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brian buchalski

the world doesn't need bus stops...i'm putting monster tires on my stretch escalade and telling my driver to stomp your little bus shelter (& all the homeless people in it) while sarah & i figure out how much fuel we can waste my leaving all of our appliances & tv's turned on while we're touring

Nov 18, 08 2:46 pm  · 

hi guys,

Just wondering if anyone knows a good place where i can get a good tutorial videos for Google sketchup?


Nov 18, 08 2:46 pm  · 
brian buchalski

try google?...or is that way too obivous?

Nov 18, 08 2:50 pm  · 

I say do it..
it looks way "cuter" than the bus stops in my city..

Nov 18, 08 2:53 pm  · 

Which are mostly uncovered benches!

Nov 18, 08 2:53 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Nice bus stop shelter idea, although at first glance, I'd be concerned about how much protection the passengers would be getting during a driving rainstorm if the wind is blowing into the sheltered space.

NYC has some nice bus stop shelters popping up all over the city lately... I think they were designed by Grimshaw. I hate riding buses, though, so I generally stick to the subway whenever I can.

Nov 18, 08 2:57 pm  · 

i sent this letter to west la building department director and copied the head of ladbs (los angeles department of building and safety)

Dear Mr. ...........,

As a licensed architect, I have a fundamental belief and a hard earned certification, that all professional work and individuals involved in building process, should ultimately benefit the public.

We as professionals, I am specifically including LADBS here, and others, must work together for a safer and healthier environments for our clients, customers and everyone else in short.

After I was bumped off second time on an appointment plan check and subsequent complaint in WLA Building Department, I was practically let know by one of your employees, a plan checker I assume, that it doesn't matter how much I complain, I need to call and make yet another appointment and come back for the third time to take care and complete of a permitting process for my client's 62 sq. ft. addition to his house.

Last Friday I was there to submit my corrected drawings. Plan checker, after looking the application and correction sheet, conveniently checked the appointment box for the first time and told me I need to make an appointment.
I accepted we all make mistakes or forget, it is okay, I disappointingly accepted.
He put my name on his list and took my telephone number.
If he said I should make appointment, why he didn't include his name and telephone number on the correction sheet, check the appropriate box etc...
And why the second time he didn't bother to call, that he wasn't going to be able to honor the appointment following Monday, which was yesterday?
Both my client and I at this point felt abused and this was a surprise, that a building department couldn't produce another plan checker to oversee about half a dozen minor corrections and help us, even when we offered we could wait longer.
I have been coming to WLA DBS probably since it opened years ago, at least since early 90's.
I have conducted many project related business there, I have seen younger generation come and go and advance to higher positions in your office.
I have always believed that we architects and LADBS were collaborators in producing healthier and safer construction projects and insuring our city's built environment was handled in higher standards.
I voiced this motto to person in this regrettable experience and I was told, as an architect, he said, "I don't need to work with you."
For me this was a tipping point as to hear that how far this young man was misinformed, assuming this was a 'unilateral' process allowing him to disregard what I believe and explained above about we as professionals working together applying building regulations and codes.
To be honest with you, I think you must speak to your younger employees, that they are there pretty much because they need to serve the public, work with other design professionals and don't abuse their approval and checking powers.
I was not there to ask anybody any favors but work together to resolve an issue to secure a permit that a project complies with hard written regulations.
It costs me to spend time to and from building department, wait and only to be told, "sorry there is nothing we can do," and most sadly and painfully to be told;

"I don't need to work with you."

I apologize from others in the office, who witnessed this heated argument and regret my final three words.
I am still in shock I had to go through such an experience where I had many good working situations and have been greatly helped by your knowledgeable staff in the past.
I am now very apprehensive about conducting any business in WLA suspecting that I would be pigeonholed and discriminated by some.
I hope you make sure this is not the case.

As you have noticed, I am not including any names in my letter since my purpose is to point out a fundamental or a potentially divisive issue to your attention as managers and experienced leaders.

Thank you for reading my heartfelt letter.

Orhan Ayyuce

Nov 18, 08 5:24 pm  · 


Years ago back in the day of 286 computers....and Autocad release I don't no....or even want to remember. It was the one we called 50/50: Fifty percent of your time was spent drawing fifty percent of your time was spent waiting for the command to be carried out by the computer.

I was the front man on a project at the South End of Dreamy Draw, in Phoenix. So I had to take the drawinging into the City of Phoenix and
meet with the Plan Checker. The building was owned and designed by a group of individuals in the Profession. There was an Architect,
a Landscape Architect, a General Contractor , their Accountant and a couple of other tenant spaces. The plan was irregular as all get out.
It had all the dips and dives and high ceilings and courtyards, but all in all was a good building. However figuring out the square footage of the building was a fricking night mare if it were to be done by hand. So when I took it into the City for plan review the Plan Checker decided the Square Footage Calculations were not correct and called me on it. She was old school, of European decent with a heavy accent, and she wanted me for lunch from our conversation. I kindly told her that I would submitt my calculations if she wanted to verify them but I was sure there was no mistake. Her nostrils flaired and her eyes became inflamed. So I took her other bullshit comments and went back to the offices and plotted out the polyline drawing and the 8.5x 11 calculation sheets defining the confines of the polyline and returned to her office. The ream of paper must have been about 3/8" thick with calculations. I handed her the drawing and the calculations and told her computers don't lie and you know were going to be seeing alot of them in our near future. I explained the concept of a polyline and how a computer would run the calculations. She just looked at me like I was from another Planet. We did get our building permit.

My other experience there was somewhat different. It involved a project for a diner...."The Five and Dine." When I took the project into the City of Phoenix I was broad sided by a plan checker who decided he was an Architect, Civil Engineer. He told me the plan was not a good one and that he had laid it out and we should correct our plans as per his design. I went back to the office and unfailed the
plan checkers design to the Partner and he went over the edge. He picked up the phone and called and ask for the specific plan checker and ripped him an new hole....I will always recall what he ask the plan checker: " Are you an Architect?...It is a licensed Profession, If you want to be an Architect go to school, until then check plans and don't design, or I will file a complaint with the Architectural Registration Board." We had a call within minutes from the Client, a successful business man and a good friend of my Boss. He said, "Can I speak with Mad-dog, I just got off the phone with the City Building official about my project." The plans were approved without a redesign.

Nov 18, 08 6:19 pm  · 
vado retro

nice poetry stop lb!!!
hey for any women (or guys) on the dole, brad pitt is on oprah tomorrow!!!
give em hell abra!!!

Nov 18, 08 6:30 pm  · 

i hope you build it LB.

good onya orhan. getter dun.

SH, i hope you find something soon. on other hand i was lucky to be in uni when both my kids were born and got to be home for much of their baby-hoods. would not trade that for any experience in the world. really, if you can, cherish this time because you are being offered a privilege, not a hardship. so many people do not have the chance you do. and i am pretty sure it will not last. you will get a new job and the time will be gone like water down an aquaduct.

Nov 18, 08 6:56 pm  · 

SH - I don't have to do stair elevations all that often, it just seems to be popular this year. The one I'm currently working on is even harder do to the fact the part of the building I'm drawing is viewed on an angle. By the end of the day of my eyes hurt from staring at it for so long.

Rock on Orhan!!! I hope it does the trick and the treatment from the building dept, in general, improves.

LB - love the bus stop idea, esp. the roof. Please excuse the ignorance, but what is E&O insurance?

Nov 18, 08 10:29 pm  · 

brad pitt on OPRAH!? i am so there. i have a man crush on him, sorry LB.

Nov 18, 08 10:46 pm  · 

E&O = Errors and Omissions

Nov 18, 08 10:47 pm  · 

wait a minute, is a guy? I'm so confused (constantly apparently). I similarly have a man-crush on Brad too.

So today I was offered some lucrative opportunities that I can't talk about in detail here but should be able to soon. Nothing with financial compensation but should keep busy/happy for a while.

Liberty I love the bus stop, did you do that model? I'm taking a semi-early night today - I'm knackered.

Nov 18, 08 11:14 pm  · 

that should read, Beta is a guy?

Nov 18, 08 11:25 pm  · 

angled interior elevations call for jogged section lines... i am *not* a fan of angled interior elevations. sometimes you gotta do it though. sorry tuna.

so, I got good news and bad news today. Bad news is that I was going through some old paperwork and found an old offer letter from 4 1/2 years ago in which I was offered only $5,000 less salary than I've just finally reached now, with WAY more sick & vacation days PLUS TIME AND A HALF OVERTIME. (Health, 401k, and profit-sharing/bonus were relatively comparable.) That is a HUGE bummer as I had already pretty much realized that I'm not getting paid enough at my current firm but by the same token I feel lucky to have a job at all right now. Also a bummer to realize I don't have much hope of moving to another firm to address the issue, until the economy gets better (who knows when). I have had real financial struggles since I got my degree and it is very disheartening to realize I should have been making more money all the while. Meanwhile recently I caught up with an old boss who informed me that when I left he ended up replacing me with someone he pays $20,000 more that can't do my job. Now that's both satisfying and majorly depressing at the same time.

*sigh*... this profession doesn't make it easy on you, that's for sure.

Nov 18, 08 11:40 pm  · 

techno, at least the last time i look down there i was.

Nov 19, 08 1:11 am  · 
brian buchalski

bus-stop shelters should be made of concrete so they can double as bomb shelters during the upcoming revolution! this would also give them more protection against sarah palin.

viva la revolution!!!

Nov 19, 08 7:16 am  · 
vado retro

you know that steve inskeep on npr is one annoying asshole.

Nov 19, 08 7:25 am  · 

lb, you really should describe the cultural trail and the poetry part. the structure itself is beautiful, but there is so much more to it that a pixelated linked-pic doesn't convey.

...and you should do it. can't you glom onto mr bell's fancy new insurance? (i know you probably can't, but you SHOULD be able to...)

Nov 19, 08 7:35 am  · 
vado retro

aig will insure it!

Nov 19, 08 7:43 am  · 

vado - why? I don't think he's all that bad. although he's no Bob Edwards. Did anyone else get hear the story on the pirates this morning and get a kick out of it?

Nov 19, 08 8:17 am  · 
liberty bell

Isn't Steve Inskeep a Hoosier?

Nov 19, 08 8:29 am  · 
vado retro

he constantly interupts his interviewees and his attempts at humor are just that, attempts. he's from carmel.

Nov 19, 08 9:19 am  · 
vado retro

50 ways to leave your lover is a good tune, june...

Nov 19, 08 9:36 am  · 


clients dropped off at the airport at 6 o' dark, rental van returned, and in my grogginess slammed finger in my car door while lugging all the stuff back into the office. I NEED MORE SLEEP. so I'll cut out early today after filling out expense reports, reviewing meeting minutes, getting the thank you notes started for the 6 meetings over the past two days, and trying to put off starting on the next proposal for a little bit longer. But the meetings went great, generated lots of enthusiasm for the project, strengthened the collaboration/partnerships, got pledges of actions, had plenty of photo-ops, watched lots of decorative card holders passed out as gifts, and ate too much greasy food at hotel restaurants/country clubs/lake front view restaurants over the past two days. Now that we've shown how indispensable we are, we just need to get a signed contract and $$$ to finance the next chapter of the show.

now I gotta just focus and pretend to work until lunch.

nice being back on tc.

Nov 19, 08 10:00 am  · 

It is kinda quite around the home/office today. The boys, went to the kennel for an overnight. Mrs B has to entertain a bunch of old ladies this evening and well so the house needs a good cleaning and well her guests would have a difficult time dealing with two seventy pound dogs jumping on them. It is amazing how noticable it is that they are not around. Usually one or the other is laying at my feet or shuffling around, begging to go outside or come inside.

I stood out in the cold this morning grabbing some field measurements and it was feeling like ten degrees above. Somehow managed to get the tip of my tape measure stuck in a crack between the wall and a soffit overhead. It was a bummer, cause I didn't want to break the tape and of course it was at the main enterance to the building.

I have to run out to a job site and meet with a structural engineer to discuss the process of building a masonry fireplace in a master bathroom on the second floor of a house which will be supported on a steel structure because there is no fireplace below on the first floor.

Then I have a bid opening later in the day.....hoping it comes in on budget. In these times it is hard to tell.

Nov 19, 08 10:49 am  · 
vado retro

wtf they left traitor lieberman in his chairmanship.

Nov 19, 08 10:59 am  · 

i am home, getting ready to coffee shop it or see a movie.

i'll let TC decide.

vote or die.

Nov 19, 08 11:52 am  · 

What movie beta? Or is that something we're supposed to decide for you?

snook - I take it you didn't successfully get the tape unstuck. That does suck, especially when it's a good tape. I remember the time when I managed to snap one in two during a site visit. It was the beginning of the week too so I had to trudge all the way a hardware store in unfamiliar territory to find a new one.

Nov 19, 08 12:12 pm  · 

beta why can't you do both? Sorry for the gender mix up, I think you and mantary are the only two that I can't put a face to a name (apparently it is the only way I seem to remember anything lately).

I'm here I'm done with my kitchen elevations, threw in some bathroom ones as well (1 of 2) - sans the notes for all of them. I've had coffee but I still feel like shit (shit = need 20% more sleep than I got last night).

Here's a TC question. A photograph I took of a local cathedral has been featured and credited in a book . I'd like to put that information in my cv (especially since it is becoming more and more academic) how'd I phrase that I'm stumped.

Nov 19, 08 12:56 pm  · 

hey TC ppl, i am so happy with the results of the photo shoot that we had recently at the house that my GF and i did that i wanted to share them with someone.

i know some achinectors may have seen them already on flickr, but for the others.

seeing them does restore ones faith in going through all the work and time that it takes on a project.

Nov 19, 08 1:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno: for beta, picture Brad Pitt. It's pretty close.

For manta, picture a young Ashley Judd but with a little Runaways-era Joan Jett thrown in. (manta, does that sound right?)

Nov 19, 08 1:12 pm  · 


Nov 19, 08 1:16 pm  · 

Hi all,

Love the descriptions of beta and manta LB....

See a movie i say. But then again i haven't seen a movie in more than 2 months.

Nov 19, 08 1:20 pm  · 
liberty bell

Beautiful work, p2an! really wonderful. yes the pain is worth it, typically.

Nov 19, 08 1:20 pm  · 

lovely photos and house. You and your GF worked on the photoshoot or the actual house?

Nov 19, 08 1:24 pm  · 

we did the house, it was a private commission. done while maintaining our "day jobs".

Nov 19, 08 1:28 pm  · 

Liberty thanks for that - now I have a great mental image (I might have to add Beta to my completely platonic man-crush - so sorry its just how this works!!) I did have to search for a Runaway image of Joan Jett - I had no idea she was in band, I'll have to beef up on my 80s music trivia.

P2an I love the work, love the photographs. Very clean, sedated, and very elegant.

Nov 19, 08 1:32 pm  · 

late last night my client gets a call from the supervisor at the building dept. and he apologizes and assures him he 'talked' to plan checkers' and he can come tomorrow (today) to building department to 'get' his permit.
client goes there this morning, planc hecker waitingfor him, checks the drawings in 15 minutes, finds a 30 year old condition and tells him he needs to check with his super, super comes to desk, looks at it for a second, turns to pc and says, "sign it!"

at the end super says to my client , "say hello to orhan."

it is important...

Nov 19, 08 1:33 pm  · 

great song selection Orhan.

Nov 19, 08 1:50 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Hagia Sophia isn't in Jamaica, Techno.

Nov 19, 08 1:52 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Heh.... Good one, Orhan. Glad to know things got worked out. My firm had a similar issue with some low-level plan checker here in NYC... Fortunately, we've done a lot of work in the city and we have a good relationship with some senior people down at the building department, so we were eventually able to get things resolved in a similar manner.

We just had our annual "state of the firm" lunch, and to nobody's surprise, it doesn't look like 2009 won't be a pretty year. Fortunately, we're involved in a wide variety of market sectors and have a good mix of public/private/nonprofit work, so hopefully we'll be in a better position to ride out the storm than a lot of other firms. They did announce, though, that we won't be getting raises for next year. Nobody was happy to hear that, of course, but if it's a choice between that and salary cuts and/or layoffs, it's by far the least painful option. I'm still hoping we at least get some sort of bonus next month, but I'm not holding my breath. I wish I was heading to grad school next year, but since I'm not, I'm probably in about as good a position as I could hope for right now.

Nov 19, 08 1:59 pm  · 
Living in Gin

oops.... That should read: ...doesn't look like 2009 will be a pretty year....

Nov 19, 08 2:00 pm  · 

Sarah, Hagia Sophia isn't in Jamaica but one of the largest concrete single vault domed cathedrals in the Western world is and its relative in size and proportion. The author used it as an example of the influence of Byzantine of the Hagia Sophia centuries later and to obscure parts of the West

Nov 19, 08 2:57 pm  · 

I was wondering about that myself.
Thanks for the explanation..

Nov 19, 08 3:09 pm  · 

just to correct the record, solidred is the resident stud; he's the guy most guys want to be.

vado on the other hand is god, and trying to be like him is blaspheme, shit even mentioning his name should get me set afire.

Nov 19, 08 3:29 pm  · 

Hmm, Ashley Judd might be too much of a stretch, sadly... Although I did look more like her when my hair was short.

I'll take your Joan Jett (woohoo!) and add in some Barbra Streisand, and you got me, lb!

Nov 19, 08 3:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

But you're way prettier than Streisand, manta, which is why I went for Ashley. She's just universally beautiful, but has no girl power/attitude, which is why the Joan Jett.

Did anyone see David Letterman unable to speak he was so smitten by Carla Bruni last night? That's who I'd like to be! But wait, I really want to be Chrissie Hynde.

Nov 19, 08 4:11 pm  · 

Liberty I'm not sure why you'd want to be any of those, you are by far the most beautiful person I've met for 2008. And I met quite a few.

Mantary is a young Barbara? The inclusion of Babs has thrown me off some. Sigh next time I'm in town, we'll meet up for sure!!

My eyes are jumping too much computer screen...I did gets loads down elevations for kitchens/bathroom and roof drainage all finished.

Nov 19, 08 5:21 pm  · 

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