
Thread Central

liberty bell

I'll take Legolas, as played by Orlando Bloom - you know the nice thing about Legolas: his quiver never runs out of arrows....

May 24, 06 2:14 am  · 
sporadic supernova

wow .. it's been a real slow day today !!!

May 24, 06 7:29 am  · 
sporadic supernova

jsbachsonata's thread really cracked me up ... "much ado about nothing" ...
and i can't believe that Javier's thread clocked up so many reads in such a short time .. I think it's something to do with "attacting women!!" ;D

May 24, 06 7:32 am  · 

The Best undergrad arch programs thread has disintegrated like all school threads do, but the silver lining is that it marks the reappearance of the original non-post poster, Silent Disapproval Robot.

May 24, 06 12:13 pm  · 

that's what got me the first time. damn I'm in a real rut these days. If only I looked like Orlando....

May 24, 06 12:18 pm  · 
liberty bell

Culled from the news section, in the book review of Christopher Alexander's "The Nature of Order", as seen here.

Everything matters. Everything has life—kitchens, unkempt gardens, French windows, bricks. Even puddles. Especially puddles. And insects, above all. (Emphasis mine.)

You're alive, puddles. You're still alive. You're even especially alive!

May 24, 06 3:16 pm  · 


May 24, 06 4:21 pm  · 
brian buchalski

oh that's great. but i do feel sluggish...almost forgot that i was out drinking again last wonder

May 24, 06 5:23 pm  · 
vado retro

you're alive puddles. now put on your pants and head to the mall!!

May 24, 06 6:06 pm  · 
vado retro

on this side of 38th pararel the critiques are vely hosh. vely vely hosh!!

but you may get rots of medawz!!!

May 24, 06 6:17 pm  · 
Silent Disapproval Robot
May 24, 06 8:17 pm  · 


May 24, 06 8:49 pm  · 


May 24, 06 10:48 pm  · 


I can't compete. well done. any other takers?

May 24, 06 10:50 pm  · 
liberty bell

Some late-night advice: Ladies, when dressing for work on a site visit day, it is important to wear shoes that can handle mud, rough terrain, and nails sticking out of discarded wood. You may also need to climb a ladder, so pants are probably a better choice than boots. Above all, keep in mind that you may have the opportunity to flirt with a super-cute young excavator while you are at the site - so a little lipstick can't hurt.

Man oh man I love being a female architect!

May 24, 06 10:54 pm  · 

diabase- I'm gonna have to let AP take the 'graduate' position. I think I've decided to stick it out here and do the grad school thing. I'm going to register for a continuing education course at Otis tomorrow. I had a minor breakdown whilst dimensioning a rather evil set of plans today, just felt like my job was sucking my soul away bit by bit, like I need to do something to get closer to my goal. So over the summer I'm taking Intro to Graphic Design, then fall probably Typography I, so that I can improve my portfolio a bit, make sure that my portfolio looks super-sexy for those admissions committees. And also make sure that I'm really SURE about this directional change before I commit a couple of years of my life to it.

May 24, 06 11:21 pm  · 

rationalist - well done. I will be looking for some uberarchitects in the future when I set up my side practice. At the moment, its the consultancy that I am getting staff for.

May 24, 06 11:31 pm  · 
sporadic supernova

Liberty .. you around ? ... how'd the meeting go? ... more late nights ?

May 25, 06 12:48 am  · 
liberty bell

Good morning/evening sporadic - I actually worked only til midnight last night and was good about mostly not posting while working so I was more efficient.

Hope your day went well and you have nice evening plans - this is Friday night for you, right?

May 25, 06 8:26 am  · 
brian buchalski

pants on. but i'm not going to the mall. not today.

May 25, 06 8:51 am  · 

Just saying hello. This is what I'm doing today.

And how is everyone else this Thursday?

May 25, 06 1:14 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

i am doing quite well trying to crank out solar lighting studies. beautiful sunny day in southern california today. surfed before work and it was fantastic. then i come into work and pop in some good tunes. office provided pastries today. so i'm happily munching on my choc. croissant.

wonderk- post some pics from your trip!

May 25, 06 2:27 pm  · 

Center for Ants? Where do you currently surf? longboard?
I'm a newbie to surfing and would like to pick it up.......

May 25, 06 3:22 pm  · 

this guy leaves his computer on when he is not around and got a 21" crt and it doesn't hybernate. sometimes he's gone for 3-4 hours.
well first of all he calls himself a designer and architect etc.
now, i don't think anybody who practices these trades should waste energy, resources etc. i don't know how much it would cost in monetary terms (even though i'd like to know, if you can gestimate for me please, because i want to say something), but, still, it reminds me doctors smoking cigarettes w/their patients which use to happen a lot in turkey. he somewhat turns off his laptop though, i think he values his posession of expensive tool and wants to maintain it well regarding his 17" wide screen mitsubishi or something laptop. but his idea of maintenance stops there. he doesn't maintain good energy conservation practices, try to sustain something, save etc. plus non of us is rich. is this a much going on and on about something? or should i just say this'll pass and go on with my work? i mean i don't think about it that often. but lately its getting in my nerves. the other day i chewed him up for not cleaning the bathroom often enough and he said why i don't say something.(btw, i clean it many times more because shitty bathroom bothers me). i said fuck man i have more important things to do than reminding you the bathroom duty. he is a little boorish person. thick skin. but we know each other and have been sharing the studio space for a while. i guess i was 'too mediterrannian temper' and he started to studder and thats when i stopped and felt sorry for the guy. well shit, i wonder if i am trying to stick it to french for mishandling the immigrants or getting pissed off at an inconsiderate person? it can turn into an empire dog fights again, about electricity current. turks vs. french which happened many times in history. directly and indirectly. and, istanbul had long time, dating back to 15 th. century, recorded diplomatic relations with paris. now, on top of it he comes from a line of an embassador in french gov. from 50's. whereas my father flew f-86 sabers for nato/tuaf. (i feel sad for greek pilot in related air force story which i can relate)

story a minute. thanks for reading.

note; all my other french friends agree with me. i say at least 2-3 'bonjours' a day while they each say 'merhaba' once. and french and i are good friends. funny how an energy saving issue becomes a diplomatic crisis between two countries.

May 25, 06 5:27 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?


i'm a shortboarder in santa monica so i surf the south bay and north LA county most days of the week. given the opp. and time i'll go as far north as rincon and as far south as north county san diego.

surfing (in my humble opinion) has one of the steepest initial learning curves of any sport. takes at LEAST solid 6 months to get the most basics of the mechanics down. but i think it's the most gratifying and mind-clearing sport. and once you get into it, surfboard design is a fascinating subject. good fluid dynamics seems to beg sexy sexy forms and shapes.

May 25, 06 5:45 pm  · 
vado retro

a big parade
original lyrics by vado retro

a big parade downtown
a big parade in two days
thousands will come from out of town
to celebrate the big big race

a big parade is coming here
the stands have been up for days
they all need a place to sit
to celebrate the big big race

but now these folks with their piglets in tow
will need a place to go when they need to go
the city fathers have a plan
and put the port o potties
out in front of vado's

a big parade right downtown
a big parade thats right bub
and if theres a line for the john
well dont be shy use vado's shrubs...

May 25, 06 7:39 pm  · 


May 26, 06 2:22 am  · 

Aw, I was missed! That makes me feel really good, I have to admit it.

I'm ok, lb--I went to London for a week! Visited a friend from school who is now getting his masters in Geography (basically social geography). We had many long talks about the meaning of human nature, the impact of architecture on the social landscape, the difference between brits and americans, etcetera. Saw the SOANE MUSEUM finally which was EXCELLENT and also reinvigorating and inspiring! I needed that.

I have to run off to work now but I will post some thoughts on London later if anyone would like!

Also, I don't know where Pixel is, I hope he's ok too.

May 26, 06 9:11 am  · 
liberty bell

Thanks for checking in myriam and glad you are not only OK but you had fun! Soane Museum is indeed wonderful, required experience for all architects IMO.

May 26, 06 12:24 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i almost forgot to let all of you know that i'm still alive. sorry.

May 26, 06 1:19 pm  · 

ty for being alive. another week another story.

May 26, 06 1:45 pm  · 

vado, if there's a back-up, you know who to call.

May 26, 06 1:51 pm  · 

by the way, frenchman and i are okay. but he should still conserve energy. he is like big apple bear which his mom calls him when she is in los angeles. french and turk always make it up at the end. they know we are suckers and we know they are not all luis the fourteen.

next: turco-german relations. and after that, sultan meets the queen.

May 26, 06 2:24 pm  · 

orhan what about turco-armenian relations? I am anxious for those to be resolved, from BOTH sides.

May 26, 06 2:26 pm  · 

i agree with myriam and liberty bell that the Soane Museum is a definite must-see: beautiful and slightly creepy at the same time. when i was there years ago I was also doing a bit of research in the Adam archive there. Was asked by the lady to fill out a card, in pencil on a beautiful polished mahoghany table. I refused to do so and the lady asked why and I said I was afraid to do so on the beutiful polished mahoghany table...

May 26, 06 4:59 pm  · 

Notes From America: When your an Architect your projects never go away. Returned from Brazil facing new challanges which are not really Architecture but Building Code Masterbation. I hate it when I have to spend the better part of the day asking for a Building Modification for a building code issue which is questionable at best. I'm starting to wonder if the Building Code Officals are part of the "1984" Orwellian plot against Architecture.. So you can tell I'm Pissed...and not Pissed in that way. Sometimes I wonder who are these people putting these codes together. I was ask to put in an Automatic Sprinkler System in a existing small secondary private school dormitory, because I'm adding an additional 3 rooms. There are two things wrong with this, One the school is on a private well system so the availiabity of water to handle a automatic sprinkler system is completely out of question for the whole campus which happens to have been in existance for more than 100 years. So I guess the school should be looking at relocating its whole campus to an Urban Area with an adequate water supply. Second, making people upgrade tall ot their existing buildings to a current codes seems like we have gone beyond reason. These are just a pile of pissed off thougths....when I could be designing...making peoples lives better....and not struggling with a broad based building code which is open to many readings.

May 26, 06 5:29 pm  · 

myriam, i would die a happy person if i see the day that armenians and turks make peace with the past. modern turks have to be educated about how much armenian goodness they have in their culture, how much armenian culture and generousity contributed to what they eat, read, recite, listen and built. all the while, modern armenians have to learn how to forgive and make new attempts toward peace between our cultures which co-existed for centuries with mutual respect, brotherhood and advancement. what armenian side (specially in diaspora) want is not something turks will admit or accept with any pressure or criminal legistlation, passed for political gains for the armenian votes in diaspora while armenian republic is more interested in open borders and improved travel/trade exchange. so are the turks.
when the killings and other atrocities took place, armenian independence movement was one uprising the ottomans, the sick and dying man of europe, could still silence. and the silencing armenian guerillas and civilians they did. by killing and forcing a mass exhodus in far greater numbers than armenian forces did to turks. armenians were used and armed by russians who had huge interest and stake in petro/caucus/black sea region.
now, one way to get turks admit what happened is to openly discuss this historical events in the world watching with historical data and recollections which both sides seem to be well supplied with. have international board of historians, and other researchers prove and after that, united nations' or equal org requesting turks to accept the charges if any, openly apoligize if necessary, and sue for retributions if possible, in the international court of law.
french parliement have just temporarily diverted a law proposal making it a crime to deny armenian genocide. guilty without trial.
no, this type of effort by armenian lobby is not going to be any constructive for peace. i think swiss and canadians passed similar resolutions and since than relations between those countries and turkey is clogged up with the burden of law suits and counter law suits not to mention many cancelled trade contracts. some armenian lobbyists in diaspora are acting rather shortsidedly by lobbying this type of revengeful and punitive legistlations in distant countries while the young armenian government and nation is struggling to survive and co-exist with her neighbors in a, if peaceful, prosperous region.
there are recent efforts being made in both countries of armenia and turkey, different, fresh and creative. some taboos are coming down in turkish society and the subject matter can be discussed in conferences and historical exchanges under the much contested 'g' word.
i find these new efforts more realistic and constructive to get the turkish government to agree a public announcement if found responsible and fully normalize the relationship between the two peoples.
and, armenians must be ready to accept and move on and stop hanging maps on their walls claiming, against all international cadastral definitions,treaties and established borders, the good chunk of hartland turkey reintroduced as greater armenia with a golden illustration of sun radiating from the center of it with a holy cross superimposed. not realistic.
this is my unbiased assesment of the situation. i am for peace and i am for the realistic moves towards peace.

this post at one point reminded me my armenian friend agop who use to say in the wee hours of the night trying to finish his hileriously bad models due in the afternoon, "fuck turks but not the turk" pointing at me and whistling some turkish song after i used to tell him his models look like shit but good.

May 26, 06 11:14 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i love orhan

i am weating pants right now

i did not go to th mall today

i did dream about a couple of local real estate developers last night (creepy)

i might go tot he mall tomorrow to buy some new smells

i'm thinking about buying a car but was very disappointed to find that lincoln towncars do not come with a driver as part of the base if, i'm going to drive myself around town

anybody know if the tigers won again?

May 26, 06 11:28 pm  · 

[s]weat! [s]we[e]t! w[h]eat!

May 26, 06 11:34 pm  · 

excellent analysis, orhan! I agree on all points.

The situation makes me sad. Sad that armenians in diaspora care more for words than for helping their remaining brethren in the struggling country of armenia, and sad that turk authorities still care so much for words that they try to imprison journalists who use the "wrong" ones regarding the armenians.

Ahh well. At least they are not blowing each other up over their disagreement!

May 27, 06 8:51 am  · 

LB, thanks for the Holl watercolor image. It brightened my day. Did one of the elves find it for you?

May 27, 06 2:56 pm  · 

alive. sick. again. My boss laughs at me when I mention that I'm allergic to the back office (we outgrew our main office and started renting another one down the hall, and I'm in that one), and that the people in the back office seem to get sick FARRRR more often than the people in the front office. Probably because she's in the front office, the one with windows below the 10' mark.

Nap time.

May 27, 06 11:43 pm  · 

a few things.

one, I've been drinking.

two: orhan: it varies a bit but a typical 21" crt uses about 160w. so thats 1 KWH (~$0.10) for every 6.25 hours he leaves it on needlessly. perhaps more dire is the decreased liftime of the monitor, which will add to filling landfills (with scary techno-chemicals and lead, most liekly) at a noteably increased rate if there is 4+ hours of unused on-time every day.

three: I have have an idea for the yale blows thread. let's out-annoy the anoying people. anytime anybody posts anything in favor of or against yale, anyone who's on at the time has to do 2-3 copy-and-pastes from another thread. it has to die if each page only has 2-3 on topic posts amid a sea of random craziness. suggestions for source material:

This thread.
the spam thread
the classic
[any number of nerd threads
marlins blog

wanna hold a brick on your d***?

be well.

May 28, 06 2:15 am  · 
vado retro

big parade moments...

well the indy 500 parade was held yesterday and since most of the buses for the marching bands were parked outside my living room window i thought i'd go check it out...

rupert was there from survivor with singers singin "i will survive" and some pretty shapely dancers...

gomer and carol brady were there...

kilts are a must!!!

one shriner on horseback shouted "i wish i had a weed whacker"

May 28, 06 8:52 am  · 
liberty bell

I guess, vado, that we should have started a "500 Time!" thread along the lines of Steven's "Derby Time!" thread. But honestly I didn't realizie it was as big a deal as it is, and I don't know anything about the surrounding events either!

I did make it to a 500 party (one of three on my block lat night) briefly, long enough to try a yummy home-brewed IPA - one of 11 homebrews my neighbor across the street had on tap. I think I need to get to know this neighbor better!

Glad you enjoyed the parade, vado. Did the hula girls and the kilted guys ahve a shimmy-off contest?!? And did anyone use your apartment building as a urinal? Cuz I tell ya, people - even lawyers at expensive decorator show house parties - seem to have no qualms about using things like buildings and indoor house plants as urinals...

May 28, 06 9:06 am  · 

i'm sitting here reading thread central, getting ready to go take a shower so that i can gear up for the party preparations for our daughter's first birthday this afternoon, sitting on the couch, watching the baby dig through her box of toys, when...

she picked up a toy and walked FOR THE FIRST TIME, across the room to give the toy to her aunt.

whoa. we're in trouble.

the only saving grace is that she had no idea what she'd done or why we all freaked out.

May 28, 06 9:14 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh my god!!!!! Steven that is so awesome! I had forgotten she was almost a year, a couple weeks before my boy (June 9). Yay for Adeline those boot(ie)s are made for walkin'!

May 28, 06 9:17 am  · 
sporadic supernova

Happy Birthday Adeline ....
here's my gift ...

g'morning everyone ...
have a great day Steve..

May 28, 06 9:28 am  · 
sporadic supernova

yeaaa..!!! .. page 23 ....

May 28, 06 9:29 am  · 
vado retro

congrats steven. she'll be off to yale soon. oh wait yale sucks. also, at the parade, the fat guy from lost, some soap opera people, lance armstrong, i saw no evidence of renegade urinating. course, i didnt look for any...

May 28, 06 9:34 am  · 

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