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Liberty you will then appreciate My Architect, the director has managed to capture the essence of so many of the buildings as a backdrops to the missing aspects of his life.

Snook/Nam go for the subscriptions but avoid ones that you can easily pick off a shelf. Go for obscure architectural mags from Portugal or Russia...the translations are half the fun, and they are similar in prices usually.

Ok good news. Seems like I will be able to pay my mortgage for the next couple of years. Because I got a job - as a Project Manager for some refurbish work on the vehicle depots. Just need to send in the resume.

Jan 14, 09 2:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

Cpngrats on the job, techno! You don't sound overly excited about it, but it is comforting to have an income, yes? Where is this new job - I've been worried about your house alone on that island with no roof....

Jan 14, 09 2:34 pm  · 
liberty bell

I mean, the house has no roof. Neither does the island, but it's not supposed to. Though that might be a new "green" scheme for Dubai.

Jan 14, 09 2:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well that sucked. I hate shopping at crappy stores. Stupid Gift-card shackles. I got one pair of jeans, and Im not overly thrilled with them either, but they were only 20 bucks.

Techno, glad you got a job. I'm jealous. I have a meeting with a placement firm tomorow. Cross your fingers they can find me something. I hope they dont charge; they havent mentioned it.

Jan 14, 09 3:56 pm  · 

Atechno - where is the job? I guess I'm wondering if you'll actually be going back to your house on Montserrat or if you're staying put in Jamaica.

Jan 14, 09 5:35 pm  · 

Oh and congrats. That's awesome.

SH - I'll keep my fingers crossed that things start looking up in the job dept for you.

Jan 14, 09 5:36 pm  · 

I'll remain in Jamaica (yay!) but it pays enough that I can make mortgage payments and continue work on the house. Just need to send my cover letter etc, and a letter to the bank so they don't do any funny business in the interim

Jan 14, 09 5:50 pm  · 
vado retro
RIP Rich Corinthian Leatha...
Jan 14, 09 7:09 pm  · 

didn't the tattoo die a couple years ago as well...seems like ages since that show has been on Nick at Nite. I'm sure its going to be flooded now.

Jan 14, 09 8:26 pm  · 

Man, it's rough out there.

I officially started my job hunt this week. I finished my grad school applications last week and now am trying to find something to hold myself down and make a little money between here (and assuming I get accepted somewhere) to July/August. The majority of all architecture firms in my city have had layoffs. My previous firm, which asked me to come back after my travels, has had four rounds of layoffs in my division so I haven't dared asked them for my job back. So needless to say, I'm looking for any random job.

I've applied at a few restaurants for a serving position. I love serving. Yes, I absolutely love it. Not many are hiring and the ones who are accepting applications have had handfuls of resumes come their way. I hope I hear something soon because mama needs money. Bad.

Jan 14, 09 11:09 pm  · 

It is definitely rough out there. Good luck n_, and techno, glad to hear you found a job (although your job situations always leave me confused...)

Tonight we went and saw the Jimmy Kimmel show in Hollywood. It was a fun and not terribly involved excursion - not like the Price is Right, where you have to get up at 3 am and wait on the sidewalk in line for 5 hours in the pre-dawn light. Nope, with Jimmy Kimmel we just ordered tickets online and showed up. It was funny...we didn't have any shenanigans worthy of YouTube (re: Sarah Silverman/Matt Damon/Jimmy Kimmel/Ben Affleck), but we did get to see Golden Globe winning Mickey Rourke, who seems to largely have his act together now. Good for him.

I like having family visit....I get to do all the touristy stuff without feeling sheepish about it. ;o)

Jan 15, 09 2:47 am  · 

very hard times n. i keep waiting for the other shoe to drop here in tokyo but things seem to be almost normal in spite of it all. I know one office that is facing a bit of a rough patch for the same reasons we are, but nothing as desparate as seems to be happening in USA.

my old boss and still mentor is worried though, which makes me thingk twice. We agreed to meet in Ginza next time he comes to Tokyo and complain about our lot in life over some drinks. He is pretty cool however cuz Japanese offices tend not to do the laying off of staff thing.

i think i need a drink

Jan 15, 09 9:38 am  · 
vado retro

with such a global financial clusterfuck when is the doj going to start prosecuting some people? my guess is that everyone responsible for this mess is still living in luxury and probably getting some of that 700 billion in bailout.

Jan 15, 09 9:57 am  · 

, like I am confused as well. I have trying to go with the flow which if anyone has met me is really not my style. I'm a planner, and I usually have a plan on how I am going to execute my plan. And a back up plan just in case. Plus a few others just in case that I can pull from a hat. But now I am taking what is coming my way because it seems when I am proactive and look for things my energy gets wasted. looks like I will be a project manager for a year (or so) whilst teaching on the side, and hope the shape of the economy changes enough for an architect to give me a pass for a year or so that I can complete my pre-registraton hours

sigh...sorry for the rant

Jan 15, 09 10:47 am  · 

Hi al,
It is a half day as I have some things to take care of.

Also, Yay for a job Techno.
And to everyone else. Huzzah for being alive?

Jan 15, 09 11:46 am  · 
liberty bell

OK, I'm cad'ing in full-body fleece, a jacket and scarf, and fingerless gloves, with a blanket on my lap, drinking coffee, and I'm still cold.

I need a heated mouse.

Jan 15, 09 12:17 pm  · 

ooh lb a heated mouse would be terrific - my right hand is at the window- which leaks unbelievably- and everyday in the winter my right hand is like ice and my left is toasty.

Jan 15, 09 12:27 pm  · 

OMG!!! Outstanding idea LB. Someone really needs to invent one like yesterday. Today I'm wearing three layers (top layer is wool) and am pretty much toasty warm... except for the hands that is, they are ice cold.

Jan 15, 09 12:41 pm  · 
Living in Gin

It must really be cold outside, because I'm normally roasting in the office. Sometimes I even have to turn on the A/C, since we have steam radiators in the office and the windows don't open. So we have to let the A/C and radiators fight it out while our energy bills go through the roof. (Great for LEED points.) Today, though, I'm wearing a wool sweater and I'm still moderately chilly.

In happier news, my bosses have me starting on a couple new projects that should keep me busy through the fall. With everybody else and their brother getting laid off, this is welcome news, and I'm able to count my blessings and sleep a little easier at night. Here's hoping everybody who needs a job can find one soon.

Does anybody here do any skiing? I'm thinking about taking some lessons, but my coordination generally sucks and I'm not in the best physical condition. My last experiment with outdoor sporting was a kayaking lesson in which I flipped the kayak and ripped my right shoulder to shreds less than a minute after climbing into the boat, and my love of bicycling abated soon after I took a nasty spill that resulted in two broken teeth and 47 stitches in my face. If I end up doing any skiing, I hope I don't end up doing a high-speed face plant into a tree or getting buried in an avalanche.

Before I can take any ski lessons, though, I'll need to buy some appropriate clothing. (I don't think my black leather jacket would cut it.) I went down to a sporting goods store yesterday evening to see what they had, and that stuff isn't cheap. I guess the good news is that most of it would also be useful here in the city on days like today, when the weather really sucks. It's probably going to have to wait a while, though... Too many other competing demands on my paycheck at the moment.

Jan 15, 09 12:42 pm  · 

We are having a lovely white out on the Cape & Isles...only to have our frozen and imminent deaths approach tonight and tomorrow when you horrible Breadbasketers send your second ice-age over to the east coast!

In other news, the []thread of delicious-osity[/url] is no where long enough. I want anecdotes, people!

Jan 15, 09 12:44 pm  · 
liberty bell

LiG, don't take up skiing. It's expensive and can be dangerous. Especially expensive because IMO you have to go west to the Rockies to get skiing worth the effort, and you're in New York. My feeling, from skiing in high school and college, was always that the enormous hassles of ski boots, lifts and lift tickets, unpeeling 6 layers of clothing to pee, snot fogging up your goggles etc, were never even close to worth the fleeting joy of going down the slopes.

But that my opinion as someone who wears fleece and gloves in a 63 degree house.

Jan 15, 09 1:01 pm  · 

the skiing in new hampshire ain't bad. i am really bad at skiing, always injure myself, but LOVE it.

Jan 15, 09 1:06 pm  · 

Damn that link - it was to the sammiches.

I second you SW - I used to ski much when I was younger visiting family up north and I miss it. So much fun!

Jan 15, 09 1:20 pm  · 

I'm getting scared that I'll never get out of this frozen backwoods with the current job market. Yeah, I have a job, I just want a new one in California.

Good news is stanfor just announced getting $100m for a sustainability insititute. I'm sending them my cv tonight.

It was -20 when I got into my car this morning - almost didn't start (and the clutch cable feels like a wet noodle). the high is supposed to be -5, so I don't want to hear any more whining

LiG- XC skiing might be the ticket for a lower risk winter pursuit. central park has good terrain...

Jan 15, 09 1:32 pm  · 

i LOVE LOVE LOVE skiing and miss it terribly here in the flatlands. LiG, there's OK skiing in upstate pennsylvania within probably 2 hours drive of NYC -- not good enough for a good skier but just right for someone taking lessons.

DON'T BUY GEAR BEFORE STARTING however -- you can, and should rent all your equipment from the ski shop at the base of your mountain before your lessons. This includes ski pants or bibs, and they usualyl even have jackets if yours won't cut it. If you don't know yet whether you will like skiing, don't buy the gear b/c it can look pretty silly out on the streets of the city frankly. No matter how cold it is. :)

I disagree with taking lessons, but then again, I am coordinated and not accident prone. Maybe it would be good for you. The only thing is that they usually teach this silly method where you put the tips of your skiis together in a pizza-like shape... and that can lead to some really poor technique problems if you get used to it. (Hint : you generally want your skis to be parallel, and you have to fit to keep your legs from crossing at first.) Anyway, it's all MUCH easier than it sounds and a BLAST if you like going fast!

Jan 15, 09 2:01 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I was in philly for 5 years, and never went north to go skiing; Im such a loser.

TK, I hope you're keeping you sapling in doors.

THe guy at the placement firm was nice. I dont have to pay him, which is doubly nice since Im unemployed.

Crappy luck today, though. I met Husband for lunch, he drove my car, and then left his keys in my ignition - not as much fun as it sounds. Now I have to drive the 45-60 minutes back downtown to deliver them so he can get home. Bah.

Jan 15, 09 2:22 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'd be renting gear at first, of course... I do need a good waterproof jacket, though... I'd get something that can ideally be used here in the city as well as out in the boonies during a hike or on the slopes.

I'm doing some research on the Google, and I've found a couple of NYC-based ski clubs that offer organized day trips and weekend trips so some of the places nearby, such as Hunter Mountain and Lake Placid. If I get good enough and enjoy it, maybe I can head back out to Colorado next year.

I haven't totally given up on my dreams of kayaking, but I'd most likely stay away from the extreme whitewater stuff.

Of course, living in NYC is a problem if you like the outdoors... Why the hell did they have to build this city so far away from Oregon or Colorado?

Jan 15, 09 2:24 pm  · 
vado retro

its freakin winter deal with it.

Jan 15, 09 3:04 pm  · 
liberty bell
For puddles


I know we've talked about this before, but it is an annual event!

Jan 15, 09 3:15 pm  · 

SH, the missus and sapling are sequestered indoors till it thaws. I expect a bad case of cabin fever as result, but no frost bite. I'm not so lucky...

Jan 15, 09 3:41 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Looks like a plane went down in the Hudson River after taking off from LaGuardia. The Airbus A320 is apparently still floating intact as they evacuate the passengers.

Jan 15, 09 4:06 pm  · 

Wow. I mean, wow. Planes scare the crap out of me but if I was one of those people I would probably be buying a lottery ticket later on today. They even got to use the rafts! I don't want to jinx myself but I've always wanted to use the rafts....

Jan 15, 09 4:30 pm  · 

Good christ - winter + plane evac + Hudson = DO NOT WANT!

Jan 15, 09 4:39 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

From the pictures, they arent even in the water, the people are just chilling on the wings! Although, I did hear the water was about 15 degrees warmer than the air. Still pretty dang lucky.

TK, to help with the Cabin Fever, bring something special home, like dinner, or flowers. Something. I hope its at least sunny there.

Jan 15, 09 4:57 pm  · 

Airbus makes good planes - my significant other is flying today, she's supposed to be leaving from Chicago. Luckily.

Dropped off my CV and cover letter, I guess it is up to the stars now. Looking at used cars to buy, job requirement. It was nice sharing a car for 6 months much better than when I was 19 and had to share.

anyway - I'm hungry

Jan 15, 09 5:04 pm  · 

I once heard a responders worst nightmare is an automobile in water....I think it might actually be worse to be in a plane in water.
Everything is unstable in both situations, however a plane has the factor of many more paniced people.

Jan 15, 09 5:44 pm  · 
Living in Gin

The plane I just flew back from Denver on was an Airbus A320, the same as the one in the river. Not exactly a small airplane... They have 3+3 seating, and are comparable in size to a Boeing 757.

Standing ovation to the pilot and flight crew for averting a disaster... Now we see why they always give instructions about what to do "in the unlikely event of a water landing."

Gotta love NYC... Never a dull moment in this town!

Jan 15, 09 6:01 pm  · 

Apparently the engines ate almost an entire flock of geese on take off, hence the water landing.

For some reason I find that absolutely appropriate and hysterical...?

Jan 15, 09 6:40 pm  · 

Many kudos to the pilot of that plane. Completely and utterly amazing he did such a great job at landing the thing and even more amazing that all the passengers were as calm as they were. Glad to hear they all made it so solid ground safely.

Jan 15, 09 6:46 pm  · 

Yikes....I went to look at the mnbc video feed...not where I would want to be. Then damn I got distracted....Had to listen to Squacking Sarah Palin. It will not be long before she pushes for Alaska to be it's own Country....where of course she will be President and "The Dude" will be Vice President, Her Son will head up the Department of Defense, Her Daughter will be the Surgeon General,
and Levi....well he will be the Party Animal....working on increasing the population of the State.

Jan 15, 09 6:57 pm  · 
vado retro

the pilot went to purdue!!!

Jan 15, 09 7:04 pm  · 

It would be really amazing if he could recover from 80 counts of birdslaughter.

Jan 15, 09 7:07 pm  · 

I just can't stop staring at this magical picture of the people standing on the wing:

There are several pictures like this, where it looks like the people are walking on really adds to the "miracle" theme they are using....

Jan 15, 09 7:40 pm  · 

That's an amazing picture.

Not to be crass, but I also have to respond to lb's video posting;

polkadot undies.......LOL!!

Jan 15, 09 8:32 pm  · 

i wish like hell i could participate in nopants day! one question tho, and not to be crass, no male or female camelage? is it the cold weather? shrinking everything?

Jan 15, 09 8:42 pm  · 

about Sarah Palin, i am thinking that if President Obama and the Republicans want to drill-baby-drill in ANWAR, i'm okay with that.

Jan 15, 09 8:43 pm  · 
Living in Gin

The only thing that would make this plane story weirder would be if it had been a flock of seagulls, rather than geese.

Jan 15, 09 8:44 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Moral of the story: Next time take the train.

Jan 15, 09 8:46 pm  · 

LOL!!! Stourley. I think it would be fun to participate too although I don't think I would be able to keep a straight face.

Jan 15, 09 9:02 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm sure a lot of you guys are too young to remember when the plane crashed into the Potomac heading into DC in winter? That was a much worse story, the water was freezing/icy, it was night, and as I recall several dozens if not hundreds died.

Just had to look it up: 1982, so I was 13 years old. 74 dead, all but five on the plane plus 4 on the bridge the plane hit before crashing into the river. I'm still haunted to this day by some of the television images from that crash.

Sorry, not to be a downer, but when I heard the words "plane" and "river" this afternoon I got very tense. I'm glad to hear this one was not such a tragedy. And yeah, those people "walking on water" look very funny.

Jammed all day on drawings for a client meeting at 6 - it went very well. Now it's time for a drink and a movie.

Jan 15, 09 9:05 pm  · 

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