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Good morning all,
Yes backup plans...
For me either going to school (hopefully in Canada my mother's home country) or keep working at the grind "ughh" to make sure i get out of debt and add some savings. Even if thye end up beign the under my mattress kind.

As for the debates, mostly blahh. They never seem to be real debates and my feeling about this one matched my feeling about the other two where's the passion. Except for McCains old man grumpy sthick...

Also, Per request of Barry,
A little elaboration on my trip to India.
I am going for @.5 week sor so at the end of Oct.
My trip will be mostly Delhi, Vrndavana (a pilgrimage town) Jaipur and Hrsihikesa (which is at the fotthills of the Himalayas).
I am hoping to do some sort of Archinect related content about my trip.
Either some sort of feature(ette) or a discussion thread to keep all updated.

My original plan was for a post graduation from grad school trip and to go for 6 months. Now that i am working and the economy is the way it is I had to reduce the time there.
Still I am going. It is my first time out of the Western world. (I have traveled to Cananda and Europe before), so I imagine the culture shock and developing world aspect of it all will be quite eye opening.
Should be pretty cool

Oct 8, 08 8:26 am  · 
Living in Gin

Happy birthday, WonderK!

Oct 8, 08 9:56 am  · 
happy happy
Oct 8, 08 10:00 am  · 
Oct 8, 08 10:01 am  · 
Oct 8, 08 10:02 am  · 
vado retro

the train i ride is 243 boxcars long. did you know there are about five thousand full time train riding hobos in the usa and they have a convention and crown a hobo king and queen? hobo is derived from hoe boy. the original hobo was a migrant worker who hopped the train with his hoe to seek farm work. i can see the attraction to leave it all and just wander. i do it in my mind all the time...

nam did you get that email i sent you?

Oct 8, 08 10:48 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I don't know any of those songs, should I?

Speaking of music. I heard a song the other day that I thought was awesome, thoughtful, and had to be new, cause nothing that creative has come out in a long time. When I searched for it, it was INXS and was from the Donny Darko soundtrack. I hate when that happens.

And do any of y'all have people that just brink out the kid in you, in a bad way? Make you cross your arms, stomp your feet, and pout? Kick, scream, and throw a tantrum? Why?

Oct 8, 08 11:05 am  · 
liberty bell
Happy birthday, DubK!

For your birthday I present you with this yummy layered birthday cake, made of 243 pages of delicious and exceedingly silly but compassionate content, with one stubby candle on top, and turned upside down:

Oct 8, 08 11:07 am  · 

Is that your record? If so that is an awesome thing..

Vado, Not yet. Maybe the tubes are running slow?

Oct 8, 08 11:15 am  · 

not mine. just a random find, autogram record allp-243, in honor of our 243 pages.

Oct 8, 08 11:34 am  · 

maybe wonderk will get flowers today. if so, i hope we hear about them.

Oct 8, 08 11:35 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

mmmmm Upsidedown cake, my favourite.

Oh yeah, Happy Birthday!

Oct 8, 08 11:44 am  · 

Happy B-Day!!!

Oct 8, 08 11:45 am  · 

feliz cumpleanios wK!!!!

Oct 8, 08 2:13 pm  · 
liberty bell

Steven knocks it out of the TC park on that one! Nice, Steven.

Sarah, pineapple upside down cake is my husband's birthday preference. I recently found a recipe for pineapple upside down creme brulee, which sounds, frankly, orgiastic.

That's something else I wish you for you birthday, DubK!

Oct 8, 08 2:17 pm  · 

it is hot in la. happy birthday wk!

Oct 8, 08 2:48 pm  · 

hah hah the ladies on tc are being naughty/cheeky - I love it. that's a great wish for everyone on any day. Appropriately there's a song called "its raining and my body is calling" - the skies have opened and its been pouring since 10.30a when I woke up. I'm not sure which is more perverse the mention of the song or me waking up at that hour.

Anyway I'm feeling really lazy today, and have barely left my bed. But I do need to send out a few job apps and open a new bank account. What fun.

Oct 8, 08 3:28 pm  · 

hah hah the ladies on tc are being naughty/cheeky - I love it. that's a great wish for everyone on any day. Appropriately there's a song called "its raining and my body is calling" - the skies have opened and its been pouring since 10.30a when I woke up. I'm not sure which is more perverse the mention of the song or me waking up at that hour.

Anyway I'm feeling really lazy today, and have barely left my bed. But I do need to send out a few job apps and open a new bank account. What fun.

Oct 8, 08 3:32 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno, it warms my heart to see that you are taking advantage of your full-time-job-free situation so well: traveling, drinking with friends, staying in bed until 10:30.

We all need to learn to relax a little, no?

Oct 8, 08 4:03 pm  · 

sounds like a very Seattle sort of song, techno, though I can barely remember the last time I got to stay in bed until 10:30. Enjoy it while you can!

Oct 8, 08 4:16 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

With the economy the way it is and all, I need some advice.

What can Husband and I do for free on a Saturday night since my MIL is coming to visit? And if not free, for less than 15 bucks total.

Oct 8, 08 4:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

Pizza, and play and sing songs around the piano.

Or pizza, and making some kind of Halloween fingerpainting craft with Abram.

Oct 8, 08 8:09 pm  · 

Sarah go have a picnic with a bottle of wine and some sandwiches

Oct 8, 08 8:32 pm  · 

architechnophilia - where u been? Resurrect the NTAAB thread please!!

Oct 8, 08 9:38 pm  · 

will do...

Oct 8, 08 9:50 pm  · 

Thanks, everyone! farmer, where have you been? Thanks for coming by just to wish me a happy b-day. :o)

It was a crazy day. Dad left, which is too bad because we had a lot of fun. I had a meeting with a Very Important Person regarding some potential opportunity for our school. I will elaborate more on this when it comes to pass. Also I made chili dip and cupcakes for everyone, and then I helped a classmate make concrete for 4 hours. I'm exhausted but I still have a full night ahead!

In any case, I am now a member of the awesome 3-0 club. I am told that I am now allowed to do whatever I want, which is cool.

Oct 8, 08 10:24 pm  · 

No way honestly don't look your age. Again happy birthday. Did you do anything celebratory aside from time with your dad? And no I don't think mixing concrete counts (granted now that I know you have that skill an invitation will be inevitable). Enjoy the rest of it.

Oh and I'm usually late with everything, this one I can blame on now having kids around. But I'm here watching Wall-E and am pleasantly surprised. I usually hate and personally boycott anything Disney for the sole reason that they care to homogenise culture and history for the sake of the almighty dollar. But after constant persaution by my 9-yo niece I'm finally watching it. Time to go back I have to give her a review in the morning (6am)

Oct 8, 08 11:14 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, you're funny.

LB, the idea was to go out as a couple, not as parents. I'm sure you understand.

I got a call from a girl at church yesterday, after I sent her an email about dirty birthing stuff (she was 1 week out), and she had the baby. Thats all fine and good, and nothing special there, except....

She had him at HOME!!! On her BED!!!
I know hippy dippy crunchy granola people do that, but she doesn't come across that way. And can I just say EWE. Its just messy. And you don't have the luxury of the nursery to send the kid off to at night. Yuck.

Yeah, that was the thrill of my evening. Now its back to work.

Oct 9, 08 8:50 am  · 

I'm having back pain for being in bed too much. I may have to go for a run, its fun but hurftul being this lazy. Anyway on a serious note, I'm going to watch me some HGTv simply to assess that architectthey have on there. But for the love of all things/dieties holy I can't remember that other architect that was on tv - discovery channel I think.

Oct 9, 08 11:03 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Danny or something like that? On Big buildings, or something?

Oct 9, 08 11:44 am  · 


On deadline but just stopped by to say hello. I have a friend who's a doula and she's almost militant about birthing issues, so much so that I can't really have conversations beyond about 10 minutes with her. Also I have another friend who's had 2 of her 3 kids at home, and will have the (already confirmed) 4th there as well. Seems like it's more comfortable for her, so whatever.

Back to work!

Oct 9, 08 11:58 am  · 
vado retro

you should have the kid where it was conceived.

Oct 9, 08 12:31 pm  · 
brian buchalski
lame thread alert
Oct 9, 08 12:37 pm  · 

oh boy puddles, if you're gonna get started on lame thread alerts, where do you start?

for my part, i'm so sick of people whining about how the government is spending their money "bailing out" "wall street", when the reality is that not only will they will lose a lot more money if these companies completely tank, but more to the point THE GOVERNMENT HAS BEEN SPENDING BEYOND ITS INCOME FOR THE LAST 7 YEARS AND WE NOW OWE TRILLIONS OF TAXPAYER MONEY TO LENDERS, INCLUDING OTHER FOREIGN COUNTRIES, MOST IMPORTANTLY ONE THAT IS NOTORIOUSLY ANTITHETICAL TO OUR PRECIOUS CAPITALIST MORALS. Argh. It's about 7 years too late and the wrong time entirely to get pissed about the government spending too much of your money, John Q Taxpayer. If you didn't want them to spend beyond their means and put the burden of payment on you and your children, WHY DID YOU ELECT THEM ALL IN 2004 WHEN YOU ALREADY KNEW THEY'D BEEN DOING EXACTLY THAT FOR 3 YEARS?!

Remember the surplus? Ahh, those were the days... back in early January 2001.


In case anyone actually is curious about our financial system and where it went wrong, and would actually like to learn more about it rather than start 8 million misguided ranting threads, a great place to start is here, then here for an updated version from a week or so ago, then here for a report on another aspect of the housing crisis specifically. That last one was featured via the NY Times and was updated last week to give further information as events development.

I would encourage you all to take the 4 hours or so to listen to all of these episodes. It's really important that every American citizen understand the essence of how our economy works.

Oct 9, 08 1:17 pm  · 

ok off the soapbox...

Oct 9, 08 1:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

"designiky" wow. thats word.

Manta, I still think that the surplus was simply creative accounting. But I also think that it takes 5-10 years for policies to really take affect. And I don't know how much of the spending you can blame on Bush. No, I'm not defending him. Just saying, had Gore won, and we were still attacked on September 11, I think we'd still be spending money on some sort of war.

And Vado, what if said kid was concieved in the woods, or on an airplane, or some other strange place? Beach Changing room?

Oct 9, 08 1:30 pm  · 
brian buchalski

npr is too academic & instead for the true scope of american greed

Oct 9, 08 1:36 pm  · 

I agree on a couple points, Sarah--we definitely would have invaded Afghanistan / possibly Pakistan regardless, due to a need to halt Al Qaeda's recruitment and training efforts. However I do not believe another president would have invaded Iraq, as it has been pretty well proven at this point that Bush and Cheney personally led the drive to invade, and personally led the drive to convince Congress (sometimes using known lies, for example the Weapons of Mass Destruction and Yellowcake lies) to get them to agree. Not that that means Congress is off the hook, by any means.

But more importantly, the decisions that are driving our economic mess today were often made by legislation drafted by actual Wall Street lawyers themselves and pushed through by Republican congressmen during the Bush administration. One major piece of legislation was the cancellation of Federal oversight on Credit-default swaps, which is precisely what led to AIG's demise and the linked demise of the other major investment banks. The basic sub-prime mortgages are only part of the problem; the bundling, AAA-rating, and insuring of those mortgages is the majority of the problem. All of that was able to be accomplished via lack of oversight on the Fed's part, whose oversight was considerably diminished during the Bush admin. (And overtly -- he told us he would do that, and then he did.)

In the case of the legislation I cited above, it was passed at Christmas in... I believe... 2003? And we're seeing the effects today, so you're right, it took almost exactly 5 years.

It's pretty complicated to explain but luckily explained very clearly in NPR's reporting on the subject. I have to say, they've done an amazing job in the links above.

Oct 9, 08 1:38 pm  · 

oh yeah -- puddles -- i've been meaning to read those articles since you posted them. i'll probably have time this weekend. thanks!!

Oct 9, 08 1:39 pm  · 

manta, you and i listen to the same stuff, so don't take this as disagreement, necessarily, but you won't find almost any conservative that will agree that npr stories offer anything but a liberal-slanted take on every issue. where you might see even-handed explication of complicated issues, they're seeing big-government molly-coddling whiners. promise.

listen to rush limbaugh, mike savage, or fox news. and you'll hear a lot of 'these policies were hold-overs from the clinton administration' just like you heard bush take credit for everything since clinton when things seemed like they were going well.

it's all in the way you spin it and there is no truth.

Oct 9, 08 1:41 pm  · 
liberty bell
it's all in the way you spin it and there is no truth


Where's that bottle of bourbon? It's only 3.25 hours before 5pm.......

(Kidding, kids. Just busy today!)

Oct 9, 08 1:45 pm  · 

are you still an 'out' for tonight through saturday, lb? would love it if you came in...

Oct 9, 08 1:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

I am an out. Forgot Brian leaves tomorrow AM for a hot rod show in Michiganistan.

Since you're here, Steven, we need to talk/email about Artshop projects?

Oct 9, 08 1:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh, and SP is trying to get ahold of you, he's on his way down. No NOT Sarah palin! That guy you introduced me to....

Oct 9, 08 1:48 pm  · 

Liberty wish I were enjoying a bottle of bourbon with you right now. It's pissing down with rain right now and just got a quote for some arch fees (cds) and they are like 55% of the available budget. Time to start drawing so I can scale that down a few.

Oct 9, 08 1:54 pm  · 

few moments waiting for a webinar to start. 'corporate sustainability in a time of change' by visible strategies out of vancouver. might be good, might be excruciating. 200 folks from around the world- woohoo. its starting...

Oct 9, 08 2:05 pm  · 

lb, you can tell sp that i'll be at the thing tonight. you can even give him my cell, except that i think it will be dead by then.

yes, we should probably talk artshop. but we may not do the same thing, right? i've actually never done those and don't know what's expected. i was gonna wing it.

have to go to a meeting....

Oct 9, 08 2:11 pm  · 

technical problems - is a fascinating look at climate change and solving it. too bad the power went out in bc.

Oct 9, 08 2:27 pm  · 
it's all in the way you spin it and there is no truth.

Steven, I definitely know that, sadly. I grew up in an area where almost 100% of people take Rush Limbaugh's word as God's own truth and my S.O.'s entire family is die-hard conservative, and think NPR is basically an instrument of evil.

However, I disagree that there is no truth, and countless things I've read have pointed to some very specific key factors in our current national economic problems, and regardless of what *either* political party will say to it, I still think it's important to learn about these things and to understand the actual, factual way that the economy works.

Oct 9, 08 2:44 pm  · 

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