
Thread Central


Remember back when computers where operated by DOS and you had type commands every other minute?
Remember back when cars wher first created, you had to be a master mechanic to drive them?

You will wake up to the Standard my friend.

Jun 15, 06 9:38 am  · 
vado retro

R.I.P. Yale Blows MOnkeys!!! :(

Jun 15, 06 1:17 pm  · 

My sincerest apologies to all Yale graduates and monkeys for my indiscretion.

Jun 15, 06 1:35 pm  · 

so the yale blowing threads have been axed?....

a little less daily comedic relief for me.

Jun 15, 06 1:43 pm  · 

The archinect overlords have put their foot down.

I had an amazingly good class last night. My poster was at least as well recieved as any of my architecture has ever been, and I've got solid ideas for the next assignment. Unfortunately, I can't tell whether this is because a) exploring a new medium is always exciting, and therefor it might fade as it gets older to me, b) it's a cont. ed. class which is populated with not only architects and photographers, but with accountants and other randoms, and therefor I look great due to lack of competition, or c) this is genuinely the right fit for me. I know, only time will tell, but I can't help but wonder.

Jun 15, 06 2:19 pm  · 

keep us posted, Rationalist...

Jun 15, 06 3:41 pm  · 


Jun 15, 06 3:42 pm  · 

i actually did write a note to the site gods yesterday asking them to take it down, did anybody else? i felt the same way aobut that thread as i do about britney spears, shifting between loathing, mild amusement and pity.

Jun 15, 06 3:54 pm  · 
Auguste Perret

It would be nice if you could still pull it up to read, but you couldn't add anything to it - like a pdf. Then, if we have one of those "Great Moments in 2006" threads, we could reference some good writing or something.

Jun 15, 06 6:34 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

i sort of like the ephemeral quality that the thread has once it's completely gone. it transcends direct accessibility and only exists in the collective consciousness of archinect members. and it wasn't anything but a bunch of electrons. how fascinating!

and i have to say, i somehow have cracked the top 20 in number of comments. but the legends still hold a secure place among the top 5:

1. Javier (duh)
2. vado
3. e
4. liberty bell
5. steven ward

6th place (abra) has a solid 200 comments differential

strawberry leads the rest of the pelaton @ 1500 and change...

Jun 15, 06 7:08 pm  · 
Roethlisberger Contrite, Say's He's Lucky

Ben Roethlisberger apologized to the Pittsburgh Steelers, fans and his family hours after being released from a hospital Thursday, saying he was fortunate to be alive and promising to wear a helmet if he ever again rides a motorcycle.

Jun 15, 06 7:12 pm  · 

congrats, acfa. i'll feel better when you guys get busy and knock me outta the top five.

Jun 15, 06 7:32 pm  · 

actually abra probably already does if you include orhan's comments.

ah, but then you might have to include others of mine. nevermind.

Jun 15, 06 7:32 pm  · 

I can't believe I made another appearance at the bottom of a page! Ah suspense.

I just found out at lunch today that not only is one of my favorite lunch places closing, my favorite restaurant/brunch place is closing too. Add that to the list of my favorite people that are leaving soon and you have one sad WonderK.

Excuse me, I'm going to make like puddles and go be drunk. I'll probably have pants on though, at least for a little while.

Jun 15, 06 8:13 pm  · 

is there a google cache of YB right before it went down? what time was it? I have to admit, I'm curious.

Jun 15, 06 8:13 pm  · 

Awwww....YB is gone

Good riddance, it was turning into a circus anyway
In the end, posting valuable information about a school on YB was muddied by indecent snipes.
A rather explicit snipe brought an end to the thread

Nevertheless, Y=S=V continues ;-)

Jun 15, 06 8:27 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

I'm currently translating German for class. German gives me a headache. We actually had to translate part of a book about Karl Friedrich Schinkel today.

Jun 15, 06 8:46 pm  · 

wait, abra and Orhan are the same person? How did I get to the top twenty in comments posted without knowing things like this?

I think I am going to try ignoring the letters "Y", "S", and "V". we'll see how that works out.


wait, abra and Orhan are the ame person? How did I get to the top twent in comment poted without knowing thing like thi?

I think I am going to tr ignoring the letter " ", " ", and " ". we'll ee how that work out.

I can ee that thi i going to be rather difficult. Probabl er worth it, though.

Jun 15, 06 9:40 pm  · 

*er* nice.

And now, for a public service announcement...

Top 20:

vado retro
Javier Arbona
liberty bell
Steven Ward
John Jourden
Paul Petrunia
sporadic supernova
A Center for Ants?
Mason White


Leaving Nashville this evening! peace out to the music city...

Jun 16, 06 9:25 am  · 
brian buchalski

hi...i'm still alive all you fancy graphics lovers!

and i can definitely relate with wonderk, seems like a lot of people i know have left town in the past year...i'm literally at a point where most of the people that i actually consider "friends" are either bartenders, waitresses, or dj's

Jun 16, 06 10:08 am  · 
brian buchalski

anybody know of a good 10am happy hour? i need an excuse to get out of the office.

Jun 16, 06 10:10 am  · 

puddles if you find one, please email me and I will give you our office's phone number so you can call in a bomb threat and get me out of here.

Fellow Top 20-ers.....send me your address and I will send you all gold stars! You think I'm kidding? :o)

Hey, where is garpike anyway?

Jun 16, 06 10:29 am  · 

ok, so it didn't work out so well. I just don't want the continued Yale rant to destroy thread central and am determined to ignore any continuation of it.

I can't believe I'm still in the top twenty- thread central is practically the only place I post any more.

Jun 16, 06 10:50 am  · 
brian buchalski

wow...i'm #36 in total comments

wonderk, a bomb threat seems a bit extreme...but i could text us a message saying that you great aunt has died and that you need to come to the funeral home immediately.

interestingly enough, i was once at an office where we had a morning fire and had to evacuate at maybe 10-11am. a bunch of us convened at a nearby bar called the high life, no...i think it was actually called the good life. anyhow, too bad that was a tuesday because if it had been a friday i don't think any of us would have made it back that day.

anybody else bring a flask to work? or am i the only one?

Jun 16, 06 11:05 am  · 

puddles, where do you hide the flask, considering that you don't wear pants?

Jun 16, 06 11:15 am  · 
Auguste Perret

I don't bring a flask to work, nor am I on the top 20 list . . . but all of that is going to change.

Anyone interested in a YB T-shirt contest? After reading puddles' post I was reminded of per's thread to t-shirt adventure ha!

Jun 16, 06 11:37 am  · 
vado retro

on archinect quantity is qualitay!!!

Jun 16, 06 12:07 pm  · 

o-tay then...
more monkeys and cheerleaders...or cheerleading monkeys?

Jun 16, 06 12:46 pm  · 
sporadic supernova

right .. thanks AP .. I'm gonna try it when I get the chance.
i saw it somewhere before .. just didnt note that

Jun 16, 06 1:08 pm  · 
sporadic supernova

wow i'm in the top 20 ? ..thats cool

Jun 16, 06 1:10 pm  · 
liberty bell

Checking in from Kentucky. I vow to you all now that I absolutely will not leave this state in three weeks without a "Gettin' lucky in Kentucky" T-shirt in my luggage.

Currently posting from a very cool cafe downtown, Common Grounds. Finished CPR training today, so if anyone here at Thread Central experiences sudden shortness of breath, cardiac arrest, or a nail in their skull, I know what to do. Feel secure.

Real work starts tomorrow....though I've spent the last hour emailing/calling clients, cabinet suppliers, electricians, etc. for my ongoing jobs - which one constitutes real work?

AP, your play on the word "posted" above made me giggle. I love puns.

Oh and Smokety, you can speak German? Did I ever mention I think German is a really sexy-sounding language? Damn....

Jun 16, 06 4:52 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

and this... is a sexy german.

Jun 16, 06 7:43 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

I can't say I speak German. I am only learning how to read it. Although I have already learned this: Hast du etwa Zeit für mich?, which I believe is the first line from 99 Luft Balloons.

Jun 16, 06 7:48 pm  · 
brian buchalski

is it just me? or are there some really stupid suggestions for names on
daydreaming thread?

ok...glad i got that off my chest...wehew!!

ich liebe dich. natürlich! that's deutsch, right? although i probably spelled it wrong. ich bin glücklich :)

Jun 17, 06 9:45 pm  · 
liberty bell

Dumber than [b]doop[/], puddles? A course that was my contribution, inspired by yours....still stupid, but at least it's mirrored-symmetrical about a horizontal axis.

Jun 18, 06 12:23 am  · 
liberty bell

aw hell, screwed up the code: doop. Goodnight.

Jun 18, 06 12:24 am  · 
sporadic supernova

LB .. you're back ? ... and up ? ..

aw hell .. goodnight

Jun 18, 06 12:44 am  · 
Auguste Perret

So, I had a dream that I was reading a book written by liberty bell??? It was an architecture book and was on the UPenn summer reading list. I wonder what that means . . .

Jun 18, 06 11:16 am  · 
vado retro

re: wiki du jour. i was watching the original Postman always rings twice" with John Garfield and Lana Turner. i did a google of lana and the wikpedia article on her was quite funny i thought. Lana was known as "the sweater girl" according to this story and it went on to talk about her wearing tight sweaters which highlighted her bouncing bosoms(their words not mine) and the word bosom was hilighted which when clicked on told you what bosoms were. funny...

Jun 18, 06 12:02 pm  · 
brian buchalski

actually doop is one of the better should go with that.

Jun 18, 06 12:24 pm  · 

when I was in grade 8 my english teacher used the word "bosom" in reference to some poetry we were studying. A turkish student then asked her what "bosom" meant. funny.

Jun 18, 06 2:00 pm  · 
vado retro

lana turner...she and her bosom were married 8 times!!!

Jun 18, 06 3:25 pm  · 

lana backwards is anal...

Jun 18, 06 3:48 pm  · 
vado retro

okay i grabbed this dvd out of our office. "the films of charles and ray eames" you may have heard of these two guys. anyway, it includes powers of ten and a rough sketch of powers of ten and a film called 901: after 45 years of working. well i tell ya the music in the last one was so repetitive and annoying that i had to mute the stupid thing. after all it was the images that are important anyway and the dull narrator who i think is eames grandson just drowned on with anecdotes that are already known, anyway god it was as annoying a yale blows monkey!

Jun 18, 06 6:34 pm  · 

i don't care about geishas regardless the age or chains or whatever the time of the day it is. is that the DOG? in pacific palisades? the fur reminded me aretha franklin in lake tahoe ceasar's palace, when she threw it on the floor and start to sing bosonova.

well, here is my predicement. can somebody help me caculate the
# 166 "total load of new service panel. electrical code check is required if load exceeds 400 amp, 120/240 V, single phase."
this a plan checker request, i don't think it will exceed that. but is there a chart i can use to plug in to get it. this is for a +,- 1400 sq. ft. house with washer and dryer and ref, and d/w. with nothing more than required number of outlets, two ceiling lights in each room etc.(3W per sq. ft.?) i feel little rusty already. how do i do this? i've seen sample ones in internet so i did some homework on it. my problem is i never did it before.except in forgatten exams.
i don't think he is asking big deal but is there a "load calculation for a dummie?". i get dyslecsic @ amps, Watts and V's.
or should i directly e mail it to el jeffe even knowing he'd chew me up about it, before teaching it to me in two words. but hey, i know there are other brothers and sisters out there who can give me a little jolt to figure the service panel. i am willing to read all the necessary literature on it, if it is going to take me to correction-corrected level.
thanks already.

Jun 18, 06 7:59 pm  · 
got one
Jun 18, 06 8:19 pm  · 

I bet you shorty over at Aamco would know...

Jun 19, 06 8:58 am  · 

shorty knows everything. shorty even have a dremmel set for delicate jobs. shorty fixed my car's transmission. shorty is my friend and spiritual adviser.

Jun 19, 06 9:58 am  · 

nice. mechanic and guru.

Jun 19, 06 10:44 am  · 

he is right across the office too.
shorty has to use word fuckin' before every sentence he uses. if the sentence is long, he uses 2-3 times. he goes to tijuana a lot. thats where he is from. an original tijuanian for three generations. a real california guy. he use to work for g-man around the corner. g-man is okay mechanic he is mexican too. g-man gonzolo brings his 10 years old son to work during summer holidays. this tiny guy, jessy, has a mechanic's uniform (blue shirt and pants) just like his dad. i did as build drawings of g-mans home but the project stopped. i am also working on rodnick prasad's home. he is gonzolo's (g-man) partner and is from fiji. an indian surfer dude. shorty thinks g-man is alright but aamco pays more money. aamco is just bought from kamal, by n white guy ross, who is a wheelchair handicapped person but runs the place better than kamal who was clean handed rich pakistani disco guy. everybody agrees with me on ross' hands on management and success.. richie, the white guy who was fired on last ownership change, (kamal wanted to cut his pay by 200$ and ritchie left) , briefly came back but he was too far into heroin this time. he told me he is going back to brooklyn where he is from. nice guy one of those macho gay guys who had a great sense of humor. good luck to ritche.

so it is monday. and i was here saturday and sunday too.i like to work on weekends since it is quiter. all the shops around are closed. i don't care about mondays b/c everybody else act like they hate work. and there is that rush in the air. in the mornings it takes me at least 'till noon to get going on my architectural duties.

Jun 19, 06 11:54 am  · 

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