
Thread Central


totally cat-like couriosity was getting the
better of me. since i lived in boston for seven years and
worked at a couple firms there.


Jun 1, 06 6:54 pm  · 

myriam, your job sounds perfect.

sounds time to move on rationalist...experience is one thing but, damn your job sounds a living hell...

that prayer meeting in the office sounds funny...i don't care much about religion one way or tuther; happy if people pray in public, in private or shout their convictions in my ear if they can get close enough...

not exactly on topic....

but last time i went to canada with my daughters and one of my nieces started talking about adam and eve to my oldest and was SHOCKED. really really SHOCKED that she had never head of god, the bible, adam, eve, noah, the ark, or ANY of it. I grew up in the bible belt so religion is something i am accustomed to (but def not interested in participating in) and it struck me how much religion is part of our culture back home, how much is taught even without going to church...i mean, i am sure my oldest would have learned all about god from going to school if we lived in canada...

luckily she has been spared the burden of religion and, like my Japanese wife, really doesn't understand what everyone is getting so excited about. My wife doesn't care if people pray or talk about god in public because it literally has nothing to do with her and never will (it's like wallpaper or bgm). i am halfway to the same attitude, which is a good thing...otherwise things get too weird when visiting gramma asking me why i was setting my kids up to go to hell by not teaching them about's all wallpaper...just wallpaper...

or something like that.

Jun 1, 06 8:12 pm  · 

oh, oops. I didn't mean for that to come accross as an office prayer meeting... don't want to exaggerate. My project manager decided to take the team out to lunch to celebrate a recent benchmark in the project. While at the restaurant, the rest of the group latched onto the topic of religion and would not get off. Still painful, but not quite having-it-forced-on-you-at-work blatantly wrong. Sorry for any confusion.

Jun 1, 06 8:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

Whoa - page number 24 hops to below numbers 1-23. Cool.

Long live Thread Central.

Jun 1, 06 8:40 pm  · 
brian buchalski

thread central blows

Jun 1, 06 9:06 pm  · 
brian buchalski

oh shit...did i actually write that? fuckin cabernet

Jun 1, 06 9:07 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i menat i love thread central central

Jun 1, 06 9:07 pm  · 
brian buchalski

fucking internet

Jun 1, 06 9:07 pm  · 
brian buchalski

sorry...i didn't mean to curse...i'll leave now

Jun 1, 06 9:08 pm  · 
vado retro

puddles i just got an email from oana. did you??? no, i didnt think so.

Jun 1, 06 9:27 pm  · 
brian buchalski

prove it

Jun 1, 06 9:29 pm  · 
brian buchalski
* this is the best thread.. fuck the others..


Jun 1, 06 9:30 pm  · 
vado retro

prove that i didnt,,,

Jun 1, 06 10:09 pm  · 
brian buchalski

...(exasperated sigh)'re such a prick, retro

and just when i was beginning to (grudgingly) like you too

Jun 1, 06 10:18 pm  · 
brian buchalski

okay...just one more cabernet before bed...

somedob'ys got to finish the bottle ;)

Jun 1, 06 10:19 pm  · 
brian buchalski

shit, i feel like i'm talking to myself...except vado's here. man this sucks.

Jun 1, 06 10:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hmm, puddles, let me see how quickly I can convince my husband to build a pool in our backyard....but you probably wouldn't be comfy swimming in your id est fashion w/my husband around, huh? Oh well.

Jun 1, 06 10:23 pm  · 
liberty bell

And yes, somedoby's gotta finish that bottle o' wine... (very cute drunken slurring....)

vado r u drinking wine tonight too? to celebrate?

Jun 1, 06 10:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

And BTW el jeffe: Izzy & Mia = utterly gorgeous. Oh my god, so beautiful. Wow.

Jun 1, 06 10:35 pm  · 

el jeffe, I second that motion. Your little girls are absolutely beautiful! I don't gravitate towards children but archinect kids are OK by me.

I want to hang out with puddles. This shite is funny. Although the time spent between the Fridays when we find out that puddles is alive seems to be getting shorter and shorter, and that scares the crap out of me. I need to get some stuff done!

Jun 1, 06 11:42 pm  · 

Are we only supposed to find out on fridays? If so, you're absolutely right WonderK! I feel like we hear from puddles much more often than that. But to me, it's a good thing when all the fridays run together.

Jun 2, 06 12:09 am  · 

Finally getting close to my Europe trip! Fly to Fankfurt on Monday.

A week from Friday I'm meeting my sister in Barcelona for her birthday. Anyone know of a good place to eat/drink/have a good time? I want it to be nice, but not empty my wallet.

Jun 2, 06 3:27 am  · 

wups, sorry for misunderstanding rationalist.

i musta read too fast...but still, you should go work at myriam's place or similar. you know it is time to leave when they don't know your name and when asked how you are liking the place your boss has to face a significant silence...;-)

fridays are zooming by! aargh. deadlines...

Jun 2, 06 7:03 am  · 

yeah. seems every time i look up from my desk it's friday and this #$%&@* project still isn't off my desk.

Jun 2, 06 7:16 am  · 

that page 24 thing is pretty archinect first?

rationalist - as myriam said, we share the male/female versions of the same name, therefore I remember...good luck w/ the office situation, sounds challanging.

today is my last day in the office for at least 2 weeks - being shipped to Nashville to help on another project...a welcome respite from this, that and the other...curiously, my DC trip takes place in the middle of the Nashville Hiatus - the company paid to have the DC flight switched to Nash-DC-Nash from Jax-DC-Jax - so Nashville now bookends the vacation, and makes the overall trip no less than 13 days. WOOHOO! for a change of scenery.

Happy Friday everyone!

Jun 2, 06 9:05 am  · 

Thanks Orhan!
good news!

Jun 2, 06 9:09 am  · 
vado retro

talking to me is like long division

Jun 2, 06 9:59 am  · 

Beautiful kids, Jeffe.

Beethoven Street seems like a million years ago.

Jun 2, 06 11:08 am  · 
el jeffe

thanks lb, WK and adso.
i couldn't imagine life with kids before kids, now i can't imagine life without them.

btw, lb - i love the band-aid and the intensity on angus (i hope i got his name right?). the two go together in a meaningful and encouraging way.

beethoven street - when were you there adso?

Jun 2, 06 11:20 am  · 

We were there at the same time. I'm teaching now and send my students here frequently, so I try to keep my anonymity on the boards. I'll email you.

Jun 2, 06 11:57 am  · 
brian buchalski

i am alive.

Jun 2, 06 12:36 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

back from a quick boston trip to see my sis graduate.

what i've decided from the trip:
don't like stata center
like the broad institute and new brain and cog @ mit
the site for my project is tighter in real life than on plan
it's cool to have duck boats in your site photos.
don't really like holl's simmons hall.
still really like baker hall

and can they do a TV show based on the 24 pages of thread central? each episode will be one page in real time.

Jun 2, 06 12:56 pm  · 

Where is your Boston site, acfa?

Jun 2, 06 1:26 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

can't say too much as the client is sensitive about releasing info...

but it's somewhere around here

Jun 2, 06 1:47 pm  · 
vado retro

the terrorists are at the shopping mall. somebody save puddles!!!

Jun 2, 06 3:08 pm  · 

I'm special agent Jack Bauer and this is the longest thread of my life.

Jun 2, 06 3:10 pm  · 

Thanks for the pointers Fogey...

I imagined vado as Jack...personally don't watch the show, but my dad loves it...

Jun 2, 06 3:41 pm  · 

Fogey, previous Nashville thread...also, check your email.

Jun 2, 06 3:44 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

sorry. i've got all these unread comments on thread central to catch up on. i don't have time to redirect the satellites.

Jun 2, 06 5:08 pm  · 
Cherith Cutestory

okay so i apoligize in advance for waisting thread central space for asking a potentially dumb question...

i want to post pictures. i really do. i have been saving them up for weeks, just waiting to pop them in vado-style in threads as ironic replies to other archinectors. but i can't figure it out. (insert sad child picture here)

i see the code down there. hello code. you don't make sense to my apparently computer code challenged head. could someone explain how to post an image for me? i have them saved in my pictures folder on my c-drive if that helps.

the no-so smart archinector.

Jun 2, 06 5:47 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

images are referenced from another location online. you don't upload them with your post from your own computer. you basically make a link to the image with your text. so you have to post them somewhere. or just find them online and use their pre-existing address.

Jun 2, 06 6:04 pm  · 

omg, rationalist got me to peek in pandora's box. Fuck.

Jun 2, 06 7:50 pm  · 

yeah, I got bored and decided to spam the Yalies (and anti-Yalies) a bit. C'mon, it's fun! You know you want to!

Jun 2, 06 7:55 pm  · 

wow, I get buried for a week and so much happens.

First, apologies, for not continuing my spamming of yale blows. I meant to, really.

second, I had a couple more ideas for how to effectively derail it. as one of them pointed out, pictures and posts stolen from other threads are fairly easy to skip. I think we should start stealing posts from within yale blows...hell, mix and match to create a stolen dialog. wouldn't it be great if we could get one of them to attack their own comments?

what also might be fun would be to create aliases that look like some of the big participants. paralleB8 or something. I may do that tomorrow.

Am I the only one who's absolutely in love with the new comic strip lio? No dialog, childlike imagination mixed with dark humor. it really takes some balls to do a comic strip with no dialog. I can't imagine how limiting that must be.

cute kids.

I will have to find a torrent of extreme engineering. I remember getting the email call for auditions from the carreer guy at the art school I started out in (don't ask how I'm still on their mailing list after 5 years). I thought about sending in a tape, but then got too busy. damn. that could've been me. (not a chance)

Jun 2, 06 9:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

randar - you need to upload the pics to flickr or something similar, if you didn't understand that from ACfA's post. When you upload the image to flickr, or find an image on a website, you right click on it, and in the window will see "properties" with an url listed. Copy and paste that url, then in the box at the bottom of the discussion page *where I am typing to make this comment* type WITH NO SPACES

[ img ] h t t p : / / whateveryoucutnpastedfromtheweb [ / i m g ]

I put in a lot of spaces so it (hopefully) won't read as gibberish when I post this comment. When you type it - NO spaces.

Also, test it on a thread with only one page, cuz for some reason you can't preview posts after page 1.

Since I'm the one who taught vado to psot images - I'm so proud of what I hath wrought!, love ya vado - I hope I can help you too.

If you get it working, I'll tell you later how to make sure the entire image fits, sometimes the big oes get cut off.

Good luck and good activity for a friday night!

Jun 2, 06 10:03 pm  · 

mana- that's not a bad idea. my images came from these respective google image searches: "Yale Blows" obvious, huh?, "Reggie Bush" just because there are such spectacular photos of him, and I think the last two were "Murder" and "Shut Up". But other than the occasional entertaining image, I'd be happy to switch to repeating their posts.

Jun 2, 06 10:39 pm  · 
vado retro

u can do it randar!!!

Jun 2, 06 11:35 pm  · 
Cherith Cutestory
Jun 3, 06 1:25 am  · 
Cherith Cutestory

my first image post!! now if only i could resize it so the banana can have a tranny friend...

Jun 3, 06 1:26 am  · 

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