
Thread Central


A subcontractor on one of my jobs pointed to the RCP the other day and asked me what "EQ" meant. The job is about to start trimwork.

Jun 11, 06 12:23 am  · 

I can't believe I forgot to post this, but it's appropriate to the current string of thought......

The super on one of my jobs faxed me a sketch last week of some mechanical work they did in the ceiling.....the entire sketch was full of "ducks". There was a 12" duck, a 10" duck, a 14" duck, and another 12" duck. Bet you didn't know there were so many "ducks" in an HVAC system!

He's actually a really nice guy, very attentive, but it's sad thinking that he's gone his entire life spelling that word wrong. I highlighted the sketch and put it up on my wall.

Jun 11, 06 12:41 am  · 

i think i prefer the super's spelling.

i was taught to call "the littl EL-shaped cast-in inserts for welding sash clips to" DUCKS (in Japanese of course)....turns out that is NOT what they are called except in my office, and hell if I can remember what the right name is (in Japanese) I just go on calling them ducks and the contractors are learning to deal with it....;-)

language is lovely.

Jun 11, 06 3:00 am  · 
vado retro

i have coffee and in a half an hour my laundry will be done. i could go to the beach. if there was a beach and if the sun was out and if it was warmer than sixty. but then again for vado thats perfect beach weather. oh liberty bell took me for a ride in her miata on friday.woohoo

Jun 11, 06 8:29 am  · 

wonderk, your contractor must only use gen-u-ine 'duck' brand [duct] tape. his ducks are top notch.

Jun 11, 06 2:29 pm  · 
vado retro

it had to be done...

Jun 11, 06 3:48 pm  · 
Cherith Cutestory
when archinect goes full circle


Jun 11, 06 4:56 pm  · 
liberty bell

Here is a picture of my boy on his new 3rd birthday trike:

Do you guys understand how embarassing it is for me to walk around the neighborhood with my child on this trike? I'm not embarassed here, in the company of architects, in fact here I want to say "Look at this cool Italian trike my kid got for his birthday! Ergonomic design! Rainscreen! Enclosed chain! Italian!!", but in my suburban neighborhood surrounded by non-architects it just feels too-too...something, I don't know the word, but it's embarassing.

Grandma bought it. I was ready to go to a garage sale and get an old-fashioned one for 5 bucks, but oh well.

And it IS pretty cool, yeah? sporadic, it's on Flickr, sorry, but if you want to see the trike go here italtrike.

Jun 11, 06 5:44 pm  · 
liberty bell

And myriam your comment cracks me up. Like when the drawing has a big "DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS" note and you walk onto the site to find a carpenter laying his tape on the plan...sigh.

Jun 11, 06 5:51 pm  · 
vado retro

liberty you wont be embarrased if you accompany angus with one of these...

Jun 11, 06 6:18 pm  · 
brian buchalski

damn...why does liberty bell get to have kids with cool italian tri-cycles and i don't even get to have pants? this is bullshit.

Jun 11, 06 7:22 pm  · 

puddles, that was hilarious.

Jun 11, 06 7:25 pm  · 

that trike is great. smart design and step towards this;

granma knows better.

Jun 11, 06 7:37 pm  · 
liberty bell

WonderK, I have totally avoided the Yale blows thread - but when I saw just now that you had posted I had to peek. What can I say: you are so smart, so calm, and so cool - and if the protagonists can't rebut you seriously (which they can't) well they will have proven themselves for what they are. Bravo, dear, braaaaaaavo.

And puddles, do we need to take up a collection to get you some pants?!? Hilarious, indeed.

Jun 11, 06 7:39 pm  · 

hah, puddles....grandparents are a secret weapon all by themselves.

i don't think i have bought more than a few socks for either of my kids cuz the granparents are always buying them things and sending in the don't get me started on great granparents!

my daughter was likewise gifted with a designer gift for her 2nd b-day, sort of a mini-sized version of saarinen's grasshopper chair, wee little thing, but built properly so an adult can actually sit in it if desired, it's that now my daughter has a designer chair and her parents are stuck with the stuff from the mail order catalogue...;-)

Jun 11, 06 7:41 pm  · 
vado retro

puddles. pants can be dangerous and we dont want you to hurt yourself.

Jun 11, 06 7:58 pm  · 

lb, I appreciate it. I mean it's not like everytime we say something it has to be wildly profound for it to be a post. The point that I was trying to make was, what are they bringing to the table? Besides hearsay and mean-spiritedness? Nothing so far. Anyway. Hopefully it will die soon.

Jun 12, 06 12:56 am  · 

I'm alive. My computer decided that it didn't like the internet for a few days there.

Jun 12, 06 10:54 am  · 

also alive.

ya, dubK, best response to that non-sense for sure...well said.

puddles, maybe you could start with shorts - less likely to hurt yourself if you go that route. baby steps.

D.C. was a blast. Along w/ Angus, I aged 1 year on Friday. Power to the Gemini clan! The only Italian gift that I got was some bruschetta, though...maybe next year. ;-)

Jun 12, 06 10:56 am  · 

Thanks AP. Apparently it was all for naught. At least I tried. I have to say I cannot fathom having to deal with people who are so thoroughly disrespectful. I find that I'm rather glad none of the Ivies are on my list for grad school apps.

Speaking of Geminis, as a Libra, I feel it is my duty to inform you that you are my cosmic buddy. No really, us and Aquarians are supposed to get along fabulously. I tested this theory with the two Supers - SuperHeavy, who just had a birthday, and SuperBeatledud, who is a February baby - and although we fought like siblings at times, we usually came out ahead in the end. BTW, the Supers are on hiatus but they still love you all, I promise.

Jun 12, 06 9:15 pm  · 

I can't seem to make sense of this...

TC: 2528 posts, 18021 views
Attract any woman now alchemist: 119 posts, ¿ 22003 views ?

oe is right; there must be a lot of disappointed men out there.

Jun 12, 06 9:42 pm  · 
liberty bell

I totally don't get it, either, Javier - I totally, totally don't get it. I spend time and money to avoid reading spam, software companies make money selling software to allow people to avoid reading spam.

Why do people WANT to go somewhere to read spam? You've started some kind of very odd phenomenon, here. I don't understand, at all.

Jun 12, 06 10:23 pm  · 
vado retro

thread central is a place to rant rave and rock n roll
attract any woman now alchemist is... well its just poetry.

Jun 12, 06 10:38 pm  · 

if you google women + alchemist. the thread is number 1. i don't know why you would though...cough cough.

Jun 12, 06 10:47 pm  · 

yeah, but if you happened to need to google the words "thread central", you would find... Thread Central.

Jun 12, 06 10:59 pm  · 

cool. i was just trying to throw you a bone.

Jun 12, 06 11:47 pm  · 
sporadic supernova

hahah .. yeah .. I'm sure it's the "woman" in the title !!

Jun 13, 06 1:45 am  · 
sporadic supernova

and DubK .. I loved that response in "yale blows" ... but it just fed them more material to keep yalking !!! ...
I'd love to see that thread dead !! .. ( hey that rhymes!!)

Jun 13, 06 1:57 am  · 

Hi yall.
Been away from my computer for a while.
For the first time of my life, I was building something. For those of you interested (abra and lb for instance), there are a few pictures of the opening night in the events gallery.
Too bad it's already over and the installation is pretty much completely destroyed. It feels like it never existed. I sort of miss it.
It was a lot of work for four days of exhibition, but it was worth the effort. The result was great and we had a lot of positive feedback from the public (not so much from the architects but we're used to it, these people are hard to please); and I met fellow archinecters amongst the others participants.

url=]image gallery[/url]

Jun 13, 06 5:16 am  · 
liberty bell

Good morning sporadic - is it afternoon for you? I was so tired last night (up late night before) that I went to bed and instead got up a bit early this morning to get these drawings done.

But if it's the word "woman" in the "attract any woman alchemist" that attracts so much attention, how come the "hottest female architect" thread didn't attract more - I mean it even had pictures! I just don't understand why people are looking at other people's spam. As vado said, must be the poetry factor - but then how come WonderK's poetry thread isn't seeing more hits?!?? I'm flummoxed.

OK, to work for me.

Jun 13, 06 5:16 am  · 
image gallery
Jun 13, 06 5:17 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh yay French you got it done! It looks amazing - the structure in the first image is great, the perforated flooring and inset lights, looks so minimal and cool with slight utilitarian/industrial flavor, and that ceiling plane is really immaterial in contrast! Great job - plus people looked like they are having fun interacting with it. Any funny stories to tell of how people used it?

Congratulations - looks like a lot of work! Fantastic. Thanks for posting the pics.

Jun 13, 06 6:05 am  · 
sporadic supernova

wow .. liberty ... what are you doing up at this time ? .. it's good afternoon for me ..

I just got back from site ..... so damn HOT !!! .... and I forgot to bring a change of cloths today .. so i'm all drenched in sweat !!! i hate it ..

about the "woman" factor ... if the "hottest female architect" was renamed as "attract any female architect" i'm sure it would have had more hits !! ;)

but i've got an idea on what to do with all that spam ... i'm gonna compose a song and use them as lyrics .. :)

Jun 13, 06 6:06 am  · 
sporadic supernova

French !!.... very nice ... am very impressed !!

Jun 13, 06 6:08 am  · 
vado retro

i am in a conference call right now!!!!

Jun 13, 06 9:43 am  · 
brian buchalski

so vado, what are you wearing?

Jun 13, 06 10:09 am  · 

good night sweaty sporadic, good afternoon French, good morning everyone else.

that looks great indeed, French. great job...and this is obvious, but architecture is for the People! damnit! forget the hard to please architects and enjoy the public's reception. ...

my theory on the attraction of the spam thread
De-Familiarization: the content - often overlooked, typically un-solicited, annoying in most cases - has been placed in an un-familiar territory. This allows for an un-familiar experience. Curiousity alone causes people to engage the thread (whether by just reading the spoetry in its new context, or by searching their own spam for similar gems).

we'll have to see how long this odd phenomenon lasts...


Jun 13, 06 10:29 am  · 


i forgot to delete that part. i really had nothing worth saying...

shorts, puddles. one step at a time.

Jun 13, 06 10:31 am  · 

The teleport became pretty much a crazy dance floor for the whole opening event. We have invited a DJ that's a friend of mine (his name is Ben Dover, like a famous porn star I've heard) who plays minimal techno and stuff like that. A very nice party (I was a bit too tired to enjoy it completely but special substances helped me stay awake and smile to all the people I had to meet).
The kids, my daugther included, were paticularly excited by the smoke effects. They were all crazy. Adults were often pretending they were choosing their ideal destination. Others were laying down on the platform to be completely surrounded by smoke.
A group of participants (their name is Ground Zero, don't ask me why) organized a long jump contest from the platform to the ground of ashes that was laying next to it.
A lot of fun with a lot of work, just as I like it. My partner Vincent and I were really happy with the whole event.
Thank you all for your nice comments.:)

Jun 13, 06 10:39 am  · 
liberty bell

Wow, French, it sounds amazing! Glad it is not only a piece you can be proud visually of but also was a fun opening party! I think making something that inspires someone to lay down on it in public is always a sign of success. Bravo!

Jun 13, 06 11:02 am  · 
liberty bell

Also, special to both vado and Steven - I'm drafting as fast as I can and my My Morning Jacket "Z" cd is keeping me going....thank you.

Jun 13, 06 11:03 am  · 

So I have to ask colcol, and since I've sworn off the Yale Blows thread once and for all (trolls can never be satiated, I tell you), I will ask it here.

colcol, is that person really YOUR mother?

Jun 13, 06 5:35 pm  · 
vado retro

baby it aint gonna suck itself...

Jun 13, 06 5:54 pm  · 

no, i'm sorry. not actually my mother. my mom is an art warrior.

Jun 13, 06 8:40 pm  · 

oh fiddle sticks WonderK

You're right, odp1 will never be happy...oh well

Jun 13, 06 8:51 pm  · 

Ok, please see my last post here.....

I'm sorry I couldn't resist!

Jun 13, 06 10:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

That is the most exciting and optimisitic thing I've heard in a long while. Yay for dubK - wish this was the bottom of the page so I could write:

WonderK, I want to hear about your date!

Jun 13, 06 11:04 pm  · 

hmmm, I'm starting to think I was RIGHT when I mistook parallel for tvg a few pages ago. Maybe they really are one person, they agree so well.

go WonderK!

Jun 13, 06 11:41 pm  · 

im begining to suspect that parallel 38 is Stern's jilted ex-lover

Jun 13, 06 11:48 pm  · 

The cause of parallel38's irrational hatred of Yale is Rory Gilmore - after she decided to go to Yale instead of Harvard like she always said she would, and took parallel38's place...

Jun 14, 06 1:04 am  · 

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