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liberty bell

jump, Elf is my favorite holiday movie. Don't be surprised if you call me during the holidays and I answer the phone "Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?!" Zoe Deschanel, from the movie, has a cd out now - her voice is super amazing, but I still haven't gotten around to buying it.

Watched It's A Wonderful Life again last night and damned if I don't resist it but still cry every damn time.

Major holiday baking push today: dough in the frig ready to be made into cookies, a few batches of stuff that doesn't need to chill before baking, a cake..I'll be busy.

By the way, here is an article on my (and puddles!) friend Wil Marquez, just published in the local paper, with a slideshow.

Dec 14, 08 10:22 am  · 

It is a lazy Sunday y'all!!!

LB that Shufa chair by Wil is wicked awesome...

And i need to get into a bigger holiday baking push. Inspired by my recent baking for work...

I know a lot of people who do/did the no tv thing. Personally, while Tv can be very educational (or just entertaining) even for me as an adult today, I find more often than not i regret the amount of time i spend in front of the tv.
I have heard about the ADHD connection before, i certainly think that in generally our media infused diet in today's 24 hr society can make one "schizo" on some level.

Dec 14, 08 11:49 am  · 

beta - Funny enough, I was just telling my mom how good The Diving Bell and the Butterfly is over dinner last night. I've been on a recent Mathieu Amalric (Jean-Dominique Bauby) kick recently and saw A Christmas Tale a few nights ago.

Ok, no more internet for me. I need to finish my grad school portfolio by Tuesday.

Dec 14, 08 1:48 pm  · 

Wow it's cold here today! although I heard it's about 15 degrees in Cincinnati so I think I'm in for a shock when I go home tomorrow. I'm basically packing everything I own with sleeves.

also, I am going to start looking for jobs over break. I know some of you have already been sending me places I might want to look at but if anyone sees any unique companies looking for a stubborn carbon neutral preacher such as myself, please pass them on.

n- are you allowed to tell us where you're applying?

Dec 14, 08 2:10 pm  · 
Living in Gin

15 in Cincy? Ouch. Where will you be looking for jobs? LA, Cincy, or anywhere you can get hired?

I have a WWTCD query:

Yesterday I was browsing around the city for eyeglass frames, and came across a pair that I really like. They're comfortable, and they look good on me. Only problem is, I'm pretty sure they're the same frames one of my friends at work has. This co-worker sits on a different floor and we aren't working on the same project at the moment, but of course that could change.

What's the protocol in a situation like this? Do I:

1) Not worry about it, and buy them anyway. Feign surprise if anybody points out that we wear the same glasses. Might be difficult, since I've already complimented him on his glasses.

2) Look for a different set of frames. He bought them first, and I should wear something else until one of us quits or is laid off.

3) Ask his permission to wear the same style of frames, and hope that he isn't too hung up on being the only person in the office with those frames.

Dec 14, 08 6:48 pm  · 

Gin, firstly I would check if the frames are available in a different colour or material. If that's a bust, possibly find a slightly different frame (same manufacturer). Failing that no.2, get the glasses and hack them take a dremel to it, and customize with "living in gin" on the sides. Failing that, I'd meet said co-worker, knock his glasses off and step on them.

hope that helps

I'm here watching Sexy Beast with Ben Kingsley, actually I'm have a Ben movie kind of day watched You Kill be with Tea Leoni

Dec 14, 08 7:19 pm  · 

LIG > Anywhere (but Cincinnati) where i can get hired. No offense to my home city but I like it a lot more when I go for a visit and don't have to iive there. I'm sure you understand.

PS. As for the frames, it would be even better if you could find a similar pair but way cheaper....and then you could have one of those "I only paid $20 for mine" conversations. Well I think that's fun anyway.

Dec 14, 08 7:21 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I hear you about Cincinnati... I'm pretty much on the fence as to whether or not I'd move back. There are times when I get incredibly homesick and frustrated with NYC, and I want nothing more than to move back to Cincy and live a normal middle-class lifestyle with a normal home and a normal car. Such things are actually attainable there on an architect's salary. Other times, I feel like I've already lived in NYC long enough that no other city would really be satisfying. NYC, despite all its faults, has a way of getting under your skin.

As for the glasses, unfortunately, these frames are fairly unique and so far I haven't seen any comparible styles. I think my co-worker even wears the same color I want. If all else fails, I suppose I could arrange to have him assassinated, and then feign ignorance if anybody asks me why I'm suddenly wearing his frames.

Dec 14, 08 8:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

LiG, I wouldn't approach him as if you are asking permission, but I think it's polite to tell him you have always liked his glasses and you found a pair that are similar - in fact, maybe identical! - and you really want to get them and hope he won't be insulted or feel like you're stalking him. Make it a funny conversation, polite, but not begging.

I mean, you can buy any damn glasses you want, right? Isn't this America?! Just beware of flying shoes, is all.

Dec 14, 08 9:09 pm  · 
Living in Gin

That's probably the approach I'll take, unless I can talk my co-worker into wearing contacts while I'm around.

Dec 14, 08 9:26 pm  · 

modern kitchens are still ok for making gingerbread cookies

Dec 14, 08 9:52 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Wow... Hansel and Gretel meets Dwell Magazine.

Dec 14, 08 9:58 pm  · 
vado retro

i wouldn't be caught dead wearing the same glasses of any of the people i've ever worked with...

Dec 14, 08 9:59 pm  · 

LiG, I don't see the problem. Buy the glasses that you want. Life is short and honestly, why would he even care?! Worst case scenario, he runs into you with them, actually notices that your glasses look similar to his (although who really notices anything about anybody else these days?), and thinks "huh, those glasses look like mine." followed closely by "damn, i need more coffee. wonder if anyone's made a fresh pot... [wanders off toward office kitchenette].

Seriously, if this guy cares about your glasses enough to be pissed off for even a small moment about them ("That sucks, I liked being the only person with these glasses in all of NYC. Oh well") a) doubtless it would only last a minute and b) if he seriously cares about that, then he's got some serious priority issues in his life.

I mean come ON. How do you even know how much longer this random coworker is even going to be working at your firm?! Nobody expects to be the only person on earth with their exact article of clothing or accessory or anything, unless they literally made it with their own two hands.

Dec 14, 08 10:06 pm  · 
vado retro

actually once i went into work wearing my vintage burberry overcoat that i have had longer than most of you have been breathing and this rep standing in the lobby was wearing the same damned coat!!! wtf??? the difference of course was that i had replaced the original leather shank buttons with similar buttons and he had these cheap plastic buttons...

Dec 14, 08 10:30 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Mantaray brings up a good point, which leads us to Option 3a: Ask co-worker's permission in a polite, semi-joking way. If co-worker says no, go buy the frames anyway just to spite him.

Dec 14, 08 10:32 pm  · 
vado retro

hey gin where'd u get that shirt at?

Dec 14, 08 10:40 pm  · 

LiG- you're a guy. When do we ever care if we're wearing the same outfit as somebody else? it's not a big deal (unless the other guy is gay).

if you want to be different, get rose tinted lenses (or pick another color that suits your personality).

dubK- Not that I'm in a position to hire anybody in this economy, but I'd love to see a copy of your resume/ideal job. Hope I can help land you a job that deserved your zing. (I'd add the twin cities to the list of prohibited locals)

Dec 14, 08 10:45 pm  · 

Dub - I am applying to a school in your current city of residence. And a bunch of others.

I can listen to Belle and Sebastian everyday of my life and be oh-so content.

Dec 14, 08 11:15 pm  · 

Gin, I would only get worried if he looks better in the glasses than you. If yes, OFF him with your shoes. Size 10 was it? Now that's Blago!!!

Steven I believe food tastes better when prepared in modern kitchens. Traditional kitchens just makes your tummy happy when the food hits it. Its an unknown truth. And I don't know where you got those oompa loompa to make cookies - but wow, they seem to be doing a great job

Dec 14, 08 11:31 pm  · 
vado retro

blago is catching on in the islands!!! now that is totally blago!

Dec 15, 08 12:41 am  · 

ha ha ha, LiG, awesome. Do just that!

Seriously, TK, I have yellow-tinted glasses and they really *do* make me happier. I actually only came to that realization after a couple years of wearing them.

Dec 15, 08 1:30 am  · 

Gin, I actually think that approaching and asking/mentioning it to him is more awkward than just getting the glasses you want. You did not choose them because he has them, but because you like the glasses, therefor he actually has nothing at all to do with it and does not need to be consulted.

Thanks for all the well wishes from everybody. Boy has not blown his second chance just yet, so we'll see how it goes. I wish my name had some great nickname to go with it, a-la WonderK and WonderMan, but oh well. Maybe that just means that I'm not meant to come as a set with anyone. I'd like to keep this one around for a while if possible though, he's pretty adorable.

Yayyyy vado! I do feel like hip smart slightly goth chicks are almost required to have a thing for older men, so go for it. Really, the worst that can happen is she turns you down, and then you're no worse off than you were before! Of course, take this with a grain of salt and the memory of how often I show up here with a broken, bruised, or dented heart acquired via this philosophy.

Dec 15, 08 2:20 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Rationalist, we could call him Ratio - but people call you that some times. Or HerRatio. Naw, thats just cheesey. I have been at home too long.

Funny that you say goth chicks should have a thing for older men. I agree. Makes me laugh to rationalise it, though. Girl has a thing for death and cemeteries, so of course she'd choose a man whose got one foot in it. *just kidding, Vado.

LiG, just get the dang frames. Stop being sucha girl. Or, keep shopping, and something slicker will turn up.

Dec 15, 08 7:23 am  · 
liberty bell

I think the issue with *not* saying anything to the coworker is you risk coming off as ignorant and unaware of the cool designed objects around you. What's more embarrassing for an architect, to not even notice something awesome, or to covet it?

That shoe-throwing thing is killing me. It's so f'ing funny.

Dec 15, 08 7:25 am  · 

i would not get the same frames, there is enough diversity out there that you should be able to find something that works.

Dec 15, 08 8:46 am  · 

Morning all,
I am very excited. I just recieved my present from my workplace secret santa.

It is a book The Havana Project which was dirt cheaper and looks even better and more intereasting in "person"

Can't wait to read it....

Dec 15, 08 10:16 am  · 
vado retro

one foot and a big toe...

Dec 15, 08 10:38 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Nam, arent you NOT in the archi-field, but in medicine, or something? Pretty cool that your SS gave you something you'd be interested in.

So I'm thinking of making Husband a calendar from Santa - yes, we still do santa; whats it to ya? - Any tips for a decent, and free, plug and play calendar? The script someone wrote for Scribus blows. Actually, Scribus just blows.

Dec 15, 08 10:43 am  · 

Indeed. It might have something to do with the fact that i listed that book specifically as one of my 3 possible gifts.

But still way cool that she knew it was the thing i wanted most...

and you should totally do a calendar..

Dec 15, 08 10:58 am  · 
Living in Gin

Well, I decided to resolve the eyeglass dilemma in the only honorable way possible: by challenging my co-worker to a duel.

Fortunately, a duel proved unnecessary, as he assured me that it would be no problem if I got the same frames (his are actually a slightly different color), and it turns out he bought them at a time when a former co-worker -- now no longer with the office -- was wearing the same frames, anyway.

Now I just need a couple more paychecks so I can afford the damn things...

Dec 15, 08 11:12 am  · 
liberty bell

Hah, see? Honesty best policy and all that - if you hadn't mentioned it to your coworker you would not have known that he was in your exact shoes a few months ago!

I'm a firm believer in facing potentially embarrassing situations head on. Embarrassment is good for all of us, keeps us level.

vado, Steven, and techno, feel free to post some ridiculously embarrassing comment I've said (while drinking) to any of you now...

Dec 15, 08 11:40 am  · 

[scrolls through filecards of lb drunk quotes to share.]

Dec 15, 08 11:48 am  · 


Dec 15, 08 12:34 pm  · 

Sarah, I didn't think of it as a thing for death and therefor guys nearer to it, but that the smart girls always get bored with guys their own age.

Dec 15, 08 12:45 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I didn't figure you meant that, but thought it was an interesting take.

Well, today Abe was suppose to go to the sitter, and he did. And I was suppose to go to my mother's new house to help arrange furniture. But, the movers broke an alternator, and wont be there till tomorow, and then the sitter called to say her alarm system was getting activated, and asked that I come get Abram so he wouldnt get scared. Oh well. I did have half a day to myself. Got InDesign loaded on Husband's computer, and started the calendar layout. It took me a while to remember how to work the program, but I'm getting there. Now if I could figure out how to get more font choices and more than just the 10 colour options its giving me - and theyre weird ones too, like lipstick, and c100420. I was thinking there were swatches like in photoshop and illus. Have I forgotten that too?

Oh, and I think Abram and I will make his Chrismast gifts for people, today. Since he aint got no job, he's gonna have to make something. I'm going to lend him some paint and some ornaments that we dont use. Thought he could put a hand print on each ball, and call it a day.

Dec 15, 08 1:46 pm  · 

Clearly man-rationalist's name is Horatio.

Or, we could just go with IrRationalist...

Orhan, I don't know if you were serious above --about maybe needing a copy editor -- but, I actually believe I make a good editor (much better than I am a writer) and have a few friends who prefer to come to me for 1st pass copy editing. I'm no true English major, of course, but I might make a good first pass for you. Anyway, I know the archi-lingo and have a deep horror of how opaque and just plain asinine much architectural writing is, plus I like your turns of phrase and am used to english-as-a-second-language phrasing (which I actually like!). So, anyway, if you're serious, I'd like to offer my free time. Just in case you need it.

...I realize that the above probably isn't a good advertisement for my services.

Dec 15, 08 2:07 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i had a late lunch today. ran into rumba & had him call an old friend back in the states...very amusing. i'm drunk...time for nap.

Dec 15, 08 2:41 pm  · 

I'm sitting with a proposal hot off the press, twiddling my thumbs waiting for the principal to return to the office for his signature on the cover letter. I have 90 minutes to drive 12 miles on icy/snow covered roads to deliver it before 4pm. So will he return in time??????

Dec 15, 08 3:27 pm  · 
Dapper Napper


Dec 15, 08 4:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

Keep us posted, tk, but I'll comment that the preparers of the proposals in our office were generally empowered to forge the signature of a principal IF said principal was nowhere near the office and the deadline was fast approaching. Good luck!

Dec 15, 08 5:53 pm  · 

What do i have to do to get 50 million pounds in a divorce settlement?

Dec 15, 08 6:10 pm  · 

no cell phones to call Principal? maybe is japanese thing to be married to them ?

Sarah, if you haven't remembered already, in in-design you have to load swatches through the swatch palette. activate the palette then click on load swatch or create new swatch or something like that. as for fonts if they aren't showing up then you need to install some more, maybe from here or here. probably rationalist has even better sources.

women have to go for older men cuz it is the only way to find companionship of remotely similar emotional maturity....basically men grow up in reverse dog years, so it takes 40 years before we are able to deal with adolescence, etc...

Dec 15, 08 6:42 pm  · 

On InDesign: to change the swatch options that are there, double-click on the color swatch, then adjust it in cmyk mode, or adjust the mode to Pantone Process Uncoated, and pick from the list. Add new swatches if you need more and adjust in the same manner. Not sure why you're only getting ten font choices... does husband have a font manager, ala FontExplorer or similar? If so, you'll have to open that up and activate fonts already installed on the computer. But, there are some very famous designers who say ten is all you should ever need/want, as long as they're a good ten!

Dec 15, 08 6:58 pm  · 

I'm still alive. It was blago busy at work today.

DubK - No offense taken. If the economy and the housing market weren't tanking at the moment...

LIG - glad to hear the glasses frame issue turned out to be a non-issue.

Hmmmm. I kinda like the "He"ratio, myself, but I like puns.

Watch Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, or commence reading 1984? I'm still trying to decide.

Dec 15, 08 7:18 pm  · 

the john hancock in question is too flamboyant and requires a certain antique pen to produce - but I got it. finally reached him via cell when he was 15 minutes out from the office.

made the delivery with 45 minutes to spare. the good news was only 5 other proposals were stacked at the receptionist's desk at that time. she mentioned having to turn away several couriers due to a recent security breach/theft involving a 'courier' - glad we're too poor to send something like this by other means.

Dec 15, 08 8:20 pm  · 

Hi all. I took off early this morning (around 9am) after going to sleep around 4am. An attempt to do all Christmas shopping in one day. On my way to the bank, a client that I recently delivered a project calls, says there needs to be some immediate amendments to the drawings and if I could call his wife whose at the planning office. I immediately start cursing in our local dialect that affords colourful interpretation and expression...just out of ear shot of the client. Calmly I made a few phone calls to find out that I need to make 2 adjustments to the site plan, reprint them and deliver it - a complete waste of time really, because the planning officer ala Orhan's experience was just winding up his wife, for whatever reason. Anyway, its Christmas and I do as I was told, and emailed the drawings to the printers - having wished iphone or blackberry had a autocad light for handhelds (that's how minimal the change was)

Anyhoo I did a half day of shopping if you took the time out resolving that issue, but was able to do more than 50% of my list. I would feel accomplished but I was so (insert colourful dialect) tired that all I could muster was my first meal of the day before I collapse.

I was able to print a family picture for my parents - something they've been begging for at least for the last decade or so. last one was me at 11 with a mouthful of tin.

Dec 15, 08 9:36 pm  · 

thanks a lot manta...
i e mailed you as well.
techno, that's how people see architects; problem solvers... i am having a really hard time collecting an overdue bill from a client who also has a factory with almost hundred people. he doesn't question the bill or anything like that, i think he doesn't tell me his business is really bad and he is having hard time to pay his employees. he figures i am architect and i must have some money...
can you imagine? couple months of no income can drain a lot of money if you have to come up with pay rolls for that many workers plus the benefits, taxes etc.
i heard that wealthy clients in some of the richest neighborhoods are holding payments from people who performed construction related work for them. i heard this from an electrical contractor friend who has few jobs in malibu. typical right? poorest and hard working always get screwed first.
times are bad, don't pay the workers, it is hard enough to cancel part of european vacation and executive bonus to yourself!!

Dec 15, 08 9:52 pm  · 

Oh and Liberty we only had one drunken moment and I was equally sloshed to notice anything but how utterly cool and beautiful you were. But I'm vado should have a few (lucky oldman?)

Funny no one went with i-rational for mr. rationalist, based on the recent errr

Dec 15, 08 9:55 pm  · 

orhan we've had some rich clients withhold payment from some contractors lately, and the saddest part is that the contractors are the sole-proprietorship, immigrant craftsman type that the clients chose specifically because they were cheaper than the bigger joints. Now those clients are screwing the poor little guys. Very sad. I've had to rely on the ole credit card much too much in this biz, due to non-payment from clients -- and I'm not even a firm owner! Makes me really question whether I actually want to go through with it and own my own firm some day.

Dec 15, 08 10:33 pm  · 

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