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Heh -- maybe it IS scots-irish -- I have the same temper and the same anger over injustice! No red hair -- they must be hidden within the folds of my brain.

Sometimes -- ever so often -- I actually wish I hadn't worked so hard to convince myself that my temper needed to be controlled...

Mar 3, 09 12:20 am  · 

Your kid will most likely gain a rep as a passionate, intelligent kid. Ask any teacher -- they always like the passionate ones, even if they are harder to handle and require extra sensitivity. Still better than the bumps-on-a-log personality-less kids -- and no matter how "nice" we are we all know those kids (and people) exist.

Mar 3, 09 12:21 am  · 

(Hmm, I'm in a weird mood tonight. Must be because I'm way behind on 3 different kinds of work and stressed.)

Mar 3, 09 12:21 am  · 

Wow, I really like that big blue horse! Tragic about it killing the artist though. If I were them I would have had some spiritual Native Americans bless the thing when they finished it...

Mar 3, 09 2:49 am  · 

Good morning all,
Congrats Barry and Hi Orhan.

Man i feel like i haven't been able to get anything done the last few weeks. I mean i am busy at work, but all the other little projects and such that i have been wanting to get done I haven't been able to...
Maybe it has something to do with having a SO now?

Or maybe i am just procrastinating mor ethan usual.
I find the later more likely...

Mar 3, 09 8:14 am  · 

I recall Luis Jimenez' being at the University of Arizona for a short stint. I always liked his work as it was transition of muscle car into object. Always very dramatic.

Mar 3, 09 8:23 am  · 
Ms Beary

WonderK, depending on how you look at it, the firm DIDN'T last. The company is bankrupt and has been for a while. Too much to get into, but I give them till June before they close the doors - there are 3 people left out of a high 13 over the summer. On another note, didn't you see the big blue mustang while you were out here?

Congrats barry! I'm playing a little LA today (raking leaves and planning the garden.)

Mar 3, 09 10:11 am  · 

Strawbeary - I'm sorry to hear about the lay off. You'll be in the my thoughts.

Treekiller - Congrats!

TCers - Hi all.

Mar 3, 09 10:31 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LB, when Husband was little, he was a holly terror. He stab a teacher with a pencil, and was always sent to the book room. He's good now. Unfortunatly, he did get that bad reputation, and that combined with a mother who thought he could do no wrong, caused him to end up in special ed, ect, until I came along and said 'No, you're smarter and better than that.' He's actually smarter than I am, and now all of his past teachers say things like "He was always so smart, I just loved him!" Ugh. Small town education systems I guess.

I have lost my wedding ring, but dreamed it was under the living room rug last night, so I;m tearing the place apart today. Fun, huh.

Mar 3, 09 11:15 am  · 
Living in Gin

I saw that huge blue mustang when I was in Denver in January... I thought the glowing red eyes made it a bit freaky, but I didn't realize it was the subject of so much discussion.

The other weird thing about Denver's Airport is the silly little musical ditty that accompanies the automated announcements on the train between the concourses. As somebody used to garbled announcements by surly subway conductors, I wished I had somebody with me so that I could properly mock it.

Mar 3, 09 11:18 am  · 

SH - Have you tried reciting the prayer of St. Anthony? I'm not Catholic (not really even religious) but it always seems to work.

LB - I have no thoughts of wisdom for you that haven't already been said here. Just know that he is young and this is partially what kindergarten is for... to help children learn what is and is not acceptable behaviour in dealing with any supercharged emotions. Hopefully both you and he will take something from this experience and learn from it. I agree with beta and am betting there is something behind this retalliation.

Congrats Barry on the RLA. That's gotta be one of the best feelins in the world.

As for the blue mustang... I think it's cool

Mar 3, 09 12:48 pm  · 

once i saw a family of mustangs near espanola, new mexico. next day on a train back to los angeles, i wrote a one long hand paragraph about wild horses.

Mar 3, 09 1:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, Ive moved the couches, rolled up the rug, vaccuumed the rug and couch, swept, emptied the toy box, and still no ring. Ive never prayed to St. anyone. I did pray about the ring last night, so I was pretty hopeful about the find today, but no. I took it off to make shortcakes, and then I cleaned up the kitchen Saturday before I realised it was gone. One of two hings I see happening. It fell on the floor, and Abram found it, or I picked it up while cleaning, and put it somewhere while putting things away. My brain still doesnt work since the whole baby thing. I hope it comes back.

Mar 3, 09 1:36 pm  · 

it's taken almost 6 hours between yesterday and today to get the paperwork in order and out in the mail. I need two separate employment verification forms from each of the three different firms i've worked for since graduating, transcript, and my council record. Almost done. Now I just hope everybody fills out the paperwork quickly.

once the board approves me, I will really be TK RLA

Sarah- loosing my wedding band is one of the worst experiences i've had. Dropped mine in the snow in a park two years ago.... posted a dozen signs promising a reward, but the person who found it didn't want anything. it will turn up, but might not until after you stop looking and forget about loosing it.

Mar 3, 09 3:41 pm  · 
vado retro

Looks like [Bracket] has accepted my entry Down On The Body Farm about the Forensic Anthropology Center's Body Farm at the University of Tennesee...

None of the three pictured are me...

Mar 3, 09 5:34 pm  · 

vado I am a little scared but very intrigued!

Strawbeary, I don't remember the horse at all when I was out there. When was I there? It must have been more than 2 years ago, right?

Freaking out about jobs today. Those of you who have been laid off are increasing my panic. I am serious about figuring out a new way to make money though.....If anyone wants to think about starting that virtual firm we keep mentioning, please speak up....

Mar 3, 09 6:05 pm  · 

vado, that's really good news. i am looking forward to read it when it comes out.
i would hate to see something like that on a hike. maybe that's why i don't leave the sidewalks of the city that often.
but you never know what you are going to see or subject to on the pavement either.

check this out.

"When he shuffled out to his balcony to get a better view, he saw a man in a black truck pull up to his neighbor's house on Baxter Street, lean out the window with a gun, and say "Eric, how about if you die today?
The man in the car fired two shots and sped away.
Officials later identified the slain neighbor as Eric Zamarripa, 38."


Mar 3, 09 6:08 pm  · 

vado - I read about that place. It's absolutely fascinating. I'm very excited to read your entry. Time do city taxes. Oh joy.

Mar 3, 09 6:27 pm  · 
vado retro

thanks guys.

Mar 3, 09 6:45 pm  · 

my mother was on the front page of a turkish daily. as a generic shopper at a market for an inflation related news article. way to go mom. knock on wood, she is 80+

Mar 3, 09 6:46 pm  · 
vado retro

hey is that a carton of smokes and a bottle of vodka in that cart!

Mar 3, 09 6:47 pm  · 

she quit smoking last year. but sources say she sneaks in a cigarette or two daily.

Mar 3, 09 7:01 pm  · 


good luck strawbeary.

things are either going to be really great this year, or just awful, looks like. damn but these interesting times are starting to be a drag ;-)

wouldn't worry too much LB. with you and your husband as parents it would take some effort on your wee lad's behalf to turn out bad.

thats awesome barry !

Mar 3, 09 7:35 pm  · 
vado retro

the history teacher on jeopardy is really hot!

Mar 3, 09 7:53 pm  · 

Hey, I'm selling or trading books on archimart...

Mar 3, 09 7:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

vado, you're on a roll!

Mar 3, 09 8:45 pm  · 

great news vado! way to bring something different-than-expected to the farm theme. also have been intrigued by the body farm in tn. looking forward to hearing more about it.

Mar 3, 09 9:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Orhan, your first is crazy, and your second is awesome. Rock that Cart Mama Ayyuce!

On another note, and sparked by the little image in Orhan's post...Do you think that maybe Micheal Jackson could be a Castrato? I mean, he needed to retain his high voice for the songs he sang in the Jackson five, and puberty would've screwed that up, so maybe he was in that movie about the last Castrati...I can't remember the title. I saw part of it in my opera class. Anyway, just a thought.

Mar 3, 09 9:25 pm  · 
have you ever seen a herse go by?
for you may be the next to die
they wrap you in a bloody sheet
then they bury you six feet deep
the worms crawl in
the worms crawl out
they chew your guts and spit them out
and thats the end of a happy day...

alt lyrics with the tune

Mar 3, 09 9:45 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats, Barry, Vado, and Orhan's mom.

Thanks to Facebook, I recently established contact with two people I used to know way back in elementary school, who I haven't seen since 1984. Amazingly, they still remember me. Even weirder, one of them is friends with another friend of mine who I knew in Chicago a couple decades later. What a small world. The past couple weeks have been sort of crappy for me, so this gave me a much-needed morale boost.

In case anybody is interested, I've made significant progress in re-vamping my blog.

Now if I can just shake this fucking cold...

Mar 3, 09 9:53 pm  · 

hi - another long day, tired.

Sarah hope you find your ring. Check Abe's diapers - weird but plausible.

Vado congrats

And OA your mum doesn't look 80, no where close.

g'night all - I'll sneak a post in during work just for you Liberty

Mar 3, 09 10:53 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Where is everybody this morning? Helllllllooooooooooooooo?!

Mar 4, 09 9:52 am  · 

I take off my ring when I bake bread, wash dishes, or shower. Sarah, have you looked in those places again?

Mar 4, 09 11:14 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah, I have. I've looked under the table, under the microwave, in the drawer where we keep the dish towels, in the pantry, ect. My mom suggested sifting through the flour, but I havent yet. Thanks for still thinking about it.

Mar 4, 09 11:23 am  · 

I am here.
Had some administrative duties to attend to this morning.

Also, not to be mysterious but i am officially my own legal guardian again.

Mar 4, 09 11:30 am  · 

nam, you must tell me how NOT to be my own legal guardian. i want someone else to be responsible for a while.

my wife lost her engagement ring once, it seems that the one of the cats likes shiny loose objects took it and hid it under the area rug. fortunately i found it before i dismantled the plumbing.

Mar 4, 09 11:51 am  · 

Damn cats. They're all kleptomaniacs.

Sarah - did you think to check the garbage? You said you were cleaning up and for whatever reason I can visualize it getting "swept" up with a bunch of other stuff and accidentally getting thrown away. The idea makes me sick to my stomach, but I've heard of it happening before. If you haven't, I hope trash day hasn't arrived yet.

Orhan - love the photo of your mother. I also find it hard to believe she's in her 80's. Talk about great genes.

Mar 4, 09 12:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

If it went into the trash, then its gone. Sad. Mama says I can possibly it on insurance - maybe. Sucks. It didnt fit anymore, but I HATE going out with my kid and not having my ring on - call me traditional. And its not there to play with. And I have to go to this cocktail party in a few weeks, and there WILL be professional escorts there, and it may be slightly wishful thinking, but I dont want to be confused with them. Guess I could just pretend I'm on a date. My mind is crazy. Forget everything you just read. Really.

Mar 4, 09 12:29 pm  · 
vado retro

thanks again feels good to get the nod in a peer reviewed journal.

just got off the phone with my good good friend liberty bell. she's sooooo busy i may have to take a nap for her.

i was dressed up as Fidel Castrato for Halloween. It was a fun and ez costume. all you need is a military shirt and hat. one fake beard, one long cigar some black tights, red socks and hi tops and some medical tape and gauze to apply to your crotch. this is hidden under the shirt tails and you only need flash it when people ask you what you are.


Mar 4, 09 12:40 pm  · 

nam, congrats on the emancipation. think I understand what you've accomplished.

turning into an interesting day. New rfp out that I'm trying to convince the principal to team up with TWBTA or maybe Gehry. I'll let you know if we go this route or just choose a competent firm to partner with.

Mar 4, 09 1:24 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, hope the ring turns up. I have a new pair of gloves that grabs one of my rings every single time I take them off - just today I found the ring in the glove finger as I was headed outside. but you probably don't wear gloves, do you?

I take my wedding/engagement rings off when I'm putting a rub on raw meat. I'm talking about cooking!! And for rolling out cookie dough, too.

Yes as vado said I am busy. Not all of it is billable, lots of it is social engagements that will hopefully lead to billable work. But I'm enjoying the busyness.

Orhan your mom looks so cool, and I love the idea of her sneaking a cigarette every now and then. You mentioned she swims in the Mediterranean every day - a tiny bit of smoking is easily offset by that!

Mar 4, 09 1:37 pm  · 

woo hoo

Mar 4, 09 2:33 pm  · 

Sorry about that. Feeling a bit random today.

I think I will post another dog picture now.

Mar 4, 09 2:36 pm  · 
Living in Gin


Mar 4, 09 3:16 pm  · 

4 Trade or 4 Sale

Mar 4, 09 4:58 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm really wanting a manicure lately. puddles, you probably get them every day. Sigh.

Mar 4, 09 7:42 pm  · 

I'm spec'ing this in my next project.

Mar 4, 09 8:14 pm  · 

I haven't gotten a pedicure in over 6 months - unheard of for me when I'm in Jamaica. Who knows I may take off work early one of those days I have to teach and get a little pampering. Liberty go for it, you've sounded ploughed under the work lately anyway go get your smile on!

Sarah, any luck yet? Check the window cills - I have a nasty habit of leaving jewellery there

B3tadine do you have any El Croquis or GG books?

Mar 4, 09 8:31 pm  · 

vado that tiny Michael Jackson is really freaking me out. Did anyone hear that he's recording songs again, but he's only releasing them posthumously

Mar 4, 09 8:45 pm  · 

Dammit beta!!! Why did you have to post those books now? I've gotta take the damn LEED exam before I do anything else and I'm easily distracted by lots of paper and ink bound together. ARGH!!!

Mar 4, 09 9:43 pm  · 

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