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OMG. Did everyone see the image gallery with Eiseman dancing in a
can-can line or whatever that was? I was on the floor rolling in laughter.

Jun 6, 06 2:07 pm  · 
Auguste Perret

The world is ending today??? Shit!!! I better get these CDs out right away. And I was just about to add to the 'In 10 Years' thread. Not to mention that I'm so excited to read p38's magnum opus about Yale and Stern tomorrow. Do I have time to see Jennifer and Vince in 'The Break-Up'?

Jun 6, 06 2:12 pm  · 
Auguste Perret

He looks either asleep or drunk, or both. He must know that the world is ending today and just doesn't care anymore.

Jun 6, 06 2:19 pm  · 
vado retro

hey lb i was talkin to my job super in michigan today about those shaft liners that i was telling you about. he used the word visualize and i almost snorted coffee up my nose. what a crack up.

Jun 6, 06 5:54 pm  · 
vado retro

hey at least we werent doin this...

hats off greatest generation!!!

Jun 6, 06 5:57 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?
Jun 6, 06 6:11 pm  · 

here it is year 17 of the reign of peace (loosely translated)



doesn't have the same ring does it?

Jun 6, 06 7:34 pm  · 

i just saw a bmw commercial with a wrecking ball breaking a part of flw's fallingwater house. boy, am i upset. driving machine my ass. spent whole afternoon helping shorty to fix the clutch. it is done but some electrical stuff is fucked up now. minor though.

Jun 6, 06 11:04 pm  · 

wups. very big mistaken. it is year 18 now.

brain. fried. must. sleep....

Jun 7, 06 6:52 am  · 

We have to be the only profession that posts their e-mail spam on a forum for their colleague’s reading enjoyment. I really love my job…

Jun 7, 06 7:40 am  · 

jump what is the "reign of peace"?

Jun 7, 06 9:06 am  · 


in japan we are currently living in the 18th year of the heisei period. the word translates to something like "making/achieving peace", and the era began with the death of emperor hirohito and the inauguration of his son; whose reign begins and ends the calendar.

they use both the gregorian and japanese calendars here still...which is sometimes confusing as i can never remember my year of birth correctly in the japanese system, especially at banks which always use the traditional system for some reason...

Jun 7, 06 9:59 am  · 
liberty bell

Hey I forgot to mention yesterday that WonderK is without a doubt the coolest, smartest, and funniest archinect-her I know. Everyone please say thank you to the fabulous DubK for her perpetually wise and wise-ass outlook and commentary on the world of archinecture yay!

Sorry your week is so tough, WK, and especially sad to hear about your friend's passing with cancer. Hang in there hon.

Jun 7, 06 10:33 am  · 

Interesting. I am beginning to realize that I know next to nothing about Japan and the way Japanese people think/behave. I watched a documentary on the end of Pacific operatons in WWII this weekend and it gave a fascinating peek into the influence of the emporer in Japanese life. I know the govt isn't set up the same way anymore, and the emporer doesn't have the same kind of influence, but the social values shown in their actions at the end of the war were fascinating.

Jun 7, 06 10:45 am  · 

Thanks lb! I truly appreciate it, and you. I am keeping myself busy with happy things (i.e. good TV night tonight!). Last night I partook in some local culture and was pleasantly surprised to find that such activities do exist in a conservative town such as Cincy:

I saw a show called "The Absurdity of Writing Poetry". It was an inspirational little gem, a one man show about a guy who contemplates giving up creating art. It was gorgeous - I felt like he was talking to me. I now feel reenergized and remembered how lost I feel when I'm not being productive, somehow.

On a side note, I'm pretty sure I know nothing about Japan as well. I don't really have any Japanese friends and I've never been. From the looks of it, I think I would love to go to Tokyo though. But for now, I am living vicariously through Murakami's books....

Jun 7, 06 1:07 pm  · 

32/1320 = 0.024242424242424242424242424242424242424...

Jun 7, 06 2:12 pm  · 

Yes but 32/1322 is more interesting:


Jun 7, 06 4:29 pm  · 

Funny, I *just* started "Kafka on the Shore" today--reading it for my book club. Gotta finish by Sunday... good thing it's a rainy week!

Jun 7, 06 4:56 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

i prefer irrational numbers...

like e ~=2.71828183...
and the golden ratio ~=1.61803399...

Jun 7, 06 5:55 pm  · 

condolences wonder k. that is hard.

myriam, yeh japan is def different. i have been here on and off since 92, which is most of my adult life, so japan is more normal to me than north america lately...which is i am a stranger in both my adopted country and in my birthplace...;-)

tokyo is so far my fav place to live. i liked london a lot but don't think it is a good place for a family if not wealthy, while tokyo is perfect. somehow the govt has things covered. healthcare, education, housing (walkable communities!)...and with deflation for the last 10 years life here is pretty wil probs be here til the kids get old enough to go back to europe or NA.

the emperor today is a man to be pitied. his life is very strictly controlled and he don get to have any of the fun the royalty in other countries have. shitty life. so shitty the empress actually had a nervous breakdown a few years back...crazy. i wonder if hirohito was the same during the war. he was def involved in everything but hard to know how much he had control is really hard to match the japan of those times with the one of today...

Jun 7, 06 9:14 pm  · 
vado retro

i love the scene in the squid and the whale
where the girlfriend says i read metamorphosis it was great.
and the boyfriend says yeah it was kafkaesque...

Jun 7, 06 9:26 pm  · 
vado retro

just back from michigan left at 7 a.m. was on site until four p.m. and just got home at 9 p.m. havin a light dinner of bruschetta focaccia an apple and some brie. and of course some vino.

Jun 7, 06 9:34 pm  · 
Cherith Cutestory

dear liberty bell-

this thanks is a page too late. i was just so caught up with my new found powers- like a super hero first discovering he can fly- that i forgot to send you my thanks for allowing me to be a part of the big leagues.

all in all, it is actually very simple. those directions down there make it seem a little more complex then it is. i guess that's how it stays hip if no one can figure it out.

now if only i could figure out how to get a golden egg...

Jun 7, 06 10:52 pm  · 
Cherith Cutestory

opps. i guess .gif's don't work so well. <sigh> i have much learning to do.

Jun 7, 06 10:55 pm  · 
liberty bell

Learn by doing, randar, we all screw it up occasionally!

BTW I saw the movie you reference above a few nights ago - hated it. Fell asleep 2/3 through. I usually adore Johnny Depp but this character was just creepy - not at all dangerously lovable as was Gene Wilder. Maybe I'm just sentimental.

Jun 7, 06 11:52 pm  · 


(Don't look now but I think parallel38 might have just posted a quasi-rational, reason-based, albeit emotionally tainted post on the Yale thread. Emphasis on the word "might". But I dare say that if she had posted something like that 300 posts ago my panties wouldn't be in such a big bunch now.)

Jun 8, 06 12:02 am  · 
Cherith Cutestory

so, and i found the original to be far creepier than the new version. johnny depp was more annoying than creepy to me. plus he looked like an odd combination of jack white as dressed by marilyn manson

Jun 8, 06 12:40 am  · 

Did any of you read Roald Dahl books as a kid? I didn't read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory specifically, but many of his others. All the creepy-factor of Johnny Depp was dulled for me by my delight at seeing a genuine Roald Dahl character on the screen. That guy didn't sugar-coat stuff, and just seeing more faithful characters was entertainment enough for me.

Just got back from my first night class at Otis School of Art and Design. I think I'm really going to love that class, it was tons of fun. Suprisingly, several other architecture peeps there.

Jun 8, 06 12:48 am  · 

i like the new version and the old rationalist i am jes happy to see a favored childhood book come to life...

wilder did do a better job of seeming dangerous whatisname in How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb. kubrick is sooo awesome.

Jun 8, 06 1:56 am  · 
Cherith Cutestory

my favorite childrens book to movie. when oh when will book 7 come out??

Jun 8, 06 2:07 am  · 
sporadic supernova

you're right DubK .... she actually sounds reasonable now ....

oh well ....

LB .. anytime ... and I think you're right about the Brazilian ... will explain later ..!!

Jun 8, 06 3:31 am  · 
sporadic supernova

I've seen only the first HP movie ...
there are two more out ? ... not sure ..

Jun 8, 06 3:32 am  · 
liberty bell

I read lots of Roald Dahl, as a child I think the spatial aspects of hiw work steered me toward architecture, honestly. The idea of a tunnel through a giant peach then turning the pit into a house, the elevator to the sky and the Knids spelling out SCRAM, as Steven alluded to on the Delirious NY thread, hanging a "sailboat" from a bunch of imaginative. Then I also became a huge fan of his adult books - no not *that* kind of adult book, though no doubt he would be good at those, too. I mean Tales of the Unexpected, with stories like the woman who kills her philandering chief-of-police husband by knocking him on the head with a frozen leg of lamb, which she then feeds to his deputies to get rid of the evidence ha! And in contrast, the one about the philandering wife who tries to sneak a mink coat (gift from her lover) into her house only to be bested by her husband...great stuff. So inventive.

Also, film fans, did you know this? From Wikipedia: One of his (Dahl's) more famous adult stories, The Smoker (also known as Man from the South), was filmed as an episode of Alfred Hitchcock Presents, and also adapted into Quentin Tarantino's segment of the 1995 film Four Rooms. Set design in that was great, too.

OK enough reminiscing. Work to do.

Jun 8, 06 9:58 am  · 


"(Don't look now but I think parallel38 might have just posted a quasi-rational, reason-based, albeit emotionally tainted post on the Yale thread. Emphasis on the word "might". But I dare say that if she had posted something like that 300 posts ago my panties wouldn't be in such a big bunch now.)"

If only that were the case.

What you're experiencing is "exceeded lowered expectations." parallel38 got our opinion of "her" so low that when "she" finally put together a couple of coherent sentences, you were so pleased with the improvement that you overlooked the deficiencies in logic and reason. Almost happened to me too.

Jun 8, 06 6:05 pm  · 

Wonder K

Sorry if I kept it low-brow for so long. It’s an old tactic of mine. You can get twice the audience if you go negative than if you come out high-brow and post kind gentle comments. I know it sucks and it’s very immature…but unfortunately it works. However now that the parallel38 username has some notoriety and a platform; its time to take the high-road and make some pretty significant points about Yale & Stern


I thought we were going to keep this conversation from turning into a snipe-fest again. Oh well, I guess I hit a nerve. What a surprise, you couldn’t go one day without claiming that anything anti-Yale is unfounded. You eventually have to face reality. Yale has hit some pretty hard times,..and its mostly due to Stern. Just think what’s going to happen to you if you ever get on his bad side.

Check back for Parts II and III. In Part II, I’ll talk about Stern’s latest series of vendettas and his way of coping with losing when it comes to projects and design awards. In 06’, not only does Stern have vendettas against a series of groups and individual (including my colleague), but entire states. odp1, can you guess which one(s)?

Jun 8, 06 10:24 pm  · 
el jeffe

However now that the parallel38 username has some notoriety and a platform; its (sic) time to completely disregard any further comments.

Jun 8, 06 10:57 pm  · 

I feel like the guy wearing the top hat and using the megaphone at the 3-ring circus.

Jun 8, 06 11:50 pm  · 

haha, i feel like the guy who has to clean up after the elephant

Jun 9, 06 12:18 am  · 

i now declare page 4 of 'yale blows' to be the longest page with the least content the world has ever seen

Jun 9, 06 2:31 am  · 

and I'm the audience member waiting for the next act

Jun 9, 06 7:31 am  · 

Stern isn't the only one with vendettas.

Jun 9, 06 8:15 am  · 


Jun 9, 06 8:18 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm alive...thanks.

Jun 9, 06 9:44 am  · 
liberty bell

Very good taking of the top of page 26, puddles. I was trying to come up with a pic for the occasion, but drew a blank.

Speaking of pictures, vado's Jobsite Pic of the Day thread could be promising, I would love to see pics from what people are working on.

And I really cannot wait to get abra's take on the AIA Convention!

Jun 9, 06 9:50 am  · 

Wow, lb is at 10/2600. That's pretty cool. I just screwed up my 33/1333 with another post, but you get my point.

Also if it has not been mentioned, I'd venture to guess this is the longest thread Archinect has ever seen. Woo hoo for that.

Jun 9, 06 11:36 am  · 
brian buchalski

twenty six pages is too many for a thread...

i'm starting my own "department of anit-thread central" thread and it will hae only one page...with one post...and that post will be by me.

Jun 9, 06 12:34 pm  · 
vado retro

it sucks to be out of coffee...

Jun 10, 06 8:43 am  · 
vado retro

lazy lazy rainy napping kind of day.

Jun 10, 06 2:53 pm  · 

super-dooper packing and throwing stuff out kind of day.

Jun 10, 06 6:40 pm  · 
liberty bell

Man I hate working on electrical/reflected ceiling plans. So much info jammed onto one sheet, a bazillion dimensions most of which say "EQ", the whole light fixture key.....ugh.

Well, thank goodness I'm not out of coffee.

Jun 11, 06 12:10 am  · 

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