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vado retro

win or lose i have made some kick ass black bean turkey chili!

Nov 3, 08 7:00 pm  · 
liberty bell

Meeting was inconclusive but I had a nice drive to it and back with the Owner. We chatted about how difficult it is to make money running a "third place".

Orhan, I love your sketch, I think you should win the competition you are about to judge! Congrats on being selected for the jury.

Such a long, long day today. I'm beat.

Nov 3, 08 10:24 pm  · 

dubk, yeah it's tough to put down an animal, had to do it with my grandma's dog, it was real hard and he knew what was going.

sarah, condolences on the FIL...

here's one for TC; we were to have our apple trees pruned, a pine removed today, i called and left message on saturday that our priorities changed and we wanted to keep the pine for the moment, and have other work done. i then made a phone call first thing this morn, to reiterate our changes. when i got home, everything we added was done, AND they removed the pine. fuck. i called and let them know AGAIN - left message - that it was not in our immediate priority. then called the arborist to let her know. they plan to rectify the issue, but i am bit bummed that work/labor was done, but we were not able to afford that, and everything else we had done. so should i work something out - i feel bad - or stick to my guns?

liberty, i have some questions for you, so if i could ring-a-ding you, would that be kosher?

Nov 3, 08 10:33 pm  · 

beta, stick to your guns. you asked for the pine to be left, it was removed. tant pis pour eux. it will be a good wake-up call for them to be more careful about their client's wishes. Which is, after all, the entire point of a service business.

Nov 3, 08 10:58 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm up, beta, or we can talk tomorrow morning.

Nov 3, 08 11:24 pm  · 
Obama In A Landslide
Nov 4, 08 12:30 am  · 

Hi all,
Hope everyone's week gets better.

I bathed in the ice cold glacial runoff that is the River Ganga yesterday and did yoga this morning looking out over the mountains.
Here is hoping this country finally has turned the leaf on the last 8 years of Rethuglicanism in the voting tommorow.

Nov 4, 08 3:31 am  · 
liberty bell

Glad to see you, nam! Keep having fun!

beta, let's talk this morning.

Nov 4, 08 6:49 am  · 
brian buchalski

have i mentioned recently how exceptionally pleasant my life is? it's kind of like that bob marley song...woke up this morning...smiled at the rising sun...three little beside my doorstep...singing sweet songs of melody pure & true...singing this is my message for you-hoo-hoo...

now imagine that every day...nice!

Nov 4, 08 7:44 am  · 

Woo-hoo!!!! My vote is now cast. Got to the polling place a little after 7am this morning and was #46. The other precinct that votes in the same room was already up to #121. They had only been open for a half an hour. The poll worker said that my precinct only had about 250 registered voters in the last election, but is now up to 650. An historic election indeed. GO OBAMA!!!

Nov 4, 08 8:01 am  · 

i was #108 for my precinct. my 3yo was excited to get to go with me. she helped me make sure all the little bubbles were filled, she got to wear daddy's gloves because it's colder outside than we thought it would be, she got a high-five 'cause "voting is cool" from our next door neighbor, and she got a sticker. these were the high points, apparently, because they were the things reported back to mommy when we got home.

Nov 4, 08 8:35 am  · 
vado retro

i walked over to my neighborhood polling place at 6:30 a.m. and was numba 68. although there was another line for peeps living north of 16th street. so i'd say i was around a hundred...

Nov 4, 08 8:45 am  · 
vado retro

barack is voting now. it sure is taking him a hell of a long time.

Nov 4, 08 8:45 am  · 
brian buchalski

he's probably wacking off since it's the last moment of privacy he'll have befor spending the next 8 years under a microscopic spotlight

Nov 4, 08 9:11 am  · 
vado retro

hey steven who won the mayoral election in that kentucky town that votes for animals for mayor?

Nov 4, 08 9:32 am  · 

I went in an voted this real line just one lady ahead of me. The Registar checked me out, sorta look like the bearded guy on the drivers license. Then went to get my paper ballot and noticed a large envelope which had alot of paper in it which read, "Spoiled Ballots" Scratched my head, took my personal ballot in a privacy sleeve and went and marked it up proper and dropped it into the ballot counting machine. I have no idea what number I would have been, didn't see any counters or anything. However they are reporting we could have a 90 percent turn out in Connecticut this year.
It kind of makes me feel good people are inclined to vote no matter who they are voting for. However on the otherhand Obama has Connecticut, So I feel even better!

Nov 4, 08 9:58 am  · 
Living in Gin

Voted at around 8:30 this morning in the 80th Precinct in Washington Heights. Wait time was about 20 minutes, and my experience was uneventful. I don't recall my exact number, but it was somewhere in the mid-200's.

The one unique thing about voting in NY is the use of these huge, refrigerator-sized voting machines that were built of cast iron sometime during the Millard Filmore administration. There's something gratifying about pulling that huge metal lever to cast your vote.

Nov 4, 08 10:19 am  · 
vado retro

america needs more filmore!

Nov 4, 08 10:49 am  · 

I was #605 in my precinct to vote for obama...

beta, didn't know you were playing a young George Washington when we talked last night. too late to mourn for the pine tree. but next time you can tag the trees to save & mark the ones to cut to be certain.

Nov 4, 08 11:29 am  · 

I'm so glad to see everyone voting. I can't tell you how nervous I am. Ultimately I felt that it was best to end her pain and let WonderKitty go to kitty heaven so I am an emotional wreck today. I am shaking and probably will be until I vote later on, during the "slow" part of the day...

Good luck everyone...

Nov 4, 08 11:32 am  · 

emK, my heart goes out to you and wonderkitty. I went through a similar trauma the week I moved to philly for grad school when FIP got my kitten. hang in there, there will other cats in the future.

take the day off to take care of yourself if you can.

Nov 4, 08 11:53 am  · 

Like I said before DubK; much sympathy to you, as WonderKitty was indeed an awesome cat.

Vado - Online voting in Rabbit Hash, KY has ended, but the polls are open until 6pm. Only then will they know what elected mayor. Based on online votes, it appears a cat might finally win office. GO TRAVIS!!!!!

Nov 4, 08 12:15 pm  · 

emkem. my condolences. w kitty was definitely a beautiful person.

our cactus has just bloomed a flower today...

Nov 4, 08 12:29 pm  · 
vado retro

RIP wonderkitty. great pics of a great friend.

Nov 4, 08 12:33 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hootie was adorable but you took good care of her by letting her rest. Now take care of yourself and be aware that moments will come in the next day/week/years when you will expect to see her then in a split second realize she's not there anymore and the tears may come. I swear I often still "see" my childhood cat sleeping in the middle of my bed when I walk into the bedroom even today, and I hear Gus walking towards me when I open the back door. The house can be far too quiet some days when I come home.

Nov 4, 08 12:40 pm  · 

lb, i didn't know gus has passed away. i never forget that picture of him with angus on the tail.
people never die. they just take a different form. that is what i believe.

Nov 4, 08 12:46 pm  · 
vado retro

barack was in indianapolis today. surprising the staff at campaign headquarters...

Nov 4, 08 4:53 pm  · 

I don't usually post here, so I almost feel I'm intruding, but I wanted to answer the Archinect voting clock dilemma (beta indirectly aswered it above). I looked at the clock last night and it said 8 minutes something to go and I thought it was wrong too, until my wife reminded me: Dixville Notch, a village of app. 75 in New Hampshire, has a tradition of midnight voting since the 1960 election, and are also the first to announce the result. According to the site beta pointed to, Obama did win in a landslide: 15 of 21 votes...hee hee.
Another place that does the same is Hart's Location, NH, a town in a most scenic setting in the White Mountains (where I stayed in a B&B once.)

Nov 4, 08 6:40 pm  · 

Wow, I just read the Wiki article on Dixville Notch and the winner there since the 1960 election had been the Republican candidate ....until today. Gotta be a good sign.

Nov 4, 08 6:48 pm  · 
vado retro

don't be a stranger emilio! loved you in the breakfast club!!!

Nov 4, 08 6:53 pm  · 

tree, the screwy part is that the tree needed to come down, but there was a swing and galvanized gutters surrounding the damn thing, i would have moved it if i wanted it to come down. the crew that removed the tree had to move everything...

i talked to liberty today, always a fun convo, always.

Nov 4, 08 6:56 pm  · 

Hi Emilio and welcome to TC!!!! Feel free to post anytime, you aren't intruding... this thread is meant for everyone.

That said, thanks for the post. I must have skimmed over beta's post, b/c I don't remember seeing it.

Off to an Election Day party. I'm so anxious, I'm almost nauseated.

Nov 4, 08 6:58 pm  · 

Thanks for the welcome vado and tm.
That's right, the breakfast club...hee hee. hey, whatever happened to him?

Nov 4, 08 7:03 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yes, welcome, Emilio, and everyone else who doesn't feel welcome to post here - you are!!! TC is the office water cooler, just chatting about whatever on company time. The more the better.

Nov 4, 08 9:52 pm  · 


Nov 4, 08 10:23 pm  · 

Congratulations all Obama supporters, American or not!

Nov 4, 08 11:41 pm  · 
liberty bell

Thanks techno - it always amazes me how much non-USians know about our politics, given I know next to nothing about the politics of the rest of the world.

Much relief in the liberty bell household tonight! Just staying up to watch the speech.

Nov 4, 08 11:43 pm  · 

And it seems as I am the first to offer congratulations...sweet! From my island home to the supporters far and wide it is a momentous achievement beyond race and creed. Enjoy is yours!!!

Nov 4, 08 11:47 pm  · 

Well Liberty consider this your first lesson. We've (Jamaica) just had a change of government last year, the first time in 18 years. Our previous Prime Minister was a woman, the first for our island state. We are a former British colony, as such our political system is a "Westminister" model functioning around a Parliament. And so ends lesson 1. You can throw that around at your next dinner party, when you need to change the conversation topic.

Nov 4, 08 11:54 pm  · 

Hi Emilio,
Welcome anytime you are.

R.I.P. and my condolences for Wonderkitty.

And can i just say OBAMA!!!!!

Excuse the scream...

Nov 5, 08 12:20 am  · 

amazing. i got to be there. i loved it. amazing.

bed time now

Nov 5, 08 2:52 am  · 

Oh my goodness!

It's real!!


Nov 5, 08 3:14 am  · 


vado and liberty the HOOSIERS did it!

Nov 5, 08 6:26 am  · 
brian buchalski

this is a sad day for the revolution...not that obama won (i'd been predicting that for at least a year) but because of the record voter turnout that legitimizes american faith in the system...sadly, america (and it's massive military/industrial/congressional complex) is not yet broken.

Nov 5, 08 7:24 am  · 
vado retro

indianastan went blue by two votes! lucky lb and i live here!

Nov 5, 08 8:00 am  · 

Manta - were you really at Grant Park? I kept wondering that the whole evening as I watched the crowds. That's totally amazing.


I can't tell you how much lighter my step feels this morning. I've been practically fighting back tears since last night I am so happy.

Nov 5, 08 8:24 am  · 
Living in Gin

For the first time in my adult life, I'm proud to be an American today.

Let's just hope I still have a job by the end of the week....

Nov 5, 08 8:44 am  · 

I am so very excited. Still sad about my little friend but last night in the partying a friend mentioned that WonderKitty was up in heaven celebrating with Obama's grandma, and it made me tear up a little, but then we chuckled at how ridiculous / wonderful a thought it is. Congratulations to all of us.

Nov 5, 08 11:16 am  · 

I had three klondike bars in celebration....Mrs B was wondering if I was ok when she saw three of them missing from the ice box, jsut minutes ago.

Nov 5, 08 1:45 pm  · 

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