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my first interior design job in years...
it is a hair salon remodel. entrance area involving reception desk and waiting area and the paint the entire store to lighter colors. it was done in early 90's in morphosis fastinated style (imitation hennesey ingalls bookstore) with almost identical details softened (!) up by a published designer/architect who said he cannot remodel his own design for the low budget clients have... and this time presented karim rashid rip off asking 4 x the budget he has been given.
enter me. the low budget prince of low lands. so i am working on my story line for tomorrows presentation and gathering the samples i'll show them. good thing there is no world cup-per game today (not that i am in some kind of rush). slowly everything is falling in place and i got my mostly iraqi construction team together to do the job. btw, this is not my first job with the iraqis. george on the paint brush, hasan on the sparks and adil for the cabinets. welcome to canon dr. beverly hills where barbara streisand gets a hair done by my clients...
baghdad. faraway so close.

Jun 28, 06 12:53 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

i knew it. puddles is a member of the red hot chili peppers.

and orhan- the notion of "construction" and "iraqi" just conjures upthoughts of arrested development.

now THAT was a good show. and i almost literally bumped into carlos santana in beverly hills last weekend.

Jun 28, 06 12:57 pm  · 

I had an iraqi cab driver in nashville - from the hotel to the airport. We entered his cab with a roll of drawings and he immed. began with a story of designing his own house (which his neighbors were envious of), and then told us a lil' bit about this iraqi-woman architect named Hadid that did some museums....

Jun 28, 06 1:21 pm  · 
brian buchalski

whoops...didn't mean to imply any red hot chili peppers antics. the sock is (still) on my left foot.

Jun 28, 06 1:42 pm  · 

mantaray: my thoughts from this morning's plug....

a)I love MACs. Big Macs to eat, but especially my MacBookPro.

b) I am young and foolish but based on what I have seen from this business thus far I think subscribing to a "Mac-only" diet/policy could be limiting for your 'career' and dangerous for your health.

c) Seriously though, I love my mac and would use it all day but the firm I work for is PC based so I go both ways. Again just my likely mis-guided thoughts but shouldn't you start by looking at firms for the work they produce + work environment before stressing about computers? I guess these are the things that are important to me, and perhaps they come second to computer environments for you...

hope this doesn't sound lecture-ish, just want you to find a happy place to go to work.

damn I could eat a mac right now.

Jun 28, 06 4:23 pm  · 

Back by popular demand....The Yale pmic posts....copy it, send it, etc. it’s here to stay

Total Entries: 2
Total Comments: 14

04/29/06 21:41

Every school has flaws...I think many people are in love with the GSD of five years ago. And, I was accepted to the GSD! I would have choose MIT over GSD from a cost stand point, but as someone who has experienced the GSD first hand, it is in a slump and Dean Stern is using his position within the professional community to draw top talen faculty and students.

For the record, I did not think this was important to the dialogue but now that this borders on a Yale diatribe, I will put it out. My file was originally rejected, but one fuculty liked it so much they placed it in Dean Stern's hands. Based on their recommendation and my application, he called and said, "You would be a great fit at Yale." I met with him that Fri. and he said that sometimes applications do not receive proper attention. He apologized and hoped I would consider Yale.

Total Entries: 2
Total Comments: 17

05/01/06 11:55

For everyone else, my acceptance does not undermine the commitee ideal. In fact, it should provide hope. If one person likes you on the admissions commitee, then you can get in. I do not know if I was one of the last looked at, but ultimately, it took three people: the dean, the professor, and Joel Sanders to matriculate into the program. I did undergoe a commitee review, just not the same one. For all I know, others were pulled aside and presented to the dean, and accepted.

I am happy with my choice, just be happy with your and make something of the situation.

Total Entries: 0
Total Comments: 43

05/01/06 14:02

pmic: what happened with your application is called a "Dean's Pick". It means you were one of a small number of people who either bypassed the committee entirely (for instance this can happen with people personally known to the dean) or that you were "saved" from the rejection pile and submitted for reconsideration to the dean.
It's something that used to happen with most private programs, and still does in a lot of them - but most schools would rather that people didn't know this. Personally I'd be careful about telling people about this. It can create bad feelings with other students, faculty, and it may even upset those who personally championed your admission to know that you're not dealing with it "discreetly".

Jun 28, 06 9:28 pm  · 

Pete, your comments are welcome, you don't sound lecturish!

I know it seems silly to the vast majority of other people, but this is something I've thought long and hard about, and know myself well enough to know is worth it to me. Using PCs makes me want to stab my eyeballs out. I've never owned one, I've never worked on one by choice, and have only had limited experience with them in a few firms in which I worked (for a few years). I hate them. I don't know how to use them and they frustrate me constantly. The GUI makes no sense to me, I can never find things, and worst of all, WORST of all, the horribly ugly fucking awful graphic design of them makes me feel physically nauseated. It is already hard enough for me to stomach the thought of spending the majority of my workday staring at a screen; the thought of staring at something that I find personally ugly and revolting and poorly designed, and having to use something clunky and ugly and poorly designed all day long every day, something that CRASHES and CEASES TO FUNCTION to boot, makes my brain shut down in horror.

After my last firm, working on yellowing beige PCs (they were decently new, but seem to yellow almost instantly) with HUGE CRT monitors that flickered and gave me headaches and took up so much space on my desk that my keyboard was crunched into my lap and my wrists got shooting pains from being so cramped, I decided never to work at a PC firm again. Also, I hate Autocad, even more so than all of the above, so much so that I cannot even express it in words.

All in all it has been a good decision for me so far. Obviously if it is a choice between starvation and work on a PC, I'd choose the PC (or, more likely, I'd choose to take the opportunity to go back to grad school or to teach English abroad or something). But I don't think it'll come down to that. There are a lot of mac firms out there, a lot of choice, and in my opinion high standards (as well as low) have a tendency to fulfill themselves.

ok, rant over.

Jun 28, 06 11:41 pm  · 
brian buchalski

nice can i join your "mac liberation army" and help the cause?

Jun 29, 06 10:23 am  · 

mantaray, thanks! I helped the cause, I bought a Mac and it is on its way! I can't wait to get it and play with it. Although I am a little anxious at the thought of how much I will need to spend to get all the software on there that I want.

My question is: on the new Macs, which can run Windows, can you install Windows and Tiger? How does this work? Anyone have any experience with it? I suppose this should go on a computer thread but those are all geared towards different topics.

Also, should it possibly be the "PC Liberation Army"? As in we are liberating PCs so we can use Macs instead? Details, details.

Jun 29, 06 11:04 am  · 

please give me a break...;-)

the mac people are so lucky to have folks out there who have taken their designs on as if they were a lifestyle choice. wow. how many companies can say the same...? coca cola is prob the only one that has reached the same heights (or is it depth?)

understand the hate on for autocad though...couldn't stand it myself for the first week or two.

Jun 29, 06 11:06 am  · 

Jump, I'm surprised that you as a designer should rate design so low in importance.

It's not luck for apple that some people prefer their designs and find that important; frankly I'm hoping that's a good sign of hope for the future that the public is wising up to the importance of design.

Design is my life. It's what I've choosing to rate of highest importance in my activities and career. Why should someone look down on me for "buying into a cult" or "joining an army" when I have simply made a personal design choice? I don't care if anyone else buys one, as long as enough people buy them that they stay on the market. It's not bizarre to me that this should be important to me, and I don't see why any designer would find it bizarre. You would be negating the importance of your own life choices if you did.

Jun 29, 06 12:08 pm  · 

also please don't read that in a huffy voice! imagine it more of as in a regular conversational tone. i hate that tone doesn't come across on the internets... i'm not assuming you were laughing at me or making fun of me. :) or puddles either. i guess i'm a little surprised that you would find me odd!

Jun 29, 06 12:12 pm  · 

not to jack this into 'tech central' but...

yeah manatray do what makes you happy, I'm for that. Personally I'd be a lot happier if I got several more hrs of sleep last night.
Just curious, what drafting software do you use? I got VW 12 and found that after learning that I still much prefer AutoCAD.

WunderK I think there were threads on "boot camp". That's the software that the new intel macs utilise to partition the hard drive. This is the amazing thing about these new babies. You basically have two independant OS' on one machine. All you have to do is restart and you can switch between the two. I was set to go back to PCland for school until this was developed. So yeah, on my MacBookPro I have VectorWorks and SketchUp on my Tiger side and AutoCAD and Rhino on the Windows end of things. Fabulous!


Jun 29, 06 12:24 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

i don't support one side or another wrt to the mac/pc debate. i use both though am more fluent in PC.

software design shouldn't try to be intuitive. but sometimes when you work within a certain set of parameterse, it makes it difficult to switch it up. and isn't that what designers should be good at? taking new perspectives and approaching things in different ways?

btw the PC is a more difficult design problem, hence some of the crap designs. the internal chassis is actually a manufacturers standard that's been around for decades. what this allows is user expansion internal to the computer case. however, it means you start out with minimum dimensions of XxYxZ that can't be really reduced w/o re-engineering all the parts. it's why component stereos all conform to the same dimensions. it's so you can rack mount or stack them and interchange parts.

it's like getting a crappy building and not being able to really touch any thing except changing the skin...

Jun 29, 06 12:28 pm  · 

take your tech talk elsewhere! ;-)

don't respond unless you're qualified!

show my your awards!

ACFA gets the "Analogy Award" for default...add that one to your list....soon you'll be eligible to interview @ OMA!

Jun 29, 06 1:07 pm  · 

You guys will love this...

The 86,800 most common words


Jun 29, 06 1:47 pm  · 

myriam is the proud winner of today's "Conquistador Award," for sharing that link with us, and for sailing the seas of archinect in search of the firm which holds the macintreasure.

(conquistador is ranked 86,800 on the list of most common words...)

Jun 29, 06 2:01 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

mantaray/myriam. just out of curiosity, care to share why you're using mantaray now? or did you just go see superman and get inspired to have an supehero alterego?

Jun 29, 06 2:13 pm  · 

Ants... hey where did you end up going to school next year?

Jun 29, 06 2:20 pm  · 

doing some covert information searches around here. don't feel like switching names back and forth. i am only exposing myself to the good, discreet denizens of TC, so keep it on the DL. thanks!

Jun 29, 06 2:22 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

i'm going to UCLA...

i see... mantaray is like your super secret sexy spy code name.
well i guess i'm permanently incognito...

Jun 29, 06 2:41 pm  · 
brian buchalski

manta ray,

i was by no means poking fun at you (i rarely make fun of anyone other than myself)...i'm a die hard mac fan myself (although i have worked in plenty of offices with PCs). but i absolutely agree with your rationale

Jun 29, 06 4:36 pm  · 

If I ever need to do the same, I will appear as 'coppertop,' unless it's taken.

gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Will this week ever be over? I think knowing that this weekend is a long one makes the week go even slower...

Jun 29, 06 5:57 pm  · 

how do you know 'myriam' isn't incognito? ;)

thanks for the support, puddles! i feel less extreme. :)

Jun 29, 06 6:06 pm  · 

i just had a lunch with javier and our friend barbara.

Jun 29, 06 7:16 pm  · 

Below is Part I. Copy It, Send It, Etc. Look for Part II on the 3rd
Also, thank you (everyone on this thread) for not interfering with this information exchange


It Begins.......

Yale = Stern = The Vendetta Lifestyle

Part I

In the end, the reason I’ve been picking away at YSOA over the last two months is because of the school’s single current policymaker. Mr. Stern. When the YSOA faculty suggests having AP at Yale, Stern says no, and the top applicants go elsewhere. When the faculty tries to add some structure or "rhyme or reason” to the school’s hodge podge program setup, Stern says no; and even more applicants drop Yale. And when the faculty notes that YSOA needs to integrate with New Haven (town-gown, community work, business links), Stern says no. and more applicants go elsewhere. And finally, when the school is left with a pool of leftover third and fourth rate applicants, open seats, and a need to go to the school’s waitlist, Stern says no, and fills the class with “mishandled” and leftover applicants to give the impression that Yale was successful when it came to its admission strategy. As a result, even though third and fourth raters will now produce mediocre work for the next couple of years at Yale, Stern got his way; and that’s all that matters

It’s obvious to say, Stern gets his way around Yale…and when you get your way, you can fulfill the vendetta lifestyle… at your firm...and as the dean of YSOA. You control what happens at “your” school, who gets in, who doesn’t. As a result, one thing I have learned this year as an innocent bystander is to never get in Stern’s cross-hairs….and that especially means not being on a team of designers that wins a contract for a project ….that Stern went after and thought he was going to win. A poor colleague of mine (who is twice as strong as me) learned that the hard way. When Stern loses...…there’s the standard public temper tantrum….but afterwards….he doesn’t hold it against anyone…right ;-)

To be continued…..

Jun 29, 06 9:10 pm  · 

Haven't been here since Sunday. Damn, AP, Tuesday? Is it still up?

They must be asking too much of their employees.

-Must accept daily lashings during 5 minute lunch break.

Jun 29, 06 9:38 pm  · 
brian buchalski

no problem, manta ray...i sometimes feel like being a mac user is part of being some kind of new minority. that is, it just the little things that you have to deal with that are more frustrating and those in majority just can't seem to fathom why you even are what you are.

i sometimes dream of getting all "revolutionary" and shit and starting a resistance movement but then i figure that it's not really worth the violence of setting traps for pc users. i also have similar feelings about being a pedestrian, given that i'm one of the few people who (for the most part) happily functions without a car while living in the american midwest. it's just the occasional minor shit that strongly annoys when walking down a sidewalk and some pulls their car right across you path or, even worst when its bad weather and some car driver decides to cut you off in a crosswalk or some ridiculous shit like that. that stuff really makes me want to start some kind of extremist pedestrian organization where we start randomly attack car drivers with deadly "car bombs"...but it's just not worth it. sorry for another rant, i gotta finish this bottle of johnny black so i can go to bed now.

and that reminds, i'd rather have a drinking license than a driving license. talk about absurd, i was at a grocery recently where they wouldn't sell beer to me because i showed them a passport and the clerk (who had probably never seen one before) insisted that they only accepted state issued driver's license as proof of age. so, in other words, i need to prove that i'm a capable driver in order to buy alcohol, wtf?

Jun 30, 06 1:24 am  · 

when i was in junior high there was this kid who had a beard. he would pull liquor for us, and everyone thought he was cool. it seems silly now cuz in japan you can buy beer in the drink machines on the street...

manta, i am an architect not a designer. and i really like ugly shit. i find mac's beautiful but slightly overcooked. used them in a few offices and was hapy, but like Autocad now, so stick to PCs. lately i am into the new sony vaio's; totally customisable, and they come in green. ;-)

if you like macs, you should use them, but i still think it is a mistake to think that mr. jobs isn't spending as much time on marketing as he is on design and content...

Jun 30, 06 3:18 am  · 

I like the Sony Vaios too, actually. I just don't like Windows at all. And ugly yellowing beige boxes. And I certainly believe that Jobs is spending ridiculous time on marketing ;) I would never imply that wasn't the case! It's a total business, a corporation, out to make profit, etc etc, Jobs wants money and power and he's a total ass. :D I am perfectly fine with that. I don't really give a shit about anything about Apple except that I like their product and choose to use it. y'know? that's why i don't really get why people randomly make weird comments to me about it! haha. Like as though they assume I'm a certain type of person because of some random small decision I make in my life... I don't see why they care. I'm not really referring to you here jump.

Anyway, sorry, I haven't had my coffee yet. I'll stop rambling now.

Puddles: dude, I TOTALLY agree. I am a pedestrian in Boston and luckily here we are kings and queens! Everyone stops for us... it's a beautiful sight. But every time I go to Chicago I MARVEL at how long it takes me to cross the road. Nobody stops for you!! Nobody jaywalks there, and the cars are crazy and would probably not hesitate to hit you if it came to that. Not fun. I do wish I had a car, though. I like driving.

We tried to rent a movie at this Blockbuster in Chicago a few months ago, and had to open a membership. The lovely customer service lady behind the counter refused to accept my boyfriend's LOUISIANA STATE DRIVER'S LICENSE as acceptable ID to get a membership--she kept repeating, "sir, I need to see some form of STATE ID, like a driver's license." He was like, Does it have to be from Illinois? And she said, "No, just a driver's license or state ID." Finally after he kept on insisting that that's exactly what he had, she very dubiously took the card and asked her manager if they could accept it. He looked at her really weird and was like, "of course we'll take that!" After all this hassle we got... a laminated piece of paper that doesn't even work at any other Blockbuster. That store seriously sucks. You wonder why they even have computers if they aren't hooked up to any other computers in any other store. I guess they haven't heard of a little thing called networking...

Jun 30, 06 8:39 am  · 

Fortunately everything I have to say at this moment in time actually relates to the previous conversation.

My MacBook Pro arrived last night and it is gorgeous. You have to admit, even the packaging on Apples is designed to perfection. I'm not going to throw any of it away.....even the styrofoam is pretty. I don't know of any PCs that do that.

So I opened it up, took a picture of myself, connected to the internet, and then I was like, OK now what? It seems that years of abuse by PCs has rendered me half-retarded when it comes to Macs. If anyone knows of any "Getting to Know Your Tiger" tutorials I would appreciate it.

Furthermore, I live in the Midwest and live a bit more on the grid than I'd like. Still, I walk more than most people, much to the chagrin of some of my friends, who think that I shouldn't be walking around most of my neighborhood. Lately I've been looking for a bike that I can ride to work without getting too sweaty, as I'd actually like to look presentable and won't necessarily have access to a shower for a while. I found this and was wondering if anyone else had heard of them:


I found an American distributor and I'm going to check out one in July. It seems like a nice in, I have the choice of whether or not I want to wear myself out riding around these hills. But I have to see if it actually works. FYI, I heard that this is similar what Bike Cops use, but I'm not sure.

Jeez I'm bored. Slow at work again today. Somebody throw me a bone.

Jun 30, 06 9:36 am  · 

i'm bored too....although i enjoy what I'm working on...actually, I'm just feeling lazy 'cause it's Friday and the World Cup resumes in an hour and 15 minutes...can anyone say "long lunch?"

Jun 30, 06 9:47 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm alive.

just finished brunch and now it's time to go work...on my tan. ha ha, isn't summer great. i'll be poolside for the next three hours.

mantaray, yeah, i miss walking in boston...much better than michigan. and if i needed to get beyond walking distance, for 85 cents i could hop on the T out to logan and be anywhere in the world. here there's no train and it's a $50 cab ride just to get to the airport. ridiculous. and that blockbuster story was just another perfect example of how many people lack any capacity to think for themselves...unbelieveable.

Jun 30, 06 11:21 am  · 
A Center for Ants?


save your money. get one of these:

amelia, she's my new dark and lovely italian sweetheart

Jun 30, 06 1:31 pm  · 
liberty bell

Quick responses before the students come back:

blockbuster completely sucks. I'll never rent from them again.

In Philly I often got into verbal confrontations with drivers who denied me the right of way in crosswalks. One I remember in particular was a guy who nearly ran me down with his SUV, when I said (yelled) something about having the right of way, he said "Even if I've got my baby in a carseat in the back?" That was his rational for being an asshole: he had his kid in the car. Boy, baby would definitely have been positively influenced if she had been old enough to understand daddy screaming obscenities at a random woman on the street (who also happens to be a parent) or been lucky enough to have daddy doing jail time for kiling a pedestrian! I swear sometimes people who worry so much about how others act around their kids have no idea what their own influence might be.

End of rant. I'm all for a pedestrian liberation army. And macs are cool too.

Jun 30, 06 1:41 pm  · 


I love the scooters but I'm so fed up with gasoline right now. I know they are extremely efficient gas-wise but I'd really love to get something that promotes new technology which doesn't use gasoline. I even looked into getting an electric scooter but the source online that I found was sketchy.

And I know that we could argue that unless the electricity that I charge it with is green, then I'm still not necessarily helping the environment, but that's not the point. My point is that we need alternatives to gas.

What's really annoying is when you start calculating not only how much each trip costs you in terms of gas usage (at a whopping $3 a gallon) but how much CO2 you emit everytime you do take a trip. Ugh.

PS. I 2nd (or 3rd or 5th or 10th) the Blockbuster sucks comment. Bughouse Video all the way!

Jun 30, 06 2:06 pm  · 

Day Trip Tomorrow!

So i have a decision to make. Weissenhof

Stuttgart is about 1.5 hours away while Vitra is 2 hours. Which would you see tomorrow and why? Tough choice...

Jun 30, 06 2:44 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?


Vespa is currently developing a hybrid scooter right now. I'm excited to see what they come up with :)

i go netflix

Jun 30, 06 5:51 pm  · 

netflix has been pissing me off lately. Or maybe my post office has been pissing me off. It's hard to tell which. Anyway, they say that movies are on their way, and I don't get them. And when I do get them, their service has gotten twice as slow as it was when I first signed up. Seems like they're not trying as hard to impress anymore.

Jun 30, 06 5:56 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

i've had all of my netflix movies arrive within 2 days. so i'm assuming it's your PO. anyway... have a good holiday folks! i'm off to the great white north (SF) for the holiday and will see you all on wednesday.

satiate your inner pyro and remember we celebrate our freedom to exercise the liberties we are so generously afforded as well as EVERYONE ELSES' freedom to do the same. be safe have fun!

Jun 30, 06 8:01 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i just want to clarify that there is NO such thing as the "pedestrian liberation army"'s just a fantastically ridiculous idea that i made up in a moment of frustration. in other words, no more inquiring emails please.

Jun 30, 06 8:30 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i just want to clarify that there is NO such thing as the "pedestrian liberation army"'s just a fantastically ridiculous idea that i made up in a moment of frustration. in other words, no more inquiring emails please.

Jun 30, 06 8:30 pm  · 

am in the country house for a few days, visiting in-laws.

it is very strange to need a car to get around again. i have become entirely addicted to subways and walking in the city. but the air here is so clear and the japanese style bath in this house is almost as big as my bedroom in tokyo (about 8 m2, just for the bath; stone floor, cedar walls; and a big glass window/wall looking out to the back garden)....definitely compensations for being in the workspace here looks out on a japanese garden with a beautiful pond filled with carp!

armed with a cell phone and wireless lan i have been able to contine supervision of a small renovation project back in tokyo. technology is wonderful.

ok, end of my happy rant.

btw, i just go to the theatres to watch movies. weird, no?

Jun 30, 06 8:54 pm  · 

i'm home for the night! my own bed! yay! but i'm missing the faculty beer party at the governor's school for the arts. bummer of a tradeoff.

Jul 1, 06 9:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

Naah, Steven, the faculty party wasn't that great - see, I'm home already! My nice bottle of Basil Hayden's was hardly touched by anyone 'cept me. See more on the Come to Kentucky thread soon...

Jul 1, 06 11:23 pm  · 

If there is a Pedestrian Liberation Army, it would be headquartered in Cambridge, MA, home of what I call the CMP (Cambridge Militant Pedestrian). When I lived there, I was always amazed how people would saunter out into four lanes of traffic on Mass Ave (especially near Harvard Square) and give you the stink eye as they jaywalked for even thinking that they were doing anything wrong. It annoyed me at first, then I found it incredibly amusing.

BTW, according to Wikipedia, the term jaywalking originated in Boston.

Jul 2, 06 11:21 am  · 



start with the tiger review, then skim the two "month witha mac" pieces, then the "using a macbook pro as a mac and a PC" bit

Jul 2, 06 1:39 pm  · 

puddles rocked p28 bottom with his faux-destrian liberation army....

.....although one should exist.

jump, the country house sounds incredible...i recently read the first half of In Praise of Shadows by Jun-ichiro Tanizaki....she(?) speaks at length regarding the differences between the Western bathroom and the Oriental...your description is reminiscent of hers...

rationalist, I had the same problem with Netflix. They were super quick during the free trial period, then all of the sudden they took forever. I cancelled after complaining and getting a boiler-plate e-generated response. corrupt industry, movie rental via corporation....

Jul 2, 06 4:31 pm  · 

i heard netflix is being sued for unethical practices. something about those who watch and return movies quickly are given a lower priority as to which movies are available to them and are also given slower service. the unethical part is they keep it hush hush.

they probably started this policy because of people like my brother who burns netflix movies and returns them like it's going out of style.

Jul 2, 06 5:03 pm  · 


Jul 2, 06 6:34 pm  · 

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