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ah, not so much after all strawbeary (unless that is good for where you are?). totally unfunny that you have to pay taxes on that. typical.

my wife just decided we should move to denmark. is rated happiest country in world and we just saw special on it. canada is like around 10 or 20, usa is down at the bottom, but japan is like almost the very bottom of the list.

tonight was 13 anniverary for wife and i. we had very quiet evening with kids. i cooked cordon bleu and we watched some tv...we decided to celebrate properly when kids go to grandparents for spring break end of month. i think we will go to see cirque de soleil show. tickets are $200 apiece but apparently the price is worth it.

Mar 9, 09 11:40 am  · 
Ms Beary

jump, I can live pretty cheap, yes. Happy anniversary! I've never been to cirque de soleil, but I hear they are fantastic.

Mar 9, 09 11:45 am  · 

hey all was me in arch record...not sure about threshold...
the person who wrote the article contacted me because she
saw that a post i made on archinect.

i don't mind that she contacted me and that i got laid off really...
i'm hoping that something comes out of it...maybe sell a
painting or two? who knows. so far haven't really heard
anything...a few facebook emails, but that's about it.

i hope all are well out there.

Mar 9, 09 11:49 am  · 

Happy anniversary jump!

Good morning all. I really don't like springing ahead.

A good friend of mine just got cut to half time at a firm here in LA. I don't know how he's going to do it.

Mar 9, 09 1:33 pm  · 

half time? that's kind of overly rough. I theoretically prefer the cut-time-for-all vs. layoffs-for-some approach, but half-time... man. That's just like a rock around your ankle or something. At that point maybe there should have been some layoffs.

Mar 9, 09 2:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Man, I only get 303 a week on Unemployment...that sucks!.

Happy Anniversary, Jump.

And I landed a handful of free books, and a tool cart for Husband across the street. Its sthe spoils of a foreclosure, and in some way I feel like a vulcher/cock roach pilliging the misfortunes of others, but the cleen up crew told me they were just throwing it away. So on some level I was 'being green' - right? Oh well.

I went to a high-end resale shop looking for a dress to wear to this fancy-smancy happy-hour party at Husbands shop, and the dresses were still EXPENSIVE! I mean, they were used, so I was expecting something more like a step up from goodwill prices, but some were still in the 200 dollar range. But, if you're interested, I know where you can get a real Chanel purse for 1200 buckaroos!

Mar 9, 09 2:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

Happy Anniversary jump! Amazing how quickly it goes by, isn't it?

Sarah, don't feel bad. Better these items get use than go to a landfill.

DubK, I despise springing ahead. The long evenings are nice, but trying to get a child asleep when it's broad daylight is not worth it. And getting up in the dark sucks, unless one is headed out on a road trip.

Between my child and the dog I'm surrounded by farting creatures. It's funny until my eyes start to water from the smell!

Mar 9, 09 3:40 pm  · 

we should have a Gold Party Y'all!

Mar 9, 09 5:28 pm  · 
brian buchalski

the phrase "chicken shit" take on a whole new context when you've actually got chickens wandering around. i suddenly feel like i understand my grandfather just a little better now...for whatever that's worth.

Mar 9, 09 6:04 pm  · 
brian buchalski

if you're really into full frontal male nudity then i recommend puppetry of the penis...either live show or the dvd. actually, dvd might be a little bit better as it includes a surreal documentary on the production of the show, including auditions.

they make it look so easy...however...

Mar 9, 09 6:13 pm  · 

ha ha one of the things i'm not looking forward to in child / dog ownership is the farts. oh and the nose picking... ack!

Mar 9, 09 6:46 pm  · 

lol, lb, manta

thanks for congrats all. my wife and i have been together 15 years now and married for most of that....which is kind of strange in retrospect. i am just glad that we have lasted longer than either of our parents did and so far still seem happy to keep on going.

kinda silly but since we were not going out or doing anything fancy i chose to mark the occasion by covering the living room floor with colourful balloons and made a card. the kids sure loved it. i think my wife did too. the balloons are still there anyway, all 16 m2 of them. they may be permanent.

Mar 9, 09 7:08 pm  · 

ha ha awesome idea jump, and congrats. just out of curiousity, did you blow all those up yourself?!?!

Mar 9, 09 8:50 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats, jump.

What a difference two years makes... This time in 2007, I started receiving rejection letters from the five grad schools I had applied to: GSD, Yale, Cornell, Columbia, and Penn.

As you may remember, Cornell was my top pick. But I understand their faculty are now at war with each other, and if I had enrolled there, I'd now be up to my eyeballs in student loan debt and preparing to graduate into an absolutely shitty job market.

Since then, I've learned two important life lessons:

1) New York City is a great city for me to visit a few times a year, but not so great of a city for me to live in. It's like a hot Jacuzzi: Feels great at first, and it's great to be in there with friends, but after a while you need to get out before you go into cardiac arrest.

2) The booming economy won't last forever, and ringing up vast sums of student loan debt when economists are throwing around words like "depression" probably isn't such a great idea.

This time next year I'll hopefully be learning my M.Arch. fate once again... This time around, I think I'll be sending far fewer applications to expensive Ivy League schools and a a few more to public schools. I'll probably still apply to GSD and Columbia, but I'm not so excited about the rest. Meanwhile, the University of Cincinnati is my top pick, and the University of Oregon and UW Seattle are looking like good options as well.

In theory, City College of New York should be my least expensive option now that I'm officially a New York resident, but when you factor in the cost of living and the fact that Ohio allows you to apply for in-state residency after your first year and potential co-op earnings, the University of Cincinnati actually comes out to be the most affordable option for me. Go figure.

Of course, I reserve the right to change my opinion over the next few months....

Mar 9, 09 11:49 pm  · 

Good luck GIN, I like the optimism that's underlying in your statements.

Don't get bogged down by the farting fog LB. You might need to adjust both the diet of the pup and son. Won't want you inhaling carbon monoxide with a hint chilli

Ok sorry for the MIA but after last night wine/lunch with a good friend and then having to make a cross island trek for work I was a little out of it.

Again why I'm probably never leaving the Caribbean

how you like dem apples?

Btw that's taken from a motor vehicle depot, facing the sea - crazy I know

Mar 10, 09 12:18 am  · 

das pretty nice fruits there, archi.

yes manta i blew them all up by my lonesome. went faster than i thought. i also got some balloons with confetti inside that we popped with an ice-pick to accompany the congratulatory singing. sorta like bolero. that was also very fun. messy but fun.

my girls are off to kidzania today. some of you parent-types might get a kick out of it. my oldest is looking forward to doing some repelling, practicing surgery and trying out a bit of chemical engineering research. which is pretty cool, all in all.

good luck LIG. sure you will get where you want to eventually.

Mar 10, 09 4:50 am  · 

I'm giving a short lecture in studio today as part of the last project for the semester. The project is a hybrid typology, designing a low density housing development on a narrow lot in Jamaica. Three of the units are earners available for rent, whilst the other two are for the three owners - a couple of aging artists who require a studio each, and a their son who breeds dogs.

The lecture I'm giving introduces them to hybrid typologies for housing and begins by showing Le Corbusier's Ozenfant Studio and then leads into the Kahlo/Rivera house/studio by Juan O'Gorman.

But I need a bit of help, anyone jump in I am worried that the Ozenfant might be too direct a precedent, and it's similarities with the O'Gorman are apparent. Suggest something else to introduce the topic? And does anyone know where to find the floor plans for the the Kahlo/Rivera project?

Mar 10, 09 10:56 am  · 

i guess tschumi is the king of hybridization and has all the theory down. try him sure there is more out there but my brain is slow today. best bet is ask holz.

Mar 10, 09 11:02 am  · 

Rub it in why don't ya.....

LIG, it is always great to feel optimistic and realistic...

I too and in a totally different place now than i thought i would be a year ago. Have also reassed my future hopes (given finances and other limiting factors). Feel like i have agood idea of where i want to go and how i will get there. Hopefully starting over th enext year but culminating in a new place of residence or at least career/professional path by next fall...

Hi everyone else. Especially all the TC ladies!!!

Mar 10, 09 11:09 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, that place is totally cool. I wonder if us "Parent Types" could set up a kid exchange for a week or so...obviously, mines too young, but I like to think ahead.

Its muggy here today. I havent opened the windows yet, but the air is soft - which I like - but its also stale. Makes the house smell stale. Time to pull out the febreeze.

Mar 10, 09 11:24 am  · 

Wow jump - that is the coolest thing I think I've ever seen. Wish they would have had something like that when I was a kid. What a great way to learn about how the world works, esp. when it comes to financial responsibility (maybe).

Atechno - I know nothing about architectural theory, but the lecture sounds utterly interesting. Wish I could sit on the class. Oh well.

Mar 10, 09 12:11 pm  · 

what a difference a few hours make! started today feeling like the end of my job was near, my suddenly plate is overflowing with projects that I'm the critical repository of knowledge on. My spot is guaranteed if I want it. It was announced we should be back to full time at the end of the month and likely hiring/bringing back some of those laid off. Time to reinvent our staff.

Weathering the economic storm in the tundra is looking more attractive. the missus and I have been discussing this all weekend. we're not quite ready to accept that this is the only option. The pluses are that cost of living is cheaper then anywhere else, she can get licensed and start working, and I can teach. The negatives are the cold, the lake wobegon culture, and we'd rather be elsewhere that isn't fly-over land.

for those parent types - I think the stress is getting to Steven Starr, he's been having tantrums/screaming episodes for the past few days. it's either teething or something else. Any suggestions on good ways to calm a 9 m.o.?

Mar 10, 09 1:40 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nine months - yep, sounds like teething. We used Hyland's Teething Tablets, frozen teething rings, and lots of nursing.

Seems if you can stick it out in Frozen Flyoverland you guys will be in good shape to move on in a couple-few years, right?

Mar 10, 09 1:48 pm  · 

nam, you're interested in possibly pursuing an arch hist / theory master's, correct? if so, i may have some good info for you, depending on what you're interested in.

Mar 10, 09 1:49 pm  · 
Living in Gin

That's good news, TK. Sounds similar to the situation I was in this past fall, where one of my team members got let go and everybody else -- myself included -- got spooked in a major way. Then we were awarded a couple of major infrastructure projects that I had an indirect hand in getting for the office, and things seem much more stable at the moment.

Even if you don't plan on staying in your current city permanently (see Life Lesson #1 on my post above), having a stable job will make the move much easier when the time comes. For a while, I was having nightmares about having to hitchhike from NYC to Cincinnati and move in with my grandmother.

Mar 10, 09 2:14 pm  · 
vado retro

Good TuesdayAfternoon everybody!

Mar 10, 09 3:42 pm  · 

Not sure if it is age, wisdom or a growing lack of a desire to be risky (esp. given current economic/social outlook)
Bu I have realized that having a stable job is a must for me at least as a launching pad for the next step...

Mar 10, 09 3:50 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm thinking that with today's full moon that it might be fun to stay up all night drinking champagne, watch the sun rise, run around naked and then jump in the ocean...which means that i should probably take a nap right about now.

a couple of quick shots of rum should put me down nicely...1...2...i know what to do...

Mar 10, 09 4:09 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ever walk into a store, and realise imedeatly that you don't belong? I hate that.

Mar 10, 09 4:29 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, and TK, it does sound like teething, but Abram has been doing something similar, and I cant find any teeth. He cries like he's hurt if you put him on the floor, or ignore him, or take something from him. He never did that before. Its annoying. I wonder if he isn't pushing for his own way, ect. He doesnt like me to feed him anymore, either. Its very much a "I can DO IT, MOM!" sort of thing. Ugh.

Mar 10, 09 4:58 pm  · 

SS has two teeth on the bottom all the way up. one on top that's broken through and maybe another one or two somewhere.

He has also discovered the stairs and want's to climb them.

Mar 10, 09 5:08 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

It seems the teeth come in pairs, TK. Abram has also discovered the stairs at my mother's. He loves to crawl up them, but REFUSES to come down any other way than standing on his feet - and he's too short for that; so I slid an ironing board through the posts on the banister and that works better than a baby gate. He cant get up, but we can step over it!

Mar 10, 09 6:10 pm  · 
vado retro

So the fed chairman gives a speech and says that if a company is too big to fail then it needs a superregulator. His speech lifted the stock market. Maybe he read the need for vigorous oversight of the too big to fail firms here last week when i suggested the same thing.

Mar 10, 09 6:49 pm  · 

Johnny Boy Stewart raked Cramerica over the coals, yet again! Go homey, go!

Mar 10, 09 8:53 pm  · 

Oh, and the weather here is not that bad. It's March!

Mar 10, 09 8:55 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Beta, wasnt it -2 up your way just today?

Mar 10, 09 9:07 pm  · 

SH, we got slush and blizzard warnings tonight.

Beta, we should talk about getting you out of Mankato next month.

Mar 10, 09 9:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sarah: I say this delicately, knowing that some of us may soon feel lucky to find a job as a barrista:

When i was younger and complained to my sister about feeling like salespeople in certain stores were snooty and made me feel out of place, her response was "You're an architect. They work in retail. Who has bragging rights in that situation?"

Again, I say this cautiously. Even in the snootiest places I'm never rude to the salespeople, because I think rudeness to service staff belies poor manners, and I don't want to sink to their level of trying to intimidate. But really: laugh off the snootiness and enjoy the out-of-placeness. You have a bigger world to worry about.

Mar 10, 09 9:49 pm  · 

So tonight after spending way too much on skin care products and meeting a friend for dinner, I passed a poor woman on the side of the road that was holding a sign saying something "Out of Work, Out of the Kindness of your Heart..." I couldn't read all of it, it was so dark. I tried to pull out my wallet before the light changed and kept rummaging even after the light had changed but b/c there were cars behind me I ended up driving on w/out giving her money. I feel terrible. Doesn't help that I read this article before I went out. I've begun seeing more people these days with signs like these... I don't think it's just panhandlers anymore. Makes me want to cry out of frustration, as I don't have the resources to give something to everyone.

Mar 10, 09 10:08 pm  · 

you are a good person (one of the best, even) ****melt. Don't worry about it.

So I have a 2nd interview with PWC tomorrow, wish me luck. And yes to confuse everyone it's only my second week of work at the first job. But in this economic climate I have to keep my options open for the best fit.

Mar 10, 09 10:19 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LB, its sweet that you thought I meant what I said the way you thought I meant it. I guess it really does apply both ways, but I was referring to stores where the product is, um, well, just not right for me. I'm out looking for high-end club wear, or something like that, and I went into every store in our shopping area, and one of the stores I swear sold dresses to 13 year olds, or maybe those "underagers" in internet porn vids.

Mar 10, 09 10:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ah, got it, Sarah. Well yes, my comment still applies, but I also know that feeling of "Aw, crap, I really need a certain style outfit and this isn't AT ALL the right store for me".

melt: I read today that one in fifty American children are homeless. 1 in 50!! That is appalling. Aren't we supposed to be a "developed" nation?!?

I haven't had to face panhandlers for a long time, since leaving Philly, where I would help if I was in the right mood and convince myself that it was a scam if I wasn't. It's a difficult thing to manage, both the giving, the limited ability TO give, and the question of whether it is the right response or not. But I think you are right that we are seeing and are going to see more and more of it.

Mar 10, 09 10:32 pm  · 

I'm alive. FINAL thesis presentation in t-minus 14 hours. Wish me luck.

manta, I got your email and I'm sorry for not responding yet but the answer, until I can elaborate more, is basically yes, and thanks for asking.

PS. I want to go to KidZania!

Mar 11, 09 3:08 am  · 

awesome, wonderk. chin up, you're almost there! and it's gonna rock when you're all done!

no worries on the lack of response -- i've been swamped myself and didn't think twice about slow response. :)

Mar 11, 09 3:21 am  · 

WonderK you are sooo close.

I personally have a love/hate relationship with running into street people. While i am empathic enough to feel instantly like there isn't much seperating me from their position, I also sometimes wish to avoid them.
If only because even when all I can offer is a friendly set of ears and no money I still wish i could give money.
Sometimes two dollars is too tight, even for my only relatiely broke ass.

Mar 11, 09 8:20 am  · 

YAY DubK!!! You go girl!!! Almost there.

Break a leg Atechno - just flash them that smile and you're bound to get the job.

LB - That's an appalling number. Breaks my heart thinking about it... And then I think about all the animals who are losing their homes to the streets or shelters. Seriously, I think I need to move to a deserted island where I can't listen to the news and only have to fend for food and have only myself to blame at the end of the day if I go hungry.

SH - your post made me chuckle. I know what you mean though. Why is it whenever you need to find an outfit for a particular event you can't find anything, but when you're just window shopping with no money all these cute outfits seem to jump out of the woodwork? That's Murphy's Law for you. Good Luck!!! Hope you find something for Husband's event. BTW - have you heard anything from the firm you gave your resume too?

Mar 11, 09 8:32 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

NO, I havent heard anything. Its not looking good. Wish I could take, well crap, I can't remember if its strawbeary or manta (I get you two confused, sorry) anywa, I wish I could take that veiw of "Oh well, its great to be unemployed, I'm gonna live it up!" but I can't. Husband says so, and to be honest, I DONT want to stay home and keep my own child, its just not for me, and we dont have the kind of income that would allow me to be out of work and NOT keep my kid. Maybe once he starts school, but I've got a few years until then.

Hope everyone has a good day!

Mar 11, 09 9:52 am  · 

Cheer up SH..
I am sure it will work out!

Mar 11, 09 10:01 am  · 

non-sequitur, but...

one reason why i love mcsweeney's:

Subway Sandwich Artist's Statement.
BY Jonathan Tucker Bell
- - - -

This work of mine is called Sunset, though any sense of peacefulness that it conveys is ironic. I think I've made it obvious that the even rows of roast beef are a satirical comment on the 1931 Iowa Cow War. By referencing the unrest of the past, I comment on the uncertainty of our own times. In this way, the meat speaks to us all in a sort of bovine anthem: "We are all mad cows." The sandwich creates a constant tension between diametrical opposites: animal vs. vegetable, chewy vs. crisp, savory vs. sweet.

I haven't worked extensively in roast beef—I'm more experienced in turkey and ham—but recently I've learned a great deal experimenting in this new medium. I've been trying to push myself with new textures and colors. I love the way the meat has a sort of iridescence that dances across its surface like the dusk-red sun atop the stippled sea. But the most interesting thing about beef is that this glittering quality can also recall the fireworks of battle or the glint in a vengeful lover's eye. A single slice of beef can contain worlds.

What I'm doing with green peppers represents a departure from previous treatments. Rather than deliberately placing them on the meat, I let the latex-gloved hand of fate take control as I scatter the chopped capsicum across the folded beef. I try to maintain a delicate(-ssen) balance between elements of order and chaos. My work explores that middle ground where human will and cosmic destiny collide.

My work represents the struggle between animalistic instinct and high reason. The nine-grain wheat bread you see recalls the nine mythological muses, paragons of human creativity and intellect. The yeast, integral in my artistic process, illustrates the rise and dominance of man. He covers and masks his animal core, but my work makes visible the inescapable human dichotomy between doughy brain and sliced-protein gut.

Mar 11, 09 12:11 pm  · 

AH HA HA HA HA I love mcsweeneys. that is awesome, steven! Thanks for the afternoon pick-me-up!

Mar 11, 09 1:39 pm  · 

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