NY sounds so much fun.

Tokyo is much cheaper. since the lost decade and intense deflation housing is just damn cheap now. so is everything really. is amazing but i barely pay much more for our 80m2 flat in tokyo than we did for our 65m2 flat back in small town japan. AND we don't need a car, so its basically cheaper. which is so strange if you think about it. no guns in tokyo too. terrorist attacks every now and again, but no where is perfect...

WK i want to go to kidzania too. my daughter got to act as the anesthesiologist for surgery (on a lifelike doll), then did some repelling from a 3 story building, a bit of fashion modeling, and also checked out some live bacteria through a microscope (biochemical researcher i guess). sounds like a fun day to me. better than mickey mouse almost...

Mar 11, 09 11:50 pm  · 

i wanna see the WK thesis presentation too!

tumbles, isn't most of the basic bauhaus stuff great for kids? color wheels are boring, but from what i remember first year studio in our bauhaus inspired archi-school was all super basic age friendly stuff.

one project was not bauhaus probably but for older kids could be cool anyway - we had egg-drop problem where we had to make a machine using glue and a sheet of paper only that would keep a raw egg safe after fall from mezanine. it was kinda cool and surprisingly few failures...

Mar 12, 09 3:18 am  · 

For the passed three weeks I have been running on a treadmill; 17 min @ 5 mph, getting about 1.28 mi and then when I finish that I jump on the elliptical for 17 min and crank out 1.28 mi. I do this three days a week, after work. My heart rate is fine, but I can't seem to push through, although I did manage to hit and break through "the wall." I also lift weights four days a week @ 430 am and do Body Pump on the weekends. So what's my problem? I am frustrated that I don't think I will be able to run a marathon by my deadline. Does anyone have any tips for my running?

Mar 12, 09 7:48 am  · 
liberty bell

I have a scary-looking dog who can chase you!

I say this because I just took her out for her pre-dawn pee and she heard the neighbor - 80 year old frail lady - getting her newspaper from the driveway and took off running and barking. I was horrified of course and afraid she would knock my sweet old neighbor right off her feet. No problems, as Chica is NOT aggressive and luckily the neighbor was laughing, but it scared me. We may need a fence.

Mar 12, 09 7:53 am  · 


Have a White Russian and will come to you in a dream.

Mar 12, 09 8:17 am  · 

b3ta trying running outdoors if the weather permits. Some people are just that way where they can go long distances in the open. I'm the opposite I can go 30 mins to an hour on the treadmill - I'm like a hamster on a wheel. Although I don't think I'll be doing a marathon anytime soon - but I do have a 5/10k this weekend for charity. But I'll likely be puddling around with some old managers

Tumbles glad to see you around and thanks for making me completely jealous about Wonder K's presentation - and meeting Paul. I'm not worried when I get to LA I'll meet them all...Orhan as well. In regards to your Bauhaus kids I've always like this which is often put on t-shirts. But it's easy to draw and colour in for the kids - because you just can't go wrong and keeps them interested enough for a few minutes.

Mar 12, 09 9:49 am  · 
vado retro

congrats to wk! on finishing. now go change the world QUICK!!!

i thought your neigbor was 90 lb?

wow my 12 year old self is imagining tumbles as my teacher! schwing!

Mar 12, 09 9:50 am  · 

Thanks guys. It was so great to see tumbles at my presentation yesterday! I haven't seen her in forever, what a way to reconnect! But it went really well and I'm glad to have that over with.

beta, regarding your wall, I might suggest running a bit slower for your first 1.28 and then trying to keep running to 1.50. Then the next time run your normal speed and try to get to 1.50. And continue like that. However, don't push yourself TOO much. I really believe that some people are not meant to run, and also running itself isn't that easy on the body. I thought at one point that I might run a marathon too, but after running a 10k I realized that was good enough for me. I am definitely NOT a natural runner.

tumbles I'm so excited for you potential gig! Sounds so cool! Remind me later and I will put you in touch with my friend Abby, she graduated with me but got a Master's in Education so she could teach kids art, she may have some suggestions for you....

Mar 12, 09 12:20 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats, DubK! Any news on what comes after grad school?

Mar 12, 09 12:33 pm  · 
vado retro

some 29 million dollar condo development in downtown indianapolis has been on fire since three a.m. gotta feeling the arson investigators maybe gettin called in on this one. since the sprinklers weren't activated yet and oh there is the economy thing.

Mar 12, 09 12:46 pm  · 

Just got back from a mandatory, pre-proposal meeting for a $60m lab RFP. Seemed like every architect in town was there plus all the national firms. ATTN all those unemployed folks, this would have been a great place to hand out resumes.

Mar 12, 09 3:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Hmmm. How does an unemployed person, such as myself find out about RFPs to attend? What would a firm think of receiving a resume at such an event?

On another note....if the property is in the county, does the building have to abide by a certain code, or can I just use any year of the IBC? My library has the 2003 copy, but it is 2009, and I don't know enough to know if they have changed that much. And no, I couldn't find what code my State has adopted from their website.

Mar 12, 09 3:23 pm  · 


our info comes from both the university and the state selection board. Many cities/counties also have a purchasing/rfp websites with information about upcoming projects and current RFPs. This is how many architects chase public projects, so it's a good skill to develop.

Mar 12, 09 3:27 pm  · 

kentucky is based on ibc 2006 with a kentucky-specific addendum.

looks like texas is still ibc 2003:

Mar 12, 09 4:27 pm  · 

treekiller - that's what I've been doing for the past couple months - unfortunately many of the firms I approach are just trying to keep their current staff. Sarah, I'm not going to discourage you from doing it, though... I have been making some pretty good contacts, and did get an interview out of it - just not a job.

however - some firms can be put-off by you handing them your resume... you just have to find someone who is friendly and seems sympathetic.

and - it's incredibly nerve-racking for me to put myself out there... I'm not someone who can just walk up to a stranger and strike up a conversation, and I think my nervousness sometimes puts people off too...

Mar 12, 09 4:52 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Thanks Steven, TK, and Toaster.

Mar 12, 09 5:07 pm  · 

"Bernard Madoff: The architect of a multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme..."

Mar 12, 09 8:21 pm  · 

Tonight's Jon Stewart will go down as the day people struck back! Epic!

Mar 12, 09 11:20 pm  · 

I'm so excited for the Daily Show tonight! And before that, George Clooney on ER!!!

Mar 12, 09 11:28 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Just saw it... Stewart blasted the fucker with both barrels. It was almost painful to watch.... Probably the best Stewart/Colbert moment since Colbert's gig at the White House Correspondents dinner a few years ago.

Mar 12, 09 11:59 pm  · 

The Daily Show blew me away. Can you imagine being in that audience? It wasn't funny but it was amazing. Jon Stewart actually started the interview in the first segment, which never happens, and he was really not dicking around with that interview. In others, even with Ari Fleischer (who is a much bigger douche than Cramer, IMO) he made jokes and kept it light. Not tonight. He's just the best there is.

And George on ER was awesome. Also, in totally unrelated news, Alexander McQueen is a genius. That is all.

Mar 13, 09 3:09 am  · 

i've been trying to get this pic in since three hundred years ago...

Mar 13, 09 6:49 am  · 
vado retro

abra is that a windmill???

gin that daily show episode must have been a good birthday present for you! i don't have even basic cable so i'm gonna watch it online after my coffee's ready.

nail that interview tumbles because when you are happy you are here more and i for one like having you around.

Mar 13, 09 7:04 am  · 

For anyone interested in the video of Cramer on Stewart last night

Mar 13, 09 9:29 am  · 
vado retro

Diane Reehm does a weekly roundup of the news on her Friday show. Less than ten minutes in they are talking about the Daily Show.

Mar 13, 09 10:18 am  · 
liberty bell

Love that picture, abra!

Mar 13, 09 10:36 am  · 
Living in Gin

Yeah, that was a nice birthday treat... I'll give Cramer credit for at least showing up with his tail between his legs and uttering a few mea culpas, but it's unfortunate that Santelli and the rest of the CNBC whores aren't there to take their lumps as well. It's also an unfortunate commentary on US media that our best TV journalism comes from Comedy Central.

Mar 13, 09 10:41 am  · 

GIN, Cramer did show up, but he also said a lot of things that i dont think will fall by the wayside. his constant insistence that he notified the SEC and/or the FEDS about the crap that was going on, will certainly be looked into.

i think Cramer's show is done or at least he will need to go on hiatus. i can't imagine him going back to doing "him" after the absolute soul destruction that occurred last night. it would make me question my existence...

Mar 13, 09 10:46 am  · 
Living in Gin

It's certainly possible... Look what happened to Crossfire when Jon came on and ripped them a new one a few years ago.

Mar 13, 09 10:49 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, mark it up to being unemployed...but Cramer was on Martha Stewart yesterday. I haven't seen the Daily Show yet, but I can say that Cramer came off, on Martha, as being very nice and fatherly, and nervous. He was really nervous about going on the Daily Show. Martha apparently really likes Jon, and kept telling him that it would be fun. So I kinda feel bad for the guy.

Now off to watch this thing.

Mar 13, 09 10:59 am  · 

hey guys

happy friday

I kinda feel bad for cramer too, would suck to have someone
rip you a new one on national tv, but then again the man is a liar

Mar 13, 09 11:21 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, that was probably the least funny/boring/yet facinating Daily Show ever. Its sad that Cramer said on Martha that he was inspired for his show by Jon Stewart, and the Jon Stewart himself rakes him over the coals. It did seem that Jon was trying not to rake Cramer, but rather CNBC, but I don't think many will take it that way. Sad. And the 2006 clips were pretty terrible. I feel for him. I'm just a compassionate person, what can I say.

Mar 13, 09 11:29 am  · 

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