Happy New Year Everyone! - if you want the most people to see your work then design museums and exhibits - all dynamics are there at
an extreme level - here is a fine example - has anyone designed a museum or exhibits? ...
Architecture casts a huge shadow.
I've done some exhibit design and construction for a children's museum. Nothing fancy - just basic kinetic movement exhibits. It was fun.
I haven't yet, but I'd definitely be up for it. A friend of mine is working on the Obama Center exhibits.
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Exhibit Design as Public Architecture
Happy New Year Everyone! - if you want the most people to see your work then design museums and exhibits - all dynamics are there at
an extreme level - here is a fine example - has anyone designed a museum or exhibits? ...
Architecture casts a huge shadow.
I've done some exhibit design and construction for a children's museum. Nothing fancy - just basic kinetic movement exhibits. It was fun.
I haven't yet, but I'd definitely be up for it. A friend of mine is working on the Obama Center exhibits.
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