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Saw that video a day or two ago and its really haunting - especially the 'Oh shit wtf did I just do?!' look on that cops face. Bad scene all around.

Jan 8, 09 4:17 pm  · 

The guy was just laying on the ground. Face down. No reason to shoot the guy. In watching the news reports, it seems the officer may have thought he was grabbing his taser. And if that's what we're reduced to...police officers who are so poorly trained that they don't even know what service weapon they have in their hands....well, we're really screwed.

It's very sad. But the cop's name has gotten out. And don't they have a gang problem in Oakland? Yeah this is going to be ugly.

Jan 8, 09 5:05 pm  · 
some person

myriam! I haven't seen you around here in a while! (Perhaps it's me, not you.) I thought of you today as I modified a 1:2 AutoCAD drawing of a custom light fixture... I know you like the details.

Jan 8, 09 7:49 pm  · 
Jan 8, 09 9:25 pm  · 

We had a wee tremor here in SoCal tonight. A 4.5 in San Bernardino, which the map tells me is east of Downtown. In my apartment the couch moved a bit and our lights swung, but that was it.

Anyone else think that the shifting of the poles may have something to do with our recent increases in activity?

Jan 9, 09 3:10 am  · 

Kind of crazy DubK. What is a 4.5 considered. Mild, medium, etc?

Jan 9, 09 8:19 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Shifting of the poles? Huh?

Jan 9, 09 10:07 am  · 

Morning all,
I am in Gator country!!
Although there is plenty of science to back up the idea of global climactic (and other ecological/geological) catastrophy whence the magnetic poles shift, which does happen every couple of 100 thousand years. I can't help but think of that hilarious bad movie that came out a few years ago "The Core".

Jan 9, 09 10:19 am  · 

There is a lot of chatter out there about the Pole shift hypothesis but no one's sure if it's going down yet....or what exactly will happen when it does. How amazing if it actually happens during our lifetime? nam I am just impressed that you remembered "The Core" LOL.

Jan 9, 09 1:20 pm  · 

Of course, it's hard to think about stuff like the poles shifting when you see this.

Jan 9, 09 1:28 pm  · 

Sarah, the invitations look great. Reminds me of the time in elementary school when my art class sent our own artwork based off of Eric Carle's style. AND he wrote back sending us stuff!

Does anyone know where that thread is about tattoos? I've searched but couldn't find the one I was thinking of. For the first time, I watched LA Ink, and they had an architect getting a tattoo of some kind of structure. I've thought about it, but I thought straight lines in tattooing is a huge no-no

Jan 9, 09 1:37 pm  · 

I once saw a girl in Boston who had the whole skyline of Chicago wrapped around her upper arm. It was absolutely beautifully done, and all in very crisp straight lines. Gorgeous.

Jan 9, 09 2:02 pm  · 
liberty bell
Jan 9, 09 2:14 pm  · 
liberty bell

Though looking over that thread there are precious few actual tattoos on it.

Jan 9, 09 2:23 pm  · 

That is because it was just re-run on cable the other weekend.
But OMG, talk abiotu Sci-fi

Jan 9, 09 3:48 pm  · 

hello tc!

page 266's image reminds me of this:

Jan 9, 09 4:28 pm  · 

DubK - my heart sank today when I saw those numbers, and then I just found out another friend got laid off (not in our industry). I now can count 6 good friends in so many months getting "downsized". I just want to know when are we going to hit rock bottom?

Jan 9, 09 6:10 pm  · 

DubK - my heart sank today when I saw those numbers, and then I just found out another friend got laid off (not in our industry). I now can count 6 good friends in so many months getting "downsized". I just want to know when are we going to hit rock bottom?

Jan 9, 09 6:10 pm  · 

Well folks you might want to think about selling some of your Architecture Books: I recieved this information in an e-mail from Abe's Books today:

AbeBooks’ Most Expensive Sales of Architecture Books in 2008

An Historical and Descriptive Account of the Suspension Bridge Constructed over the Menai Straight in North Wales with a brief Notice of Conway Bridge from Designs by and Under the Direction of Thomas Telford by Thomas Telford - $7,614

Account of one of the world’s first modern suspension bridges linking mainland Wales with the island of Anglesey. An 1828 first edition elephant folio printed in London with 17 engraved plates.
The Four Books of Architecture by Andrea Palladio - $5,844

A treatise by the Italian Renaissance architect widely considered to be one of the most influential people in the history of Western architecture. This was the first French edition (1640), which included woodcuts from the original Italian edition of 1570.
Sketches in Architecture by John Soane - $3,934

Written by the Bank of England’s architect and Professor of Architecture at the Royal Academy in 1798. Second edition copy with plates from the first.

Jan 9, 09 7:06 pm  · 

snook.....hmmm. That is a very good idea. I have a book about architecture from 1904. I wonder how much it would go for. If it's enough to cover a school loan, damn straight I'll sell it....

Jan 9, 09 7:20 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Design question: Has anyone ever designed a hip roof with two different plate heights at the exterior walls? The different plate height means an off center ridge line which seems a little impossible to me.

Jan 9, 09 8:22 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

BTW, the hip roof is a client request.

Jan 9, 09 8:25 pm  · 

you mean the different plate heights are parallel to each other or they're adjacent perpendicular ones?

Jan 9, 09 8:33 pm  · 


Jan 9, 09 8:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

Can we have a rewind button? One that works in real space not only on the screen?

Jan 9, 09 8:47 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

They are parallel. Rectangular floor plan.

Jan 9, 09 8:58 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

As much as walmart is hated, it's going to be a savior to many in the tougher economic times ahead. Perhaps it's growth isn't such a blight.

Jan 9, 09 9:03 pm  · 

haven't done a hip roof exactly, but a few variations that have different heights for either side. i am probably not understanding the question because it should be pretty straightforward. i guess that is one of the limitations of text-based design questions. a sketch would make it clear in a second...

funny i don't know anyone who has been laid off in archi-industry here. a fair number in finance however, but they don't seem too worried. i even just wrote with friend in canada and the office is expanding. america's problems are affecting the entire world, but i suspect it will be americans who suffer most this time around.

i was here in japan during the meltdown of the 90's and that was pretty rough. i sure do hope usa doesn't follow suit because japan is still recovering. literally property values dropped 80% and were only just starting to go up again from about 2-3 years ago...that is a total of what, 15 years of depressed wages and crappy economy, as well as deflation. if obama doesn't get things right that is the future. scary stuff.

Jan 10, 09 1:05 am  · 

yeah, dapper, i'm with jump. seems pretty do-able. depending on the span and the use of horizontal ties across, you may not even need to carry the ridge loads straight down, if that's your worry.

your perpendicular sides wil either have tp be sloped or transition up in some other way, of course. will be clearer if you model it.

Jan 10, 09 8:09 am  · 

i had a dream earlier in the week that Fidel Castro died, every time i have had a death dream, only three in my life, those people that i have had them about have died. Fidel, buh-bye.

Jan 10, 09 8:56 am  · 
vado retro

were the other people also older than dirt and in frail health. you didn't dream about me didja?

Jan 10, 09 10:29 am  · 

I sometimes wish I had the balls for a tattoo. I've thought about it a few times, then quickly become distracted with something that's bright or shiny in the distance.

I know if I ever get a tattoo, I'd want it to be the city plan of Nashville (city blocks are ink, my natural skin serves as the streets)and in a very inconspicuous locale. I love this city (for better or for worse).

That or a ring of dolphins around my bellybutton, or maybe a giant rose across my left breast. I don't know. I'm still up in the air.

Jan 10, 09 11:38 am  · 
vado retro

how bout a ring of belly buttons around your breast?

Jan 10, 09 12:32 pm  · 

not yet, but if i do, i'll send flowers...

Jan 10, 09 3:24 pm  · 

well n_, I'd have to say that if your problem with wanting a tattoo is distraction by 'bright and shiny', then the answer is actually a piercing!

Jan 10, 09 3:55 pm  · 

Ah forgot to thank LB for finding that tattoo thread. Kinda strange though - that really was the thread I was thinking of, but I realized after posting that it was a vague request.

Jan 10, 09 4:22 pm  · 

Mrs B and myself have a date tonight. Where headed off to see the Dance Company Momix's Primer of Botanica. This is their latest production.

We went out and did our best to stimulate the economy by purchasing a newer Jeep today. So I have been flipping thru
the manual trying to figure out all the buttons. One of the nice features is that it has a keyless start button. So when it is zero degrees outside I can start the vechicle from our living room.

Now all we have to do is keep the work coming thru the door.

Jan 10, 09 5:09 pm  · 
vado retro

you couldve gotten 20grand of an escalade! excellent for premiere arrival!

Jan 10, 09 5:24 pm  · 

This where we be in a couple of hours: [/img][/img]

Jan 10, 09 5:45 pm  · 
Jan 10, 09 5:46 pm  · 
vado retro

denitely escalade worthy! as is roller derby lb!

Jan 10, 09 6:47 pm  · 

crossposted in the laid off thread:

so add my name to the list of the unemployed.

i wasn't at all surprised, just that i had a job for so long...
i'm kind of excited about it..since i've had a lot of things i've wanted to do, but haven't had the time. i also disliked the complacency i had with a job. i'm going to slowly look for work in architecture (and i may already have a temporary situation...) but i think mainly i'm going to try and sell my paintings and drawings for a while.

if any of you are looking for artwork let me know.

-i think i may also try to study for and take the ARE
-make a website for my work
-redo my portfolio and resume
-file my taxes early
-go to the inauguration
-work on a furniture line and it's graphics...something i've had on hold for years.

Jan 10, 09 8:40 pm  · 

how's this for Douche Baggery?

Jan 10, 09 9:58 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Jump and Steven thanks for the help, but I was able to persuade him into a different roof design. Still trying to work this out for future reference though.

Jan 11, 09 12:48 am  · 
liberty bell

beta, from your uber-douchey post: isn't the company antisthenes works for?

lars, sorry to hear about your job but SO happy to hear how optimistic you sound about it!

Jan 11, 09 9:37 am  · 

i saw Let The Right One In last night. great flic, sweet, violent, funny and tender love story...

Jan 11, 09 11:34 am  · 

Momix was a visual delight and the female dancer performing on a 10'X10' mirror sloping 22.5 degrees from the floor was something to behold.

Funny thing is I saw Moses Pendelton preform at Smith College with Philbous in 1972 as the warm up act for Frank Zappa and today his ideas are just as fresh. If you have a couple of pennies to rub together in your pocket buy a cheap seat ticket as they are the best seats in the house. They are headed out on a 12 week tour which includes Italy so if they be near a city near you go enjoy and evening of inspiration.

I ended up sitting next to his wife by pure accident last night. Seems like she knows not to sit to close to the stage because there is just so much going on most of the time, it is hard to take it all in.

If nothing else this kind of production expands the mind to new visions of what is real.

Jan 11, 09 11:46 am  · 

lars, it's disheartening to hear that so many of us have been laid off but I'm also glad that you seem to have a positive outlook on it.

I'm alive and still, as ever, working on thesis. My stepsister and her boyfriend are visiting this week. They are currently passed out in my living room while I try to get some work done.

Jan 11, 09 5:46 pm  · 

okay I'm back home after a weekend on the sunny beach lined north coast of Jamaica. I sadly said goodbye the missus, and won't likely see her until my birthday. Speaking of birthdays, LB joining allowed me to see that we are a day apart - that makes me smile, at the prospect of one day being able to share a birthday bottle of bourbon Not that I need to think of anymore alcohol - its been non-stop since the 24th.

Alas work/school resumes this week also the first mortgage payment for 2009. Ack, not its time to settle down and be responsible. I knew this day would come, but I have been avoiding it. Anyway looks like I'll be taking on another part-time gig as a project manager for some renovation work. Got to pay the bills.

Also Nam, you said you were listening to dancehall, was it this dancehall?

and periodot - I wasn't added as friend either

Jan 11, 09 7:22 pm  · 

Oh Lars sorry about the loss of your job, but I am happy that you get a chance to pursue ventures you were otherwise unable to. I for one am a FAN of your paintings, as I've said before.

Jan 11, 09 8:48 pm  · 

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