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brian buchalski

and on a more positive note...a hug from a lion...even the animal kingdom is relieved to see a new president administration

Nov 5, 08 4:22 pm  · 

I'm still 'veclempt', nina simone just caused my sight to blur. no time to savor the moment as I gotta attend a meeting for the RFP i'm working on.

Nov 5, 08 5:00 pm  · 

I'm still 'veclempt', nina simone just caused my sight to blur. no time to savor the moment as I gotta attend a meeting for the RFP i'm working on.

Nov 5, 08 5:00 pm  · 
Nov 5, 08 9:26 pm  · 

liberty, i took your advice, and i crashed an AIGA event tonight and spoke to a few designers. thanks for dee tipa. trying to get people to think about becoming entrepreneurs, and creating clients where they don't currently exist is tough.

Nov 5, 08 9:43 pm  · 

I want to start a thread called "I know what this is but I don't know what it's called and google is no help"

I have two right now:

1: that sheetgood that people use for model bases that's grey and looks/feels like newsprint that has been shredded and pressed together. I knew the name of it in school but it escapes me now.

2: those drawer pulls/ handles that are flexible (like straps), and can be pressed down to lie flat on the drawer face - the ends of the strap can slide towards the center (>>>=====<<<) to make a handle loop or towards the outside (<<<======>>>) to lie flat. I've also seen these as carrying handles on some things.

Nov 5, 08 10:48 pm  · 
liberty bell

1. Chipboard?
2. No idea but are they plastic? With notched ends?

beta, glad you crashed the meeting, good show!

Nov 5, 08 11:22 pm  · 

manamana go on start that group. I thought I was the only one with that problem. And while you are at it please figure out what you call that angled strip of galvanize that you put under the first course of shingles. Its been messing with me for years

Nov 5, 08 11:51 pm  · 

1. not chipboard....thicker and less dense...and...fuzzier.
2. I think I've seen some that have plastic for the strap portion (sometimes leather), but the ends are usually metal. I've seen suitcases that make use of similar mechanism for the handle

Nov 6, 08 12:03 am  · 

manamana -

are you thinking of "homasote" board?

Nov 6, 08 3:46 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow. I'm back. I don't have too much to say, or rather, I have too much to say, and dont feel like getting into it all yet.

Lets hope today is happy. I missed Birthdays for the second month in a row. Damn.

Nov 6, 08 9:32 am  · 

yes, homasote....thank you.

Can't believe that one slipped my mind.

Nov 6, 08 9:34 am  · 

Hey welcome back Sarah, talk when you are ready.... techno is here. Shoot we are all here expect those still busy celebrating. I do hope your inlaws are alright. I am however going on a site visit to go look at a geodesic dome built by the former dean of school as a home for himself. Pictures will follow.

Nov 6, 08 10:18 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, that sounds like fun. I don't have any work right now, and the bosses are away.

First thing I want to share...

Please, people, make sure your affairs are in order. Really. If you're single, and have no real need for a will, ect, at least have all your paperwork (account numbers, debts, ect) in a single, easy location to find. If you are married and have a step-child, please legally adopt them if you act as their parent - some states may not allow "estoppal" which I've come to learn is like common-law. What else, what else.... Funerals are effing expensive, so get a life-insurance policy that will at least cover that; look for around 10 grand, and thats if you have a plot already.

I'm sure there will be more later.

Nov 6, 08 10:43 am  · 

Wow Sarah - sounds utterly horrendous. Glad to see you're back. Not much else to say except that it really irks me that my GC seems to be the least observant person on the planet. He and his assistant keep asking questions that are answered on the drawings. Thank God, we're now down to the little stuff (toilet accesories) but it still is annoying none-the-less.

Nov 6, 08 12:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

I find it delightful that Sarah, perhaps the youngest person here on TC, is telling us all to get our affairs in order and SHE IS TOTALLY RIGHT!!

I'm terrible, I have no life insurance at all and I have a kid PLUS I'm the breadwinner and bookkeeper for our family. I really should get on that.

I do have a college savings fund for the boy, and my husband knows where all our records are neatly filed, but still...

Hang in there Sarah I know it's been a tough week.

Nov 6, 08 12:49 pm  · 

Sarah! Oh no. This is what I was worried about. WonderMan's situation with his stepdad was so stressful that the stuff that he left with - his mom and dad's wedding rings and a couple of other things - are the only things that he ever expects to get at this point. Talk more when you are ready.

This week is utterly crazy. I have spent so much time crying that my sinuses are all screwed up. High then low then high then low ... I don't envy manic depressives.

Nov 6, 08 12:53 pm  · 

My dad had fourteen cars when he passed away. So we were searching all over trying to come up with the titles so we could disperse with them. Most of them were old junkers, but non the less
it is not so easy to sell a car without the title in hand. Crazy thing is he could have sold every one of them before he passed, but when someone would make him an offer he would bump it by a hundred dollars and most people walked. He also had some crazy stock in a
insurance company which to this day I think was a bunch of funeral directors funneling money for the Morman Church. Somehow they weren't making any money but they did manage to pay their board of directors real well.

Nov 6, 08 1:39 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah, we have the car-title issue as well. Let me see, theres a lincoln, a 1 ton flat bed, two gmc stepsides, one gmc suburban, one 67 gmc stepside, and then a ford truck - which I think was his. Only two of those run for sure. One title never got switched when Husband sold the truck to him, so that one is ours again, I guess. Texas is funny about inheritence. Theres Real property, and Personal property, and since we're a Community property state, whats his is hers. EXCEPT... If He has a blood child that isn't also blood of the Her. Then Real property gets split 50/50, and personal gets split 30/60 - meaning 2/3rds goes to blood children (theres only one), and the wife gets 1/3. This is great if its all debt, and the child has the money, or whatnot, but the child doesn't have the money, and will probably try to give all the debt to the wife, and take all the stuff. I'm pretty sure, though, that the stuff has to be sold to pay debts BEFORE anything can get doled out. Right?

Oh, and people are already calling looking for a good deal. I swear. He was a master-machinist, and a tractor mechanic. He was suppose to fix up Husband's toy ride-on tractor for Abe.

You know, half-way through my pregnancy, I wondered why God wouldn't stick to my plan (to wait until I got my liscence), and what the since of urgency was. It crossed my mind that he could go - he wasn't in the best health, but he wasn't bad either - and I had wanted to give him a grandson, but I wanted it done on my time. He only got to see Abe three times in the whole 8 months he's been here. Thats the day he was born, the day we came to introduce him, and the day I came for that Church project, and I wasn't even going to bring Abe for that, but Husband had to work. Abram never got to tug on his beard, or ride on his golf-cart. But he did 'sing' at the funeral.

Nov 6, 08 1:55 pm  · 

very sad, Sarah, and a good reminder. I have absolutely nothing in order. I can't even remember my OWN passwords to stuff and I have money sitting in accounts I can't remember how to get access to. Good times! Good reminder to work on it.

I did indeed get to go to Grant Park. I was in the non-ticketed event, which as far as I can tell was pretty much exactly the same experience as 99% of the people in the ticketed area, only I could perhaps see the screen better. It was AMAZING. I think as long as I live that will be one of the most phenomenal experiences of my life. I can't stop thinking about how wonderful it will be to raise my own children in an Obama presidency. HOORAY!

Nov 6, 08 2:21 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Wow, I'm jealous... For once, I wish I was back in Chicago. That must have been an incredible scene.

I watched the returns from home with my cat... Once it was called for Obama I thought about heading down to Harlem to check out the party on 125th Street, but decided to continue watching the coverage on TV and online. Now I'm sort of wishing I had gone down to Harlem when I had the chance.

If I have a few extra dollars sitting around next month, I may book a train ride down to DC for the inauguration, assuming I can find somebody in the area to crash with that night. I'm guessing it would be pointless to even try searching for a hotel room.

Nov 6, 08 2:44 pm  · 

From a post by vado over on the "congrats america" thread:

I had a certain tinge of guilt last night. When I look in the mirror I see a person who hasn't contributed much to his community. Hasn't really sacrificed for the greater good, although I am constantly harping the greater good over individual interests. But, I haven't done much in the way of volunteering in my community.

I just wanted to repeat that here because I thought it eloquently expressed something I've been feeling since election night. Thanks for the reminder, vado. I used to always want to be involved in community work "when I grow up" and now I'm grown up and I've done nothing. Time to get cracking!

...and on a completely unrelated note... Steven, is that black VCT on the floor in your kitchen? It looks really nice in the pics but I can't tell what it is.

Nov 6, 08 2:47 pm  · 

yes LiG I am sorry you missed out. They shut down all the roads downtown and masses of happy, calm humanity filled the streets from building facade to building facade like a sea of radiating waves of goodwill. People ebbed up onto the boulevard planters on michigan ave and stood there singing and dancing and calling to the tide of the crowd below. A naked biker tried to flash through the crowd. People stood like stanchions against the flow to slap high-5s and make fist bumps and squeeze hugs out of strangers passing by. I got corralled into a stranger's hug myself, she had glitter on her face and was warm and soft.

I have never yet and will never again get to experience feeling a part of such a large and completely unified crowd. I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Nov 6, 08 2:53 pm  · 

travertine panel in the middle of the ceramic in the bathroom.

Nov 6, 08 2:55 pm  · 

oh sorry. you saw the pix of the kitchen, too. that's forbo marmoleum, but on their dimensional floor product called 'click'. basically comes as 1' x 2' panels that you snap together like pergo, but with marmoleum on the face. we like it because it has a cork backing and it gives a little. a little disconcerting at first - 'the floor moves?' - but easy on the legs. we had it laid in a shifted 1/2 tile pattern.

Nov 6, 08 2:59 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Um...Where are these photos?

Nov 6, 08 3:37 pm  · 
liberty bell

mantaray, Obama's really only guaranteed four years of presidency and you're ready to raise your kids under you have some exciting news to tell us?!? ;-)

Kidding. I thought vado's quote that you posted here was very touching, as well.

Nov 6, 08 4:43 pm  · 

in the bathroom design thread, sarah.

Nov 6, 08 6:15 pm  · 

hi tc, time to head home for the day, but wanted to share an update for how crazy/busy I'm getting. spent the day bouncing between two project- a proposal for a small ($3.4m) building and arranging a client visit for a huge ($Bs) urban redevelopment. strange extremes to inhabit simultaneously. next week is going to be hell with both going at full steam ahead.

Nov 6, 08 6:26 pm  · 

i'm home now. mmmmm, beer.

Nov 6, 08 6:46 pm  · 
vado retro

i'm drinkin an Abbey de Leffe Blonde Ale and it is not the first beer i've had today. Finally, after God knows how long took my first A.R.E exam this morning at seven freaking a.m. Man I don't think i ever have uttered so many wtf's? under my breath on the multiple choice. The vignettes were time consuming in that you had to figure out the best solution etc. Although I really have no idea whether I passed this section, I am calling to set up another tomorrow. Perhaps take the Building Design test which is two vignettes.

Glad you liked the quote Manta. The question is WhatToDo?

Nov 6, 08 7:17 pm  · 

sounds like fun treekiller.

funerals are def a bitch. my wife is careful about inheritance, as are all my family. you know it is the damnedest thing, but in japan, according to my step-father in law, all the worldly possessions go to the oldest son. at which point my mother in law will be living in her own home at her step-son's discretion. she has made arrangements of her own in case that day comes. that is a bit crazy. entirely opposite from how my dad set things up. when he passed i inherited a very nice watch and the rest went to his wife. my brother and i are both cool with that cuz we surely don't feel entitled to any of the fruits of hard work of our parents.

funnily one of my grandmother's who is in her 80's has decided to start dispersing her things before she passes away. we keep getting odd phone calls and letters from lawyers saying she has set up a bank account for us, or something like that. most recently she sent us my grandfather's highlander crest from his day's as a soldier (WWII). this is both endearing and scary as heck. apparently pragmatic scottish people take death pretty seriously ;-)

we are kind of in hurry to get back to canada just in case there is any basis for her pre-occupations. but 4 airfares across the globe is just a bit out of reach right i totally understand the difficulties of showing off grandkids to the family, Sarah. Just imagine what it would be like if you lived 6000 miles away, instead of a few hundred.

Nov 6, 08 7:17 pm  · 
"I got corralled into a stranger's hug myself, she had glitter on her face and was warm and soft."

That is an amazing line, and I can imagine emotions that came from such a social gathering.

Had fun at the site visit today, we spent nearly 4 hours there - and at the close I felt bad that i didn't walk with a bottle of wine or a six pack of beer. You can take a look at the pictures here

Nov 6, 08 9:23 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Nov 7, 08 7:47 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, my Dad is pretty old-school about inheritance. He has 4 kids, only one is a boy (and he's the youngest) but my dad plans ot split anything he has - debt included - 1/2 to my brother, and then us girls split the other half. This is fine with me since anything that I would actually want would be something like furniture, or keepsakes, or something, not money, and certainly not debt, and I can get those things BEFORE he croaks; same goes for all other relatives.

It all finally hit me last night, in all places, the gym. Yes, I've been working out - and it BLOWS DONKEY BALLS. The T.V.s were on, and it was Grey's Anatomy (which I don't watch), but some old couple was there, and the woman had coded, and her poor husband had signed a DNR, and so the doctors couldn't do anything, and he was trying his best to pump her heart himself, and begging her to stay. And then, over the radio came "Dust in the Wind." I almost lost it on the Leg-Press machine.

Oh, and want to hear something really sweet, and sad? Apparently, my MIL's birthday is Sunday, and though he had never done it before, my FIL sent her flowers, and they arrived yesterday.

Geo-desic domes are so dated.

Off to check out the bathroom thread!

Nov 7, 08 8:49 am  · 
vado retro

Time for a SixFeetUnder marathon...

Nov 7, 08 9:19 am  · 

yeah, kinda murky discussions lately. life is always easier than death. maybe that is the real joke.

what are you doing with that bucky-dome thing archi?

Nov 7, 08 10:56 am  · 

It was a site visit jump, built by a local architect for himself. I carried a bunch of students up there for their precedent study on structure (versus looking at pictures of geos in books)

Nov 7, 08 11:39 am  · 
brian buchalski

oddly enough i thought that picture was the inside of the chrysler corporate office in auburn hills, mi. see image below for picture of facade with the famous five-point star window detail

Nov 7, 08 1:32 pm  · 

Yeah Bucky Fuller!

I'm still basking in the new glow of hope. WonderMan told me that he actually does NOT feel like the world will end now, and since we've begun "negotiations" on where we might end up after May this is good news for me. He's gunning for me to spend at least a little time in paradise aka Waikiki; I'm all, "but what if I get a job right away?" I'm going to have to pry him out of Hawaii I think, but ultimately I know he'll give.

Nov 7, 08 5:12 pm  · 

that is very cool archi. good idea.

back in canada our archi-courses were kind of hermetic, sitting in seats and watching slides with professors monologing . they probably didn't have to be.

sounds like interesting times ahead for you WK.

am watching bbc news just now and the fricking banks sure come off as a large group of wankers complaining about how the bazoolions of profit they made over the last 5 years shouldn't count right now when asked to pass on interest rate cuts to loan hunters, et cetera. i understand the reality of the situation, but jeez what a wheeze, eh...

Nov 7, 08 6:47 pm  · 

wonderk: eight, inc. check 'em out.

Nov 7, 08 8:30 pm  · 

Wonder K, that's brilliant news that someone wants to steal you away - not many people in life get asked that question, appreciate it. Especially since its paradise (hmmm I thought that was Jamaica/Montserrat, anyway). But there will a be a bunch of broken hearts if you do....

Jump, yeah we give the 40+ students about 8 buildings/scultpures to review and usually make sure that two are local/regional so they can go and look for themselves. But it really strikes a chord when they get to touch it for themselves, and look at things in their environment with new eyes, trained and open eyes. And also to know that they are helping to create written reference on our local structures.

I'm wearing my new t-shirt from the institute of architects. Just thought I'd mention that.

Nov 7, 08 8:35 pm  · 

i just would like to randomly point out that all of you are complete, 100%, ill bad-asses. the lot of you. you're welcome.

Nov 8, 08 4:37 am  · 
liberty bell

balckharp, glad you had a fun night last night! Hope your head is OK this morning.

I spent the night in a Holiday Inn Express in Lexington Kentucky last night. It's in the middle of one of the oddest urban configurations I've ever seen, definitely an "instant" neighborhood, everything is shiny squeaky new but if you cross the street there's a totally divey old liquor store (that I frequented back before all this new stuff was built) that screams "authenticity" (whatever that means) in the face of the recent development. After a 3-hour drive I walked across this collection of pre-designed outlot structures last night to hit the drugstore for some pencils and, weirdly, saw many of the features we consider good about high-quality urban experiences: distinctive paving on the sidewalks (until they evaporate at a lot that hasn't been developed yet, that is), street trees, commercial storefronts built to the sidewalk with parking (in the little designated "urban" area of the development), and actual people walking around (OK, they were walking out of the Applebee's and into their car in the surface lot, but I'm grasping at straws here!). I'm trying to place my finger on why the collection of good bits adds up to a whole that is horrid, but can't quite get there.

I did learn one thing from the Holiday Inn Express experience: 2700K CFL's are much better color than 5000K. I know I could have learned this in a book, but it was fun taking the bulbs out of the lamps and comparing them in a little empirical research (techno: like you did by bringing your kids to the dome: hands-on learning is the best. I love that dome by the way and could easily see myself living in one some day - I've always adored them).

Also, one other thing: virtually every person I meet in Kentucky is friendly, warm, and charming. Maybe I'm just a sucker for the accent and being called "ma'am" by young basketball players but I love, love being here.

Nov 8, 08 7:52 am  · 
brian buchalski

what's Applebee's?

i'm still alive...despite the champagne

Nov 8, 08 8:23 am  · 
vado retro

hey beta got your email about working for change. i got right on it by emailing obama to change his choice for chief of staff.

Nov 8, 08 8:26 am  · 
vado retro

heading up north to a birthday party today for my great nephew and two great nieces. got to wondering how the county where they live voted. 68 percent went for mccain. in fact, of all 103 counties in indianastan only 15 went for barack obama. so much for being a blue state.

Nov 8, 08 9:38 am  · 

Yeah I've never seen the inside of a geodesic dome, techno, although they litter the countryside where I am from. Your picture actually warmed me to them! I love that window.

Nov 8, 08 1:07 pm  · 

myself as well, I'd seen these pictures before I thought there weren't architecture rather a structural solution. But I was totally taken by the interior and it made natural sense, it seemed to hit onto something almost primal or intuitive.

Nov 8, 08 2:14 pm  · 

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