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tk - you've probably experienced that before, but in case you haven't take this advice; don't believe any promises, zer0, get out as soon as you humanly can, they will not pay, and will likely fold up shop and never have to pay.

Mar 6, 09 11:12 am  · 
vado retro

i've hottubbed after getting laid but never after getting laid off.

Mar 6, 09 11:33 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm thinking of planting some things in the yard..maybe just some mint and other herbage that will be low and fragrant. I've recently discovered that I love thyme, although I cant say it with out getting that Simon and Garfunkle song stuck in my head.

Mar 6, 09 11:44 am  · 
Ms Beary

I'm going to plant thyme and mint later this spring, among a couple dozen other things. My whole yard is empty beds, no sod, so I can have one of those big wild fragrant jungle gardens in a few years!

Mar 6, 09 11:46 am  · 
Ms Beary

And wonderk - I am ALL for the alternative income. I'll keep you posted, as this is the road I'm trying to find the turnoff for.

Mar 6, 09 11:47 am  · 

I am going to try and plant some herbs and such in the next week or so..

Mar 6, 09 12:57 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i think i might start designing swimwear...i've got some ideas.

also, i think a mosquito got me on the ass while i was in the bathroom. bastard.

Mar 6, 09 1:25 pm  · 


yup. I'm just afraid of being stranded on this ice cube for a few more years - we can stay afloat until end of april - then we'll need welfare. At least I got to submit my RLA app before this happened. to office has $500k+ of accounts receivables that were supposed to be paid in the last few weeks that didn't show up. that's plus another $$$$ that we've been waiting for over the last few years.

at least I may have time to send out more resumes and to play daddy.

Mar 6, 09 1:40 pm  · 

tk, hows playing daddy going?

Mar 6, 09 1:47 pm  · 

I'll let you know when I start as Mr. Mom.

Mar 6, 09 2:07 pm  · 

Isn't everything strange right now? People getting laid off in droves, and others not getting paid at jobs they still have. WonderMan works for a custom concrete company - they are a subcontractor - and they depend on money from their GC to get paid. And the GC just isn't paying. It's like where did they think all the money was coming from to begin with? I am wondering if we have built up this house of financial cards over the past few decades - my whole life, incidentally - and it's just fallen apart.

tk, I am thinking of you. And maybe I am not being totally clear but I am completely serious when I say we need to rethink how we make money in this economy. If rethinking means that we start our own firm, then let's do it. Maybe not tomorrow but long term.....

I feel like I'm in a holding pattern right now. 8 weeks to graduation and then I go from getting paid to work on my Web site and other intellectual pursuits to potentially not getting paid to still work on these things. Or, if lightning strikes, getting paid to work my arse off on something else and hope for the best. Either way, come June, my life is in upheaval.

Mar 6, 09 3:04 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Note to company that makes non-skid metal floor plates and stair treads: If you want me to spec your product, sending me product samples that embed tiny little metal fragments into my skin is not a way to get on my good side, no matter how many company logo notepads and ballpoint pens you include in your package.

Mar 6, 09 3:05 pm  · 

I like the company that sends me a large block of Sharp Chedar Cheese at Christmas Time.

Actually last week I went to Window Seminar and won four ski lift tickets. I did think of LIG.....but ended up giving them to a couple
guys who work in a contractors office with whom I work with on a regular basis. They were stoked!

I figured I couldn't handle a ski injury in this economy.....I guess we get wiser as we get older.

LIG....good thing you didn't give that sample the gold coin test by biting down on it.

Mar 6, 09 3:49 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Mmm.... Tastes like anodized aluminum.

Mar 6, 09 3:53 pm  · 
brian buchalski

it's true that we need to rethink how we make money. but i'm not sure it's what you're getting at. most of the wealth generated by the western world during the past few centuries has been part of a central banking warfare model. that's there is no real wars anymore...maybe it shouldn't be a surprise that banks are now failing.

in retrospect, i think bush might have had the right idea in invading iraq. the real failure is that it was not actually a war. iraq didn't really just kind of disintegrated.

the us military empire is just far too big & powerful compared to any potential adversary. nobody can fight it. nobody would even try. it's too big to fail...but also too big to win. it's terminal. the crisis is a question of what's next. do we move onto something new? does it fragment and turn in parts against itself? the former is a far more optimistic option. i really wish that jane jacobs was still alive because (having read all of her books) i think she'd have some excellent ideas for a vibrant future.

realistically, i'm not so optimistic. i read somewhere that the united states is basically over-leveraged by a factor of about 13-to-1. in other words, until inflation reduces the value of a dollar to about 1/13th it's current value, things will continue to be out of whack.

it's a bit depressing to think that, for example, a $10 bill should have the value of about 75¢...but it also kind of feels about right considering the current mess.

i can't for $150 martini! in the meantime, plucking noise hairs remains a slightly less painful way to make me cry

Mar 6, 09 3:59 pm  · 


yes! I was hoping to accrue more experience before launching my office, but if I go Mr. Mom, I might as well start during nap time.

I shared your contact info and thesis website to somebody in the bay area.

Atechno- my office has the lead on a resort in Jamaica. I'll let you know if we need a local (that is if the project ever materializes and I've been paid).

oh, twbta was too slow in responding - we're going with klingstubbins for that proposal.

busy, busy day. I NEED A BOURBON, maybe an entire barrel.

Mar 6, 09 4:18 pm  · 

@ puddles

i was recently having a discussion with my gf's father about how the economy has fallen apart and how damn scary it really is... especially since our war faring capability and our economy is tied very closely together. he went on an on about how when the world has too much "productive capacity" and when things are off this far, something major has to happen... he was basically predicting wwiii... which freaked me the hell out but once you look at everything, it makes sense. the economy is shit... start a war!

Mar 6, 09 4:44 pm  · 

"off this far" meaning no consumers to buy the crap that's produced.

Mar 6, 09 4:51 pm  · 

@ wk and puddles,, i think the whole economic system was based on confidence, perhaps the money was never there,,,

have you guys read a story by joseph conrad about a guy selling real state while on a boat, based on confidence? the world was living very similar to that

Mar 6, 09 5:09 pm  · 

fays, I have not read that story but I suppose it's similar to the beachfront property in Arizona story.

puddles, although I take most of what you say with a grain of salt, this statement:

i read somewhere that the united states is basically over-leveraged by a factor of about 13-to-1. in other words, until inflation reduces the value of a dollar to about 1/13th it's current value, things will continue to be out of whack.

...actually holds water with me. Because that would put prices and the cost of living somewhere back in what, the 70's? And inflation really skyrocketed during that period, with it hitting a high of 13.5% in 1980... So what was at the root of this? If the answer is oil I'm going to go ballistic.

Mar 6, 09 5:45 pm  · 
Living in Gin

At least my student loans would only be 1/13th of their current value when all is said and done.

Mar 6, 09 5:52 pm  · 

would it make you happier to hear that inflation was caused by something else? if it turned out it was all william shatner's fault i would probably feel better, myself...

my other job/partnersip with artist-friend took turn for better yesterday. after about 6 months of pitching a public art installation thing for a large mixed use housing P.O.D. in tokyo we finally got green light - and will be paid for first phase by end of this month. yay. now i can afford anniversary present for my wife.

wwIII? funny i remember hearing the same thing in the 80's. I guess times were tough then too. Our history teacher was comparing the feeling in the air with the cuban missile crisis, which scared the shit out of him. me, i am worried about the super volcano under yosemite national park.

strawbeary, very way cool, you are.

Mar 6, 09 6:47 pm  · 

The Best Paying Job I ever had was in 1980......but they wanted me to work on Prisions.....Can't touch that stuff....Quit my Job....Sold my house dropped the money in to a CD making 21% interest but couldn't afford to buy a house cause the interest rates were so a single young gent....blew it on women and booze. Awe, Life is Grand!

Mar 6, 09 8:36 pm  · 
Actually I imagine Record does only get two letters a month, as this month was mine plus one from a colleague here in Naptown. They just publish whatever they get!

lb, I really enjoyed your letter, had just the right amount of sting but was very civil. But what's with that other Indy architect? Man, he sounds like he'd be a barrel of laughs at a party...

Mar 6, 09 9:07 pm  · 

Just saw Watchmen! It was good if you are into sci-fi superhero type of movies. Actually it was very intelligent, and yes, subversive....and it couldn't be more appropriate for the current atmosphere in the country. I really liked it.

Do NOT however, go with anyone under 16, or anyone who gets queasy at blood or violence, etc. If you can handle a little violence though, you will be rewarded with a 50-foot-tall naked blue man. Yes, completely naked.

Mar 7, 09 2:58 am  · 

on that topic,, is there a MAUS movie?

Mar 7, 09 3:46 am  · 

dubK, i would call it full frontal bludity. i've never seen so much cock in a non xxx rated film.

i liked it, didn't love it. great film to see on large screen. the philosophy needed to be brought through the entire film, and not just saved for the last 1/2 hour.

Mar 7, 09 7:07 am  · 
liberty bell

Emilio: Um, yeah. I'll stay civil, but you called it on my local colleague.

In Kentucky today and MAN do I get happier as soon as I cross the state line into Bourbon Country!!!

Have a great day everyone.

Mar 7, 09 9:06 am  · 

i remember loving the watchmen mini series. can't recall the story anymore. i guess it will come out here in japan in a few months or maybe a year...

that whole letter to the archi-editor thing is curious, isn't it? hasn't this site and others like it made such forums irrelevant? in 20 years when no architect will remember a time when discussions were not live and global will there even be a reason to have magazines at all?

Mar 7, 09 9:31 am  · 

I *do* think "Architect" is even worse with the "society pages" crap... but Arch Record frustrates me in its strong corporate, large-project focus. When they do occasionally show a non-major, "under-the-radar" type project, it's usually 3-4 months after I've already seen the project pop up in other sources. Their content, to me, has more to do with "movers and shakers" and "reviews" (read: advertisements) of new construction products than actual reviews of design, discussions, etcetera. Compare it to, say, an Architectural Review or an el Croquis and you just get disappointed. It seems to lack the in-depth treatment of design issues that it could have... focusing instead on the Business of Construction, and the big firms that Construct Big Things.

"Architect" is worse in terms of "society pages" but at least its honest about it; it is interested in the life/business of the professional architect, not in providing a national architecture review. (Although if you've heard me rant about the take-over of "Architecture" magazine and the fact that "Architect" hasn't kept any of Architecture's records, you know I have other major issues with that Hanley-Wood stinker. For example, they simply should not be in charge of the P/A awards.) Anyway, Architectural Record should simply admit that it's a reference for the construction industry, rather than try to market itself as an architecture review.

ok, pointless rant that has nothing to do with anything important is over. I promise!

Off to work for the weekend... At least spring has sprung!

Mar 7, 09 3:40 pm  · 

Snook, sounds wonderful..

And Jump interesting but quite likely scenario!

Mar 7, 09 3:51 pm  · 

WonderK : just wanted to mention that I hear you on the frustration of all the "JUST SUCK IT UP!" postings whenever we discuss how we might fix the problems of working in this profession. Just posted something on the "working late nights professionally" thread that reminded me of your earlier comments.

Mar 7, 09 3:55 pm  · 
vado retro

i think cormac mccarthy's the road has fucked up my mind a little. all i 'm thinking about is postapocylptic scenarios. my exgf/probably not future wife said it hasn't rained in new mexico since january and they had a huge dust storm. and i was thinking. hmmmm there's gonna be global water shortage, better stay close to the great lakes. i also found myself looking at everything i bought at the grocery the other day thinking "hmmm wouldn't have this in a post apocylptic world. couldn't get this. in fact all there will be are fucking plastic shopping bags. there's one caught in a tree out side my window fluttering away like a playing card in a set of spokes.

Mar 7, 09 4:30 pm  · 

sounds like i need to read this book like i need a hole in my head.

Mar 7, 09 5:23 pm  · 

hey TK, thanks and I wish you luck. We've managed to actually been improving in recent months with the economy, which is unusual since the economy is so tied to the US dollar. Recent inflation has made our devalue considerably, but unrealistically. I'm thinking of writing a letter to the newspaper asking for the resignation of the governor of the central bank.

Okay so the fire was in the papers

Luckily it didn't come too close to where we are, the wind was blowing the flames but apparently it was it swirling gusts so it wasn't an intense choking feeling.

Liberty I'm all up to write these magazines a few letters. I'm with manatary Record seems more like spec catalogue than a magazine about serious architectural discourse, worse that they are primarily financed a construction company/ manufacturer. I feel the same way about World Architecture.

Mar 7, 09 8:01 pm  · 
liberty bell

Archinect has far more interesting architectural discourse than Record, this is very true. I think I said above I wouldn't bother with except that it comes free*.

And techno, yikes!!!!! Be safe!

Spent most of today with Steven and will get to spend most of tomorrow with him too. Lucky, lucky me! Hope the late night spec writing is going well, Steven, and see you tomorrow!

*with $500 purchase of AIA membership

Mar 7, 09 8:14 pm  · 

Oh I forgot to say that the fire is out. Liberty have some bourbon for me please, I regret leaving Louisville without a bottle or two. I guess it's rum for me.

Mar 7, 09 8:18 pm  · 

leaving work now, lb: 11:58! see you tomorrow.

Mar 7, 09 11:57 pm  · 

totally out of line with train of thought above but the i-phone is now apparently being given free to folks who join the plan here. just like any other phone.

I am told the Japanese have had most of the functionality of the i-phone for so long that they are not impressed. i guess the fact that people use their phones to text so much is part of it. last year a book written as series of texts was made into an actual movie, and i just can't imagine the writer using the i-phone to do that...

well, anyway, you know i just sort of see it as a signal that the clique-chic killer design-y mac-world is not as powerful as it sometimes seems.

i feel the world is in balance now ;-)

i also can make fun of my early adopting friends who spent several hundred dollars for the privilege...

Mar 8, 09 9:33 am  · 
Ms Beary

Happily reporting that unemployment benefits pays near as good as working my ass off and elevating my blood pressure on 80% salary! And Mr. Strawbeary got the job, and will be starting sometime in the next few weeks. Lots of potential there, he will be the #2 in a literacy clinic, with the intent of opening up another clinic in a few years which he will run. He will still finish his masters with night classes.

I'm so happy to be the latest one laid off. Old co-workers are calling me, SUPER unhappy. One guy says they are making life miserable for him in the hopes he quits so they don't have to pay unemployment benefits. He wants to quit, but I told him to keep his chin up, smile, and hang on till the next layoffs in a month! I can only imagine the stresses are through the roof for them since I've left as I am also getting calls asking for direction, clarity and input on the projects. The boss is trying to throw me under the bus, blaming me for things he forgot about so they call to get my side of the story cause they CAN'T TRUST HIM and need to know what is really going on. Funny.

I feel more sane now than I have in years and have NO intent of going back to work an architect job in a firm.

Mar 8, 09 11:05 am  · 

Oh strawbeary, that sounds so tantalizing... I'm glad things are looking up for you!

This thread has really pissed me off and I'd love to hear what y'all think, if anyone wants to check it out. There's a certain element of cynical self-hating architects in this town and for some reason they all feel the need to come out and play whenever anyone mentions an interest in pursuing architecture here. I am so pissed, I am tired of this disrespectful bullshit.

Mar 8, 09 1:29 pm  · 
vado retro

all you need are some tasty waves and some cool bud and you'll be alright.

Mar 8, 09 1:32 pm  · 

Bud, Budweiser, Beer....

Mar 8, 09 5:44 pm  · 

Good afternoon all...

The combination of a good friend coming to town plus early thesis celebrations plus the time change screwed with my body a little bit over the last 24 hours (i.e. file this under "I can't hold my liquor anymore"). Feeling better now, and I went to the doctor today, and - whaddayaknow - I have a sinus infection. So it won't just "go away" as I was hoping. Am now on anti-biotics, as I should have been weeks ago.

Strawbeary I'm so relieved for you! When you feel like talking long term plans again let me know, because I love talking about long-term plans with like-minded individuals....

beta> full frontal bludity = genius! And true.

Back to work. T-minus 3 days.

Mar 8, 09 9:48 pm  · 


I have no idea what this means but congrats to those who live in the land of 282.

Mar 8, 09 9:56 pm  · 

Hah! I have no idea and beta and I do live there.

Mar 8, 09 11:01 pm  · 

Wow - Strawbeary I'm so glad to hear the Mr. got the job and to hear that you are doing wonderfully. There is nothing better than being able to enjoy your life and to have all the stress melt away. So do you think you are done with architecture or just done with working at firm? You're post was slightly confusing but than again I have not had any morning coffee yet.

WonderK - sorry to hear about the sinus infection. Glad to hear you are almost there with thesis. Must feel good to be so close.

Mar 9, 09 8:35 am  · 

that is very cool strawbeary. i am amazed you get that much for unemployment. great that you are happy with situation.

manta, that thread is not angry-making for me. a bit silly. lots of typical neuroses posing as personality. some hard truths and some insights, as well as lots of text that would make more sense if translated into some random language or other via babblefish. the usual stuff, really.

Mar 9, 09 11:04 am  · 
Ms Beary

***melt, I'm probably confusing because I don't really know either. I'm going to put together a resume and apply for jobs, but don't have my heart in it. My INTENTION is not to work in an office anymore.

Sinus infections suck, I used to get them all the time. Sudafed really helps. So does rest. I find if I rest for a day, it goes away pretty fast, but if I carry on, it lasts for weeks.

Mar 9, 09 11:14 am  · 
Ms Beary

jump, I get $500 a week for unemployment, but I will have to pay taxes on it.

Mar 9, 09 11:16 am  · 

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